/** * \brief This function returns the scheduler status. */ public function Output() { $uTime = microtime(true); $V = ""; $Upload = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER); /** @var UploadDao $uploadDao */ $uploadDao = $GLOBALS['container']->get('dao.upload'); if (!$uploadDao->isAccessible($Upload, Auth::getGroupId())) { $text = _("Permission Denied"); return "<h2>{$text}</h2>"; } $Item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER); if (!$Item) { return _('No item selected'); } $updcache = GetParm("updcache", PARM_INTEGER); $tagbucket = GetParm("tagbucket", PARM_INTEGER); $this->uploadtree_tablename = GetUploadtreeTableName($Upload); /* Remove "updcache" from the GET args and set $this->UpdCache * This way all the url's based on the input args won't be * polluted with updcache * Use Traceback_parm_keep to ensure that all parameters are in order */ $CacheKey = "?mod=" . $this->Name . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "item", "folder", "ars")); if ($updcache) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = preg_replace("/&updcache=[0-9]*/", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); unset($_GET['updcache']); $V = ReportCachePurgeByKey($CacheKey); } else { $V = ReportCacheGet($CacheKey); } if (!empty($tagbucket)) { $bucketagent_pk = GetParm("bapk", PARM_INTEGER); $bucket_pk = GetParm("bpk", PARM_INTEGER); $bucketpool_pk = GetParm("bp", PARM_INTEGER); $nomosagent_pk = GetParm("napk", PARM_INTEGER); $this->TagBucket($Upload, $Item, $bucketagent_pk, $bucket_pk, $bucketpool_pk, $nomosagent_pk); } $Cached = !empty($V); if (!$Cached) { $V .= "<font class='text'>\n"; $Children = GetNonArtifactChildren($Item, $this->uploadtree_tablename); if (count($Children) == 0) { // no children, display View-Meta micromenu $V .= Dir2Browse($this->Name, $Item, NULL, 1, "View-Meta", -1, '', '', $this->uploadtree_tablename) . "<P />\n"; } else { // has children, display Browse micormenu $V .= Dir2Browse($this->Name, $Item, NULL, 1, "Browse", -1, '', '', $this->uploadtree_tablename) . "<P />\n"; } if (!empty($Upload)) { $Uri = preg_replace("/&item=([0-9]*)/", "", Traceback()); $V .= $this->ShowUploadHist($Item, $Uri); } $V .= "</font>\n"; $text = _("Loading..."); } $Time = microtime(true) - $uTime; // convert usecs to secs $text = _("Elapsed time: %.2f seconds"); $V .= sprintf("<p><small>{$text}</small>", $Time); if ($Cached) { $text = _("cached"); $text1 = _("Update"); echo " <i>{$text}</i> <a href=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&updcache=1\"> {$text1} </a>"; } else { if ($Time > 0.5) { ReportCachePut($CacheKey, $V); } } return $V; }
/** * \brief This function returns the scheduler status. */ function Output() { $uTime = microtime(true); if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) { return 0; } $V = ""; $Folder = GetParm("folder", PARM_INTEGER); $Upload = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER); $Item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER); switch (GetParm("show", PARM_STRING)) { case 'detail': $Show = 'detail'; break; case 'summary': default: $Show = 'summary'; break; } /* Use Traceback_parm_keep to ensure that all parameters are in order */ $CacheKey = "?mod=" . $this->Name . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "item", "folder")) . "&show={$Show}"; if ($this->UpdCache != 0) { $V = ""; $Err = ReportCachePurgeByKey($CacheKey); } else { $V = ReportCacheGet($CacheKey); } if (empty($V)) { switch ($this->OutputType) { case "XML": break; case "HTML": $V .