function open_image($file) { $size = getimagesize($file); // if ($size[0] > 5000 || $size[1] > 5000) { // return false; // } switch ($size["mime"]) { case "image/jpg": case "image/pjpeg": case "image/jpeg": $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); break; case "image/gif": $image = imagecreatefromgif($file); break; case "image/x-png": case "image/png": $required_memory = Round(($size[0] + 500) * ($size[1] + 500) * $size["bits"]); $new_limit = memory_get_usage() + $required_memory; ini_set("memory_limit", $new_limit); $image = imagecreatefrompng($file); // ini_restore("memory_limit"); // die('sdsd'); // ini_set("memory_limit", '128M'); break; default: $image = false; break; } return array($image, $size); }
function get_hjri($format, $time) { $datelang[1] = "الموافق"; $datelang[2] = "ميلادي"; $datelang[3] = "هجرية"; $datevars = explode("-", $format); if ($datevars[0] == "M1") { $Christian = 1; } else { $Christian = 0; } if ($datevars[1] == "HD1") { $hjri_daye_type = 1; } else { $hjri_daye_type = 0; } if ($datevars[2] == "HM1") { $hjri_month_type = 1; } else { $hjri_month_type = 0; } if ($datevars[3] == "CM1") { $Christian_month_type = 1; } else { $Christian_month_type = 0; } if ($datevars[4] == "T1") { $hjri_time = 1; } else { $hjri_time = 0; } $TDays = round($time / (60 * 60 * 24)); $HYear = round($TDays / 354.37419); $Remain = $TDays - $HYear * 354.37419; $HMonths = round($Remain / 29.531182); $HDays = $Remain - $HMonths * 29.531182; $HYear = $HYear + 1389; $HMonths = $HMonths + 10; $HDays = $HDays + 23; if ($HDays > 29.531188 and round($HDays) != 30) { $HMonths = $HMonths + 1; $HDays = Round($HDays - 29.531182); } else { $HDays = Round($HDays); } if ($HMonths > 12) { $HMonths = $HMonths - 12; $HYear = $HYear + 1; } $hjre_day = $this->hjri_day($time, $hjri_daye_type); $hjre_month = $this->hjri_month($HMonths, $hjri_month_type); $datetime = "{$hjre_day} {$HDays}- {$hjre_month}- {$HYear} {$datelang['3']}"; if ($Christian) { $dm = date("j", $time); $Christian_month = $this->Christian_month($time, $Christian_month_type); $Christian_year = date("Y", $time); $datetime .= " {$datelang['1']} {$dm}-{$Christian_month}- {$Christian_year} {$datelang['2']}"; } return $datetime; }
function display() { global $themeimg; // Normalize the properties. if ($this->MinVal > $this->MaxVal) { $temp_val = $this->MinVal; $this->MinVal = $this->MaxVal; $this->MaxVal = $temp_val; } if ($this->CurVal < $this->MinVal) { $this->CurVal = $this->MinVal; } elseif ($this->CurVal > $this->MaxVal) { $this->CurVal = $this->MaxVal; } // Figure out the percentage that the CurVal is within MinVal and MaxVal. $percentage_val = ($this->CurVal - $this->MinVal) / ($this->MaxVal - $this->MinVal); // Compute the first and second widths. $fg_width = Round($this->Width * $percentage_val); $bg_width = $this->Width - $fg_width; $RenderHtml = "<table class='tbl' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=" . $this->Width . "><tr>"; if ($fg_width > 0) { $RenderHtml = $RenderHtml . "<td width=" . $fg_width . " height=" . $this->Height . ($this->FgColor ? " bgcolor='" . $this->FgColor . "'" : '') . ($this->FgClass ? " class='" . $this->FgClass . "'" : '') . "><img src='{$themeimg}/shim.gif'></td>"; } if ($bg_width > 0) { $RenderHtml = $RenderHtml . "<td width=" . $bg_width . " height=" . $this->Height . ($this->BgColor ? " bgcolor='" . $this->BgColor . "'" : '') . ($this->BgClass ? " class='" . $this->BgClass . "'" : '') . "><img src='{$themeimg}/shim.gif'></td>"; } $RenderHtml = $RenderHtml . "</tr></table>"; return $RenderHtml; }
function menscredit($cout = 200000, $taux = 0.026, $mois = 240, $apport = 0) { $cout *= (100 - $apport) / 100; $mens = $cout * $taux / 12 / (1 - pow(1 + $taux / 12, -$mois)); $ctc = round($mens * $mois - $cout); $p2 = $ctc * 100 / $cout; $mens = Round($mens, 2); return $mens; #Array($m,$ctc); }
/** * Weird little script to trigger an xdebug info box. * I use this to test for bottlenecks before I discovered cache grind. I'll leave it in incase I need it for something. * * @param string $msg A message, useful for identifying a break point. */ function xdebugInfo ($msg = false) { if ($init['debug']) { trigger_error( '[xdbInfo] ' . ($msg ? '<span style="color:white;background-color:#D60;">' . $msg . '</span> | ' : null) . ' Mem: <span style="color:white;background-color:#D60;">' . Round( (xdebug_memory_usage() / 1000), 2) . ' Kb</span>, Time: <span style="color:white;background-color:#D60;">' . str_pad( Round(xdebug_time_index(), 4), 6, '0') . 'secs</span>', E_USER_WARNING); } }
function jdGetSizes($size) { if ($size < 1024) { $size = number_format(Round($size, 3), 0, ',', '.') . " B"; } elseif ($size < 1048576) { $size = number_format(Round($size / 1024, 3), 2, ',', '.') . " KB"; } elseif ($size < 1073741824) { $size = number_format(Round($size / 1048576, 3), 2, ',', '.') . " MB"; } elseif (1073741824 < $size) { $size = number_format(Round($size / 1073741824, 3), 2, ',', '.') . " GB"; } elseif (1099511627776 < $size) { $size = number_format(Round($size / 1099511627776, 3), 2, ',', '.') . " TB"; } return $size; }
/** * Generate Horizontal Bar Charts * * @return @e void */ protected function _drawHorizontalBars() { //----------------------------------------- // Draw Legend & Axes //----------------------------------------- foreach ($this->data['yaxis'] as $key => $series) { $this->legend[$key] = $series['name']; } if (!$this->_drawLegend()) { return false; } $this->x_axis = array('type' => 'numeric', 'min' => 0, 'max' => $this->_getMax($this->data['yaxis'])); $this->y_axis = array('type' => 'labels', 'labels' => $this->data['xaxis']); $this->_drawAxes(); //----------------------------------------- // Allocate text and shadow cols //----------------------------------------- $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, hexdec(substr($this->options['titlecolor'], 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->options['titlecolor'], 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->options['titlecolor'], 5, 2))); $shadowcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, hexdec(substr($this->options['titleshadow'], 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->options['titleshadow'], 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->options['titleshadow'], 5, 2))); //----------------------------------------- // Calculate bar display variables //----------------------------------------- $numybars = count($this->data['yaxis']); $numbars = count($this->data['yaxis'][0]['data']); $maxvalue = $this->_getMax($this->data['yaxis']); $stepheight = floor(($this->grapharea['y1'] - $this->grapharea['y0']) / $numbars); $barheight = floor($stepheight * 0.9 / $numybars); $ident = round(($stepheight - $numybars * $barheight) / 2, 0) + 1; $effect3DSize = round($barheight / 2, 0) < 20 ? round($barheight / 2, 0) : 20; $numticks = $this->options['numticks'] > $maxvalue ? floor($maxvalue) : $this->options['numticks']; $step = floor($maxvalue / $numticks); $steps = ceil($maxvalue / $step); $stepwidth = ($this->grapharea['x1'] - $this->grapharea['x0']) / $steps; //----------------------------------------- // Candybar? //----------------------------------------- for ($i = 0; $i < $numbars; $i++) { for ($ci = 0; $ci < $numybars; $ci++) { //----------------------------------------- // Get me a nice color will ya //----------------------------------------- if (!isset($this->color[$ci])) { $this->color[$ci] = explode(",", $this->_getSliceColor($this->data['yaxis'][$ci]['color'])); } $value = $this->data['yaxis'][$ci]['data'][$i]; //----------------------------------------- // Find out the bar location and size //----------------------------------------- $x1 = $this->grapharea['x0'] + 1; $x2 = round($this->grapharea['x0'] + $value * $stepwidth / $step, 0); $y1 = $this->grapharea['y1'] - $stepheight * $i - $ci * $barheight - $ident; $y2 = $y1 - $barheight + 1; //----------------------------------------- // Bar //----------------------------------------- $barcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->color[$ci][0], $this->color[$ci][1], $this->color[$ci][2]); imagefilledrectangle($this->image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $barcolor); imagecolordeallocate($this->image, $barcolor); if ($this->options['style3D'] == 1) { //----------------------------------------- // Make the 3D effect //----------------------------------------- $shadowcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->color[$ci][0] - 50 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[$ci][0] - 50, $this->color[$ci][1] - 50 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[$ci][1] - 50, $this->color[$ci][2] - 50 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[$ci][2] - 50); $shadowsize = ($y1 - $y2) / 2 > 20 ? 