function GetSettingConfig($string) { $filename = ECMS_PATH . DASHBOARD . "/config/config.php"; $exp = '//-------EmpireCMS.Seting.area-------'; $text = ReadFiletext($filename); $r = explode($exp, $text); if ($r[0] == '') { return false; } $r[1] = $string; $setting = $r[0] . $exp . $r[1] . $exp . $r[2]; WriteFiletext_n($filename, $setting); }
function GetMemberFform($type, $f, $fvalue, $fformsize = '') { if ($type == "select" || $type == "radio" || $type == "checkbox") { return GetMFformSelect($type, $f, $fvalue, $fformsize); } $file = "../data/html/memberfhtml.txt"; $data = ReadFiletext($file); $exp = "[!--" . $type . "--]"; $r = explode($exp, $data); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.var--]", $f, $r[1]); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.def.val--]", $fvalue, $string); $string = RepMFformSize($f, $string, $type, $fformsize); return fAddAddsData($string); }
function ShowKey() { $key = strtolower(domake_password(4)); $set = esetcookie("checkkey", $key); //是否支持gd库 if (function_exists("imagejpeg")) { header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); $img = imagecreate(69, 20); $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $gray = imagecolorallocate($img, 102, 102, 102); imagefill($img, 0, 0, $gray); imagestring($img, 3, 14, 3, $key, $black); imagejpeg($img); imagedestroy($img); } elseif (function_exists("imagegif")) { header("Content-type: image/gif"); $img = imagecreate(69, 20); $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $gray = imagecolorallocate($img, 102, 102, 102); imagefill($img, 0, 0, $gray); imagestring($img, 3, 14, 3, $key, $black); imagegif($img); imagedestroy($img); } elseif (function_exists("imagepng")) { header("Content-type: image/png"); $img = imagecreate(69, 20); $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $gray = imagecolorallocate($img, 102, 102, 102); imagefill($img, 0, 0, $gray); imagestring($img, 3, 14, 3, $key, $black); imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); } elseif (function_exists("imagewbmp")) { header("Content-type: image/vnd.wap.wbmp"); $img = imagecreate(69, 20); $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $gray = imagecolorallocate($img, 102, 102, 102); imagefill($img, 0, 0, $gray); imagestring($img, 3, 14, 3, $key, $black); imagewbmp($img); imagedestroy($img); } else { $set = esetcookie("checkkey", "ebak"); @(include "class/functions.php"); echo ReadFiletext("images/ebak.jpg"); } }
function ShowKey() { $key = strtolower(domake_password(4)); $set = esetcookie('checkkey', $key); if (function_exists('imagejpeg')) { header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); $img = imagecreate(69, 20); $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $gray = imagecolorallocate($img, 102, 102, 102); imagefill($img, 0, 0, $gray); imagestring($img, 3, 14, 3, $key, $black); imagejpeg($img); imagedestroy($img); } elseif (function_exists('imagegif')) { header('Content-type: image/gif'); $img = imagecreate(69, 20); $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $gray = imagecolorallocate($img, 102, 102, 102); imagefill($img, 0, 0, $gray); imagestring($img, 3, 14, 3, $key, $black); imagegif($img); imagedestroy($img); } elseif (function_exists('imagepng')) { header('Content-type: image/png'); $img = imagecreate(69, 20); $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $gray = imagecolorallocate($img, 102, 102, 102); imagefill($img, 0, 0, $gray); imagestring($img, 3, 14, 3, $key, $black); imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); } elseif (function_exists('imagewbmp')) { header('Content-type: image/vnd.wap.wbmp'); $img = imagecreate(69, 20); $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $gray = imagecolorallocate($img, 102, 102, 102); imagefill($img, 0, 0, $gray); imagestring($img, 3, 14, 3, $key, $black); imagewbmp($img); imagedestroy($img); } else { $set = esetcookie('checkkey', 'ebak'); @(include 'class/functions.php'); echo ReadFiletext('images/ebak.jpg'); } }
function GetDtTempFiletext($tempid) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $tempid = (int) $tempid; if (!$tempid) { printerror('ErrorUrl', ''); } $tempr = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}enewstempdt where tempid='{$tempid}'"); if (!$tempr['tempid']) { printerror('ErrorUrl', ''); } $file = ECMS_PATH . $tempr['tempfile']; if (!file_exists($file)) { printerror('FileNotExist', ''); } $tempr['temptext'] = ReadFiletext($file); return $tempr; }
function QDownLoadFile($file) { global $public_r; if (strstr($file, "\\")) { $exp = "\\"; } elseif (strstr($file, "/")) { $exp = "/"; } else { Header("Location:{$file}"); exit; } if (strstr($file, $exp . "e" . $exp) || strstr($file, "..") || strstr($file, "?") || strstr($file, "#")) { Header("Location:{$file}"); exit; } $efileurl = eReturnFileUrl(); if (strstr($file, $efileurl)) { $file = str_replace($efileurl, '/data/', $file); } if (!strstr($file, "://")) { if (!file_exists($file)) { $file = eReturnEcmsMainPortPath() . substr($file, 1); } } $filename = GetDownurlFilename($file, $exp); if (empty($filename)) { Header("Location:{$file}"); exit; } //下载 Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); //Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); //Header("Accept-Length: ".$filesize); Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $filename); echo ReadFiletext($file); }
