Exemple #1
 function add($xml = '', $order = '')
     if ($xml) {
         if ($xml->attributes()->objectid) {
             $this->orderid = $xml->attributes()->objectid;
         $chunk = new ST_QTI12_Material_Inner();
         $chunk->label = (string) $xml->attributes()->label;
         foreach ($xml->children() as $child) {
             $name = $child->getName();
             if ($name == 'mattext') {
                 $chunk->data[] = MakeValidHTML($this->ParseImages((string) $child), $this->notrim);
                 if (isset($child->attributes()->label)) {
                     $chunk->label = (string) $child->attributes()->label;
             if ($name == 'matemtext') {
                 $chunk->data[] = "<em>" . MakeValidHTML($this->ParseImages((string) $child)) . "</em>";
             if ($name == 'matbreak') {
                 $chunk->data[] = "<br />";
             if ($name == 'mat_extension') {
                 foreach ($child->children() as $child1) {
                     $name1 = $child1->getName();
                     if ($name1 == 'webct_localizable_mattext') {
                         $chunk->data[] = MakeValidHTML($this->ParseImages((string) $child1));
         if ($order) {
             $this->chunks[$order] = $chunk;
         } else {
             $this->chunks[] = $chunk;
         // load any images here
         if ($xml->matimage) {
             $this->addImage((string) $xml->matimage->attributes()->uri, (string) $xml->matimage->attributes()->width, (string) $xml->matimage->attributes()->height, (string) $xml->matimage);
Exemple #2
 function LoadExtmatch(&$source)
     // easy to do, no feedback in Rogo so goes the way of the dinosar
     $dest = new ST_Question_Extmatch();
     $dest->load_id = $source->load_id;
     $dest->status = $source->qmd_status;
     $dest->type = "extmatch";
     $shuf = 0;
     foreach ($source->responses as $respeach) {
         if ($respeach->shuffle == 1) {
             $shuf = 1;
     if ($shuf == 1) {
         //  if ($source->responses[1]->shuffle == 1) {
         $dest->q_option_order = 'random';
     $this->GenerateQuestionInfo($dest, $source->material, $source->title);
     // load option list
     $optionlist = $this->GetResponseLabelList($source, false, $lablk, $lablkd);
     $optid = 1;
     foreach ($optionlist as $id => $option) {
         $opt = new STQ_Extm_Option();
         $opt->option = $option;
         $opt->id = $id;
         $dest->optionlist[$optid] = $opt;
     $optid = 1;
     // load all stems
     $stemid = 1;
     $respcond = $this->GetRespConditions($source, 1);
     $usedfb = array();
     $dest->marks = 0;
     foreach ($source->responses as $rid => $response) {
         $stem = new STQ_Extm_Scenario();
         $stem->stem = MakeValidHTML(RemoveLoneP($response->material->GetHTML()));
         $stem->base_response_id = $rid;
         if (!empty($response->material->media)) {
             $stem->media = $response->material->media;
             $stem->media_width = $response->material->media_width;
             $stem->media_height = $response->material->media_height;
         $dest->scenarios[$stemid++] = $stem;
         $correct = array();
         foreach ($respcond as $cond) {
             foreach ($cond->conditions as $condvar) {
                 // 1 mark per correct answer so skip ones that have a diff respident and mark correct rest
                 if ($condvar->respident != $rid) {
                 if ($condvar->not) {
                 $correct[] = $condvar->value;
         list($marks_incorrect, $marks_partial, $marks_correct) = $this->getMarksFromRespConditions($source);
         $dest->marks_correct = $marks_correct;
         $dest->marks_incorrect = $marks_incorrect;
         $dest->marks_partial = $marks_partial;
         // work out correct answers for this stem
         $correct_mapped = array();
         foreach ($correct as $answer) {
             foreach ($dest->optionlist as $oid => $option) {
                 if ($option->id == $answer) {
                     $stem->correctans[] = $oid;
             foreach ($lablkd as $lablkk => $lablkv) {
                 if ($lablkk != "") {
                     if ($lablk[$rid][$answer] == $lablkk) {
                         $stem->correctans[] = $lablkv;
         // get feedback for this stem
         $fb = $this->GetFeedbacks($source, $rid);
         $stem->feedback = $this->GetFeedbackFromArray($source, $fb);
     return $dest;