20 : Round(($y1 - $y2) / 2, 0); for ($j = $shadowsize; $j > 0; $j--) { imageline($this->image, $x2 + $j, $y1 - $j + 1, $x2 + $j, $y2 - $j, $shadowcolor); } imagecolordeallocate($this->image, $shadowcolor); $shadowcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->color[$ci][0] - 25 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[$ci][0] - 25, $this->color[$ci][1] - 25 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[$ci][1] - 25, $this->color[$ci][2] - 25 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[$ci][2] - 25); for ($j = $shadowsize; $j > 0; $j--) { imageline($this->image, $x1 + $j, $y2 - $j, $x2 + $j, $y2 - $j, $shadowcolor); } imagecolordeallocate($this->image, $shadowcolor); } //----------------------------------------- // Datalabels //----------------------------------------- if ($this->options['showdatalabels']) { $textcolor = ImageColorAllocate($this->image, hexdec(substr($this->options['textcolor'], 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->options['textcolor'], 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($this->options['textcolor'], 5, 2))); $textx = $x1 + round(($x2 - $x1) / 2, 0); $texty = $y1 + round(($y2 - $y1) / 2, 0); if ($this->use_ttf) { $txtsize = imagettfbbox('10', 0, $this->options['font'], $value); $textx = $textx - round(($txtsize[2] - $txtsize[0]) / 2, 0); $textx = $textx < $this->grapharea['x0'] + 2 ? $this->grapharea['x0'] + 2 : $textx; $texty = $texty + round(($txtsize[1] - $txtsize[5]) / 2, 0); $shadowcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->color[$ci][0] - 50 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[$ci][0] - 50, $this->color[$ci][1] - 50 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[$ci][1] - 50, $this->color[$ci][2] - 50 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[$ci][2] - 50); imagettftext($this->image, "10", 0, $textx - 1, $texty - 1, $shadowcolor, $this->options['font'], $value); imagettftext($this->image, "10", 0, $textx + 1, $texty + 1, $shadowcolor, $this->options['font'], $value); imagettftext($this->image, "10", 0, $textx + 2, $texty + 2, $shadowcolor, $this->options['font'], $value); imagettftext($this->image, "10", 0, $textx, $texty, $textcolor, $this->options['font'], $value); imagecolordeallocate($this->image, $shadowcolor); } else { $textx = $textx - round(imagefontwidth($this->fontsize) * strlen($value) / 2, 0); $texty = $textx < $this->grapharea['x0'] + 2 ? $this->grapharea['x0'] + 2 : $textx; $texty = $texty - round(imagefontheight($this->fontsize) / 2, 0); $shadowcolor = imagecolorallocate($this->image, $this->color[0][0] - 50 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[0][0] - 50, $this->color[0][1] - 50 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[0][1] - 50, $this->color[0][2] - 50 < 0 ? 0 : $this->color[0][2] - 50); imagestring($this->image, $this->fontsize, $textx - 1, $texty - 1, $value, $shadowcolor); imagestring($this->image, $this->fontsize, $textx + 1, $texty + 1, $value, $shadowcolor); imagestring($this->image, $this->fontsize, $textx + 2, $texty + 2, $value, $shadowcolor); imagestring($this->image, $this->fontsize, $textx, $texty, $value, $textcolor); imagecolordeallocate($this->image, $shadowcolor); } } } } return true; }
/** * resizeImage * * @param string $path, * @param string $resWidth * @param string $resHeight * @param string $saveTo default value null * * @return void */ public function resizeImage($path, $resWidth, $resHeight, $saveTo = null) { $imageInfo = @getimagesize($path); if (!$imageInfo) { throw new Exception("Could not get image information"); } list($width, $height) = $imageInfo; $percentHeight = $resHeight / $height; $percentWidth = $resWidth / $width; $percent = $percentWidth < $percentHeight ? $percentWidth : $percentHeight; $resWidth = $width * $percent; $resHeight = $height * $percent; // Resample $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($resWidth, $resHeight); imagealphablending($image_p, false); imagesavealpha($image_p, true); $background = imagecolorallocate($image_p, 0, 0, 0); ImageColorTransparent($image_p, $background); // make the new temp image all transparent //Assume 3 channels if we can't find that information if (!array_key_exists("channels", $imageInfo)) { $imageInfo["channels"] = 3; } $memoryNeeded = Round(($imageInfo[0] * $imageInfo[1] * $imageInfo['bits'] * $imageInfo['channels'] + Pow(2, 16)) * 1.95) / (1024 * 1024); if ($memoryNeeded < 80) { $memoryNeeded = 80; } ini_set('memory_limit', intval($memoryNeeded) . 'M'); $functions = array(IMAGETYPE_GIF => array('imagecreatefromgif', 'imagegif'), IMAGETYPE_JPEG => array('imagecreatefromjpeg', 'imagejpeg'), IMAGETYPE_PNG => array('imagecreatefrompng', 'imagepng')); if (!array_key_exists($imageInfo[2], $functions)) { throw new Exception("Image format not supported"); } list($inputFn, $outputFn) = $functions[$imageInfo[2]]; $image = $inputFn($path); imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $resWidth, $resHeight, $width, $height); $outputFn($image_p, $saveTo); if (!is_null($saveTo)) { G::LoadSystem('inputfilter'); $filter = new InputFilter(); $saveTo = $filter->validateInput($saveTo, "path"); } @chmod($saveTo, 0666); }
$Profile = Comp_Load('www/Administrator/API/ProfileCompile', array('ProfileID' => $ProfileID)); #------------------------------------------------------------- switch (ValueOf($Profile)) { case 'error': return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500); case 'exception': return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(400); case 'array': $Replace['Customer'] = $Profile['Attribs']; break; default: return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101); } } #--------------------------------------------------------------- $Summ = Round($Result['Summ'], 2); #--------------------------------------------------------------- $DOM = new DOM(); #--------------------------------------------------------------- if (Is_Error($DOM->Load('WorksComplite/Reports/Template'))) { return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500); } #--------------------------------------------------------------- $Adding = System_Read(SPrintF('templates/WorksComplite/Reports/Head.%s.xml', $Contract['IsUponConsider'] ? 'Upon' : 'Use')); if (Is_Error($Adding)) { return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500); } #--------------------------------------------------------------- $DOM->AddHTML('Body', $Adding, TRUE); #--------------------------------------------------------------- $Executor = DB_Select('Profiles', 'TemplateID', array('UNIQ', 'ID' => 100));