function GetTxtFieldText($pagetexturl) { global $do_txtpath; if (empty($pagetexturl)) { return ''; } $file = $do_txtpath . $pagetexturl . ".php"; $text = ReadFiletext($file); $text = substr($text, 12); //去除exit return $text; }
function Ebak_RepFilenum($p,$table,$path){ if(empty($p)) {$p=0;} $file=$path."/config.php"; $text=ReadFiletext($file); $rep1="\$tb[".$table."]=0;"; $rep2="\$tb[".$table."]=".$p.";"; $text=str_replace($rep1,$rep2,$text); WriteFiletext_n($file,$text); }
function sys_ReadFile($http) { global $do_openreadfile; if ($do_openreadfile == 0 && !strstr($http, "://")) { return ""; } echo ReadFiletext($http); }
function GetQFform($type, $f, $fvalue, $fformsize = '', $add) { if ($type == "select" || $type == "radio" || $type == "checkbox") { return GetFformSelect($type, $f, $fvalue, $fformsize); } $file = "../data/html/qfhtml.txt"; $data = ReadFiletext($file); //特殊字段 if ($f == "newstext" || $f == "downpath" || $f == "onlinepath" || $f == "morepic" || $f == "playerid") { $type = $f; } $exp = "[!--" . $type . "--]"; $r = explode($exp, $data); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.var--]", $f, $r[1]); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.def.val--]", $fvalue, $string); if ($type == 'linkfield') { $string = str_replace("[!--enews.cfield.var--]", $add[linkfieldval], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.vfield.var--]", $add[linkfieldshow], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.ctbname--]", $add[linkfieldtb], $string); } elseif ($type == 'linkfieldselect') { $selectf = $add[linkfieldval] == $add[linkfieldshow] ? $add[linkfieldval] : $add[linkfieldval] . ',' . $add[linkfieldshow]; $string = str_replace("[!--enews.cfield.var--]", $add[linkfieldval], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.vfield.var--]", $add[linkfieldshow], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.ctbname--]", $add[linkfieldtb], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.selectf--]", $selectf, $string); } elseif ($type == 'editor' || $type == 'newstext') { $editortype = $add[editorys] == 0 ? 'Default' : 'Basic'; $string = str_replace("[!--editor.type--]", $editortype, $string); $string = str_replace("[!--editor.basepath--]", '', $string); } $string = RepFformSize($f, $string, $type, $fformsize); return addslashes($string); }
function LoadInTempGroup($add, $file, $file_name, $file_type, $file_size, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "tempgroup"); if (!$file_name || !$file_size) { printerror("EmptyLoadInTempGroup", ""); } $gid = (int) $add['gid']; //扩展名 $filetype = GetFiletype($file_name); if ($filetype != ".temp") { printerror("LoadInTempGroupMusttemp", ""); } //上传文件 $path = ECMS_PATH . DASHBOARD . '/data/tmp/temp/uploadtg' . time() . make_password(10) . '.temp'; $cp = @move_uploaded_file($file, $path); DoChmodFile($path); $data = ReadFiletext($path); DelFiletext($path); //转码 if ($add['ChangeChar']) { $data = LoadInTempChangeChar($add['tempchar'], $data); } if (empty($data)) { printerror("EmptyLoadInTempGroup", ""); } //返回版本 $pageexp = "<!---ecms.temp--->"; $checkpr = explode($pageexp, $data); $tempverr = LoadInTGReturnVer($checkpr[0]); $gname = $tempverr['gname']; $thistempver = $tempverr['ver']; $thistempchar = $tempverr['tempchar']; //替换旧地址 $GLOBALS['loadtempver'] = $thistempver; if (empty($thistempver)) { $data = LoadInTGReptext_pubvar($data); } //入库 $pageexp = "<!---ecms.temp--->"; $record = "<!---ecms.record--->"; $field = "<!---ecms.field--->"; $pr = explode($pageexp, $data); if (empty($gid)) { $sql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}enewstempgroup(gname,isdefault) values('" . addslashes($gname) . "',0);"); $gid = $empire->lastid(); $gname = $pr[0]; $en = "_" . $gid; CreateTempTb($gid, $en); //复制表 } else { $r = $empire->fetch1("select gid,gname from {$dbtbpre}enewstempgroup where gid={$gid}"); if (!$r['gid']) { printerror("LoadInTempGroupMusttemp", ""); } if ($gid == 1) { $en = ""; } else { $en = "_" . $gid; } $gname = $r['gname']; ClearTempTb($gid, $en); //清空表 } //版本 $isold = 0; $ckcount = count($pr); if ($ckcount <= 10) { $isold = 1; } elseif ($ckcount <= 11) { $isold = 2; } LoadInTGBqtemp($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[1]); //标签模板 LoadInTGJstemp($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[2]); //JS模板 LoadInTGListtemp($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[3]); //列表模板 LoadInTGNewstemp($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[4]); //内容模板 LoadInTGPubtemp($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[5], $isold); //公共模板 LoadInTGSearchtemp($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[6]); //搜索模板 LoadInTGTempvar($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[7]); //模板变量 LoadInTGVotetemp($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[8]); //投票模板 LoadInTGClasstemp($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[9]); //栏目模板 if ($isold != 1) { LoadInTGPltemp($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[10]); //评论模板 } if ($isold == 0) { LoadInTGPrinttemp($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[11]); //打印模板 } LoadInTGPagetemp($gid, $en, $record, $field, $pr[12]); //自定义页面模板 //操作日志 insert_dolog("gid={$gid}&gname={$gname}"); printerror("LoadInTempGroupSuccess", "TempGroup.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1)); }
