public function dogetpaypass() { false !== strpos($_POST['u'], "@") ? $data['user_email'] = text($_POST['u']) : ($data['user_name'] = text($_POST['u'])); $vo = M('members')->field('id')->where($data)->find(); if (is_array($vo)) { $res = Notice(10, $vo['id']); if ($res) { ajaxmsg(); } else { ajaxmsg('', 0); } } else { ajaxmsg('', 0); } }
public function emailvsend() { $data['user_email'] = text($_POST['email']); //判断该邮箱是否已被别人注册 $count = M('members')->where(array("id" => array("neq", $this->uid), "user_email" => $data['user_email']))->count("1"); if ($count > 0) { ajaxmsg('该邮箱已被使用', 2); } $newid = M('members')->where("id = {$this->uid}")->save($data); //更改邮箱,重新激活 if ($newid) { $status = Notice(8, $this->uid); if ($status) { ajaxmsg('邮件已发送,请注意查收!', 1); } else { ajaxmsg('邮件发送失败,请重试!', 0); } } else { ajaxmsg('新邮件修改失败', 2); } }
function MakeFont($fontfile, $enc = 'cp1252', $embed = true) { // Generate a font definition file if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', '1'); if (!file_exists($fontfile)) { Error('Font file not found: ' . $fontfile); } $ext = strtolower(substr($fontfile, -3)); if ($ext == 'ttf' || $ext == 'otf') { $type = 'TrueType'; } elseif ($ext == 'pfb') { $type = 'Type1'; } else { Error('Unrecognized font file extension: ' . $ext); } $map = LoadMap($enc); if ($type == 'TrueType') { $info = GetInfoFromTrueType($fontfile, $embed, $map); } else { $info = GetInfoFromType1($fontfile, $embed, $map); } $basename = substr(basename($fontfile), 0, -4); if ($embed) { if (function_exists('gzcompress')) { $file = $basename . '.z'; SaveToFile($file, gzcompress($info['Data']), 'b'); $info['File'] = $file; Message('Font file compressed: ' . $file); } else { $info['File'] = basename($fontfile); Notice('Font file could not be compressed (zlib extension not available)'); } } MakeDefinitionFile($basename . '.php', $type, $enc, $embed, $map, $info); Message('Font definition file generated: ' . $basename . '.php'); }
public function sendverify() { $r = Notice(2, $this->uid); if ($r) { echo 1; } else { echo 0; } }
function ShowError($str = '', $turnto = URL_ROOT, $urltitle = '返回') { Notice($str, $turnto, 3, 'error', $urltitle); }
public function emailverify() { $jsoncode = file_get_contents("php://input"); $arr = array(); $arr = json_decode($jsoncode, true); if (!is_array($arr) || empty($arr) || empty($arr['email'])) { ajaxmsg("数据有误!", 0); } if ($arr['uid'] != $this->uid) { ajaxmsg("数据有误!", 0); } $map['user_email'] = $arr['email']; $count = M('members')->where($map)->count('id'); $email = M('members')->field('user_email')->find($this->uid); $ids = M('members_status')->getFieldByUid($this->uid, 'email_status'); if ($count > 1) { ajaxmsg('此邮箱已被注册', 0); } elseif ($ids == 1) { ajaxmsg('此邮箱已认证成功', 0); } else { $data['user_email'] = $arr['email']; $data['last_log_time'] = time(); $newid = M('members')->where("id = {$this->uid}")->save($data); //更改邮箱,重新激活 if ($newid) { $status = Notice(8, $this->uid); if ($status) { ajaxmsg('邮件已发送,请登录邮箱认证!'); } else { ajaxmsg('邮件发送失败,请检查邮箱格式,重新发送!', 0); } } else { ajaxmsg('新邮件修改失败', 0); } } }
public function emailvsend() { session('email_temp', text($_POST['email'])); $mid = $this->regaction(); $status = Notice(8, $mid); if ($status) { ajaxmsg('邮件已发送,请注意查收!', 1); } else { ajaxmsg('邮件发送失败,请重试!', 0); } }
public function getpinpass() { $email_status = M('members_status')->where(array("uid" => $this->uid))->getField("email_status"); if ($email_status != 1) { $data["jumpUrl"] = __APP__ . "/member/verify?id=1#fragment-1"; ajaxmsg($data, 2); return; } $res = Notice(9, $this->uid); if ($res) { ajaxmsg(); } else { ajaxmsg('', 0); } }