$Hash = StrToUpper(Md5(Implode(':', $Hash))); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($Hash != $Args['V2_HASH']) { return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[comp/www/Merchant/Egold]: проверка подлинности завершилась не удачей'); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Invoice = DB_Select('Invoices', array('ID', 'Summ'), array('UNIQ', 'ID' => $Args['PAYMENT_ID'])); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch (ValueOf($Invoice)) { case 'error': return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500); case 'exception': return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(400); case 'array': #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Round($Invoice['Summ'] / $Settings['Course'], 2) != $Args['PAYEE_ACCOUNT']) { return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[comp/Merchant/Egold]: проверка суммы платежа завершилась не удачей'); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Comp = Comp_Load('Users/Init', 100); if (Is_Error($Comp)) { return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Comp = Comp_Load('www/API/StatusSet', array('ModeID' => 'Invoices', 'StatusID' => 'Payed', 'RowsIDs' => $Invoice['ID'], 'Comment' => 'Автоматическое зачисление')); #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch (ValueOf($Comp)) { case 'error': return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500); case 'exception': return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(400);
function GetUpdatesList(&$_2132833962, $_570174288 = false, $_1009125337 = "Y") { $_1272261578 = ___1498308727(1511); $_984440988 = array(); CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log(___1498308727(1512)); $_2050725472 = CUpdateClient::CollectRequestData($_1272261578, $_570174288, $_1009125337, array(), array(), array()); if ($_2050725472 === False || StrLen($_2050725472) <= min(28, 0, 9.3333333333333) || StrLen($_1272261578) > min(114, 0, 38)) { $_2132833962 .= $_1272261578; CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log(___1498308727(1513), ___1498308727(1514)); return False; } CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log($GLOBALS['____467353288'][698](___1498308727(1515), ___1498308727(1516), $_2050725472)); $_145565738 = CUpdateClient::getmicrotime(); $_1501652390 = CUpdateClient::GetHTTPPage(___1498308727(1517), $_2050725472, $_1272261578); CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log(___1498308727(1518) . Round(CUpdateClient::getmicrotime() - $_145565738, round(0 + 1 + 1 + 1)) . ___1498308727(1519)); $_984440988 = array(); if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][699]($_1272261578) <= 230 * 2 - 460) { CUpdateClient::ParseServerData($_1501652390, $_984440988, $_1272261578); } if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][700]($_1272261578) <= min(62, 0, 20.666666666667)) { if (!isset($_984440988[___1498308727(1520)]) || !$GLOBALS['____467353288'][701]($_984440988[___1498308727(1521)])) { $_1272261578 .= ___1498308727(1522) . GetMessage(___1498308727(1523)) . ___1498308727(1524); } } if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][702]($_1272261578) <= min(18, 0, 6)) { $_984440988 = $_984440988[___1498308727(1525)][___1498308727(1526)]; if (!$GLOBALS['____467353288'][703]($_984440988[___1498308727(1527)]) && (!isset($_984440988[___1498308727(1528)]) || !$GLOBALS['____467353288'][704]($_984440988[___1498308727(1529)]))) { $_1272261578 .= ___1498308727(1530) . GetMessage(___1498308727(1531)) . ___1498308727(1532); } } if ($GLOBALS['____467353288'][705]($_1272261578) > 1236 / 2 - 618) { CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log($_1272261578, ___1498308727(1533)); $_2132833962 .= $_1272261578; return False; } else { return $_984440988; } }
function __SetTimeMark($text, $startStop = "") { global $bCmlDebug; global $cmlTimeMarkTo, $cmlTimeMarkFrom, $cmlTimeMarkGlobalFrom; global $cmlMemoryMarkTo, $cmlMemoryMarkFrom, $cmlMemoryMarkGlobalFrom; //echo " "; //flush(); if (!$bCmlDebug) { return; } if (StrToUpper($startStop) == "START") { $hFile = fopen($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . CML_DEBUG_FILE_NAME, "w"); fwrite($hFile, date("H:i:s") . " - " . __getMemoryUsage() . " - " . $text . "\n"); fclose($hFile); $cmlMemoryMarkGlobalFrom = __getMemoryUsage(); $cmlMemoryMarkFrom = __getMemoryUsage(); $cmlTimeMarkGlobalFrom = __getMicroTime(); $cmlTimeMarkFrom = __getMicroTime(); } elseif (StrToUpper($startStop) == "STOP") { $cmlTimeMarkTo = __getMicroTime(); $cmlMemoryMarkTo = __getMemoryUsage(); $hFile = fopen($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . CML_DEBUG_FILE_NAME, "a"); fwrite($hFile, date("H:i:s") . " - " . Round($cmlTimeMarkTo - $cmlTimeMarkFrom, 3) . " s - " . ($cmlMemoryMarkTo - $cmlMemoryMarkFrom) . " - " . $text . "\n"); fwrite($hFile, date("H:i:s") . " - " . Round($cmlTimeMarkTo - $cmlTimeMarkGlobalFrom, 3) . " s - " . ($cmlMemoryMarkTo - $cmlMemoryMarkGlobalFrom) . "\n"); fclose($hFile); } else { $cmlTimeMarkTo = __getMicroTime(); $cmlMemoryMarkTo = __getMemoryUsage(); $hFile = fopen($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . CML_DEBUG_FILE_NAME, "a"); fwrite($hFile, date("H:i:s") . " - " . Round($cmlTimeMarkTo - $cmlTimeMarkFrom, 3) . " s - " . ($cmlMemoryMarkTo - $cmlMemoryMarkFrom) . " - " . ($cmlMemoryMarkTo - $cmlMemoryMarkGlobalFrom) . " - " . $text . "\n"); fclose($hFile); $cmlMemoryMarkFrom = __getMemoryUsage(); $cmlTimeMarkFrom = __getMicroTime(); } }
/******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ $__args_list = array('SystemID', 'InvoiceID', 'Summ'); /******************************************************************************/ eval(COMP_INIT); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ $Config = Config(); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Settings = $Config['Invoices']['PaymentSystems']['Checkout']; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send = $Settings['Send']; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send['cart_order_id'] = $InvoiceID; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send['total'] = Round($Summ / $Settings['Course'], 2); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Comp = Comp_Load('Formats/Invoice/Number', $InvoiceID); if (Is_Error($Comp)) { return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $__USER = $GLOBALS['__USER']; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send['c_description_1'] .= SPrintF('%s, %s (%s)', $Comp, Translit($__USER['Name']), $__USER['Email']); $Send['c_name_1'] = $Send['c_description_1']; $Send['c_prod_1'] = $Send['c_description_1']; $Send['c_price_1'] = $Send['total']; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return $Send; #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function AddPage($adi, $soyadi, $numarasi, $sinif, $sube, $cevapanahtariUTime, $readerUTime) { global $pdf, $dbh; $dersadi = $GLOBALS["ders"]; $kturu = $_SESSION["data"]["kturu"]; $PUAN = array(); $Dogru = 0; $Yanlis = 0; $Bos = 0; $Net = 0; $result = mysql_query("SELECT `ders`,`cevapnum`,`kitap`,`A`,`B`,`C`,`D` FROM `d_cevaplar` WHERE `ogrnum`=" . $numarasi . " AND `utime` = '" . $readerUTime . "' ORDER BY `cevapnum` ASC"); if (!$result) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT `A` , `B` , `C` , `D` FROM `d_cevapanahtari` WHERE `kturu` = '" . $row['kitap'] . "' AND `ders` = '" . $row['ders'] . "' AND `utime` = '" . $cevapanahtariUTime . "' AND `cevapnum`='" . $row['cevapnum'] . "' ORDER BY `cevapnum` ASC"); if (!