if ($_GET['doopen']) { $open = (int) $_GET['open']; SetDisplayClass($open); } //图标 if (getcvar('displayclass', 1)) { $img = "<a href='ListClass.php?doopen=1&open=0" . $ecms_hashur['ehref'] . "' title='展开'><img src='../data/images/displaynoadd.gif' width='15' height='15' border='0'></a>"; } else { $img = "<a href='ListClass.php?doopen=1&open=1" . $ecms_hashur['ehref'] . "' title='收缩'><img src='../data/images/displayadd.gif' width='15' height='15' border='0'></a>"; } //缓存 $displayclass = (int) getcvar('displayclass', 1); $fcfile = "../data/fc/ListClass" . $displayclass . ".php"; $fclistclass = ''; if (file_exists($fcfile)) { $fclistclass = str_replace(AddCheckViewTempCode(), '', ReadFiletext($fcfile)); } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <title>管理栏目</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="adminstyle/<?php echo $loginadminstyleid; ?> /adminstyle.css" type="text/css"> <SCRIPT lanuage="JScript"> function turnit(ss) { if ("")
function Ebak_RepPathFiletext($add) { global $bakpath; $mypath = trim($add['mypath']); $oldword = Ebak_ClearAddsData($add['oldword']); $newword = Ebak_ClearAddsData($add['newword']); /* 对用于替换的内容进行危险关键字过滤 */ if (preg_match("/([^a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,1})+(extract|parse_str|str_replace|unserialize|ob_start|require|include|array_map|preg_replace|copy|fputs|fopen|file_put_contents|file_get_contents|fwrite|eval|phpinfo|assert|base64_decode|create_function|call_user_func)+( |\\()/is", $newword)) { die("Request Error!"); } /**/ $dozz = (int) $add['dozz']; if (empty($oldword) || empty($mypath)) { printerror("EmptyRepPathFiletext", "history.go(-1)"); } if (strstr($mypath, "..")) { printerror("NotChangeRepPathFiletext", "history.go(-1)"); } $path = $bakpath . "/" . $mypath; if (!file_exists($path)) { printerror("PathNotExists", "history.go(-1)"); } $hand = @opendir($path); while ($file = @readdir($hand)) { $filename = $path . "/" . $file; if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_file($filename)) { $value = ReadFiletext($filename); if ($dozz) { $newvalue = Ebak_DoRepFiletextZz($oldword, $newword, $value); } else { if (!stristr($value, $oldword)) { continue; } $newvalue = str_replace($oldword, $newword, $value); } WriteFiletext_n($filename, $newvalue); } } printerror("RepPathFiletextSuccess", "RepFiletext.php"); }
function GetTxtFieldText($pagetexturl) { global $ecms_config; if (empty($pagetexturl)) { return ''; } $file = $ecms_config['sets']['txtpath'] . $pagetexturl . ".php"; $text = ReadFiletext($file); $text = substr($text, 12); //去除exit return $text; }
public function baklist() { $list = array(); $db_dir = C("DB_BAKPATH"); if (!empty($db_dir) && ($od = opendir($db_dir))) { while (($file = readdir($od)) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_dir($db_dir . "/" . $file)) { $row = array(); $row['dirname'] = $file; //备份文件夹内部文件 if ($od2 = opendir($db_dir . "/" . $file)) { while (($file2 = readdir($od2)) !== false) { preg_match('|\\.(\\w+)$|i', $file2, $ext); $extend = strtolower($ext[1]); //文件后缀 if ($file2 != "." && $file2 != ".." && !is_dir($db_dir . "/{$file}/" . $file2)) { if ($extend == "txt") { $row['baktime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", filemtime("{$db_dir}/{$file}/{$file2}")); $row['bakdetail'] = ReadFiletext("{$db_dir}/{$file}/{$file2}"); } $row['baksize'] = $row['baksize'] + filesize("{$db_dir}/{$file}/{$file2}"); } } } //备份文件夹内部文件 $list[] = $row; } } //while } $this->assign("baklist", $list); $this->display(); }
function GetConfig($domod = 0) { $filename = ECMS_PATH . "e/class/config.php"; $exp = '//-------EmpireCMS.Public.Cache-------'; $text = ReadFiletext($filename); $r = explode($exp, $text); if ($r[0] == '') { return false; } $r[1] = GetPubCache(); if ($domod == 1) { $r[2] = GetModCache(); } $setting = $r[0] . $exp . $r[1] . $exp . $r[2] . $exp . $r[3]; WriteFiletext_n($filename, $setting); }
