* Re-process all of the video for an existing test
* @param mixed $id
function ReprocessVideo($id)
    $testPath = './' . GetTestPath($id);
    if (is_dir($testPath)) {
        $lock = LockTest($id);
        if (isset($lock)) {
            $cacheFiles = glob("{$testPath}/*.dat.gz");
            if ($cacheFiles && is_array($cacheFiles) && count($cacheFiles)) {
                foreach ($cacheFiles as $cacheFile) {
            $videoFiles = glob("{$testPath}/*.mp4");
            if ($videoFiles && is_array($videoFiles) && count($videoFiles)) {
                foreach ($videoFiles as $video) {
                    if (preg_match('/^.*\\/(?P<run>[0-9]+)(?P<cached>_Cached)?_video\\.mp4$/i', $video, $matches)) {
                        $run = $matches['run'];
                        $cached = array_key_exists('cached', $matches) ? 1 : 0;
                        $videoDir = "{$testPath}/video_{$run}";
                        if ($cached) {
                            $videoDir .= '_cached';
                        delTree($videoDir, false);
                        ProcessAVIVideo($id, $testPath, $run, $cached);
 if (isset($runNumber) && isset($cacheWarmed)) {
     if ($testInfo['fvonly'] || $cacheWarmed) {
         if (!array_key_exists('test_runs', $testInfo)) {
             $testInfo['test_runs'] = array();
         if (array_key_exists($runNumber, $testInfo['test_runs'])) {
             $testInfo['test_runs'][$runNumber]['done'] = true;
         } else {
             $testInfo['test_runs'][$runNumber] = array('done' => true);
         $testInfo_dirty = true;
     if ($testInfo['video']) {
         $workdone_video_start = microtime(true);
     ProcessAVIVideo($testInfo, $testPath, $runNumber, $cacheWarmed, $max_load);
     if ($testInfo['video']) {
         $workdone_video_end = microtime(true);
 if (strlen($location) && strlen($tester)) {
     $testerInfo = array();
     $testerInfo['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     if (!isset($testerError)) {
         $testerError = false;
     if (array_key_exists('testerror', $_REQUEST) && strlen($_REQUEST['testerror'])) {
         $testerError = $_REQUEST['testerror'];
     } elseif (array_key_exists('error', $_REQUEST) && strlen($_REQUEST['error'])) {
         $testerError = $_REQUEST['error'];
Exemple #3
 protected function ProcessVideo(&$test, $tempdir, $testPath, $index)
     if (is_file("{$tempdir}/appurify_results/video.mp4")) {
         rename("{$tempdir}/appurify_results/video.mp4", "{$testPath}/{$index}_appurify.mp4");
         require_once './video/avi2frames.inc.php';
         ProcessAVIVideo($test, $testPath, $index, 0);