$result2) { die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error()); } if (mysql_num_rows($result2) > 0) { $Karar = -1; // YANLIS $CevapA = $row['A']; $CevapB = $row['B']; $CevapC = $row['C']; $CevapD = $row['D']; $AnahtarA = mysql_result($result2, 0, "A"); $AnahtarB = mysql_result($result2, 0, "B"); $AnahtarC = mysql_result($result2, 0, "C"); $AnahtarD = mysql_result($result2, 0, "D"); if ($CevapA + $CevapB + $CevapC + $CevapD > 1) { $Karar = -1; } else { if ($CevapA + $CevapB + $CevapC + $CevapD == 0) { $Karar = 0; } else { if ($AnahtarA == 1) { if ($CevapA == 1) { $Karar = 1; } //DOGRU } if ($AnahtarB == 1) { if ($CevapB == 1) { $Karar = 1; } } if ($AnahtarC == 1) { if ($CevapC == 1) { $Karar = 1; } } if ($AnahtarD == 1) { if ($CevapD == 1) { $Karar = 1; } } } } if ($Karar == -1) { $Yanlis += 1; } else { if ($Karar == 0) { $Bos += 1; } else { if ($Karar == 1) { $Dogru += 1; } } } // son } } } $Net = $Dogru - $Yanlis / 3; $Basari = $Dogru * 10; $PUAN['D'] = array($Dogru, $Yanlis, $Bos, $Net, $Basari); $PUAN['TOPLAM'] = round($Basari, 2); if ($PUAN['T'][3] == 0 && $PUAN['M'][3] == 0 && $PUAN['F'][3] == 0 && $PUAN['S'][3] == 0 && $PUAN['D'][3] == 0) { mysql_query("UPDATE `d_reader` SET `puan` = '0' WHERE `utime` = '" . $readerUTime . "' AND `num` =" . $numarasi); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE `d_reader` SET `puan` = '" . $PUAN['TOPLAM'] . "' WHERE `utime` = '" . $readerUTime . "' AND `num` =" . $numarasi); } //round(1.95583, 2); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->AddFont('verdana', '', 'verdana.php'); $pdf->SetFont('verdana', '', 8); $pdf->SetXY(6, 10); $pdf->Cell(0, 2, 'ONDOKUZ MAYIS UNIVERSITESI', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(3, 11); //$pdf->Cell(0,8,$dersadi,0,0,'C'); $pdf->SetXY(3, 12); $pdf->Cell(0, 14, 'SINAV SONUC BELGESI', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(10, 30); $pdf->Rect(10, 30, 100, 5); $pdf->Rect(10, 35, 100, 5); $pdf->Rect(10, 40, 100, 5, ""); $pdf->Rect(10, 45, 100, 5, ""); $pdf->Line(48, 30, 48, 50); $pdf->SetXY(10, 30); $pdf->Cell(38, 5, 'ADI SOYADI', 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, $adi . " " . $soyadi, 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->SetXY(10, 35); $pdf->Cell(38, 5, 'SINIF', 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, $sinif . ' / ' . $sube, 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->SetXY(10, 40); $pdf->Cell(38, 5, 'OKUL NO', 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, $numarasi, 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->SetXY(10, 45); $pdf->Cell(38, 5, 'TOPLAM PUAN', 0, 0, 'L'); $pdf->Cell(50, 5, $PUAN['TOPLAM'], 0, 0, 'L'); $dersadi = $GLOBALS["ders"]; $pdf->SetXY(10, 55); $pdf->Rect(10, 55, 38, 5, "||"); $pdf->Cell(45, 5, 'SONUC TABLOSU', 0, 0, 'C'); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,'MATEMAT�K',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,'FEN VE TEKNOLOJ�',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,'SOSYAL B�LG�LER',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,'�NG�L�ZCE',0,0,'C'); $pdf->Rect(10, 60, 38, 10, ""); $pdf->Rect(10, 65, 38, 5, ""); $pdf->Rect(10, 70, 38, 5, ""); $pdf->Rect(10, 75, 38, 5, ""); //$pdf->Rect(10, 55, 38, 25 ,""); //$pdf->Rect(48, 55, 38, 25 ,""); //$pdf->Rect(86, 55, 38, 25 ,""); //$pdf->Rect(124, 55, 38, 25 ,""); //$pdf->Rect(162, 55, 38, 25 ,""); $pdf->Line(19.5, 60, 19.5, 70); $pdf->Line(29, 60, 29, 70); $pdf->Line(38.5, 60, 38.5, 70); $pdf->Line(48, 60, 48, 70); //$pdf->Line(57.5, 60, 57.5, 70); //$pdf->Line(67, 60, 67, 70); //$pdf->Line(76.5, 60, 76.5, 70); //$pdf->Line(86, 60, 86, 70); //$pdf->Line(95.5, 60, 95.5, 70); //$pdf->Line(105, 60, 105, 70); //$pdf->Line(114.5, 60, 114.5, 70); //$pdf->Line(124, 60, 124, 70); //$pdf->Line(133.5, 60, 133.5, 70); //$pdf->Line(143, 60, 143, 70); //$pdf->Line(152.5, 60, 152.5, 70); //$pdf->Line(162, 60, 162, 70); //$pdf->Line(171.5, 60, 171.5, 70); //$pdf->Line(181, 60, 181, 70); //$pdf->Line(190.5, 60, 190.5, 70); $pdf->SetXY(10, 60); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, 'D', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, 'Y', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, 'B', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, 'N', 0, 0, 'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'D',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'Y',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'B',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'N',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'D',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'Y',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'B',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'N',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'D',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'Y',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'B',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'N',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'D',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'Y',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'B',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,'N',0,0,'C'); $pdf->SetXY(10, 65); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN['D'][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN['D'][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN['D'][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN['D'][3], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['M'][0], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['M'][1], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['M'][2], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['M'][3], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['F'][0], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['F'][1], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['F'][2], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['F'][3], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['S'][0], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['S'][1], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['S'][2], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['S'][3], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['D'][0], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['D'][1], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['D'][2], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(9.5,5,Round($PUAN['D'][3], 2),0,0,'C'); $pdf->SetXY(10, 70); $pdf->Cell(38, 5, '% BASARI', 0, 0, 'C'); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,'% BA�ARI',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,'% BA�ARI',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,'% BA�ARI',0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,'% BA�ARI',0,0,'C'); $pdf->SetXY(10, 75); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,Round($PUAN['T'][4], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,Round($PUAN['M'][4], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,Round($PUAN['F'][4], 2),0,0,'C'); //$pdf->Cell(38,5,Round($PUAN['S'][4], 2),0,0,'C'); $pdf->Cell(38, 5, Round($PUAN['D'][4], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); rapor_query($adi, $soyadi, $numarasi, $dersadi, $sinif, $sube, $readerUTime, $PUAN['D']); //rapor_query($adi,$soyadi,$numarasi,'M',$sinif,$sube,$readerUTime,$PUAN['M']); //rapor_query($adi,$soyadi,$numarasi,'F',$sinif,$sube,$readerUTime,$PUAN['F']); //rapor_query($adi,$soyadi,$numarasi,'S',$sinif,$sube,$readerUTime,$PUAN['S']); //rapor_query($adi,$soyadi,$numarasi,'D',$sinif,$sube,$readerUTime,$PUAN['D']); }
else { //$arResFields[$i] = $res1["PROPERTY_".substr($arNeedFields[$i], strlen("IP_PROP"))."_VALUE"]; $arResFields[$i] = $res1["PROPERTY_".$strTempo."_VALUE"]; } $bFieldOut = True; } elseif ($boolCatalog && substr($arNeedFields[$i], 0, strlen("CR_PRICE_"))=="CR_PRICE_") { $sPriceTmp = substr($arNeedFields[$i], strlen("CR_PRICE_")); $arPriceTmp = explode("_", $sPriceTmp); if (strlen($res1["CATALOG_CURRENCY_".intval($arPriceTmp[0])])>0 && $res1["CATALOG_CURRENCY_".intval($arPriceTmp[0])]!=$arPriceTmp[1]) { $arResFields[$i] = Round(CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($res1["CATALOG_PRICE_".intval($arPriceTmp[0])], $res1["CATALOG_CURRENCY_".intval($arPriceTmp[0])], $arPriceTmp[1]), 2); } else { $arResFields[$i] = $res1["CATALOG_PRICE_".intval($arPriceTmp[0])]; } $bFieldOut = True; } } if (!$bFieldOut) { foreach ($arAvailGroupFields_names as $key => $value) { if ($key==substr($arNeedFields[$i], 0, strlen($key)) && is_numeric(substr($arNeedFields[$i], strlen($key))))
