Exemple #1
    // get the filename and put it into some easier to read variables
    $full_filename = MSRE_RULESET_DIR . "/" . $short_filename;
    if (!file_exists($full_filename)) {
        die("File not found: " . $full_filename);
    // read the file into a variable, so that each function doesn't
    // need to do it themselves
    $file_contents = Read_File($full_filename, filesize($full_filename));
    // this will get populated later by a function (I need it to find
    // the end of the comments @ the top of the file)
    // check to see if the form was submitted, and if so process it..
    $status_message = "";
    if (isset($_POST["submitted"])) {
        list($bytes_written, $status_message) = Process_Form();
        // re-read the file after processing
        $file_contents = Read_File($full_filename, $bytes_written);
    // the form always gets displayed, even if it was submitted, so
    // display the form now
    // clear status message
    $status_message = "";
    echo "</table><tr><td>\n";
// #################
// ### Functions ###
// #################
function Show_Form($status_msg)
    // displays the form
  * Returns the available classes for a given slot. Can retrieve only the class
  * name or the full CSS style. This is made with the mode parameter
  * @param      str  The slot's name.
  * @param      int  optional 0 retrieves only the class name [Default]
  *                           1 Retrieve the full css style
  * @return     array  The found classes
 public static function findStylesheetClasses($content, $mode = 0)
     // This is only a paliative solution. Hope someone can fix the parse class: I don't know Call-time pass-by-reference
     ini_set('error_reporting', 'E_ERROR');
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../tools/parser/htmlparser.inc';
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../tools/parser/common.inc';
     $slotName = $content->getW3sSlot()->getSlotName();
     $page = $content->getW3sPage();
     // Opens the template and parses its structure
     $templateAttributes = self::retrieveTemplateAttributesFromPage($page);
     $templateFile = self::getTemplateFile($templateAttributes["projectName"], $templateAttributes["templateName"]);
     $p = new HtmlParser($templateFile, unserialize(Read_File("parser/htmlgrammar.cmp")), $templateFile, 1);
     $src = "";
     GetPageSrc($p->content, $src);
     $contents = ob_get_clean();
     // Finds the id of Slots
     $i = 1;
     $elements = array($slotName);
     while (1) {
         preg_match('/(.*)\\[content\\].*\\[pars\\]\\[id\\]\\[value\\]=' . $slotName . '/', $contents, $res);
         if (count($res) == 0) {
         $startKey = str_replace("[", "\\[", $res[1]);
         $startKey = str_replace("]", "\\]", $startKey);
         preg_match('/' . $startKey . '\\[pars\\]\\[id\\]\\[value\\]=(.*)/', $contents, $res);
         $elements[] = $res[1];
         $slotName = $res[1];
         // Prevents blocks if an infinite loop occours if a non well-format template is searched
         if ($i == 100) {
     // Finds all the template's stylesheets
     $fp = fopen($templateFile, "r");
     $templateContents = fread($fp, filesize($templateFile));
     $templateContents = str_replace("\r\n", "", $templateContents);
     preg_match_all('/.*?rel=["|\']stylesheet["|\'].*?href\\s*=\\s*["|\'](.*?)["|\'].*?/', $templateContents, $stylesheets);
     // Creates a single stylesheet from the stylesheets retrieved
     $contents = '';
     foreach ($stylesheets[1] as $stylesheet) {
         $stylesheet = substr($stylesheet, 1, strlen($stylesheet));
         $fp = fopen($stylesheet, "r");
         $currentContent = fread($fp, filesize($stylesheet));
         $currentContent = str_replace("\r\n", "", $currentContent);
         $currentContent = preg_replace('/HTML>.*?}+?/', '', $currentContent);
         $contents .= $currentContent;
     // Find classes from xhtml elements
     $result = $mode == 0 ? array('w3sNone' => 'None') : array();
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         $expression = $mode == 0 ? '/#' . trim($element) . '[a-zA-Z0-9-_:\\s]*\\.(.*?)\\{+?/' : '/#' . trim($element) . '[a-zA-Z0-9-_:\\s]*(\\..*?\\{.*?\\})+?/';
         preg_match_all($expression, $contents, $classes);
         foreach ($classes[1] as $class) {
             if ($mode == 0) {
                 $result[$class] = $class;
             } else {
                 $result[] = $class;
     // Find classes not associated to xhtml elements
     $expression = $mode == 0 ? '/(^|})\\.(.*?)\\{+?/' : '/(^|})(\\..*?\\{.*?\\})+?/';
     preg_match_all($expression, $contents, $classes);
     foreach ($classes[2] as $class) {
         if ($mode == 0) {
             $result[$class] = $class;
         } else {
             $result[] = $class;
     return $result;