function Avatars() { global $CFG, $aAvatars; // What are they wanting to do? switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'add': AddAvatar(); case 'remove': RemoveAvatar(); case 'edit': EditAvatar(); } // Are they coming for the first time or submitting information? if (isset($_REQUEST['submit'])) { // Submitting information, so store it. $aOptions['maxdims'] = abs((int) $_REQUEST['maxdims']); $aOptions['maxsize'] = abs((int) $_REQUEST['maxsize']); // Validate the information, and submit it to the database if everything's okay. UpdateAvatars($aOptions); } else { // Coming for the first time, so set the defaults. $aOptions['maxdims'] = $CFG['avatars']['maxdims']; $aOptions['maxsize'] = $CFG['avatars']['maxsize']; } // Template require "./skins/{$CFG['skin']}/admincp/avatars.tpl.php"; // Send the page. exit; }
unset($x, $nicks); } #Antispam code if no other errors if ($noSPAM && !$error) { if ($noSPAM->verify(array('about', 'login', 'mail', 'www'))) { $noSPAM = false; } else { $error[] = $lang[$noSPAM->errorId]; } } } elseif (isset($cfg['upload']) && $_FILES['photo']['name']) { require './lib/avatar.php'; $photo = Avatar($error); } elseif (isset($_POST['del'])) { require './lib/avatar.php'; $photo = RemoveAvatar($error); } #Change E-mail or password if (UID && $_POST['pass']) { if (md5($_POST['curPass']) === $user['pass']) { if (isset($_COOKIE[PRE . 'login'])) { $auto = 1; } } else { $error[] = $lang['mustPass']; } } #Password if (UID && empty($_POST['pass'])) { $u['pass'] = $user['pass']; } else {