function EditSearchLoadTb($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $lid = (int) $add['lid']; $tbname = RepPostVar($add['tbname']); $titlefield = RepPostVar($add['titlefield']); $infotextfield = RepPostVar($add['infotextfield']); $smalltextfield = RepPostVar($add['smalltextfield']); $loadnum = (int) $add['loadnum']; if (!$tbname || !$titlefield || !$infotextfield || !$smalltextfield || !$loadnum) { printerror("EmptySearchLoadTb", "history.go(-1)"); } //操作权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "searchall"); if ($tbname != $add['oldtbname']) { //表是否存在 $tbnum = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}enewssearchall_load where tbname='{$tbname}' and lid<>{$lid} limit 1"); if ($tbnum) { printerror("ReSearchLoadTb", "history.go(-1)"); } } $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewssearchall_load set tbname='{$tbname}',titlefield='{$titlefield}',infotextfield='{$infotextfield}',smalltextfield='{$smalltextfield}',loadnum='{$loadnum}' where lid='{$lid}'"); GetSearchAllTb(); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("lid=" . $lid . "&tbname=" . $tbname); printerror("EditSearchLoadTbSuccess", "ListSearchLoadTb.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1)); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function AddGbook($add) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $level_r, $public_r; //验证IP eCheckAccessDoIp('gbook'); CheckCanPostUrl(); //验证来源 $bid = (int) getcvar('gbookbid'); if (empty($bid)) { $bid = intval($add[bid]); } $name = RepPostStr(trim($add[name])); $email = RepPostStr($add[email]); $call = RepPostStr($add[call]); $lytext = RepPostStr($add[lytext]); if (empty($bid) || empty($name) || empty($email) || !trim($lytext)) { printerror("EmptyGbookname", "history.go(-1)", 1); } if (!chemail($email)) { printerror("EmailFail", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //验证码 $keyvname = 'checkgbookkey'; if ($public_r['gbkey_ok']) { ecmsCheckShowKey($keyvname, $add['key'], 1); } $lasttime = getcvar('lastgbooktime'); if ($lasttime) { if (time() - $lasttime < $public_r['regbooktime']) { printerror("GbOutTime", "", 1); } } //版面是否存在 $br = $empire->fetch1("select bid,checked,groupid from {$dbtbpre}enewsgbookclass where bid='{$bid}';"); if (empty($br[bid])) { printerror("EmptyGbook", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //权限 if ($br['groupid']) { $user = islogin(); if ($level_r[$br[groupid]][level] > $level_r[$user[groupid]][level]) { printerror("HaveNotEnLevel", "history.go(-1)", 1); } } $lytime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $ip = egetip(); $userid = (int) getcvar('mluserid'); $username = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlusername')); $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}enewsgbook(name,email,`call`,lytime,lytext,retext,bid,ip,checked,userid,username) values('{$name}','{$email}','{$call}','{$lytime}','{$lytext}','','{$bid}','{$ip}','{$br['checked']}','{$userid}','{$username}');"); ecmsEmptyShowKey($keyvname); //清空验证码 if ($sql) { esetcookie("lastgbooktime", time(), time() + 3600 * 24); //设置最后发表时间 $reurl = DoingReturnUrl("../tool/gbook/?bid={$bid}", $add['ecmsfrom']); printerror("AddGbookSuccess", $reurl, 1); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1); } }
function EditPubVar($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $add[varid] = (int) $add['varid']; $add[myvar] = RepPostVar($add[myvar]); if (!$add[varid] || !$add[myvar] || !$add[varname]) { printerror("EmptyPubVar", "history.go(-1)"); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "pubvar"); if ($add[myvar] != $add[oldmyvar]) { $num = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}enewspubvar where myvar='{$add['myvar']}' and varid<>{$add['varid']} limit 1"); if ($num) { printerror("RePubVar", "history.go(-1)"); } } $add[varvalue] = AddAddsData(RepPhpAspJspcode($add[varvalue])); $classid = (int) $add[classid]; $tocache = (int) $add[tocache]; $add[myorder] = (int) $add[myorder]; $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewspubvar set myvar='{$add['myvar']}',varname='{$add['varname']}',varvalue='" . $add[varvalue] . "',varsay='{$add['varsay']}',myorder='{$add['myorder']}',classid='{$classid}',tocache='{$tocache}' where varid='{$add['varid']}'"); if ($tocache || $add['oldtocache']) { GetConfig(); } if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("varid=" . $add[varid] . "<br>var=" . $add[myvar]); printerror("EditPubVarSuccess", "ListPubVar.php?classid={$add['cid']}" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(0)); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function EditSp($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $add['varname'] = RepPostVar($add['varname']); $spid = (int) $add[spid]; if (!$spid || !$add[spname] || !$add[varname]) { printerror("EmptySp", "history.go(-1)"); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "sp"); $num = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}enewssp where varname='{$add['varname']}' and spid<>{$spid} limit 1"); if ($num) { printerror("HaveSp", "history.go(-1)"); } $add[sptype] = (int) $add[sptype]; $add[cid] = (int) $add[cid]; $add[classid] = (int) $add[classid]; $add[tempid] = (int) $add[tempid]; $add[maxnum] = (int) $add[maxnum]; $sptime = time(); $groupid = ReturnSpGroup($add[groupid]); $userclass = ReturnSpGroup($add[userclass]); $username = '******' . $add[username] . ','; $add[isclose] = (int) $add[isclose]; $add[cladd] = (int) $add[cladd]; $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewssp set spname='{$add['spname']}',varname='{$add['varname']}',sppic='{$add['sppic']}',spsay='{$add['spsay']}',sptype='{$add['sptype']}',cid='{$add['cid']}',classid='{$add['classid']}',tempid='{$add['tempid']}',maxnum='{$add['maxnum']}',groupid='{$groupid}',userclass='{$userclass}',username='******',isclose='{$add['isclose']}',cladd='{$add['cladd']}' where spid='{$spid}'"); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("spid=" . $spid . "<br>spname=" . $add[spname]); printerror("EditSpSuccess", "ListSp.php?cid={$add['fcid']}&fclassid={$add['fclassid']}&fsptype={$add['fsptype']}"); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function EditFriend($add) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; //是否登陆 $user_r = islogin(); $fid = (int) $add['fid']; $fname = RepPostVar(trim($add['fname'])); $add['fcid'] = (int) $add['fcid']; if (!