print '</td></tr></table>'; print "<br />"; print '<table align="center" bgcolor="#EBEBEB"><tr><td>' . "\n"; $f = new Formulaire("POST", "comptes.php"); $f->debutTable(HORIZONTAL); $f->champValider("ajouter-un-nouveau-compte", "action"); $f->finTable(); $f->fin(); print "<br />"; print '</td></tr></table>'; print Html3("bas"); break; case "ajouter-un-nouveau-compte": $compte = new CT("cts"); print Html3("haut", "Ajouter compte", $css); Menu_budget("cp"); print "<br />"; $compte->Imprimer_form($css); print Html3("bas"); break; case "modifier": $compte = new CT("cts"); print Html3("haut", "Modif compte", $css); print "<br />"; $compte->Get_ct($bd, $ct_id); $compte->Imprimer_form($listeComptes, $css); print Html3("bas"); break; case "sauver": $compte = new CT("cts"); $compte->Affectation($_POST, $ct_id);
foreach ($listeComptes as $compte) { if (!strstr($compte, " ")) { print "<br />{$compte}<br />"; } else { print $compte . "<br />"; } } print "</span>"; print Html3("bas"); break; case "cts_analyse": $listeComptes2 = ComboComptes2($bd); $totalCte = array(); $aujour = date("Y-m-d"); print Html3("haut", "Analyse par comptes", $css); Menu_budget("cp", "xx"); print '<div align="center"><br /><br /><table><tr><td width="80%" colspan="4"><div align="center"><span class="ffA fs14 fwB ls1 bcAqua cNoire"> A.A.Q. - Analyse par comptes : données extraites du <i> Budget de programmes</i> <br /> afin de comparer avec ceux de l\'<i>État des résultats</i> ( ' . $aujour . ' ) </span></div></td></tr></table></div>'; print "<br />"; $reqPro = "SELECT * FROM pcs, cts, pjs " . "WHERE 1 AND pcs.ct_id = cts.ct_id " . " AND pcs.pj_id = pjs.pj_id " . " ORDER BY cts.ct_no, pjs.pj_no "; $resPro = $bd->execRequete($reqPro); //print(mysql_num_rows($resPro)); /* for($idx = 4000; $idx < 6000; $idx++) { //$totalCte[$idx] = 0; } */ print '<div align="center"><table border="1" cellspacing="0", cellpadding=3 width="55%">'; while ($unProjet = $bd->objetSuivant($resPro)) { //print($unProjet->ct_no . " - "); $ct_no = $unProjet->ct_no; $totalCte[$ct_no] += $unProjet->pc_reel;
//if($_SESSION['usager_id'] == 1) Print_rhtml($_SESSION); print(Html3("bas")); break; */ case "": case "xxx": $w1 = "7%"; $w2 = "40%"; $w3 = "28%"; $w4 = "10%"; $w5 = "15%"; $listeAcces[0] = "non"; $listeAcces[1] = '<span class="fsXL fwB">oui</span>'; print Html3("haut", "Gestion des projets", $css); print Menu_budget("cp"); if (strstr($operation, "!")) { print Imprime_operation3($operation); } print '<div align="center" class="projets">' . "\n"; print '<table width="800" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">' . "\n"; print '<caption class="fwB ls2 fs16">Gestion des projets</caption>'; $requete = "SELECT * FROM pjs" . " WHERE 1 " . "ORDER BY pj_no "; $resultat = $bd->execRequete($requete); $nb = 0; print ' <tr bgcolor="#ebebeb">' . "\n"; print ' <th width="' . $w1 . '">no</th>' . "\n"; print ' <th width="' . $w2 . '">nom du projet (<a href="projets.php?action=ajouter-un-nouveau-projet">ajouter-projet</a>)</th>' . "\n"; print ' <th width="' . $w3 . '">responsable du projet</th>' . "\n"; print ' <th width="' . $w4 . '">peut<br />éditer ?</th>' . "\n"; print ' <th width="' . $w5 . '">action</th>' . "\n";