= "<font class='text'>\n"; /************************/ /* Show the folder path */ /************************/ $V .= Dir2Browse($this->Name, $Item, NULL, 1, "Browse") . "<P />\n"; /******************************/ /* Get the folder description */ /******************************/ if (!empty($Folder)) { // $V .= $this->ShowFolder($Folder); } if (!empty($Upload)) { $Uri = preg_replace("/&item=([0-9]*)/", "", Traceback()); $V .= $this->ShowUploadHist($Upload, $Item, $Uri); } $V .= "</font>\n"; break; case "Text": break; default: break; } $Cached = false; /* Cache Report if this took longer than 1 seconds */ if ($Time > 1) { ReportCachePut($CacheKey, $V); } } else { $Cached = true; } if (!$this->OutputToStdout) { return $V; } print "{$V}"; $Time = microtime(true) - $uTime; // convert usecs to secs $text = _("Elapsed time: %.2f seconds"); printf("<small>{$text}</small>", $Time); $text = _("cached"); $text1 = _("Update"); if ($Cached) { echo " <i>{$text}</i> <a href=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&updcache=1\"> {$text1} </a>"; } return; }
/** * @brief Output(): * Requires:\n filter: optional filter to apply\n item1: uploadtree_pk of the column 1 tree\n item2: uploadtree_pk of the column 2 tree\n freeze: column number (1 or 2) to freeze */ function Output() { if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) { return 0; } $uTime = microtime(true); $V = ""; /**/ $UpdCache = GetParm("updcache", PARM_INTEGER); /* Remove "updcache" from the GET args and set $this->UpdCache * This way all the url's based on the input args won't be * polluted with updcache * Use Traceback_parm_keep to ensure that all parameters are in order */ $CacheKey = "?mod=" . $this->Name . Traceback_parm_keep(array("item1", "item2", "filter", "col", "freeze", "itemf")); if ($UpdCache) { $UpdCache = $_GET['updcache']; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = preg_replace("/&updcache=[0-9]*/", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); unset($_GET['updcache']); $V = ReportCachePurgeByKey($CacheKey); } else { $V = ReportCacheGet($CacheKey); } /**/ if (empty($V)) { $filter = GetParm("filter", PARM_STRING); if (empty($filter)) { $filter = "none"; } $FreezeCol = GetParm("freeze", PARM_INTEGER); // which column to freeze? 1 or 2 or null $ClickedCol = GetParm("col", PARM_INTEGER); // which column was clicked on? 1 or 2 or null $ItemFrozen = GetParm("itemf", PARM_INTEGER); // frozen item or null $in_uploadtree_pk1 = GetParm("item1", PARM_INTEGER); $in_uploadtree_pk2 = GetParm("item2", PARM_INTEGER); if (empty($in_uploadtree_pk1) || empty($in_uploadtree_pk2)) { Fatal("Bad input parameters. Both item1 and item2 must be specified.", __FILE__, __LINE__); } /* If you click on a item in a frozen column, then you are a dope so ignore $ItemFrozen */ if ($FreezeCol == $ClickedCol) { $ItemFrozen = 0; $FreezeCol = 0; } /* Check item1 upload permission */ $Item1Row = GetSingleRec("uploadtree", "WHERE uploadtree_pk = {$in_uploadtree_pk1}"); $UploadPerm = GetUploadPerm($Item1Row['upload_fk']); if ($UploadPerm < PERM_READ) { $text = _("Permission Denied"); echo "<h2>{$text} item 1<h2>"; return; } /* Check item2 upload permission */ $Item2Row = GetSingleRec("uploadtree", "WHERE uploadtree_pk = {$in_uploadtree_pk2}"); $UploadPerm = GetUploadPerm($Item2Row['upload_fk']); if ($UploadPerm < PERM_READ) { $text = _("Permission Denied"); echo "<h2>{$text} item 2<h2>"; return; } $uploadtree_pk1 = $in_uploadtree_pk1; $uploadtree_pk2 = $in_uploadtree_pk2; if ($FreezeCol == 1) { $uploadtree_pk1 = $ItemFrozen; } else { if ($FreezeCol == 2) { $uploadtree_pk2 = $ItemFrozen; } } $newURL = Traceback_dir() . "?mod=" . $this->Name . "&item1={$uploadtree_pk1}&item2={$uploadtree_pk2}"; if (!empty($filter)) { $newURL .