$fname || !$fid) { printerror("EmptyFriend", "", 1); } //加自己为好友 if ($fname == $user_r['username']) { printerror("NotAddFriendSelf", "", 1); } $num = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from " . eReturnMemberTable() . " where " . egetmf('username') . "='{$fname}' limit 1"); if (!$num) { printerror("NotFriendUsername", "", 1); } //重复提交 if ($fname != $add['oldfname']) { $num = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}enewshy where fname='{$fname}' and userid='{$user_r['userid']}' limit 1"); if ($num) { printerror("ReAddFriend", "", 1); } } $cid = (int) $add['cid']; $fsay = RepPostStr($add['fsay']); $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewshy set fname='" . addslashes($fname) . "',cid={$cid},fsay='" . addslashes($fsay) . "' where fid={$fid} and userid='{$user_r['userid']}'"); if ($sql) { printerror("EditFriendSuccess", "../member/friend/?cid={$add['fcid']}", 1); } else { printerror("DbError", "", 1); } }
function EditSafeInfo($add) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $public_r; $user_r = islogin(); //是否登陆 $userid = $user_r[userid]; $username = $user_r[username]; $rnd = $user_r[rnd]; //邮箱 $email = trim($add['email']); if (!$email || !chemail($email)) { printerror("EmailFail", "history.go(-1)", 1); } $email = RepPostStr($email); //验证原密码 $oldpassword = RepPostVar($add[oldpassword]); if (!$oldpassword) { printerror('FailOldPassword', '', 1); } $add[password] = RepPostVar($add[password]); $num = 0; $ur = $empire->fetch1("select " . eReturnSelectMemberF('userid,password,salt') . " from " . eReturnMemberTable() . " where " . egetmf('userid') . "='{$userid}'"); if (empty($ur['userid'])) { printerror('FailOldPassword', '', 1); } if (!eDoCkMemberPw($oldpassword, $ur['password'], $ur['salt'])) { printerror('FailOldPassword', '', 1); } //邮箱 $pr = $empire->fetch1("select regemailonly from {$dbtbpre}enewspublic limit 1"); if ($pr['regemailonly']) { $num = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from " . eReturnMemberTable() . " where " . egetmf('email') . "='{$email}' and " . egetmf('userid') . "<>'{$userid}' limit 1"); if ($num) { printerror("ReEmailFail", "history.go(-1)", 1); } } //密码 $a = ''; $salt = ''; $truepassword = ''; if ($add[password]) { if ($add[password] !== $add[repassword]) { printerror('NotRepassword', 'history.go(-1)', 1); } $salt = eReturnMemberSalt(); $password = eDoMemberPw($add[password], $salt); $a = "," . egetmf('password') . "='{$password}'," . egetmf('salt') . "='{$salt}'"; $truepassword = $add[password]; } $sql = $empire->query("update " . eReturnMemberTable() . " set " . egetmf('email') . "='{$email}'" . $a . " where " . egetmf('userid') . "='{$userid}'"); if ($sql) { //易通行系统 DoEpassport('editpassword', $userid, $username, $truepassword, $salt, $email, $user_r['groupid'], ''); printerror("EditInfoSuccess", "../member/EditInfo/EditSafeInfo.php", 1); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1); } }
function ReInfoUrl($start, $classid, $from, $retype, $startday, $endday, $startid, $endid, $tbname, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $public_r, $class_r, $fun_r, $dbtbpre; //验证权限 //CheckLevel($userid,$username,$classid,"changedata"); $start = (int) $start; $tbname = RepPostVar($tbname); if (empty($tbname) || !eCheckTbname($tbname)) { printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)"); } $add1 = ''; //按栏目刷新 $classid = (int) $classid; if ($classid) { if (empty($class_r[$classid][islast])) { $where = ReturnClass($class_r[$classid][sonclass]); } else { $where = "classid='{$classid}'"; } $add1 = " and (" . $where . ")"; } //按ID刷新 if ($retype) { $startid = (int) $startid; $endid = (int) $endid; if ($endid) { $add1 .= " and id>={$startid} and id<={$endid}"; } } else { $startday = RepPostVar($startday); $endday = RepPostVar($endday); if ($startday && $endday) { $add1 .= " and truetime>=" . to_time($startday . " 00:00:00") . " and truetime<=" . to_time($endday . " 23:59:59"); } } $b = 0; $sql = $empire->query("select id,classid,checked from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_index where id>{$start}" . $add1 . " order by id limit " . $public_r[delnewsnum]); while ($r = $empire->fetch($sql)) { $b = 1; $new_start = $r[id]; //返回表 $infotb = ReturnInfoMainTbname($tbname, $r['checked']); $infor = $empire->fetch1("select newspath,filename,groupid,isurl,titleurl from " . $infotb . " where id='{$r['id']}' limit 1"); $infourl = GotoGetTitleUrl($r['classid'], $r['id'], $infor['newspath'], $infor['filename'], $infor['groupid'], $infor['isurl'], $infor['titleurl']); $empire->query("update " . $infotb . " set titleurl='{$infourl}' where id='{$r['id']}' limit 1"); } if (empty($b)) { insert_dolog(""); //操作日志 printerror("ReInfoUrlSuccess", $from); } echo $fun_r[OneReInfoUrlSuccess] . "(ID:<font color=red><b>" . $new_start . "</b></font>)<script>self.location.href='ReInfoUrl.php?enews=ReInfoUrl&tbname={$tbname}&classid={$classid}&start={$new_start}&from=" . urlencode($from) . "&retype={$retype}&startday={$startday}&endday={$endday}&startid={$startid}&endid={$endid}" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref(0) . "';</script>"; exit; }
function SetWap($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $wapopen = (int) $add['wapopen']; $wapdefstyle = (int) $add['wapdefstyle']; $wapshowmid = RepPostVar($add['wapshowmid']); $waplistnum = (int) $add['waplistnum']; $wapsubtitle = (int) $add['wapsubtitle']; $wapchar = (int) $add['wapchar']; $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewspublic set wapopen={$wapopen},wapdefstyle={$wapdefstyle},wapshowmid='{$wapshowmid}',waplistnum={$waplistnum},wapsubtitle={$wapsubtitle},wapshowdate='{$add['wapshowdate']}',wapchar={$wapchar} limit 1"); //操作日志 insert_dolog(""); printerror("SetWapSuccess", "SetWap.php"); }