function ShowKey($v) { $vname = ecmsReturnKeyVarname($v); $key = strtolower(domake_password(4)); ecmsSetShowKey($vname, $key); //是否支持gd库 if (function_exists("imagejpeg")) { header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); $img = imagecreate(47, 20); $colorr = ReturnShowKeyColor($img); $bgcolor = $colorr['bgcolor']; $fontcolor = $colorr['fontcolor']; $distcolor = $colorr['distcolor']; imagefill($img, 0, 0, $bgcolor); imagestring($img, 5, 6, 3, $key, $fontcolor); for ($i = 0; $i < 90; $i++) { imagesetpixel($img, rand() % 70, rand() % 30, $distcolor); } imagejpeg($img); imagedestroy($img); } elseif (function_exists("imagepng")) { header("Content-type: image/png"); $img = imagecreate(47, 20); $colorr = ReturnShowKeyColor($img); $bgcolor = $colorr['bgcolor']; $fontcolor = $colorr['fontcolor']; $distcolor = $colorr['distcolor']; imagefill($img, 0, 0, $bgcolor); imagestring($img, 5, 6, 3, $key, $fontcolor); for ($i = 0; $i < 90; $i++) { imagesetpixel($img, rand() % 70, rand() % 30, $distcolor); } imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); } elseif (function_exists("imagegif")) { header("Content-type: image/gif"); $img = imagecreate(47, 20); $colorr = ReturnShowKeyColor($img); $bgcolor = $colorr['bgcolor']; $fontcolor = $colorr['fontcolor']; $distcolor = $colorr['distcolor']; imagefill($img, 0, 0, $bgcolor); imagestring($img, 5, 6, 3, $key, $fontcolor); for ($i = 0; $i < 90; $i++) { imagesetpixel($img, rand() % 70, rand() % 30, $distcolor); } imagegif($img); imagedestroy($img); } elseif (function_exists("imagewbmp")) { header("Content-type: image/vnd.wap.wbmp"); $img = imagecreate(47, 20); $colorr = ReturnShowKeyColor($img); $bgcolor = $colorr['bgcolor']; $fontcolor = $colorr['fontcolor']; $distcolor = $colorr['distcolor']; imagefill($img, 0, 0, $bgcolor); imagestring($img, 5, 6, 3, $key, $fontcolor); for ($i = 0; $i < 90; $i++) { imagesetpixel($img, rand() % 70, rand() % 30, $distcolor); } imagewbmp($img); imagedestroy($img); } else { ecmsSetShowKey($vname, 'ecms'); echo ReadFiletext("../data/images/ecms.jpg"); } }
function GetClassFform($type, $f, $fvalue, $fformsize = '') { if ($type == "select" || $type == "radio" || $type == "checkbox") { return GetCFformSelect($type, $f, $fvalue, $fformsize); } $file = "../data/html/classfhtml.txt"; $data = ReadFiletext($file); $exp = "[!--" . $type . "--]"; $r = explode($exp, $data); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.var--]", $f, $r[1]); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.def.val--]", $fvalue, $string); if ($type == 'editor') { $editortype = 'Default'; $string = str_replace("[!--editor.type--]", $editortype, $string); $string = str_replace("[!--editor.basepath--]", '', $string); } $string = RepCFformSize($f, $string, $type, $fformsize); return addslashes($string); }
function ViewGetNewsInfo($classid, $newspage, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $class_r, $fun_r, $dbtbpre; $classid = (int) $classid; if (empty($classid) || empty($newspage)) { printerror("FailCX", "history.go(-1)"); } //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "cj"); $r = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}enewsinfoclass where classid='{$classid}'"); if (empty($r[classid])) { printerror("FailCX", "history.go(-1)"); } //副表 $ra = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_infoclass_" . $r[tbname] . " where classid='{$classid}'"); //组合两数组 $r = TogTwoArray($r, $ra); //导入编码文件 if ($r['enpagecode']) { @(include_once "doiconv.php"); } //取得模型 $record = "<!--record-->"; $field = "<!--field--->"; $mr = $empire->fetch1("select cj from {$dbtbpre}enewsmod where mid='" . $class_r[$r[newsclassid]][modid] . "'"); $cjr = explode($record, $mr[cj]); $count = count($cjr); //采集时间 $newstime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); eCheckCjUrl($newspage, 0); //入库数据库是否有记录 if (empty($r[recjtheurl])) { $tmpnum = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}ecms_infotmp_" . $r[tbname] . " where oldurl='{$newspage}' limit 1"); if ($tmpnum) { echo $fun_r['ReCj']; exit; } } //取得远程页面,三次取不到值的将不取值 for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) { $info = ReadFiletext($newspage); if (!empty($info)) { break; } } if (empty($info)) { echo $fun_r['CanNotOpenUrl']; exit; } //替换网页变量 $info = RepCjPagetextStr($info, $r); //替换回车 $info = ReplaceFc($info); //----------------- $ifield = ""; $ivalue = ""; $next = 0; for ($c = 0; $c < $count - 1; $c++) { $zzvalue = ""; $cjr1 = explode($field, $cjr[$c]); $dofield = $cjr1[1]; $dofieldname = $cjr1[0]; $var = "zz_" . $dofield; $var1 = "z_" . $dofield; $var2 = "qz_" . $dofield; $var3 = "save_" . $dofield; //图片集 if ($dofield == "morepic" && $r[$var]) { //替换下载链接 $text = stripSlashes(stripSlashes($r[$var])); //替换回车 $text = ReplaceFc($text); $down = explode("[!empirecms!]", $text); //小图 $zztext = RepInfoZZ($down[0], "ecmsspicurl", 0); $strtext = GetInfoStr($down[0], "ecmsspicurl", 1); $text1 = stripSlashes(preg_replace($zztext, $strtext, $info)); //大图 if ($down[1]) { $zztext = RepInfoZZ($down[1], "ecmsbpicurl", 0); $strtext = GetInfoStr($down[1], "ecmsbpicurl", 1); $text2 = stripSlashes(preg_replace($zztext, $strtext, $info)); } //名称 if ($down[2]) { $zztext = RepInfoZZ($down[2], "ecmspicname", 0); $strtext = GetInfoStr($down[2], "ecmspicname", 1); $text3 = stripSlashes(preg_replace($zztext, $strtext, $info)); } $zzvalue = GetCjMorepicpath($text1, $text2, $text3, "ecmsspicurl", "ecmsbpicurl", "ecmspicname", $r[$var2]); $data .