function GetSpamRating($message) { global $DB; $arWords = CMailFilter::getWords($message, 1000); if (empty($arWords)) return 0; // for every word find Si $arWords = array_map("md5", $arWords); global $BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT; if(!is_set($BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT, "G")) { $strSql = "SELECT MAX(GOOD_CNT) as G, MAX(BAD_CNT) as B FROM b_mail_spam_weight"; if($res = $DB->Query($strSql)) $BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT = $res->Fetch(); if(intval($BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["G"])<=0) $BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["G"] = 1; if(intval($BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["B"])<=0) $BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["B"] = 1; } $CNT_WORDS = COption::GetOptionInt("mail", "spam_word_count", B_MAIL_WORD_CNT); $MIN_COUNT = COption::GetOptionInt("mail", "spam_min_count", B_MAIL_MIN_CNT); // select $CNT_WORDS words with max |Si - 0.5| // if the word placed less then xxx (5) times, then ignore $strSql = "SELECT SW.*, ". " (BAD_CNT/".$BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["B"].".0) / (2*GOOD_CNT/".$BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["G"].".0 + BAD_CNT/".$BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["B"].".0) as RATING, ". " ABS((BAD_CNT/".$BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["B"].".0) / (2*GOOD_CNT/".$BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["G"].".0 + BAD_CNT/".$BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["B"].".0) - 0.5) as MOD_RATING ". "FROM b_mail_spam_weight SW ". "WHERE WORD_ID IN ('".implode("', '", $arWords)."') ". " AND ABS((BAD_CNT/".$BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["B"].".0) / (2*GOOD_CNT/".$BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["G"].".0 + BAD_CNT/".$BX_MAIL_SPAM_CNT["B"].".0) - 0.5) > 0.1 ". " AND TOTAL_CNT>".$MIN_COUNT." ". "ORDER BY MOD_RATING DESC ". (strtoupper($DB->type)=="MYSQL"?"LIMIT ".$CNT_WORDS : ""); //echo htmlspecialcharsbx($strSql)."<br>"; $a = 1; $b = 1; $dbr = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $arr = true; $words = ""; for($i=0; $i<$CNT_WORDS; $i++) { if($arr && $arr = $dbr->Fetch()) { //echo "<font size='-3'>".htmlspecialcharsbx($arr["WORD_REAL"])."=".$arr["RATING"]."<br></font> "; $words .= $arr["WORD_REAL"]." ".Round($arr["RATING"]*100, 4)." ".$arr["BAD_CNT"]." ".$arr["GOOD_CNT"]."\n"; $a = $a * ($arr["RATING"]==0?0.00001:$arr["RATING"]); $b = $b * (1 - ($arr["RATING"]==1?0.9999:$arr["RATING"])); } else { //if there is no word then weight Si = 0.4 $a = $a * 0.4; $b = $b * (1 - 0.4); } } // calculate Bayes for the whole message $rating = $a/($a+$b) * 100; return Array("RATING"=>$rating, "WORDS"=>$words); }
$strCategory = $ar_iblock["NAME"]; $sections_path = GetIBlockSectionPath($IBLOCK_ID, $ar_elems["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"]); while ($arSection = $sections_path->GetNext()) { if (strlen($strCategory) > 0) { $strCategory .= ">"; } $strCategory .= $arSection["NAME"]; } $arSectionPaths[IntVal($ar_elems["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"])] = PrepareString($strCategory); } $minPrice = 0; for ($i = 0, $intPCount = count($arPTypes); $i < $intPCount; $i++) { if (strlen($ar_elems["CATALOG_CURRENCY_" . $arPTypes[$i]]) <= 0) { continue; } $tmpPrice = Round(CCurrencyRates::ConvertCurrency($ar_elems["CATALOG_PRICE_" . $arPTypes[$i]], $ar_elems["CATALOG_CURRENCY_" . $arPTypes[$i]], "USD"), 2); if ($minPrice <= 0 || $minPrice > $tmpPrice) { $minPrice = $tmpPrice; } } if ($minPrice <= 0) { continue; } @fwrite($fp, "http://" . COption::GetOptionString("main", "server_name", $SERVER_NAME) . str_replace("//", "/", $ar_elems["DETAIL_PAGE_URL"]) . "\t" . $ar_elems["~NAME"] . "\t" . PrepareString($ar_elems["~PREVIEW_TEXT"], true) . "\t" . $strImage . "\t" . $arSectionPaths[IntVal($ar_elems["IBLOCK_SECTION_ID"])] . "\t" . $minPrice . "\n"); } @fclose($fp); } } CCatalogDiscountSave::Enable(); if ($bTmpUserCreated) { unset($USER);
$DemRow = DB_fetch_row($DemResult); $StockDemand = $DemRow[0]; $DemandDate = $DemRow[1]; if (strlen(trim($DemandDate)) == 0) { $DemandDate = $DemRow[2]; } if ($StockQOH < 0) { $StockQOH = 0; } if ($StockQOH + $StockQOWO - $StockDemand < 0) { $DemandQuantity = $StockDemand - ($StockQOH + $StockQOWO); if ($StockEOQ > 0) { if ($StockEOQ > $DemandQuantity) { $DemandQuantity = $StockEOQ; } else { $EOQMultiple = Round($DemandQuantity / $StockEOQ + 0.49, 0); $DemandQuantity = $StockEOQ * $EOQMultiple; } } $WO = GetNextTransNo(30, $db); // echo $WO. "= WO<BR>"; $InsWOResult = DB_query("INSERT INTO workorders (wo,\n loccode,\n requiredby,\n startdate)\n VALUES (" . $WO . ",\n '" . $_SESSION['UserStockLocation'] . "',\n '" . $DemandDate . "',\n '" . Date('Y-m-d') . "')", $db); $sql = "INSERT INTO woitems (wo,\n\t stockid,\n\t qtyreqd,\n\t stdcost)\n\t VALUES ( " . $WO . ",\n '" . $StockId . "',\n " . $DemandQuantity . ",\n 0)"; $result = DB_query($sql, $db, $ErrMsg); $sql2 = "INSERT INTO worequirements (wo,\n parentstockid,\n stockid,\n qtypu,\n stdcost,\n autoissue)\n \t SELECT " . $WO . ",\n \t bom.parent,\n bom.component,\n bom.quantity,\n (materialcost+labourcost+overheadcost)*bom.quantity,\n autoissue\n FROM bom INNER JOIN stockmaster\n ON bom.component=stockmaster.stockid\n WHERE parent='" . $StockId . "'\n AND loccode ='" . $_POST['StockLocation'] . "'"; $result = DB_query($sql2, $db, $ErrMsg); echo '<tr><TD>' . $StockId . '</TD>'; echo '<td>' . $WO . '</td>'; echo '<TD>' . $StockDescription . '</td>'; echo '<td class="label">' . $DemandQuantity . '</td>'; $PictureToDisplay = '/srv/www/htdocs/batavg/webERP2/companies/' . $_SESSION['DatabaseName'] . '/part_pics/' . $StockId . '.jpg';
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @author Alex Keda (for */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ $__args_list = array('PaymentSystemID', 'InvoiceID', 'Summ'); /******************************************************************************/ eval(COMP_INIT); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ $Config = Config(); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Settings = $Config['Invoices']['PaymentSystems']['Uniteller']; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send = $Settings['Send']; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send['Subtotal_P'] = Round($Summ / $Settings['Course'], 2); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send['Order_IDP'] = $InvoiceID; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Comp = Comp_Load('Formats/Invoice/Number', $InvoiceID); if (Is_Error($Comp)) { return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $__USER = $GLOBALS['__USER']; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send['Comment'] .= SPrintF('%s, %s (%s)', $Comp, Translit($__USER['Name']), $__USER['Email']); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Protocol = @$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 80 ? 'https' : 'http'; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send['URL_RETURN'] = SPrintF('%s://%s/Invoices', $Protocol, HOST_ID);