function EditSp($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $add['varname'] = RepPostVar($add['varname']); $spid = (int) $add[spid]; if (!$spid || !$add[spname] || !$add[varname]) { printerror("EmptySp", "history.go(-1)"); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "sp"); $num = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}enewssp where varname='{$add['varname']}' and spid<>{$spid} limit 1"); if ($num) { printerror("HaveSp", "history.go(-1)"); } $add[sptype] = (int) $add[sptype]; $add[cid] = (int) $add[cid]; $add[classid] = (int) $add[classid]; $add[tempid] = (int) $add[tempid]; $add[maxnum] = (int) $add[maxnum]; $sptime = time(); $groupid = ReturnSpGroup($add[groupid]); $userclass = ReturnSpGroup($add[userclass]); $username = '******' . $add[username] . ','; $add[isclose] = (int) $add[isclose]; $add[cladd] = (int) $add[cladd]; $add['refile'] = (int) $add['refile']; $add['spfile'] = DoRepFileXg($add['spfile']); $add['oldspfile'] = DoRepFileXg($add['oldspfile']); $add['spfileline'] = (int) $add['spfileline']; $add['spfilesub'] = (int) $add['spfilesub']; $add['filepass'] = (int) $add['filepass']; $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewssp set spname='{$add['spname']}',varname='{$add['varname']}',sppic='{$add['sppic']}',spsay='{$add['spsay']}',sptype='{$add['sptype']}',cid='{$add['cid']}',classid='{$add['classid']}',tempid='{$add['tempid']}',maxnum='{$add['maxnum']}',groupid='{$groupid}',userclass='{$userclass}',username='******',isclose='{$add['isclose']}',cladd='{$add['cladd']}',refile='{$add['refile']}',spfile='{$add['spfile']}',spfileline='{$add['spfileline']}',spfilesub='{$add['spfilesub']}' where spid='{$spid}'"); //更新附件 UpdateTheFileEditOther(7, $spid, 'other'); //生成碎片文件 if ($add['refile']) { //旧文件 if ($add['spfile'] != $add['oldspfile']) { DelSpReFile($add['oldspfile']); } DoSpReFile($add, 0); } if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("spid=" . $spid . "<br>spname=" . $add[spname]); printerror("EditSpSuccess", "ListSp.php?cid={$add['fcid']}&fclassid={$add['fclassid']}&fsptype={$add['fsptype']}" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(0)); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function AddMemberFeedback($add) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; //验证码 $keyvname = 'checkspacefbkey'; ecmsCheckShowKey($keyvname, $add['key'], 1); //用户 $userid = intval($add['userid']); $ur = $empire->fetch1("select " . egetmf('userid') . " from " . eReturnMemberTable() . " where " . egetmf('userid') . "='{$userid}' limit 1"); if (empty($ur['userid'])) { printerror("NotUsername", "", 1); } //发表者 $uid = (int) getcvar('mluserid'); if ($uid) { $uname = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlusername')); } else { $uid = 0; $uname = ''; } $uname = RepPostStr($uname); $name = RepPostStr($add['name']); $company = RepPostStr($add['company']); $phone = RepPostStr($add['phone']); $fax = RepPostStr($add['fax']); $email = RepPostStr($add['email']); $address = RepPostStr($add['address']); $zip = RepPostStr($add['zip']); $title = RepPostStr($add['title']); $ftext = RepPostStr($add['ftext']); if (!trim($name) || !trim($title) || !trim($ftext)) { printerror("EmptyMemberFeedback", "history.go(-1)", 1); } $addtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $ip = egetip(); $eipport = egetipport(); $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}enewsmemberfeedback(name,company,phone,fax,email,address,zip,title,ftext,userid,ip,uid,uname,addtime,eipport) values('{$name}','{$company}','{$phone}','{$fax}','{$email}','{$address}','{$zip}','{$title}','{$ftext}',{$userid},'{$ip}',{$uid},'{$uname}','{$addtime}','{$eipport}');"); ecmsEmptyShowKey($keyvname); //清空验证码 if ($sql) { printerror("AddMemberFeedbackSuccess", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 1); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1); } }
function EditInfoType($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $emod_r; $tid = (int) $add['tid']; $tbname = RepPostVar($add['tbname']); $mid = (int) $add[mid]; $typeid = $add['typeid']; $tname = $add['tname']; $myorder = $add['myorder']; $yhid = $add['yhid']; $deltypeid = $add['deltypeid']; $count = count($typeid); if (!$tid || !$tbname || !$mid || !$count) { printerror("EmptyInfoTypeName", "history.go(-1)"); } //删除 $del = 0; $ids = ''; $delcount = count($deltypeid); if ($delcount) { $dh = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < $delcount; $j++) { $ids .= $dh . intval($deltypeid[$j]); $dh = ','; } $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsinfotype where typeid in (" . $ids . ")"); if ($emod_r[$mid][tbname]) { $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $emod_r[$mid][tbname] . " set ttid=0 where ttid in (" . $ids . ")"); } $del = 1; } //修改 for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { if (strstr(',' . $ids . ',', ',' . $typeid[$i] . ',')) { continue; } $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewsinfotype set tname='" . $tname[$i] . "',myorder='" . intval($myorder[$i]) . "',yhid='" . intval($yhid[$i]) . "' where typeid='" . intval($typeid[$i]) . "'"); } GetClass(); //更新缓存 //操作日志 insert_dolog("mid=" . $mid . "&del={$del}"); printerror("EditInfoTypeSuccess", "InfoType.php?tid={$tid}&tbname={$tbname}&mid={$mid}"); }
function DelDoLog_date($add, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "log"); $start = RepPostVar($add['startday']); $end = RepPostVar($add['endday']); if (!$start || !$end) { printerror('EmptyDelLogTime', ''); } $startday = $start . ' 00:00:00'; $endday = $end . ' 23:59:59'; $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsdolog where logtime<='{$endday}' and logtime>='{$startday}'"); if ($sql) { //操作日志 insert_dolog("time=" . $start . "~" . $end); printerror("DelLogSuccess", "ListDolog.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1)); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)"); } }