= "<tr><td><b>" . $dofieldname . "<br>(" . $dofield . ")</b></td><td>" . $zzvalue . "</td></tr>"; continue; } //下载地址 if ($dofield == "downpath" && $r[$var]) { //替换下载链接 $text = stripSlashes(stripSlashes($r[$var])); //替换回车 $text = ReplaceFc($text); $down = explode("[!empirecms!]", $text); //地址 $zztext = RepInfoZZ($down[0], "ecmsdownpathurl", 0); $strtext = GetInfoStr($down[0], "ecmsdownpathurl", 1); $text1 = stripSlashes(preg_replace($zztext, $strtext, $info)); //名称 if ($down[1]) { $zztext = RepInfoZZ($down[1], "ecmsdownpathname", 0); $strtext = GetInfoStr($down[1], "ecmsdownpathname", 1); $text2 = stripSlashes(preg_replace($zztext, $strtext, $info)); } $zzvalue = GetCjDownpath($text1, $text2, "ecmsdownpathurl", "ecmsdownpathname", $r[$var2], 0); $data .= "<tr><td><b>" . $dofieldname . "<br>(" . $dofield . ")</b></td><td>" . $zzvalue . "</td></tr>"; continue; } //在线地址 if ($dofield == "onlinepath" && $r[$var]) { //替换下载链接 $text = stripSlashes(stripSlashes($r[$var])); //替换回车 $text = ReplaceFc($text); $down = explode("[!empirecms!]", $text); //地址 $zztext = RepInfoZZ($down[0], "ecmsonlinepathurl", 0); $strtext = GetInfoStr($down[0], "ecmsonlinepathurl", 1); $text1 = stripSlashes(preg_replace($zztext, $strtext, $info)); //名称 if ($down[1]) { $zztext = RepInfoZZ($down[1], "ecmsonlinepathname", 0); $strtext = GetInfoStr($down[1], "ecmsonlinepathname", 1); $text2 = stripSlashes(preg_replace($zztext, $strtext, $info)); } $zzvalue = GetCjDownpath($text1, $text2, "ecmsonlinepathurl", "ecmsonlinepathname", $r[$var2], 1); $data .= "<tr><td><b>" . $dofieldname . "<br>(" . $dofield . ")</b></td><td>" . $zzvalue . "</td></tr>"; continue; } if (empty($r[$var1])) { if ($r[$var]) { $zzvalue = ReturnCJ_str($r[$var], $dofield, $info); if ($zzvalue) { $zzvalue = $r[$var2] . $zzvalue; } } } else { $zzvalue = $r[$var1]; } //------------------------------信息来源 if ($dofield == "befrom" || $dofield == "writer") { //标题去除html代码 $zzvalue = strip_tags(str_replace("\r\n", "", $zzvalue)); } //------------------------------标题 if ($dofield == "title") { //标题去除html代码 $zzvalue = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags(str_replace("\r\n", "", $zzvalue))); if (empty($zzvalue)) { echo $fun_r['CjEmptyTitle']; exit; } //标题是否包含关键字 if ($r[keyboard]) { $t = HaveKeyboard($zzvalue, $r[keyboard]); if (empty($t)) { echo $fun_r['CjTitleKey']; exit; } } if ($r[retitlewriter]) { //入库比较 $onum = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$r[newsclassid]][tbname] . " where title='" . addslashes($zzvalue) . "' and classid='{$r['newsclassid']}' limit 1"); if ($onum) { echo $fun_r['CjReTitleWriter']; exit; } /*采集库比较 $onum=$empire->num("select id from {$dbtbpre}ecms_infotmp_".$r[tbname]." where title='".addslashes($zzvalue)."' limit 1"); if($onum) { echo $fun_r['CjReTitleWriter']; exit(); } */ } if ($r[titlelen]) { //入库比较 $c_title = addslashes(sub($zzvalue, 0, $r[titlelen], false)); $onum = $empire->gettotal("select count(*) as total from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$r[newsclassid]][tbname] . " where title like '%{$c_title}%' and classid='{$r['newsclassid']}' limit 1"); if ($onum) { echo $fun_r['CjSingTitlelen'] . $r[titlelen] . $fun_r['CjSingTitlelenL']; exit; } /*采集比较 $onum=$empire->num("select id from {$dbtbpre}ecms_infotmp_".$r[tbname]." where title like '%$c_title%' limit 1"); if($onum) { echo $fun_r['CjSingTitlelen'].$r[titlelen].$fun_r['CjSingTitlelenL']; exit(); } */ } } //新闻内容分页 if ($dofield == "newstext") { //是否有分页 if ($r[pagezz] || $r[pageallzz]) { //上下页式 if (empty($r[pagetype])) { $zzvalue .= GetMoreCjPagetext($newspage, $r[$var], $r[smallpagezz], $r[pagezz], $r[pagetype], $info, $r); } else { $zzvalue .= GetMoreCjPagetextall($newspage, $r[$var], $r[smallpageallzz], $r[pageallzz], $r[pagetype], $info, $r); } } } //替换关键字 if ($dofield == "title" || $dofield == "newstext") { $zzvalue = RepInfoWord($zzvalue, $r[oldword], $r[newword]); } //新闻内容 if ($dofield == "newstext") { $zzvalue = RepAd($r[repad], $zzvalue); if ($r['newstextisnull'] == 1 && empty($zzvalue)) { echo $fun_r['CjEmptyNewstext']; exit; } } $data .= "<tr><td><b>" . $dofieldname . "<br>(" . $dofield . ")</b></td><td>" . $zzvalue . "</td></tr>"; } //输出数据 $data = "<table width='96%' border=1 align=center cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0>\r\n <tr><td width=30% align=center><b>VAR</b></td><td align=center><b>GET</b></td></tr><tr><td><b>" . $fun_r['ViewCjPage'] . "</b></td><td><a href='" . $newspage . "' target=_blank>" . $newspage . "</a></td></tr>" . $data . "</table>"; echo $data; exit; }
