  * if an array if receive the keys are
  *  p_date
  *  p_depot
  *  f_idX f_id
  *  sg_codeX
  *  sg_type0
  * @global $cn database connx
  * @param $p_array
  * if an array if receive the keys are
  *  p_date
  *  p_depot
  *  f_idX f_id
  *  sg_codeX
  *  sg_type0
  * @param $p_readonly true or false
 function input($p_array = null, $p_readonly = false)
     global $cn;
     if ($p_array != null) {
     } else {
         $p_date = '';
         $p_motif = '';
         $p_depot = 0;
     $date = new IDate('p_date', $p_date);
     $motif = new IText('p_motif', $p_motif);
     $motif->size = 80;
     $idepo = HtmlInput::select_stock($cn, "p_depot", "W");
     if (count($idepo->value) == 0) {
     $idepo->selected = $p_depot;
     if ($p_readonly) {
         $nb = $row;
     } else {
         if (isset($row)) {
             $nb = $row > MAX_ARTICLE_STOCK ? $row : MAX_ARTICLE_STOCK;
         } else {
             $nb = MAX_ARTICLE_STOCK;
     for ($e = 0; $e < $nb; $e++) {
         $sg_code[$e] = new ICard('sg_code' . $e);
         $sg_code[$e]->extra = "[sql]  fd_id = 500000";
         $sg_code[$e]->set_attribute("typecard", $sg_code[$e]->extra);
         $sg_code[$e]->set_attribute("label", "label" . $e);
         $sg_code[$e]->value = isset(${'sg_code' . $e}) ? ${'sg_code' . $e} : '';
         $sg_quantity[$e] = new INum('sg_quantity' . $e);
         $sg_quantity[$e]->value = isset(${'sg_quantity' . $e}) ? ${'sg_quantity' . $e} : '';
         $label[$e] = new ISpan("label{$e}");
         if (trim($sg_code[$e]->value) != '') {
             $label[$e]->value = $cn->get_value("select vw_name from vw_fiche_attr where quick_code=\$1", array($sg_code[$e]->value));
         if (isset(${'sg_type' . $e})) {
             $sg_type[$e] = ${'sg_type' . $e} == 'c' ? 'OUT' : 'IN';
         if (isset(${'f_id' . $e})) {
             $fiche[$e] = new Fiche($this->cn, ${'f_id' . $e});
     $select_exercice = new ISelect('p_exercice');
     $select_exercice->value = $cn->make_array('select distinct p_exercice,p_exercice from parm_periode order by 1 desc');
     require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/template/stock_inv.php';
Exemple #2
             $msg = "";
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($ack); $i++) {
                 $fiche = new Fiche($cn, $ack[$i]);
                 if ($fiche->remove(true) == 1) {
                     $msg .= "\n " . $fiche->strAttribut(ATTR_DEF_QUICKCODE);
             if ($msg != "") {
                 echo '<div class="content">';
                 echo h2(_("Fiche non effacées"), ' class="error"  ');
                 echo '<p class="error">' . _(" Ces fiches n'ont pas été effacées  ") . $msg;
                 echo '</div>';
     } else {
         echo NoAccess();
 $sql = "select f_id from fiche ";
 if ($allcard == 1) {
     $cond = "";
 } else {
     $cond = " where f.fd_id = " . sql_string($_GET['cat']);
 // Create nav bar
 $max = $cn->get_value("select count(*) from fiche as f " . $cond);
 $step = $_SESSION['g_pagesize'];
 $page = isset($_GET['offset']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
 $offset = isset($_GET['offset']) ? $_GET['offset'] : 0;
 $bar = navigation_bar($offset, $max, $step, $page);
 $limit = $step == -1 ? "" : " limit " . $step;
    die('Appel direct ne sont pas permis');
global $g_failed, $g_succeed;
require_once NOALYSS_INCLUDE . '/class_acc_ledger_fin.php';
echo '<div class="content">';
$Ledger = new Acc_Ledger_Fin($cn, 0);
if (!isset($_REQUEST['p_jrn'])) {
    $a = $Ledger->get_first('fin');
    $Ledger->id = $a['jrn_def_id'];
} else {
    $Ledger->id = $_REQUEST['p_jrn'];
$jrn_priv = $g_user->get_ledger_access($Ledger->id);
if (isset($_GET["p_jrn"]) && $jrn_priv == "X") {
// save
if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
    if (trim($_POST['ext']) != '' && isset($_POST['op'])) {
        $array = $_POST['op'];
        $tot = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) {
            $cn->exec_sql('update jrn set jr_pj_number=$1 where jr_id=$2', array($_POST['ext'], $array[$i]));
            $tot = bcadd($tot, $cn->get_value('select qf_amount from quant_fin where jr_id=$1', array($array[$i])));
        $diff = bcsub($_POST['end_extrait'], $_POST['start_extrait']);