function AddMemberGbook($add) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; //验证码 $keyvname = 'checkspacegbkey'; ecmsCheckShowKey($keyvname, $add['key'], 1); //用户 $userid = intval($add['userid']); $ur = $empire->fetch1("select " . eReturnSelectMemberF('userid') . " from " . eReturnMemberTable() . " where " . egetmf('userid') . "='{$userid}' limit 1"); if (empty($ur['userid'])) { printerror("NotUsername", "", 1); } //发表者 $uid = (int) getcvar('mluserid'); if ($uid) { $uname = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlusername')); } else { $uid = 0; $uname = trim($add['uname']); } $uname = RepPostStr($uname); $gbtext = RepPostStr($add['gbtext']); if (empty($uname) || !trim($gbtext)) { printerror("EmptyMemberGbook", "history.go(-1)", 1); } $isprivate = intval($add['isprivate']); $addtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $ip = egetip(); $eipport = egetipport(); $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}enewsmembergbook(userid,isprivate,uid,uname,ip,addtime,gbtext,retext,eipport) values({$userid},{$isprivate},{$uid},'{$uname}','{$ip}','{$addtime}','{$gbtext}','','{$eipport}');"); ecmsEmptyShowKey($keyvname); //清空验证码 if ($sql) { printerror("AddMemberGbookSuccess", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 1); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1); } }
function AddMsg($add) { global $empire, $level_r, $dbtbpre; $user = islogin(); $title = RepPostStr(trim($add['title'])); $to_username = RepPostVar(trim($add['to_username'])); $msgtext = RepPostStr($add['msgtext']); if (empty($title) || !trim($msgtext) || empty($to_username)) { printerror("EmptyMsg", "", 1); } if ($user['username'] == $to_username) { printerror("MsgToself", "", 1); } //字数 $len = strlen($msgtext); if ($len > $level_r[$user[groupid]][msglen]) { printerror("MoreMsglen", "", 1); } //接收方是否存在 $r = $empire->fetch1("select " . eReturnSelectMemberF('userid,groupid') . " from " . eReturnMemberTable() . " where " . egetmf('username') . "='{$to_username}' limit 1"); if (!$r['userid']) { printerror("MsgNotToUsername", "", 1); } //对方短消息是否满 $mnum = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}enewsqmsg where to_username='******'"); if ($mnum + 1 > $level_r[$r[groupid]][msgnum]) { printerror("UserMoreMsgnum", "", 1); } $msgtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}enewsqmsg(title,msgtext,haveread,msgtime,to_username,from_userid,from_username,isadmin,issys) values('" . addslashes($title) . "','" . addslashes($msgtext) . "',0,'{$msgtime}','{$to_username}','{$user['userid']}','{$user['username']}',0,0);"); $newhavemsg = eReturnSetHavemsg($user['havemsg'], 0); $usql = $empire->query("update " . eReturnMemberTable() . " set " . egetmf('havemsg') . "='{$newhavemsg}' where " . egetmf('username') . "='{$to_username}' limit 1"); if ($sql) { printerror("AddMsgSuccess", "../member/msg/", 1); } else { printerror("DbError", "", 1); } }
function CardGetFen($username, $reusername, $card_no, $password) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $card_no = RepPostVar($card_no); $password = RepPostVar($password); $username = RepPostVar($username); if (!trim($username) || !trim($card_no) || !trim($password)) { printerror("EmptyGetCard", "history.go(-1)", 1); } if ($username != $reusername) { printerror("DifCardUsername", "history.go(-1)", 1); } $user = $empire->fetch1("select " . eReturnSelectMemberF('userid,userdate,username') . " from " . eReturnMemberTable() . " where " . egetmf('username') . "='{$username}' limit 1"); if (!$user['userid']) { printerror("ExiestCardUsername", "history.go(-1)", 1); } $num = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}enewscard where card_no='" . $card_no . "' and password='******' limit 1"); if (!$num) { printerror("CardPassError", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //是否过期 $buytime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $r = $empire->fetch1("select cardfen,money,endtime,carddate,cdgroupid,cdzgroupid from {$dbtbpre}enewscard where card_no='{$card_no}' limit 1"); if ($r[endtime] != "0000-00-00") { $endtime = to_date($r[endtime]); if ($endtime < time()) { printerror("CardOutDate", "history.go(-1)", 1); } } //充值 eAddFenToUser($r[cardfen], $r[carddate], $r[cdgroupid], $r[cdzgroupid], $user); $sql1 = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewscard where card_no='{$card_no}'"); //删除卡号 //备份购买记录 BakBuy($user['userid'], $username, $card_no, $r[cardfen], $r[money], $r[carddate], 0); printerror("CardGetFenSuccess", "../member/card/", 1); }
document.images.<?php echo $menuname; ?> img.src="<?php echo $noaddimgurl; ?> "; </script> <?php } //网页标题 $thispagetitle = $public_diyr['pagetitle'] ? $public_diyr['pagetitle'] : '会员中心'; //会员信息 $tmgetuserid = (int) getcvar('mluserid'); //用户ID $tmgetusername = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlusername')); //用户名 $tmgetgroupid = (int) getcvar('mlgroupid'); //用户组ID $tmgetgroupname = '游客'; //会员组名称 if ($tmgetgroupid) { $tmgetgroupname = $level_r[$tmgetgroupid]['groupname']; if (!$tmgetgroupname) { include_once ECMS_PATH . DASHBOARD . '/data/dbcache/MemberLevel.php'; $tmgetgroupname = $level_r[$tmgetgroupid]['groupname']; } } //模型 $tgetmid = (int) $_GET['mid']; ?>
function MemberConnect_BindUser($userid) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $public_r; $apptype = RepPostVar($_SESSION['apptype']); $openid = RepPostVar($_SESSION['openid']); if (!trim($apptype) || !trim($openid)) { printerror2('来自的链接不存在', '../../../'); } $appr = MemberConnect_CheckApptype($apptype); //验证登录方式 MemberConnect_CheckBindKey($apptype, $openid); MemberConnect_InsertBind($apptype, $openid, $userid); MemberConnect_ResetVar(); }
function Ebak_ReplaceTable($tablename, $oldpre, $newpre, $dbname) { global $empire; if (!$oldpre) { printerror("EmptyReplaceTablePre", "history.go(-1)"); } $dbname = RepPostVar($dbname); $empire->query("use `{$dbname}`"); $count = count($tablename); if (empty($count)) { printerror("EmptyChangeTb", "history.go(-1)"); } for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $newtbname = str_replace($oldpre, $newpre, $tablename[$i]); $empire->query("ALTER TABLE `" . $tablename[$i] . "` RENAME `" . $newtbname . "`;"); } printerror("ReplaceTbSuccess", "ChangeTable.php?mydbname={$dbname}"); }