public static function ActivateCoupon($coupon, &$strError, $lang = false, $stableVersionsOnly = "Y") { $strError_tmp = ""; CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log("exec CUpdateClientPartner::ActivateCoupon"); $strQuery = CUpdateClientPartner::__CollectRequestData($strError_tmp, $lang, $stableVersionsOnly, array(), array()); if ($strQuery === False || StrLen($strQuery) <= 0 || StrLen($strError_tmp) > 0) { if (StrLen($strError_tmp) <= 0) { $strError_tmp = "[RV01] " . GetMessage("SUPZ_NO_QSTRING") . ". "; } } if (StrLen($strError_tmp) <= 0) { $strQuery .= "&coupon=" . UrlEncode($coupon) . "&query_type=coupon"; CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log(preg_replace("/LICENSE_KEY=[^&]*/i", "LICENSE_KEY=X", $strQuery)); /* foreach ($arFields as $key => $value) $strQuery .= "&".$key."=".urlencode($value); */ $stime = CUpdateClientPartner::__GetMicroTime(); $content = CUpdateClientPartner::__GetHTTPPage("ACTIV", $strQuery, $strError_tmp); if (strlen($content) <= 0) { if (StrLen($strError_tmp) <= 0) { $strError_tmp = "[GNSU02] " . GetMessage("SUPZ_EMPTY_ANSWER") . ". "; } } CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log("TIME ActivateCoupon(request) " . Round(CUpdateClientPartner::__GetMicroTime() - $stime, 3) . " sec"); } if (strlen($strError_tmp) <= 0) { $arRes = array(); CUpdateClientPartner::__ParseServerData($content, $arRes, $strError_tmp); } if (strlen($strError_tmp) <= 0) { if (isset($arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"]) && is_array($arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"]) && count($arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"]) > 0) { for ($i = 0, $n = count($arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"]); $i < $n; $i++) { if (strlen($arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"][$i]["@"]["TYPE"]) > 0) { $strError_tmp .= "[" . $arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"][$i]["@"]["TYPE"] . "] "; } $strError_tmp .= $arRes["DATA"]["#"]["ERROR"][$i]["#"] . ". "; } } } if (strlen($strError_tmp) > 0) { CUpdateClientPartner::AddMessage2Log($strError_tmp, "AC"); $strError .= $strError_tmp; return False; } else { return True; } }
<?php ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Внимание скрипт это скрипт выгрузки только для .US ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// set_time_limit(0); define("HTTP_SERVER", ""); chdir('/var/www/2009/'); require 'includes/application_top.php'; include 'cron/include/logs.class.php'; include 'cron/include/yandex.functions.php'; $logs = new logs('cron/logs/export_yandex_xml.log'); $GLOBAL_CRON = true; $logs->write("------------- START --------------"); /* Общая выгрузка */ //из-за того что не выгружается файл по крон, прописываем жестко пути для русского сайта $HTTP_GET_VARS['file'] = "/var/www/2009/prices/yandex_xml/yandex_us.xml"; // $logs->write("START [US, " . (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['type']) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['type'] : 'ALL') . "] " . $HTTP_GET_VARS['file']); $res = generate($HTTP_GET_VARS); $logs->write("STAT Categories: " . $res['Categories'] . ", Offers: " . $res['Offers'] . ", Filesize: " . Round(filesize($HTTP_GET_VARS['file']) / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "Mb"); $logs->write("END " . $HTTP_GET_VARS['file']); unset($logs);
public function getHijriArray($mydate) { $month = date("m", strtotime($mydate)); $day = date("j", strtotime($mydate)); $year = date("Y", strtotime($mydate)); //$time = mktime(0, 0, 0, Date(m), Date(j), Date(Y)); $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); $TDays = round($time / (60 * 60 * 24)); $HYear = round($TDays / 354.37419); $Remain = $TDays - $HYear * 354.37419; $HMonths = round($Remain / 29.531182); $HDays = $Remain - $HMonths * 29.531182; $HYear = $HYear + 1389; $HMonths = $HMonths + 10; $HDays = $HDays + 23; if ($HDays > 29.531188 and round($HDays) != 30) { $HMonths = $HMonths + 1; $HDays = Round($HDays - 29.531182); } else { $HDays = Round($HDays); } if ($HMonths > 12) { $HMonths = $HMonths - 12; $HYear = $HYear + 1; } if ($HMonths == "1") { $Month_Name = "محرم"; } else { if ($HMonths == "2") { $Month_Name = "صفر"; } else { if ($HMonths == "3") { $Month_Name = "ربيع اول"; } else { if ($HMonths == "4") { $Month_Name = "ربيع اخر"; } else { if ($HMonths == "5") { $Month_Name = "جماد اول"; } else { if ($HMonths == "6") { $Month_Name = "جماد اخر"; } else { if ($HMonths == "7") { $Month_Name = "رجب"; } else { if ($HMonths == "8") { $Month_Name = "شعبان"; } else { if ($HMonths == "9") { $Month_Name = "رمضان"; } else { if ($HMonths == "10") { $Month_Name = "شوال"; } else { if ($HMonths == "11") { $Month_Name = "ذو القعدة"; } else { if ($HMonths == "12") { $Month_Name = "ذو الحجة"; } } } } } } } } } } } } $NowDay = $HDays; $NowMonth = $HMonths; $NowYear = $HYear; $MDay_Num = date("w"); if ($MDay_Num == "0") { $MDay_Name = "الأحد"; } elseif ($MDay_Num == "1") { $MDay_Name = "الإثنين"; } elseif ($MDay_Num == "2") { $MDay_Name = "الثلاثاء"; } elseif ($MDay_Num == "3") { $MDay_Name = "الأربعاء"; } elseif ($MDay_Num == "4") { $MDay_Name = "الخميس"; } elseif ($MDay_Num == "5") { $MDay_Name = "الجمعة"; } elseif ($MDay_Num == "6") { $MDay_Name = "السبت"; } $NowDayName = $MDay_Name; $NowDate = $MDay_Name . "، " . $HDays . " " . $Month_Name . " " . $HYear . " هجريا"; $NowDate = array(); $NowDate['day'] = $HDays; $NowDate['month'] = $Month_Name; $NowDate['year'] = $HYear; return $NowDate; }
#------------------------------------------------------------------- $VPSOrderID = (int) $VPSOrder['ID']; #------------------------------------------------------------------- $CostPay = 0.0; #------------------------------------------------------------------- $DaysRemainded = $DaysPay; #------------------------------------------------------------------- $Comp = Comp_Load('Services/Bonuses', $DaysRemainded, $VPSOrder['ServiceID'], $VPSScheme['ID'], $UserID, $CostPay, $VPSScheme['CostDay'], $VPSOrder['OrderID']); if (Is_Error($Comp)) { return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500); } #----------------------------------------------------------------- $CostPay = $Comp['CostPay']; $Bonuses = $Comp['Bonuses']; #------------------------------------------------------------------- $CostPay = Round($CostPay, 2); #------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($VPSScheme['CostInstall'] > 0) { # need give installation payment if (!$VPSOrder['IsPayed']) { # if it not prolongation $CostPay += $VPSScheme['CostInstall']; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($IsUseBasket || !$IsNoBasket && $CostPay > $VPSOrder['ContractBalance']) { #----------------------------------------------------------------- if (Is_Error(DB_Roll($TransactionID))) { return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
function mp3_id($file) { // Lux: we keep all variables internal within this function, that way our global namespace // is kept clean, and we can still call this method like a function without instantiating // a whole class to do so. //global $version, $layer, $crc, $bitrate, $bitindex, $freq, $mode, $copy, $genres; // Corrected by Luca (18/06/01): $genres = array('Blues', 'Classic Rock', 'Country', 'Dance', 'Disco', 'Funk', 'Grunge', 'Hip-Hop', 'Jazz', 'Metal', 'New Age', 'Oldies', 'Other', 'Pop', 'R&B', 'Rap', 'Reggae', 'Rock', 'Techno', 'Industrial', 'Alternative', 'Ska', 'Death Metal', 'Pranks', 'Soundtrack', 'Euro-Techno', 'Ambient', 'Trip-Hop', 'Vocal', 'Jazz+Funk', 'Fusion', 'Trance', 'Classical', 'Instrumental', 'Acid', 'House', 'Game', 'Sound Clip', 'Gospel', 'Noise', 'AlternRock', 'Bass', 'Soul', 'Punk', 'Space', 'Meditative', 'Instrumental Pop', 'Instrumental Rock', 'Ethnic', 'Gothic', 'Darkwave', 'Techno-Industrial', 'Electronic', 'Pop-Folk', 'Eurodance', 'Dream', 'Southern Rock', 'Comedy', 'Cult', 'Gangsta', 'Top 40', 'Christian Rap', 'Pop/Funk', 'Jungle', 'Native American', 'Cabaret', 'New Wave', 'Psychadelic', 'Rave', 'Showtunes', 'Trailer', 'Lo-Fi', 'Tribal', 'Acid Punk', 'Acid Jazz', 'Polka', 'Retro', 'Musical', 'Rock & Roll', 'Hard Rock', 'Folk', 'Folk-Rock', 'National Folk', 'Swing', 'Fast Fusion', 'Bebob', 'Latin', 'Revival', 'Celtic', 'Bluegrass', 'Avantgarde', 'Gothic Rock', 'Progressive Rock', 'Psychedelic Rock', 'Symphonic Rock', 'Slow Rock', 'Big Band', 'Chorus', 