// Временная таблица для вычисления междугородних звонков
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Trunk table
$qB1 = "\nCREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_B (\ninternally smallint NULL default '0',\nduration decimal(65,0) NULL default '0'\n)\n";
$qB2 = "\nINSERT INTO tmp_B SELECT calls.internally,SUM(duration)\nfrom calls\nwhere ((calls.timeofcall>='" . $from_date . "')\nAND (calls.timeofcall<='" . $to_date . "')\n" . $additionalReq . "\n" . VectorOfCall(MathVector(13)) . "\n)\ngroup by calls.internally\n";
// Временная таблица для вычисления звонков сотовой связи
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Mobile table
$qC1 = "\nCREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_C (\ninternally smallint NULL default '0',\nduration decimal(65,0) NULL default '0'\n)\n";
$qC2 = "\nINSERT INTO tmp_C SELECT calls.internally,SUM(duration)\nfrom calls\nwhere ((calls.timeofcall>='" . $from_date . "')\nAND (calls.timeofcall<='" . $to_date . "')\n" . $additionalReq . "\n" . VectorOfCall(MathVector(11)) . "\n)\ngroup by calls.internally\n";
// Временная таблица для вычисления международных звонков
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Long distance calls table
$qD1 = "\nCREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_D (\ninternally smallint NULL default '0',\nduration decimal(65,0) NULL default '0'\n)\n";
$qD2 = "\nINSERT INTO tmp_D SELECT calls.internally,SUM(duration)\nfrom calls\nwhere ((calls.timeofcall>='" . $from_date . "')\nAND (calls.timeofcall<='" . $to_date . "')\n" . $additionalReq . "\n" . VectorOfCall(MathVector(7)) . "\n)\ngroup by calls.internally\n";
// Поготовим подзапрос для выяснения общего количества страниц
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// For limits
$qP1 = "\nCREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_P (\n internally smallint NULL default '0',\n duration decimal(65,0) NULL default '0'\n)\n";
$qP2 = "\nINSERT INTO tmp_P\nSELECT calls.internally,COUNT(internally)\nFROM calls\nwhere ((calls.timeofcall>='" . $from_date . "')\nAND (calls.timeofcall<='" . $to_date . "')\n" . $additionalReq . "\n" . $vectorReq . "\n)\nGROUP BY calls.internally";
$qP = "\nSELECT COUNT(*) FROM tmp_P\n";
if (empty($CityLine)) {
if (empty($TrunkLine)) {
function totalTableFooter($field, $returnType)
    global $conn, $from_date, $to_date, $additionalReq, $LocalCalls;
    global $isNoCityCalls, $LongDistanceCalls, $MobileCallsR;
    global $InternationalCalls, $debug, $cacheflush, $GUI_LANG;
    global $REGEXP, $NOT_REGEXP;
    global $TTFfirst;
    switch ($field) {
        case "4":
            // Всего: общее количество звонков
            $q = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n\t\tfrom calls\n\t\twhere\n\t\t((calls.timeofcall>='" . $from_date . "') AND (calls.timeofcall<='" . $to_date . "')\n\t\t" . $additionalReq . "\n\t\t" . VectorOfCall(MathVector(0)) . "\n\t\t)";
        case "5":
            // Всего: городские
            $q = "SELECT SUM(calls.duration),COUNT(*)\n\t\tfrom calls\n\t\twhere\n\t\t((calls.timeofcall>='" . $from_date . "') AND (calls.timeofcall<='" . $to_date . "')\n\t\t" . $additionalReq . "\n\t\t" . VectorOfCall(MathVector(14)) . "\n\t\t)";
            $Qcomment = $GUI_LANG['City'];
        case "6":
            // Всего: межгород
            $q = "SELECT SUM(calls.duration),COUNT(*)\n\t\tfrom calls\n\t\twhere\n\t\t((calls.timeofcall>='" . $from_date . "') AND (calls.timeofcall<='" . $to_date . "')\n\t\t" . $additionalReq . "\n\t\t" . VectorOfCall(MathVector(13)) . "\n\t\t)";
            $Qcomment = $GUI_LANG['Trunk'];
        case "7":
            // Всего:  мобильная связь
            $q = "SELECT SUM(calls.duration),COUNT(*)\n\t\tfrom calls\n\t\twhere ((calls.timeofcall>='" . $from_date . "') AND (calls.timeofcall<='" . $to_date . "')\n\t\t" . $additionalReq . "\n\t\t" . VectorOfCall(MathVector(11)) . "\n\t\t)";
            $Qcomment = $GUI_LANG['Mobile'];
        case "8":
            // Всего: международная связь
            $q = "SELECT SUM(calls.duration),COUNT(*)\n\t\tfrom calls\n\t\twhere ((calls.timeofcall>='" . $from_date . "') AND (calls.timeofcall<='" . $to_date . "')\n\t\t" . $additionalReq . "\n\t\t" . VectorOfCall(MathVector(7)) . "\n\t\t)";
            $Qcomment = $GUI_LANG['LongDistance'];
    if ($cacheflush) {
        $res = $conn->CacheFlush($q);
    $local_cacheflush = "";
    $res = $conn->CacheExecute($q);
    if ($debug) {
        echo "<hr>" . $q . "<br><hr>";
    if ($returnType == 1) {
        $results = $res->fields[0];
        if (!$TTFfirst) {
            $TTFfirst = TRUE;
    } else {
        $total = $res->fields;
        if ($total[0]) {
            if ($returnType == 0 && $TTFfirst) {
                $results = "<BR>\n";
            $results .= "{$Qcomment}: ";
            if ($returnType == 0) {
                $results .= sumTotal($total[0], 1);
            } else {
                $results .= sumTotal($total[0], 2);
            if ($total[1]) {
                $results .= ". " . $GUI_LANG['OfCalls'] . ": ";
            if ($returnType == 0) {
                $results .= "<b>";
            $results .= $total[1];
            if ($returnType == 0) {
                $results .= "</b>\n";
            if (!$TTFfirst) {
                $TTFfirst = TRUE;
    return $results;
//if($cacheflush) $conn->CacheFlush();
// Опишем в массиве те модели АТС, которые имеют АОН.
$withAON = array('KX-TD1232', 'GD-320', '');
$vhodjashij = $GUI_LANG['Incoming'];
$IfAON = $vhodjashij;
while (list($key, $val) = each($withAON)) {
    if ($val == "{$model}") {
        // Модель АТС описанная переменной $model; взята из конфигурационного файла
        $IfAON = $GUI_LANG['NotRecognized'];
// Вычисление дополнения к SQL запросу в зависимости от направления звонков
// осуществяется посредством вызова математической функции.
$vectorReq = VectorOfCall(MathVector(0));
// Формируем запрос в зависимости от типа звонков: исходящие,
// входящие, или оба типа.
switch ($incoming) {
    case "1":
        $additionalEcho = $GUI_LANG['IncomingAndOutgoingCalls'];
    case "2":
        $additionalEcho = $GUI_LANG['OutgoingCalls'];
        $additionalReq .= " AND (calls.way = '2')";
    case "3":
        $additionalEcho = $GUI_LANG['IncomingCalls'];
        $additionalReq .= " AND (calls.way = '1')";