function login1($username, $password, $lifetime, $key, $location) { global $empire, $user_tablename, $user_userid, $user_username, $user_password, $user_dopass, $user_group, $user_groupid, $user_rnd, $public_r, $user_salt, $user_saltnum, $dbtbpre, $eloginurl, $user_checked; if ($eloginurl) { Header("Location:{$eloginurl}"); exit; } $dopr = 1; if ($_POST['prtype']) { $dopr = 9; } if (!trim($username) || !trim($password)) { printerror("EmptyLogin", "history.go(-1)", $dopr); } //验证码 $keyvname = 'checkloginkey'; if ($public_r['loginkey_ok']) { ecmsCheckShowKey($keyvname, $key, $dopr); } $username = RepPostVar($username); $password = RepPostVar($password); //编码转换 $utfusername = doUtfAndGbk($username, 0); $password = doUtfAndGbk($password, 0); //密码 if (empty($user_dopass)) { $password = md5($password); } if ($user_dopass == 3) { $password = substr(md5($password), 8, 16); } //双重md5 $num = 0; if ($user_dopass == 2) { $ur = $empire->fetch1("select " . $user_userid . "," . $user_salt . "," . $user_password . " from " . $user_tablename . " where " . $user_username . "='{$utfusername}' limit 1"); $password = md5(md5($password) . $ur[$user_salt]); $num = 0; if ($password == $ur[$user_password]) { $num = 1; } if (empty($ur[$user_userid])) { $num = 0; } } else { $num = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from " . $user_tablename . " where " . $user_username . "='{$utfusername}' and " . $user_password . "='" . $password . "' limit 1"); } if (!$num) { printerror("FailPassword", "history.go(-1)", $dopr); } $r = $empire->fetch1("select * from " . $user_tablename . " where " . $user_username . "='{$utfusername}' limit 1"); if ($r[$user_checked] == 0) { if ($public_r['regacttype'] == 1) { printerror('NotCheckedUser', '../member/register/regsend.php', 1); } else { printerror('NotCheckedUser', '', 1); } } $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $rnd = make_password(12); //取得随机密码 //默认会员组 if (empty($r[$user_group])) { $r[$user_group] = $user_groupid; } $r[$user_group] = (int) $r[$user_group]; $usql = $empire->query("update " . $user_tablename . " set " . $user_rnd . "='{$rnd}'," . $user_group . "=" . $r[$user_group] . " where " . $user_userid . "='{$r[$user_userid]}'"); //设置cookie $logincookie = 0; if ($lifetime) { $logincookie = time() + $lifetime; } $set1 = esetcookie("mlusername", $username, $logincookie); $set2 = esetcookie("mluserid", $r[$user_userid], $logincookie); $set3 = esetcookie("mlgroupid", $r[$user_group], $logincookie); $set4 = esetcookie("mlrnd", $rnd, $logincookie); //登录附加cookie AddLoginCookie($r); $location = "../member/cp/"; $returnurl = getcvar('returnurl'); if ($returnurl) { $location = $returnurl; } if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "e/member/iframe")) { $location = "../member/iframe/"; } if (strstr($location, "enews=exit") || strstr($location, "e/member/register") || strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "e/member/register")) { $location = "../member/cp/"; $_POST['ecmsfrom'] = ''; } ecmsEmptyShowKey($keyvname); //清空验证码 $set6 = esetcookie("returnurl", ""); if ($set1 && $set2) { $location = DoingReturnUrl($location, $_POST['ecmsfrom']); printerror("LoginSuccess", $location, $dopr); } else { printerror("NotCookie", "history.go(-1)", $dopr); } }
function DelMoreGbook($add, $logininid, $loginin) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; CheckLevel($logininid, $loginin, $classid, "gbook"); //验证权限 //变量处理 $name = RepPostStr($add['name']); $ip = RepPostVar($add['ip']); $email = RepPostStr($add['email']); $mycall = RepPostStr($add['mycall']); $lytext = RepPostStr($add['lytext']); $startlyid = (int) $add['startlyid']; $endlyid = (int) $add['endlyid']; $startlytime = RepPostVar($add['startlytime']); $endlytime = RepPostVar($add['endlytime']); $checked = (int) $add['checked']; $ismember = (int) $add['ismember']; $bid = (int) $add['bid']; $havere = (int) $add['havere']; $where = ''; //留言分类 if ($bid) { $where .= " and bid='{$bid}'"; } //是否会员 if ($ismember) { if ($ismember == 1) { $where .= " and userid=0"; } else { $where .= " and userid>0"; } } //留言ID if ($endlyid) { $where .= ' and lyid BETWEEN ' . $startlyid . ' and ' . $endlyid; } //发布时间 if ($startlytime && $endlytime) { $where .= " and lytime>='{$startlytime}' and lytime<='{$endlytime}'"; } //是否审核 if ($checked) { $checkval = $checked == 1 ? 0 : 1; $where .= " and checked='{$checkval}'"; } //是否回复 if ($havere) { if ($havere == 1) { $where .= " and retext<>''"; } else { $where .= " and retext=''"; } } //姓名 if ($name) { $where .= " and name like '%{$name}%'"; } //发布IP if ($ip) { $where .= " and ip like '%{$ip}%'"; } //邮箱 if ($email) { $where .= " and email like '%{$email}%'"; } //电话 if ($mycall) { $where .= " and `mycall` like '%{$mycall}%'"; } //留言内容 if ($lytext) { $where .= " and lytext like '%{$lytext}%'"; } if (!$where) { printerror("EmptyDelMoreGbook", "history.go(-1)"); } $where = substr($where, 5); $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsgbook where " . $where); insert_dolog(""); //操作日志 printerror("DelGbookSuccess", "DelMoreGbook.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1)); }
function ReturnSearchAllSql($add) { global $public_r, $class_r; //关闭 if (empty($public_r['openschall'])) { printerror("SchallClose", '', 1); } //关键字 $keyboard = RepPostVar2($add['keyboard']); if (!trim($keyboard)) { printerror('EmptySchallKeyboard', '', 1); } $strlen = strlen($keyboard); if ($strlen < $public_r['schallminlen'] || $strlen > $public_r['schallmaxlen']) { printerror('SchallMinKeyboard', '', 1); } $returnr['keyboard'] = ehtmlspecialchars($keyboard); $returnr['search'] = "&keyboard=" . $keyboard; //字段 $field = (int) $add['field']; if ($field) { $returnr['search'] .= "&field=" . $field; } if ($field == 1) { if ($public_r['schallfield'] != 1) { printerror('SchallNotOpenTitleText', '', 1); } $sf = "title,infotext"; } elseif ($field == 2) { if ($public_r['schallfield'] == 3) { printerror('SchallNotOpenTitle', '', 1); } $sf = "title"; } elseif ($field == 3) { if ($public_r['schallfield'] == 2) { printerror('SchallNotOpenText', '', 1); } $sf = "infotext"; } else { $sf = ReturnSearchAllField(0); } $where = ''; //栏目 $classid = RepPostVar($add['classid']); if ($classid) { $returnr['search'] .= "&classid=" . $classid; if (strstr($classid, ",")) { $son_r = sys_ReturnMoreClass($classid, 1); $where .= '(' . $son_r[1] . ') and '; } else { $classid = (int) $classid; $where .