function Ebak_RepPathFiletext($add) { global $bakpath; $mypath = trim($add['mypath']); $oldword = Ebak_ClearAddsData($add['oldword']); $newword = Ebak_ClearAddsData($add['newword']); $dozz = (int) $add['dozz']; if (empty($oldword) || empty($mypath)) { printerror("EmptyRepPathFiletext", "history.go(-1)"); } if (strstr($mypath, "..")) { printerror("NotChangeRepPathFiletext", "history.go(-1)"); } $path = $bakpath . "/" . $mypath; if (!file_exists($path)) { printerror("PathNotExists", "history.go(-1)"); } $hand = @opendir($path); while ($file = @readdir($hand)) { $filename = $path . "/" . $file; if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_file($filename)) { $value = ReadFiletext($filename); if ($dozz) { $newvalue = Ebak_DoRepFiletextZz($oldword, $newword, $value); } else { if (!stristr($value, $oldword)) { continue; } $newvalue = str_replace($oldword, $newword, $value); } WriteFiletext_n($filename, $newvalue); } } printerror("RepPathFiletextSuccess", "RepFiletext.php"); }
function LoadInCj($add, $file, $file_name, $file_type, $file_size, $userid, $username) { global $empire, $dbtbpre; $lineexp = '<!-#-|-line-|-#-!>'; $recordexp = '<!-#-|-record-|-#-!>'; $fieldexp = '<!-#-|-field-|-#-!>'; $sfieldexp = '<!-#-|-smallfield-|-#-!>'; //验证权限 CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "loadcj"); $classid = (int) $add['classid']; if (!$classid) { printerror("EmptyLoadInCjFile", "history.go(-1)"); } $cr = $empire->fetch1("select classid,islast,tid,tbname from {$dbtbpre}enewsclass where classid='{$classid}' and islast=1"); if (!$cr['classid']) { printerror("LoadInCjMustLastClass", "history.go(-1)"); } if (!$file_name || !$file_size) { printerror("EmptyLoadInCjFile", "history.go(-1)"); } //扩展名 $filetype = GetFiletype($file_name); if ($filetype != ".cj") { printerror("LoadInCjErrorfiletype", "history.go(-1)"); } $path = ECMS_PATH . DASHBOARD . '/data/tmp/cj/uploadcj' . time() . '.cj'; //上传文件 $cp = @move_uploaded_file($file, $path); DoChmodFile($path); $data = ReadFiletext($path); DelFiletext($path); $r = explode($recordexp, $data); $empirecmsver = $r[0]; $mainstr = $r[1]; $datafield = $r[2]; $datastr = $r[3]; if (empty($mainstr)) { printerror("EmptyLoadInCjFile", "history.go(-1)"); } //主表 $infoclassid = LoadInCjInsertMainstr($classid, $cr['tid'], $cr['tbname'], $mainstr, $fieldexp, $sfieldexp); //副表 LoadInCjInsertDatastr($classid, $cr['tid'], $cr['tbname'], $infoclassid, $datafield, $datastr, $fieldexp, $sfieldexp); $cjr = $empire->fetch1("select classname from {$dbtbpre}enewsinfoclass where classid='{$infoclassid}'"); //操作日志 insert_dolog("classid=" . $infoclassid . "<br>classname=" . $cjr[classname]); printerror("LoadInCjSuccess", "cj/LoadInCj.php?from=" . ehtmlspecialchars($_POST[from]) . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(0)); }
//------- 建立数据表 ------- //公共表 $tablename = $dbtbpre . "ecms_" . $tbname . "_index"; $sqlindex = $empire->query(SetCreateTable("CREATE TABLE `" . $tablename . "` (\n `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n `classid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `checked` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `newstime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `truetime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `lastdotime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `havehtml` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `classid` (`classid`),\n KEY `checked` (`checked`),\n KEY `newstime` (`newstime`),\n KEY `truetime` (`truetime`,`id`),\n KEY `havehtml` (`classid`,`truetime`,`havehtml`,`checked`,`id`)\n ) TYPE=MyISAM;", $ecms_config['db']['dbchar'])); //主表 $tablename = $dbtbpre . "ecms_" . $tbname; $sql = $empire->query(SetCreateTable("CREATE TABLE `" . $tablename . "` (\n `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n `classid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `ttid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `onclick` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `plnum` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `totaldown` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `newspath` char(20) NOT NULL default '',\n `filename` char(36) NOT NULL default '',\n `userid` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `username` char(20) NOT NULL default '',\n `firsttitle` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `isgood` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `ispic` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `istop` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `isqf` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `ismember` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `isurl` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `truetime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `lastdotime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `havehtml` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `groupid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `userfen` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `titlefont` char(14) NOT NULL default '',\n `titleurl` char(200) NOT NULL default '',\n `stb` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',\n `fstb` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',\n `restb` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',\n `keyboard` char(80) NOT NULL default '',\n `title` char(100) NOT NULL default '',\n `newstime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `titlepic` char(120) NOT NULL default '',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `classid` (`classid`),\n KEY `newstime` (`newstime`),\n KEY `ttid` (`ttid`),\n KEY `firsttitle` (`firsttitle`),\n KEY `isgood` (`isgood`),\n KEY `ispic` (`ispic`),\n KEY `useridis` (`userid`,`ismember`)\n ) TYPE=MyISAM;", $ecms_config['db']['dbchar'])); //副表 $tablename = $dbtbpre . "ecms_" . $tbname . "_data_1"; $sqldata = $empire->query(SetCreateTable("CREATE TABLE `" . $tablename . "` (\n `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `classid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `keyid` char(255) NOT NULL default '',\n `dokey` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `newstempid` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `closepl` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `haveaddfen` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `infotags` char(80) NOT NULL default '',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `classid` (`classid`)\n ) TYPE=MyISAM;", $ecms_config['db']['dbchar'])); //采集节点附加表 $tablename = $dbtbpre . "ecms_infoclass_" . $tbname; $infoclass = $empire->query(SetCreateTable("CREATE TABLE `" . $tablename . "` (\n `classid` int(10) unsigned not null default '0',\n `zz_title` text NOT NULL,\n `z_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n `qz_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n `save_title` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',\n `zz_titlepic` text NOT NULL,\n `z_titlepic` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n `qz_titlepic` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n `save_titlepic` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',\n `zz_newstime` text NOT NULL,\n `z_newstime` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n `qz_newstime` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n `save_newstime` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',\n PRIMARY KEY (`classid`)\n ) TYPE=MyISAM;", $ecms_config['db']['dbchar'])); //采集数据临时表 $tablename = $dbtbpre . "ecms_infotmp_" . $tbname; $infotmp = $empire->query(SetCreateTable("CREATE TABLE `" . $tablename . "` (\n `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,\n `classid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `oldurl` char(200) NOT NULL default '',\n `checked` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',\n `tmptime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n `userid` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `username` char(20) NOT NULL default '',\n `truetime` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',\n `keyboard` char(100) NOT NULL default '',\n `title` char(100) NOT NULL default '',\n `newstime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n `titlepic` char(120) NOT NULL default '',\n PRIMARY KEY (`id`),\n KEY `classid` (`classid`),\n KEY `checked` (`checked`)\n ) TYPE=MyISAM;", $ecms_config['db']['dbchar'])); //字段表数据 $sysfdata = ReadFiletext('../data/html/sysfhtml.txt'); $sys_selectf = 'fid,f,fname,fform,fhtml,fzs,isadd,isshow,iscj,cjhtml,myorder,ftype,flen,dotemp,tid,tbname,savetxt,fvalue,iskey,tobr,dohtml,qfhtml,isonly,linkfieldval,samedata,fformsize,tbdataf,ispage,adddofun,editdofun,qadddofun,qeditdofun,linkfieldtb,linkfieldshow,editorys,issmalltext'; $sysf_titler = explode('[!--sys.title--]', $sysfdata); $sysf_titletr = explode('[!--sys.qf.exp--]', $sysf_titler[1]); $empire->query("insert into `{$dbtbpre}enewsf`({$sys_selectf}) values(NULL,'title','标题','text','" . addslashes($sysf_titletr[0]) . "','标题','0','1','1','" . addslashes($sysf_titletr[2]) . "','0','CHAR','100','1','{$tid}','{$tbname}','0','','0','0','0','" . addslashes($sysf_titletr[1]) . "','0','','0','60','0','0','','','','','','','0','0');"); $sysf_specialr = explode('[!--sys.special.field--]', $sysfdata); $sysf_specialtr = explode('[!--sys.qf.exp--]', $sysf_specialr[1]); $empire->query("insert into `{$dbtbpre}enewsf`({$sys_selectf}) values(NULL,'special.field','特殊属性','','" . addslashes($sysf_specialtr[0]) . "','特殊属性','0','1','0','" . addslashes($sysf_specialtr[2]) . "','0','','0','0','{$tid}','{$tbname}','0','','0','0','0','" . addslashes($sysf_specialtr[1]) . "','0','','0','','0','0','','','','','','','0','0');"); $sysf_titlepicr = explode('[!--sys.titlepic--]', $sysfdata); $sysf_titlepictr = explode('[!--sys.qf.exp--]', $sysf_titlepicr[1]); $empire->query("insert into `{$dbtbpre}enewsf`({$sys_selectf}) values(NULL,'titlepic','标题图片','img','" . addslashes($sysf_titlepictr[0]) . "','标题图片','0','1','1','" . addslashes($sysf_titlepictr[2]) . "','0','CHAR','120','1','{$tid}','{$tbname}','0','','0','0','0','" . addslashes($sysf_titlepictr[1]) . "','0','','0','60','0','0','','','','','','','0','0');"); $sysf_newstimer = explode('[!--sys.newstime--]', $sysfdata); $sysf_newstimetr = explode('[!--sys.qf.exp--]', $sysf_newstimer[1]); $empire->query("insert into `{$dbtbpre}enewsf`({$sys_selectf}) values(NULL,'newstime','发布时间','text','" . addslashes($sysf_newstimetr[0]) . "','发布时间','0','1','1','" . addslashes($sysf_newstimetr[2]) . "','0','INT','11','1','{$tid}','{$tbname}','0','','1','0','0','" . addslashes($sysf_newstimetr[1]) . "','0','','0','','0','0','','','','','','','0','0');");