'Easy Listening', 'Acoustic', 'Humour', 'Speech', 'Chanson', 'Opera', 'Chamber Music', 'Sonata', 'Symphony', 'Booty Bass', 'Primus', 'P**n Groove', 'Satire', 'Slow Jam', 'Club', 'Tango', 'Samba', 'Folklore', 'Ballad', 'Power Ballad', 'Rhythmic Soul', 'Freestyle', 'Duet', 'Punk Rock', 'Drum Solo', 'Acapella', 'Euro-House', 'Dance Hall'); $genreids = array("Blues" => 0, "Classic Rock" => 1, "Country" => 2, "Dance" => 3, "Disco" => 4, "Funk" => 5, "Grunge" => 6, "Hip-Hop" => 7, "Jazz" => 8, "Metal" => 9, "New Age" => 10, "Oldies" => 11, "Other" => 12, "Pop" => 13, "R&B" => 14, "Rap" => 15, "Reggae" => 16, "Rock" => 17, "Techno" => 18, "Industrial" => 19, "Alternative" => 20, "Ska" => 21, "Death Metal" => 22, "Pranks" => 23, "Soundtrack" => 24, "Euro-Techno" => 25, "Ambient" => 26, "Trip-Hop" => 27, "Vocal" => 28, "Jazz+Funk" => 29, "Fusion" => 30, "Trance" => 31, "Classical" => 32, "Instrumental" => 33, "Acid" => 34, "House" => 35, "Game" => 36, "Sound Clip" => 37, "Gospel" => 38, "Noise" => 39, "AlternRock" => 40, "Bass" => 41, "Soul" => 42, "Punk" => 43, "Space" => 44, "Meditative" => 45, "Instrumental Pop" => 46, "Instrumental Rock" => 47, "Ethnic" => 48, "Gothic" => 49, "Darkwave" => 50, "Techno-Industrial" => 51, "Electronic" => 52, "Pop-Folk" => 53, "Eurodance" => 54, "Dream" => 55, "Southern Rock" => 56, "Comedy" => 57, "Cult" => 58, "Gangsta" => 59, "Top 40" => 60, "Christian Rap" => 61, "Pop/Funk" => 62, "Jungle" => 63, "Native American" => 64, "Cabaret" => 65, "New Wave" => 66, "Psychadelic" => 67, "Rave" => 68, "Showtunes" => 69, "Trailer" => 70, "Lo-Fi" => 71, "Tribal" => 72, "Acid Punk" => 73, "Acid Jazz" => 74, "Polka" => 75, "Retro" => 76, "Musical" => 77, "Rock & Roll" => 78, "Hard Rock" => 79, "Folk" => 80, "Folk-Rock" => 81, "National Folk" => 82, "Swing" => 83, "Fast Fusion" => 84, "Bebob" => 85, "Latin" => 86, "Revival" => 87, "Celtic" => 88, "Bluegrass" => 89, "Avantgarde" => 90, "Gothic Rock" => 91, "Progressive Rock" => 92, "Psychedelic Rock" => 93, "Symphonic Rock" => 94, "Slow Rock" => 95, "Big Band" => 96, "Chorus" => 97, "Easy Listening" => 98, "Acoustic" => 99, "Humour" => 100, "Speech" => 101, "Chanson" => 102, "Opera" => 103, "Chamber Music" => 104, "Sonata" => 105, "Symphony" => 106, "Booty Bass" => 107, "Primus" => 108, "P**n Groove" => 109, "Satire" => 110, "Slow Jam" => 111, "Club" => 112, "Tango" => 113, "Samba" => 114, "Folklore" => 115, "Ballad" => 116, "Power Ballad" => 117, "Rhythmic Soul" => 118, "Freestyle" => 119, "Duet" => 120, "Punk Rock" => 121, "Drum Solo" => 122, "Acapella" => 123, "Euro-House" => 124, "Dance Hall" => 125); // end $version = array("00" => 2.5, "10" => 2, "11" => 1); $layer = array("01" => 3, "10" => 2, "11" => 1); $crc = array("Yes", "No"); $bitrate["0001"] = array(32, 32, 32, 32, 8, 8); $bitrate["0010"] = array(64, 48, 40, 48, 16, 16); $bitrate["0011"] = array(96, 56, 48, 56, 24, 24); $bitrate["0100"] = array(128, 64, 56, 64, 32, 32); $bitrate["0101"] = array(160, 80, 64, 80, 40, 40); $bitrate["0110"] = array(192, 96, 80, 96, 48, 48); $bitrate["0111"] = array(224, 112, 96, 112, 56, 56); $bitrate["1000"] = array(256, 128, 112, 128, 64, 64); $bitrate["1001"] = array(288, 160, 128, 144, 80, 80); $bitrate["1010"] = array(320, 192, 160, 160, 96, 96); $bitrate["1011"] = array(352, 224, 192, 176, 112, 112); $bitrate["1100"] = array(384, 256, 224, 192, 128, 128); $bitrate["1101"] = array(416, 320, 256, 224, 144, 144); $bitrate["1110"] = array(448, 384, 320, 256, 160, 160); $bitindex = array("1111" => "0", "1110" => "1", "1101" => "2", "1011" => "3", "1010" => "4", "1001" => "5", "0011" => "3", "0010" => 4, "0001" => "5"); $freq["00"] = array("11" => 44100, "10" => 22050, "00" => 11025); $freq["01"] = array("11" => 48000, "10" => 24000, "00" => 12000); $freq["10"] = array("11" => 32000, "10" => 16000, "00" => 8000); $mode = array("00" => "Stereo", "01" => "Joint stereo", "10" => "Dual channel", "11" => "Mono"); $copy = array("No", "Yes"); if (!($f = @fopen($file, "r"))) { return -1; break; } else { // read first 4 bytes from file and determine if it is wave file if so, header begins five bytes after word 'data' $tmp = fread($f, 4); if ($tmp == "RIFF") { $idtag["ftype"] = "Wave"; fseek($f, 0); $tmp = fread($f, 128); $x = StrPos($tmp, "data"); fseek($f, $x + 8); $tmp = fread($f, 4); } // now convert those four bytes to BIN. maybe it can be faster and easier. dunno how yet. help? for ($y = 0; $y < 4; $y++) { $x = decbin(ord($tmp[$y])); for ($i = 0; $i < 8 - StrLen($x); $i++) { $x .= "0"; } $bajt .= $x; } // every mp3 framesynch begins with eleven ones, lets look for it. if not found continue looking for some 1024 bytes (you can search multiple for it or you can disable this, it will speed up and not many mp3 are like this. anyways its not standart) // if(substr($bajt,1,11)!="11111111111") { // return -1; // break; // } if (substr($bajt, 1, 11) != "11111111111") { fseek($f, 4); $tmp = fread($f, 2048); for ($i = 0; $i < 2048; $i++) { if (ord($tmp[$i]) == 255 && substr(decbin(ord($tmp[$i + 1])), 0, 3) == "111") { $tmp = substr($tmp, $i, 4); $bajt = ""; for ($y = 0; $y < 4; $y++) { $x = decbin(ord($tmp[$y])); for ($i = 0; $i < 8 - StrLen($x); $i++) { $x .= "0"; } $bajt .= $x; } break; } } } if ($bajt == "") { return -1; break; } // now parse all the info from frame header $len = filesize($file); $idtag["version"] = $version[substr($bajt, 11, 2)]; $idtag["layer"] = $layer[substr($bajt, 13, 2)]; $idtag["crc"] = $crc[$bajt[15]]; $idtag["bitrate"] = $bitrate[substr($bajt, 16, 4)][$bitindex[substr($bajt, 11, 4)]]; $idtag["frequency"] = $freq[substr($bajt, 20, 2)][substr($bajt, 11, 2)]; $idtag["padding"] = $copy[$bajt[22]]; $idtag["mode"] = $mode[substr($bajt, 24, 2)]; $idtag["copyright"] = $copy[$bajt[28]]; $idtag["original"] = $copy[$bajt[29]]; // lets count lenght of the song if ($idtag["layer"] == 1) { $fsize = (12 * ($idtag["bitrate"] * 1000) / $idtag["frequency"] + $idtag["padding"]) * 4; } else { $fsize = 144 * ($idtag["bitrate"] * 1000 / $idtag["frequency"] + $idtag["padding"]); } // Modified by Luca (18/02/01): $idtag["lenght_sec"] = round($len / Round($fsize) / 38.37); // end $idtag["lenght"] = date("i:s", round($len / Round($fsize) / 38.37)); // now lets see at the end of the file for id3 tag. if exists then parse it. if file doesnt have an id 3 tag if will return -1 in field 'tag' and if title is empty it returns file name. if (!$len) { $len = filesize($file); } fseek($f, $len - 128); $tag = fread($f, 128); if (Substr($tag, 0, 3) == "TAG") { $idtag["file"] = $file; $idtag["tag"] = -1; // Modified by Luca (18/02/01): $idtag["title"] = Mp3Parser::strip_nulls(Substr($tag, 3, 30)); $idtag["artist"] = Mp3Parser::strip_nulls(Substr($tag, 33, 30)); $idtag["album"] = Mp3Parser::strip_nulls(Substr($tag, 63, 30)); $idtag["year"] = Mp3Parser::strip_nulls(Substr($tag, 93, 4)); $idtag["comment"] = Mp3Parser::strip_nulls(Substr($tag, 97, 30)); // If the comment is less than 29 chars, we look for the presence of a track # if (strlen($idtag["comment"]) < 29) { if (Ord(Substr($tag, 125, 1)) == chr(0)) { // If char 125 is null then track (maybe) is present $idtag["track"] = Ord(Substr($tag, 126, 1)); } else { // If not, we are sure is not present. $idtag["track"] = 0; } } else { // If the comment is 29 or 30 chars long, there's no way to put track # $idtag["track"] = 0; } // end $idtag["genreid"] = Ord(Substr($tag, 127, 1)); $idtag["genre"] = $genres[$idtag["genreid"]]; $idtag["filesize"] = $len; } else { $idtag["tag"] = 0; } // close opened file and return results. if (!$idtag["title"]) { $idtag["title"] = Str_replace("\\", "/", $file); $idtag["title"] = substr($idtag["title"], strrpos($idtag["title"], "/") + 1, 255); } fclose($f); return $idtag; } }