= $class_r[$classid][islast] ? "classid='{$classid}' and " : ReturnClass($class_r[$classid][sonclass]) . ' and '; } } //关键字 if (strstr($keyboard, ' ')) { $andkey = ''; $keyr = explode(' ', $keyboard); $kcount = count($keyr); for ($i = 0; $i < $kcount; $i++) { if (strlen($keyr[$i]) < $public_r['schallminlen']) { continue; } $kb = SearchAllChangeChar($keyr[$i]); //转码 $kb = SearchReturnSaveStr($kb); $kb = RepPostVar2($kb); if (!trim($kb)) { continue; } $where .= $andkey . "MATCH(" . $sf . ") AGAINST('" . $kb . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; $andkey = ' and '; } if (empty($where)) { printerror('SchallMinKeyboard', '', 1); } } else { $keyboard = SearchAllChangeChar($keyboard); //转码 $keyboard = SearchReturnSaveStr($keyboard); $keyboard = RepPostVar2($keyboard); if (!trim($keyboard)) { printerror('EmptySchallKeyboard', '', 1); } $where .= "MATCH(" . $sf . ") AGAINST('" . $keyboard . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; } $returnr['where'] = $where; return $returnr; }
function AddDd($add) { global $empire, $user_tablename, $user_money, $user_userid, $user_userfen, $user_rnd, $public_r, $dbtbpre; //验证权限 ShopCheckAddDdGroup(); //购物车无内容 if (!getcvar('mybuycar')) { printerror("EmptyBuycar", "history.go(-1)", 1); } $add[ddno] = RepPostVar($add[ddno]); $add[truename] = RepPostStr($add[truename]); $add[oicq] = RepPostStr($add[oicq]); $add[msn] = RepPostStr($add[msn]); $add[call] = RepPostStr($add[call]); $add[phone] = RepPostStr($add[phone]); $add[email] = RepPostStr($add[email]); $add[address] = RepPostStr($add[address]); $add[zip] = RepPostStr($add[zip]); $add[bz] = RepPostStr($add[bz]); $add[g_truename] = RepPostStr($add[g_truename]); $add[g_oicq] = RepPostStr($add[g_oicq]); $add[g_msn] = RepPostStr($add[g_msn]); $add[g_call] = RepPostStr($add[g_call]); $add[g_phone] = RepPostStr($add[g_phone]); $add[g_email] = RepPostStr($add[g_email]); $add[g_address] = RepPostStr($add[g_address]); $add[g_zip] = RepPostStr($add[g_zip]); $add[fptt] = RepPostStr($add[fptt]); $add[fp] = (int) $add[fp]; $add[psid] = (int) $add[psid]; $add[payfsid] = (int) $add[payfsid]; if (!$add[truename] || !$add[call] || !$add[email] || !$add[address] || !$add[g_truename] || !$add[g_call] || !$add[g_address] || !$add[g_email] || !$add[psid] || !$add[payfsid]) { printerror("MustEnterSelect", "history.go(-1)", 1); } $mess = "AddDdSuccess"; $haveprice = 0; $payby = 0; //返回购物车存放格式 $buyr = ReturnBuycardd(); $alltotal = $buyr[2]; $alltotalfen = $buyr[1]; $buycar = $buyr[3]; //发票 $fptotal = 0; if ($add[fp]) { $fptotal = $alltotal * ($public_r[fpnum] / 100); } //配送方式 $pr = $empire->fetch1("select pid,pname,price from {$dbtbpre}enewsshopps where pid='{$add['psid']}'"); if (empty($pr[pid])) { printerror("NotPsid", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //支付方式 $payr = $empire->fetch1("select payid,payname,payurl,userpay,userfen from {$dbtbpre}enewsshoppayfs where payid='{$add['payfsid']}'"); if (empty($payr[payid])) { printerror("NotPayfsid", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //取得用户信息 $userid = (int) getcvar('mluserid'); $username = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlusername')); if ($userid) { $rnd = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlrnd')); $user = $empire->fetch1("select " . $user_userid . "," . $user_money . "," . $user_userfen . " from " . $user_tablename . " where " . $user_userid . "='{$userid}' and " . $user_rnd . "='{$rnd}' limit 1"); if (!$user[$user_userid]) { printerror("MustSingleUser", "history.go(-1)", 1); } } $location = "../ShopSys/buycar/"; //直接扣点 if ($payr[userfen]) { if ($buyr[0]) { printerror("NotProductForBuyfen", "history.go(-1)", 1); } else { if ($userid) { $buyallfen = $alltotalfen + $pr[price]; if ($buyallfen > $user[$user_userfen]) { printerror("NotEnoughFenBuy", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //扣除点数 $usql = $empire->query("update " . $user_tablename . " set " . $user_userfen . "=" . $user_userfen . "-" . $buyallfen . " where " . $user_userid . "='{$userid}'"); if ($usql) { $mess = "AddDdSuccessa"; $payby = 1; $haveprice = 1; } } else { printerror("NotLoginTobuy", "history.go(-1)", 1); } } } elseif ($payr[userpay]) { if ($userid) { $buyallmoney = $alltotal + $pr[price] + $fptotal; if ($buyallmoney > $user[$user_money]) { printerror("NotEnoughMoneyBuy", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //扣除金额 $usql = $empire->query("update " . $user_tablename . " set " . $user_money . "=" . $user_money . "-" . $buyallmoney . " where " . $user_userid . "='{$userid}'"); if ($usql) { $mess = "AddDdSuccessa"; $payby = 2; $haveprice = 1; } } else { printerror("NotLoginTobuy", "history.go(-1)", 1); } } elseif ($payr[payurl]) { $mess = "AddDdAndToPaySuccess"; $location = $payr[payurl]; } else { } $ddtime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $pr[price] = (double) $pr[price]; $alltotal = (double) $alltotal; $alltotalfen = (double) $alltotalfen; $fptotal = (double) $fptotal; $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}enewsshopdd(ddno,ddtime,userid,username,outproduct,haveprice,checked,truename,oicq,msn,email,`call`,phone,address,zip,bz,g_truename,g_oicq,g_msn,g_email,g_call,g_phone,g_address,g_zip,buycar,psid,psname,pstotal,alltotal,payfsid,payfsname,payby,alltotalfen,fp,fptt,fptotal) values('{$add['ddno']}','{$ddtime}',{$userid},'{$username}',0,'{$haveprice}',0,'{$add['truename']}','{$add['oicq']}','{$add['msn']}','{$add['email']}','{$add['call']}','{$add['phone']}','{$add['address']}','{$add['zip']}','{$add['bz']}','{$add['g_truename']}','{$add['g_oicq']}','{$add['g_msn']}','{$add['g_email']}','{$add['g_call']}','{$add['g_phone']}','{$add['g_address']}','{$add['g_zip']}','" . addslashes($buycar) . "','{$add['psid']}','{$pr['pname']}',{$pr['price']},{$alltotal},'{$add['payfsid']}','{$payr['payname']}','{$payby}',{$alltotalfen},{$add['fp']},'{$add['fptt']}',{$fptotal});"); if ($sql) { $ddid = $empire->lastid(); $set = esetcookie("paymoneyddid", $ddid, 0); SetBuycar(""); printerror($mess, $location, 1); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1); } }