= "&filter={$filter}"; } // rewrite page with new uploadtree_pks */ if ($uploadtree_pk1 != $in_uploadtree_pk1 || $uploadtree_pk2 != $in_uploadtree_pk2) { print <<<JSOUT <script type="text/javascript"> window.location.assign('{$newURL}'); </script> JSOUT; } $TreeInfo1 = $this->GetTreeInfo($uploadtree_pk1); $TreeInfo2 = $this->GetTreeInfo($uploadtree_pk2); $ErrText = _("No license data for tree %d. Use Jobs > Agents to schedule a license scan."); $ErrMsg = ''; if ($TreeInfo1['agent_pk'] == 0) { $ErrMsg = sprintf($ErrText, 1); } else { if ($TreeInfo2['agent_pk'] == 0) { $ErrMsg = sprintf($ErrText, 2); } else { $BucketDefArray = initBucketDefArray($TreeInfo1['bucketpool_pk']); /* Get list of children */ $Children1 = GetNonArtifactChildren($uploadtree_pk1); $Children2 = GetNonArtifactChildren($uploadtree_pk2); /* Add fuzzyname to children */ FuzzyName($Children1); // add fuzzyname to children FuzzyName($Children2); // add fuzzyname to children /* add element licstr to children */ $this->AddBucketStr($TreeInfo1, $Children1, $BucketDefArray); $this->AddBucketStr($TreeInfo2, $Children2, $BucketDefArray); /* Master array of children, aligned. */ $Master = MakeMaster($Children1, $Children2); /* add linkurl to children */ FileList($Master, $TreeInfo1['agent_pk'], $TreeInfo2['agent_pk'], $filter, $this, $uploadtree_pk1, $uploadtree_pk2); /* Apply filter */ $this->FilterChildren($filter, $Master, $BucketDefArray); } } switch ($this->OutputType) { case "XML": break; case "HTML": if ($ErrMsg) { $V .= $ErrMsg; } else { $V .= $this->HTMLout($Master, $uploadtree_pk1, $uploadtree_pk2, $in_uploadtree_pk1, $in_uploadtree_pk2, $filter, $TreeInfo1, $TreeInfo2, $BucketDefArray); } break; case "Text": break; default: } $Cached = false; } else { $Cached = true; } if (!$this->OutputToStdout) { return $V; } print "{$V}"; $Time = microtime(true) - $uTime; // convert usecs to secs $text = _("Elapsed time: %.2f seconds"); printf("<small>{$text}</small>", $Time); /**/ if ($Cached) { $text = _("cached"); $text1 = _("Update"); echo " <i>{$text}</i> <a href=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&updcache=1\"> {$text1} </a>"; } else { // Cache Report if this took longer than 1/2 second if ($Time > 0.5) { ReportCachePut($CacheKey, $V); } } /**/ return; }
/** * \brief This function returns the scheduler status. */ function Output() { $uTime = microtime(true); if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) { return 0; } $V = ""; $Upload = GetParm("upload", PARM_INTEGER); $UploadPerm = GetUploadPerm($Upload); if ($UploadPerm < PERM_READ) { $text = _("Permission Denied"); echo "<h2>{$text}<h2>"; return; } $Item = GetParm("item", PARM_INTEGER); $tag_pk = GetParm("tag", PARM_INTEGER); $updcache = GetParm("updcache", PARM_INTEGER); $this->uploadtree_tablename = GetUploadtreeTableName($Upload); /* Remove "updcache" from the GET args. * This way all the url's based on the input args won't be * polluted with updcache * Use Traceback_parm_keep to ensure that all parameters are in order */ $CacheKey = "?mod=" . $this->Name . Traceback_parm_keep(array("upload", "item", "tag", "agent", "orderBy", "orderl", "orderc")); if ($updcache) { $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = preg_replace("/&updcache=[0-9]*/", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); unset($_GET['updcache']); $V = ReportCachePurgeByKey($CacheKey); } else { $V = ReportCacheGet($CacheKey); } if (empty($V)) { switch ($this->OutputType) { case "XML": break; case "HTML": $V .