case 'exception': # No more... break; case 'array': #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach ($HostingOrders as $HostingOrder) { #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # проверяем наличие такого юзера в массиве с нагрузкой if (!isset($TUsages[$ServerID]['SUsages'][$HostingOrder['Login']])) { continue; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ATime = $TUsages[$ServerID]['SUsages'][$HostingOrder['Login']]['utime'] + $TUsages[$ServerID]['SUsages'][$HostingOrder['Login']]['stime']; $SUsage = Round($ATime * 100 / (24 * 3600), 2); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $BUsage = Round(($TUsages[$ServerID]['BUsages'][$HostingOrder['Login']]['utime'] + $TUsages[$ServerID]['BUsages'][$HostingOrder['Login']]['stime']) * 100 / ($Settings['PeriodToLock'] * 24 * 3600), 2); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # параметры для уведомлений $Params = array('ID' => $HostingOrder['ID'], 'UserID' => $HostingOrder['UserID'], 'Login' => $HostingOrder['Login'], 'Domain' => $HostingOrder['Domain'], 'Scheme' => $HostingOrder['Scheme'], 'SUsage' => $SUsage, 'BUsage' => $BUsage, 'ATime' => $ATime, 'UTime' => $TUsages[$ServerID]['SUsages'][$HostingOrder['Login']]['utime'], 'STime' => $TUsages[$ServerID]['SUsages'][$HostingOrder['Login']]['stime'], 'QuotaCPU' => $HostingOrder['QuotaCPU'], 'QuotaCPUTime' => $HostingOrder['QuotaCPU'] * 24 * 60 * 60 / 100, 'Url' => $HostingOrder['Params']['Url'], 'PeriodToLock' => $Settings['PeriodToLock'], 'UnLockOverlimits' => $Settings['UnLockOverlimits'], 'UnLockOverlimitsTime' => $Settings['UnLockOverlimitsTime'], 'UnLockOverlimitsText' => $Settings['UnLockOverlimits'] ? SPrintF("Если вы никак не отреагируете на данное событие, то ваш аккаунт будет автоматически разблокирован в %s.\n\n", $Settings['UnLockOverlimitsTime']) : ''); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # шлём уведомление тем кто превысил порог уведомления, и превысил порог оповещения if ($SUsage > $HostingOrder['QuotaCPU'] * $Settings['NotifyRatio'] && $SUsage > $Settings['LockNotifyFrom']) { #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $NotifyedCount++; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Debug(SPrintF('[comp/Tasks/HostingCPUUsage]: Надо уведомление: Login = %s; SUsage = %s; BUsage = %s; QuotaCPU = %s', $HostingOrder['Login'], $SUsage, $BUsage, $HostingOrder['QuotaCPU'])); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $IsSend = NotificationManager::sendMsg(new Message('HostingCPUUsageNotice', $HostingOrder['UserID'], array('HostingOrder' => $Params))); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch (ValueOf($IsSend)) { case 'error':
$Where = array(); $Where[] = SPrintF('`UserID` = %u', $UserID); $Where[] = '`VoteBall` > 0'; $Where[] = '`IsVisible` = "yes"'; $Where[] = SPrintF('`CreateDate` BETWEEN %u AND %u', $StartDate, $FinishDate); $SumVotes = DB_Select('EdesksMessagesOwners', array('SUM(`VoteBall`) AS VoteSumm'), array('UNIQ', 'Where' => $Where)); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- switch (ValueOf($NumVotes)) { case 'error': return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500); case 'exception': return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(400); case 'array': Debug(SPrintF("[comp/www/Administrator/PersonalStatistics]: Сумма баллов: %u", $SumVotes['VoteSumm'])); if (IntVal($NumVotes['Counter']) > 0) { $VoteAvg = Round($SumVotes['VoteSumm'] / $NumVotes['Counter'], 2); } else { $VoteAvg = '-'; } $Tr->AddChild(new Tag('TD', array('align' => 'right', 'class' => 'Standard'), $VoteAvg)); #$Tr->AddChild(new Tag('TD',Array('align'=>'right','class'=>'Standard'),IntVal($SumVotes['VoteSumm']))); break; default: return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($IsAdd) { $Table[] = $Tr; } } }
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** @author Alex Keda (for */ /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ $__args_list = array('PaymentSystemID', 'InvoiceID', 'Summ'); /******************************************************************************/ eval(COMP_INIT); /******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************/ $Config = Config(); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Settings = $Config['Invoices']['PaymentSystems']['MailRu']; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send = $Settings['Send']; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send['sum'] = Round($Summ / $Settings['Course'], 2); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send['issuer_id'] = $InvoiceID; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Comp = Comp_Load('Formats/Invoice/Number', $InvoiceID); if (Is_Error($Comp)) { return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500); } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $__USER = $GLOBALS['__USER']; $Send['description'] .= SPrintF('%s, %s (%s)', $Comp, Translit($__USER['Name']), $__USER['Email']); #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Send['message'] = $Send['description']; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $sha = sha1($Settings['Hash']); $Hash = array($Send['currency'], $Send['description'], $Send['issuer_id'], $Send['message'], $Send['shop_id'], $Send['sum'], $sha);
$thumbcropwidth = imagesx($timg); $thumbcropheight = imagesy($timg); } $tsize = getOption('thumb_size'); $max = max($thumbcropwidth, $thumbcropheight); $thumbcropwidth = $thumbcropwidth * ($tsize / $max); $thumbcropheight = $thumbcropheight * ($tsize / $max); } $size = min(400, $width, $height); if ($width >= $height) { $sr = $size / $width; $sizedwidth = $size; $sizedheight = round($height / $width * $size); } else { $sr = $size / $height; $sizedwidth = Round($width / $height * $size); $sizedheight = $size; } $imageurl = "i.php?a=" . pathurlencode($albumname) . "&i=" . urlencode($imagepart) . "&s=" . $size . '&admin'; $iY = round($imageobj->get('thumbY') * $sr); if ($iY) { $iX = round($imageobj->get('thumbX') * $sr); $iW = round($imageobj->get('thumbW') * $sr); $iH = round($imageobj->get('thumbH') * $sr); } else { $cr = max($cropwidth, $cropheight) / getOption('thumb_size'); $si = min($sizedwidth, $sizedheight); $iW = round($si * $cr); $iH = round($si * $cr); $iX = round(($sizedwidth - $iW) / 2); $iY = round(($sizedheight - $iH) / 2);
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'%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(15 + 9.5 * 4, 70); $charilk = '7'; $charson = 'B'; $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(15 + 9.5 * 4, 75); $charilk = '7'; $charson = 'C'; $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(15 + 9.5 * 4, 80); $charilk = '7'; $charson = 'D'; $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(15 + 9.5 * 4, 85); $charilk = '7'; $charson = '_'; $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(15 + 9.5 * 4, 90); $charilk = '8'; $charson = 'A'; $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 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'%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(15 + 9.5 * 4, 95); $charilk = '8'; $charson = 'B'; $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(15 + 9.5 * 4, 100); $charilk = '8'; $charson = 'C'; $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'H' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->SetXY(15 + 9.5 * 4, 105); $charilk = '8'; $charson = '_'; $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'T' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'M' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'F' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'S' . $charson][3], 0) . '%', 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][0], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][1], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][2], 2), 0, 0, 'C'); $pdf->Cell(9.5, 5, Round($PUAN[$charilk . 'D' . $charson][3], 0) . 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