public function tip() { $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $vm = M('borrow_info')->field('borrow_uid,borrow_name,borrow_money,repayment_type,deadline')->find($id); $borrowName = $vm['borrow_name']; $borrowMoney = $vm['borrow_money']; if ($id) { Notice(9, $vm['borrow_uid'], array('id' => $id, 'borrowName' => $borrowName, 'borrowMoney' => $borrowMoney)); ajaxmsg(); } else { ajaxmsg('', 0); } }
if (!$acl->Access("x")) { throw new Exception("Access denied"); } echo "AJAXOK"; if (isset($_POST['action'])) { switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'save': $phrase = $_POST['text']; $translation = $_POST['translation']; $lang_id = $_POST['language']; $db = new DB("translation"); $db->select("translation_lang_id = '" . $lang_id . "' AND translation_phrase='" . $db->escape($phrase) . "'"); if ($db->numRows() == 1) { $c = new DB("translation"); $c->translation_phrase_translated = $translation; $c->update("translation_lang_id = '" . $lang_id . "' AND translation_phrase='" . $db->escape($phrase) . "'"); echo Notice("Saved"); } else { $c = new DB("translation"); $c->translation_lang_id = $lang_id; $c->translation_phrase = $phrase; $c->translation_phrase_translated = $translation; $c->insert(); echo Notice("insert " . $lang_id . " " . $phrase . "=>" . $translation); } break; } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo _t($e->getMessage()); }
public function dogetpass() { $jsoncode = file_get_contents("php://input"); $arr = array(); $arr = json_decode($jsoncode, ture); if (!is_array($arr) || empty($arr) || empty($arr['user'])) { ajaxmsg("数据错误!", 0); } false !== strpos($arr['user'], "@") ? $data['user_email'] = text($arr['user']) : ($data['user_name'] = text($arr['user'])); $vo = M('members')->field('id')->where($data)->find(); if (is_array($vo)) { $res = Notice(7, $vo['id']); if ($res) { ajaxmsg('发送成功'); } else { ajaxmsg('发送失败', 0); } } else { ajaxmsg('发送失败', 0); } }
function synlogin($get, $post) { $uid = $get['uid']; $username = $get['username']; if (!API_SYNLOGIN) { return API_RETURN_FORBIDDEN; } $vo = M("members")->field("id,user_name")->where("user_name='{$username}'")->find(); if (is_array($vo)) { //登陆 foreach ($vo as $key => $v) { session("u_{$key}", $v); } $up['uid'] = $vo['id']; $up['add_time'] = time(); $up['ip'] = get_client_ip(); M('member_login')->add($up); } else { //注册 require DISCUZ_ROOT . "uc_client/client.php"; $dataUc = uc_get_user($username); $data['user_name'] = text($username); $data['user_pass'] = text($get['password']); $data['user_email'] = text($dataUc[2]); $count = M('members')->where("user_email = '{$data['user_email']}' OR user_name='{$data['user_name']}'")->count('id'); if ($count > 0) { exit; } $data['reg_time'] = time(); $data['reg_ip'] = get_client_ip(); $data['lastlog_time'] = time(); $data['lastlog_ip'] = get_client_ip(); $newid = M('members')->add($data); if ($newid) { session('u_id', $newid); session('u_user_name', $data['user_name']); Notice(1, $newid); memberMoneyLog($newid, 1, $this->glo['award_reg'], "注册奖励"); } } header('P3P: CP="CURa ADMa DEVa PSAo PSDo OUR BUS UNI PUR INT DEM STA PRE COM NAV OTC NOI DSP COR"'); _setcookie('Example_auth', _authcode($uid . "\t" . $username, 'ENCODE')); }
function query_get_zone($query, $fail_if_missing = 0) { global $soa_table_name, $search_query, $query_host, $query_origin; if (!strlen($query)) { return; } if (!ends_with_dot($query)) { $query .