/** * 获取传递的参数 * @param string $method 接口方法名 */ function getParaArr($method, $isCheck = false) { $paraArr = array(); $paraConf = __loadConfig('config_interface_parame'); $paraKeyArr = $paraConf[$method]; sort($paraKeyArr); foreach ($paraKeyArr as &$value) { $paraArr[$value] = requestContext($value); } if ($isCheck) { //获取公用参数 $sig = isset($_GET['sig']) && RepPostVar($_GET['sig']) ? RepPostVar($_GET['sig']) : ''; //校验,先对数组转为字符串,然后加上密钥,再与传递过来的Sig比对 $verifyStr = arrToStr($paraArr, '') . 'secret=' . SECRET; if ($sig != md5($verifyStr)) { return 0; } else { return $paraArr; } } else { return $paraArr; } }
function AddFeedback($add) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $level_r, $public_r; CheckCanPostUrl(); //验证来源 if ($add['bid']) { $bid = (int) $add['bid']; } else { $bid = (int) getcvar('feedbackbid'); } if (empty($bid)) { printerror("EmptyFeedbackname", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //验证码 $keyvname = 'checkfeedbackkey'; if ($public_r['fbkey_ok']) { ecmsCheckShowKey($keyvname, $add['key'], 1); } //版面是否存在 $br = $empire->fetch1("select bid,enter,mustenter,filef,groupid,checkboxf from {$dbtbpre}enewsfeedbackclass where bid='{$bid}';"); if (empty($br['bid'])) { printerror("EmptyFeedback", "history.go(-1)", 1); } //权限 if ($br['groupid']) { $user = islogin(); if ($level_r[$br[groupid]][level] > $level_r[$user[groupid]][level]) { printerror("HaveNotEnLevel", "history.go(-1)", 1); } } $pr = $empire->fetch1("select feedbacktfile,feedbackfilesize,feedbackfiletype from {$dbtbpre}enewspublic limit 1"); //必填项 $mustr = explode(",", $br['mustenter']); $count = count($mustr); for ($i = 1; $i < $count - 1; $i++) { $mf = $mustr[$i]; if (strstr($br['filef'], "," . $mf . ",")) { if (!$pr['feedbacktfile']) { printerror("NotOpenFBFile", "", 1); } if (!$_FILES[$mf]['name']) { printerror("EmptyFeedbackname", "", 1); } } else { $chmustval = ReturnFBCheckboxAddF($add[$mf], $mf, $br['checkboxf']); if (!trim($chmustval)) { printerror("EmptyFeedbackname", "", 1); } } } $saytime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //字段处理 $dh = ""; $tranf = ""; $record = "<!--record-->"; $field = "<!--field--->"; $er = explode($record, $br['enter']); $count = count($er); for ($i = 0; $i < $count - 1; $i++) { $er1 = explode($field, $er[$i]); $f = $er1[1]; //附件 $add[$f] = str_replace('[!#@-', 'ecms', $add[$f]); if (strstr($br['filef'], "," . $f . ",")) { if ($_FILES[$f]['name']) { if (!$pr['feedbacktfile']) { printerror("NotOpenFBFile", "", 1); } $filetype = GetFiletype($_FILES[$f]['name']); //取得文件类型 if (CheckSaveTranFiletype($filetype)) { printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 1); } if (!strstr($pr['feedbackfiletype'], "|" . $filetype . "|")) { printerror("NotQTranFiletype", "", 1); } if ($_FILES[$f]['size'] > $pr['feedbackfilesize'] * 1024) { printerror("TooBigQTranFile", "", 1); } $tranf .= $dh . $f; $dh = ","; $fval = "[!#@-" . $f . "-@!]"; } else { $fval = ""; } } else { $add[$f] = ReturnFBCheckboxAddF($add[$f], $f, $br['checkboxf']); $fval = $add[$f]; } $addf .= ",`" . $f . "`"; $addval .= ",'" . addslashes(RepPostStr($fval)) . "'"; } $type = 0; $classid = 0; $filename = ''; $filepath = ''; $userid = (int) getcvar('mluserid'); $username = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlusername')); $filepass = ReturnTranFilepass(); //上传附件 if ($tranf) { $dh = ""; $tranr = explode(",", $tranf); $count = count($tranr); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $tf = $tranr[$i]; $tfr = DoTranFile($_FILES[$tf]['tmp_name'], $_FILES[$tf]['name'], $_FILES[$tf]['type'], $_FILES[$tf]['size'], $classid); if ($tfr['tran']) { $filepath = $tfr[filepath]; //写入数据库 $filetime = $saytime; $filesize = (int) $_FILES[$tf]['size']; eInsertFileTable($tfr[filename], $filesize, $tfr[filepath], '[Member]' . $username, $classid, '[FB]' . addslashes(RepPostStr($add[title])), $type, $filepass, $filepass, $public_r[fpath], 0, 4, 0); $repfval = ($tfr[filepath] ? $tfr[filepath] . '/' : '') . $tfr[filename]; $filename .= $dh . $tfr[filename]; $dh = ","; } else { $repfval = ""; } $addval = str_replace("[!#@-" . $tf . "-@!]", $repfval, $addval); } } $ip = egetip(); $eipport = egetipport(); $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}enewsfeedback(bid,saytime,ip,filepath,filename,userid,username,haveread,eipport" . $addf . ") values('{$bid}','{$saytime}','{$ip}','{$filepath}','{$filename}','{$userid}','{$username}',0,'{$eipport}'" . $addval . ");"); $fid = $empire->lastid(); //更新附件 UpdateTheFileOther(4, $fid, $filepass, 'other'); ecmsEmptyShowKey($keyvname); //清空验证码 if ($sql) { $reurl = DoingReturnUrl("../tool/feedback/?bid={$bid}", $add['ecmsfrom']); printerror("AddFeedbackSuccess", $reurl, 1); } else { printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1); } }
function DelMorePl($add, $logininid, $loginin) { global $empire, $dbtbpre, $class_r; CheckLevel($logininid, $loginin, $classid, "pl"); //验证权限 //变量处理 $username = RepPostVar($add['username']); $sayip = RepPostVar($add['sayip']); $startplid = (int) $add['startplid']; $endplid = (int) $add['endplid']; $startsaytime = RepPostVar($add['startsaytime']); $endsaytime = RepPostVar($add['endsaytime']); $checked = (int) $add['checked']; $ismember = (int) $add['ismember']; $classid = (int) $add['classid']; $id = RepPostVar($add['id']); $where = ''; //栏目 if ($classid) { if (empty($class_r[$classid][islast])) { $cwhere = ReturnClass($class_r[$classid][sonclass]); } else { $cwhere = "classid='{$classid}'"; } $where .= " and " . $cwhere; } //信息ID if ($id) { $idr = explode(',', $id); $ids = ''; $dh = ''; $count = count($idr); for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $ids .= $dh . intval($idr[$i]); $dh = ','; } $where .= " and id in (" . $ids . ")"; } //是否会员 if ($ismember) { if ($ismember == 1) { $where .= " and userid=0"; } else { $where .= " and userid>0"; } } //发布者 if ($username) { $where .= " and username like '%{$username}%'"; } //发布IP if ($sayip) { $where .= " and sayip like '%{$sayip}%'"; } //评论ID if ($endplid) { $where .= ' and plid BETWEEN ' . $startplid . ' and ' . $endplid; } //发布时间 if ($startsaytime && $endsaytime) { $where .= " and saytime>='{$startsaytime}' and saytime<='{$endsaytime}'"; } //是否审核 if ($checked) { $checkval = $checked == 1 ? 0 : 1; $where .= " and checked='{$checkval}'"; } if (!$where) { printerror("EmptyDelMorePl", "history.go(-1)"); } $where = substr($where, 5); $sql = $empire->query("select plid,id,classid,stb from {$dbtbpre}enewspl where " . $where); $dh = ''; $b = 0; while ($r = $empire->fetch($sql)) { $b = 1; $startid = $r['plid']; if ($class_r[$r[classid]][tbname]) { $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$r[classid]][tbname] . " set plnum=plnum-1 where id='{$r['id']}'"); } $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewspl_data_" . $r[stb] . " where plid='{$r['plid']}'"); } $sql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewspl where " . $where); insert_dolog(""); //操作日志 printerror("DelPlSuccess", "DelMorePl.php"); }