= "<font class='text'>\n"; /************************/ /* Show the folder path */ /************************/ $V .= Dir2Browse($this->Name, $Item, NULL, 1, "Browse", -1, '', '', $this->uploadtree_tablename) . "<P />\n"; if (!empty($Upload)) { $Uri = preg_replace("/&item=([0-9]*)/", "", Traceback()); $V .= js_url(); $V .= $this->ShowUploadHist($Item, $Uri, $tag_pk); } $V .= "</font>\n"; $text = _("Loading..."); /*$V .= "<div id='ajax_waiting'><img src='images/ajax-loader.gif'>$text</div>"; */ break; case "Text": break; default: } $Cached = false; } else { $Cached = true; } if (!$this->OutputToStdout) { return $V; } print "{$V}"; $Time = microtime(true) - $uTime; // convert usecs to secs $text = _("Elapsed time: %.2f seconds"); printf("<small>{$text}</small>", $Time); if ($Cached) { $text = _("cached"); $text1 = _("Update"); echo " <i>{$text}</i> <a href=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&updcache=1\"> {$text1} </a>"; } else { /* Cache Report if this took longer than 1/2 second*/ if ($Time > 0.5) { ReportCachePut($CacheKey, $V); } } return; }
/** * \brief test for ReportCacheGet */ function testReportCacheGet() { print "test function ReportCacheGet()\n"; global $PG_CONN; global $upload_pk; global $uploadtree_pk; global $UserCacheStat; $this->preparation4ReportCachePut(); /** put an Cache record */ $CacheKey = "?mod=nomoslicense&upload={$upload_pk}&item={$uploadtree_pk}&show=detail"; $CacheValue = "no data"; ReportCachePut($CacheKey, $CacheValue); /** get the cache value thru CacheKey */ $UserCacheStat = 2; /**< Cache is off for this user */ $value = ReportCacheGet($CacheKey); $this->assertEquals($CacheValue, $value); $this->resetEnv4ReportCachePut(); print "unit test for common-cache.php end\n"; }
/** * @brief Output(): * Requires:\n filter: optional filter to apply\n item1: uploadtree_pk of the column 1 tree\n item2: uploadtree_pk of the column 2 tree\n freeze: column number (1 or 2) to freeze */ function Output() { if ($this->State != PLUGIN_STATE_READY) { return 0; } $uTime = microtime(true); $V = ""; $UpdCache = GetParm("updcache", PARM_INTEGER); /* Remove "updcache" from the GET args and set $this->UpdCache * This way all the url's based on the input args won't be * polluted with updcache * Use Traceback_parm_keep to ensure that all parameters are in order */ $CacheKey = "?mod=" . $this->Name . Traceback_parm_keep(array("item1", "item2", "filter", "col", "freeze", "itemf")); if ($UpdCache) { $UpdCache = $_GET['updcache']; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = preg_replace("/&updcache=[0-9]*/", "", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); unset($_GET['updcache']); $V = ReportCachePurgeByKey($CacheKey); } else { $V = ReportCacheGet($CacheKey); } $Cached = !empty($V); if (!$Cached) { $V = $this->htmlContent(); } if (!$this->OutputToStdout) { return $V; } print "{$V}"; $Time = microtime(true) - $uTime; // convert usecs to secs $text = _("Elapsed time: %.2f seconds"); printf("<small>{$text}</small>", $Time); if ($Cached) { $text = _("cached"); $text1 = _("Update"); echo " <i>{$text}</i> <a href=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}&updcache=1\"> {$text1} </a>"; } else { if ($Time > 0.5) { ReportCachePut($CacheKey, $V); } } return; }