= "."; } /* Search left-to-right at label boundaries for exact match */ $labels = explode(".", $query); $host = array(); do { if ($label = implode(".", $labels)) { /* Search for exact match */ $res = sql_query("SELECT id FROM {$soa_table_name} WHERE origin='" . esc($label) . "'") or ErrSQL("Error searching for zone called " . quote($label) . "."); if ($res && ($row = sql_fetch_row($res))) { $query_origin = $label; $query_host = implode(".", $host); $search_query = $query; return (int) $row[0]; } $host[] = array_shift($labels); } } while ($label); /* Search left-to-right at label boundaries for fuzzy match */ $labels = explode(".", $query); $host = array(); do { if ($label = implode(".", $labels)) { /* Search for similar match */ $res = sql_query("SELECT id FROM {$soa_table_name} WHERE origin LIKE '%" . esc($label) . "'") or ErrSQL("Error searching for zone like " . quote($label) . "."); if ($res && sql_num_rows($res)) { zone_browser(" WHERE origin LIKE '%" . esc($label) . "'"); exit; } } } while ($dummy = array_shift($labels)); /* Try generic LIKE query */ if (ends_with_dot($query)) { $query = substr($query, 0, strlen($query) - 1); } $sql_where = "WHERE origin LIKE '%" . esc($query) . "%'"; $res = sql_query("SELECT id FROM {$soa_table_name} {$sql_where}") or ErrSQL("Error searching for zone like " . quote($query) . "."); if ($res && sql_num_rows($res)) { zone_browser($sql_where, $query); exit; } /* No match - fail */ if ($fail_if_missing) { Notice("<B>No zones found matching your search query.</B>"); help_screen(); } }
function ShowError($str = '', $turnto = URL_ROOT, $urltitle = '返回') { if ($turnto == URL_ROOT) { Notice($str, $turnto . '/index.php', 3, 'error', $urltitle); } else { Notice($str, $turnto, 3, 'error', $urltitle); } }
public function sendEmaila() { $status = Notice(8, $this->uid); }
public function regaction_bak() { $jsoncode = file_get_contents("php://input"); $arr = array(); $arr = json_decode($jsoncode, true); if (!is_array($arr) || empty($arr)) { ajaxmsg("提交信息错误,请重试.", 0); } if ($arr['name'] == "" || $arr['password'] == "" || $arr['email'] == "") { ajaxmsg("提交信息错误,请重试!", 0); } $data['user_name'] = text($arr['name']); $data['user_pass'] = md5($arr['password']); $data['user_email'] = text($arr['email']); $count = M('members')->where("user_email = '{$data['user_email']}' OR user_name='{$data['user_name']}'")->count('id'); if ($count > 0) { // $arr2 = array(); // $arr2['type'] = 'regaction('; // $arr2['deal_user'] = $data['user_name']; // $arr2['tstatus'] = '1'; // $arr2['deal_time'] = time(); // $arr2['deal_info'] = $data['user_name']."注册失败,用户名或者邮件已经有人使用_".$jsoncode; // $newid = M("auser_dologs")->add($arr2); ajaxmsg("kk注册失败,用户名或者邮件已经有人使用", 0); } $data['reg_time'] = time(); $data['reg_ip'] = get_client_ip(); $data['lastlog_time'] = time(); $data['lastlog_ip'] = get_client_ip(); if (session("tmp_invite_user")) { $data['recommend_id'] = session("tmp_invite_user"); } $newid = M('members')->add($data); if ($newid) { //session('u_id',$newid); //session('u_user_name',$data['user_name']); //memberMoneyLog($newid,1,$this->glo['award_reg'],"注册奖励"); // $arr2 = array(); // $arr2['type'] = 'regaction('; // $arr2['deal_user'] = $data['user_name']; // $arr2['tstatus'] = '1'; // $arr2['deal_time'] = time(); // $arr2['deal_info'] = $data['user_name']."注册成功_".$jsoncode; // $newid = M("auser_dologs")->add($arr2); Notice(1, $newid, array('email', $data['user_email'])); //$msg = array('uid'=>$newid); $mess = array(); $mess['uid'] = $newid; $mess['username'] = $data['user_name']; $mess['head'] = get_avatar($newid); $mess['total'] = 0; $mess['mayuse'] = 0; $mess['freeze'] = 0; $mess['collect'] = 0; ajaxmsg($mess); //ajaxmsg(); } else { ajaxmsg("注册失败,请重试", 0); } }
</textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="heading" width="120px" valign="top" align="right"><b><?php echo _t("Additional"); ?> </b></td> <td valign="top" align="left"> <label><input type="checkbox" name="freeleech" <?php echo $db->torrent_freeleech ? "CHECKED" : ""; ?> /><?php echo _t("Freeleech"); ?> </label> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" colspan="1"><input type="submit" name="save" value="<?php echo _t("Save Torrent"); ?> "></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </form> <?php } catch (Exception $e) { echo Notice(_t($e->getMessage())); }