function Ebak_DoEbak($add){ global $empire,$bakpath,$fun_r,$phome_db_ver; $dbname=RepPostVar($add['mydbname']); if(empty($dbname)) { printerror("NotChangeDb","history.go(-1)"); } $tablename=$add['tablename']; $count=count($tablename); if(empty($count)) { printerror("EmptyChangeTb","history.go(-1)"); } $add['baktype']=(int)$add['baktype']; $add['filesize']=(int)$add['filesize']; $add['bakline']=(int)$add['bakline']; $add['autoauf']=(int)$add['autoauf']; if((!$add['filesize']&&!$add['baktype'])||(!$add['bakline']&&$add['baktype'])) { printerror("EmptyBakFilesize","history.go(-1)"); } //目录名 if(empty($add['mypath'])) { $add['mypath']=$dbname."_".date("YmdHis"); } DoMkdir($bakpath."/".$add['mypath']); //生成说明文件 $readme=$add['readme']; $rfile=$bakpath."/".$add['mypath']."/readme.txt"; $readme.="\r\n\r\nBaktime: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); WriteFiletext_n($rfile,$readme); $b_table=""; $d_table=""; for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) { $b_table.=$tablename[$i].","; $d_table.="\$tb[".$tablename[$i]."]=0;\r\n"; } //去掉最后一个, $b_table=substr($b_table,0,strlen($b_table)-1); $bakstru=(int)$add['bakstru']; $bakstrufour=(int)$add['bakstrufour']; $beover=(int)$add['beover']; $waitbaktime=(int)$add['waitbaktime']; $bakdatatype=(int)$add['bakdatatype']; if($add['insertf']=='insert') { $insertf='insert'; } else { $insertf='replace'; } if($phome_db_ver=='4.0'&&$add['dbchar']=='auto') { $add['dbchar']=''; } $string="<?php \$b_table=\"".$b_table."\"; ".$d_table." \$b_baktype=".$add['baktype']."; \$b_filesize=".$add['filesize']."; \$b_bakline=".$add['bakline']."; \$b_autoauf=".$add['autoauf']."; \$b_dbname=\"".$dbname."\"; \$b_stru=".$bakstru."; \$b_strufour=".$bakstrufour."; \$b_dbchar=\"".addslashes($add['dbchar'])."\"; \$b_beover=".$beover."; \$b_insertf=\"".addslashes($insertf)."\"; \$b_autofield=\",".addslashes($add['autofield']).",\"; \$b_bakdatatype=".$bakdatatype."; ?>"; $cfile=$bakpath."/".$add['mypath']."/config.php"; WriteFiletext_n($cfile,$string); if($add['baktype']) { $phome='BakExeT'; } else { $phome='BakExe'; } echo $fun_r['StartToBak']."<script>self.location.href='phomebak.php?phome=$phome&t=0&s=0&p=0&mypath=$add[mypath]&waitbaktime=$waitbaktime';</script>"; exit(); }
} //导入设置 $loadfile = RepPostVar($_GET['savefilename']); if (strstr($loadfile, '.') || strstr($loadfile, '/') || strstr($loadfile, "\\")) { $loadfile = ''; } if (empty($loadfile)) { $loadfile = 'def'; } $loadfile = 'setsave/' . $loadfile; @(include $loadfile); if ($dmypath) { $mypath = $dmypath; } //查询 $keyboard = RepPostVar($_GET['keyboard']); if (empty($keyboard)) { $keyboard = $dkeyboard; if (empty($keyboard)) { $keyboard = $baktbpre; } } $and = ""; if ($keyboard) { $and = " LIKE '%{$keyboard}%'"; } $sql = $empire->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS" . $and); include "lang/dbchar.php"; require LoadAdminTemp('eChangeTable.php'); db_close(); $empire = null;
} $pageclassid = $trueclassid; $GLOBALS['navclassid'] = $trueclassid; } if (empty($class_r[$trueclassid][tbname])) { printerror('ErrorUrl', '', 1); } $search .= '&classid=' . $classid; } //时间 if ($_GET['endtime']) { $starttime = RepPostVar($_GET['starttime']); if (empty($starttime)) { $starttime = '0000-00-00'; } $endtime = RepPostVar($_GET['endtime']); if (empty($endtime)) { $endtime = '0000-00-00'; } if ($endtime != '0000-00-00') { $add .= " and (newstime BETWEEN '" . to_time($starttime . " 00:00:00") . "' and '" . to_time($endtime . " 23:59:59") . "')"; $search .= '&starttime=' . $starttime . '&endtime=' . $endtime; } } //每页显示记录数 $line = (int) $_GET['line']; if ($line < 1 || $line > 80) { $line = intval($public_r['tagslistnum']); } if (empty($line)) { printerror('ErrorUrl', '', 1);
<?php require "../class/connect.php"; require "../class/db_sql.php"; require "../class/q_functions.php"; require "../data/dbcache/class.php"; require LoadLang("pub/fun.php"); $link = db_connect(); $empire = new mysqlquery(); eCheckCloseMods('pl'); //关闭模块 //用户名 $lusername = getcvar('mlusername'); $lpassword = ''; if ($lusername) { $lusername = RepPostVar($lusername); $lpassword = md5($lusername); } $id = (int) $_GET['id']; $classid = (int) $_GET['classid']; //专题 $doaction = $_GET['doaction'] == 'dozt' ? 'dozt' : ''; $rewritedoaction = 'doinfo'; if ($doaction == 'dozt') { $rewritedoaction = 'dozt'; if (empty($classid)) { printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1); } $n_r = $empire->fetch1("select ztid,ztname,intro,ztimg,ztpagekey,restb from {$dbtbpre}enewszt where ztid='{$classid}'"); if (!$n_r['ztid']) { printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
$empire = new mysqlquery(); $editor = 1; //验证用户 $lur = is_login(); $logininid = $lur['userid']; $loginin = $lur['username']; $loginrnd = $lur['rnd']; $loginlevel = $lur['groupid']; $loginadminstyleid = $lur['adminstyleid']; //ehash $ecms_hashur = hReturnEcmsHashStrAll(); //验证权限 CheckLevel($logininid, $loginin, $classid, "f"); $fid = (int) $_GET['fid']; $tid = (int) $_GET['tid']; $tbname = RepPostVar($_GET['tbname']); if (!$fid || !$tid || !$tbname) { printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)"); } $fr = $empire->fetch1("select fid,f,fname,isadd,tid,tbname,tbdataf from {$dbtbpre}enewsf where fid='{$fid}'"); if (!$fr[fid]) { printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)"); } if (empty($fr[isadd])) { printerror("NotIsAdd", "history.go(-1)"); } $tid = $fr[tid]; $tbname = $fr[tbname]; if ($fr[tbdataf]) { $doing = '字段转移到主表'; } else {