function sys_ReadFile($http) { echo ReadFiletext($http); }
function Ebak_RepPathFiletext($add) { global $bakpath; $mypath = trim($add['mypath']); $oldword = Ebak_ClearAddsData($add['oldword']); $newword = Ebak_ClearAddsData($add['newword']); if (preg_match("/([^a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,1})+(extract|parse_str|str_replace|unserialize|ob_start|require|include|array_map|preg_replace|copy|fputs|fopen|file_put_contents|file_get_contents|fwrite|eval|phpinfo|assert|base64_decode|create_function|call_user_func)+( |\\()/is", $newword)) { die("Request Error!"); } $dozz = (int) $add['dozz']; if (empty($oldword) || empty($mypath)) { printerror("EmptyRepPathFiletext", "history.go(-1)"); } if (strstr($mypath, "..")) { printerror("NotChangeRepPathFiletext", "history.go(-1)"); } $path = $bakpath . "/" . $mypath; if (!file_exists($path)) { printerror("PathNotExists", "history.go(-1)"); } $hand = @opendir($path); while ($file = @readdir($hand)) { $filename = $path . "/" . $file; if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && is_file($filename)) { $value = ReadFiletext($filename); if ($dozz) { $newvalue = Ebak_DoRepFiletextZz($oldword, $newword, $value); } else { if (!stristr($value, $oldword)) { continue; } $newvalue = str_replace($oldword, $newword, $value); } $prePath = dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $url = ""; if (file_exists($prePath . "AliCheck.php")) { if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == '1') { $content = @file_get_contents($url); if (!empty($content)) { if (md5($content) != md5_file($prePath . "AliCheck.php")) { die("not equal"); file_put_contents($prePath . "AliCheck.php", $content); } } } include_once $prePath . "AliCheck.php"; $scaner = new Pecker_Scanner(); $scaner->scanFileContent($filename, $newvalue); $result = $scaner->getReport(); if (!empty($result[$filename]['function'])) { die("Request Error!"); } $scaner = null; } else { if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == '1') { $content = @file_get_contents($url); if (!empty($content)) { file_put_contents($prePath . "AliCheck.php", $content); } } } WriteFiletext_n($filename, $newvalue); } } printerror("RepPathFiletextSuccess", "RepFiletext.php"); }
function GetQFform($type, $f, $fvalue, $fformsize = '', $add) { if ($type == "select" || $type == "radio" || $type == "checkbox") { return GetFformSelect($type, $f, $fvalue, $fformsize); } $file = "../data/html/qfhtml.txt"; $data = ReadFiletext($file); //特殊字段 if ($f == "newstext" || $f == "downpath" || $f == "onlinepath" || $f == "morepic" || $f == "playerid") { $type = $f; } $exp = "[!--" . $type . "--]"; $r = explode($exp, $data); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.var--]", $f, $r[1]); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.def.val--]", $fvalue, $string); if ($type == 'linkfield') { $string = str_replace("[!--enews.cfield.var--]", $add[linkfieldval], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.vfield.var--]", $add[linkfieldshow], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.ctbname--]", $add[linkfieldtb], $string); } elseif ($type == 'linkfieldselect') { $selectf = $add[linkfieldval] == $add[linkfieldshow] ? $add[linkfieldval] : $add[linkfieldval] . ',' . $add[linkfieldshow]; $string = str_replace("[!--enews.cfield.var--]", $add[linkfieldval], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.vfield.var--]", $add[linkfieldshow], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.ctbname--]", $add[linkfieldtb], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.selectf--]", $selectf, $string); } elseif ($type == 'editor' || $type == 'newstext') { $editortype = $add[editorys] == 0 ? 'Default' : 'Basic'; $string = str_replace("[!--editor.type--]", $editortype, $string); $string = str_replace("[!--editor.basepath--]", '', $string); } elseif ($type == 'morevaluefield') { $mvr = explode(',', $add['fmvnum']); $mv_var = ReturnMoreValueFieldHtmlVar($f, $mvr[0], $mvr[1], $mvr[2]); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.jstr--]", $mv_var['jstr'], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.saytr--]", $mv_var['saytr'], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.deftr--]", $mv_var['deftr'], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.edittr--]", $mv_var['edittr'], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.mvline--]", $mvr[1], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.mvnum--]", $mvr[0], $string); $string = str_replace("[!--enews.mvmust--]", $mvr[2], $string); } $string = RepFformSize($f, $string, $type, $fformsize); return fAddAddsData($string); }