Exemple #1
    public static function report()
        // Is $match_id valid?
        $match_id = (int) $_GET['mid'];
        if (!get_alt_col('matches', 'match_id', $match_id, 'match_id')) {
            fatal("Invalid match ID.");
        global $lng, $stars, $rules, $settings, $coach, $racesHasNecromancer, $racesMayRaiseRotters, $DEA, $T_PMD__ENTRY_EXPECTED;
        global $T_MOUT_REL, $T_MOUT_ACH, $T_MOUT_IR, $T_MOUT_INJ;
        global $leagues, $divisions, $tours;
        $T_ROUNDS = Match::getRounds();
        // Perform actions (delete, lock/unlock and reset). Needs the
        $IS_LOCAL_ADMIN = is_object($coach) && $coach->isNodeCommish(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, get_alt_col('matches', 'match_id', $match_id, 'f_tour_id'));
        // Create objects
        $m = new Match($match_id);
        $team1 = new Team($m->team1_id);
        $team2 = new Team($m->team2_id);
        // Determine visitor privileges.
        $lid = $divisions[$tours[$m->f_tour_id]['f_did']]['f_lid'];
        $ALLOW_EDIT = !$m->locked && is_object($coach) && ($coach->ring == Coach::T_RING_GLOBAL_ADMIN || $leagues[$lid]['ring'] == Coach::T_RING_LOCAL_ADMIN || $coach->isInMatch($m->match_id));
        $DIS = $ALLOW_EDIT ? '' : 'DISABLED';
        // Lock page for other reasons? (Used journeys etc)
        foreach (array(1 => $team1, 2 => $team2) as $id => $t) {
            foreach ($t->getPlayers() as $p) {
                if (!self::player_validation($p, $m)) {
                if (!$m->is_played && $p->is_journeyman_used) {
                    $USED_JOURNEYMAN_PRESENT = true;
            $DIS = 'DISABLED';
        // Relay to ES report page?
        if (isset($_GET['es_report'])) {
            # Don't care what value the GET field has!
            self::report_ES($match_id, !$ALLOW_EDIT);
        $easyconvert = new array_to_js();
        @$easyconvert->add_array($stars, 'phpStars');
        // Load stars array into JavaScript array.
        echo $easyconvert->output_all();
        echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var ID_MERCS = ' . ID_MERCS . ';
    var ID_STARS_BEGIN = ' . ID_STARS_BEGIN . ';
         * Submitted form?
        if (isset($_POST['button']) && $ALLOW_EDIT) {
            if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
                $_POST['summary'] = stripslashes($_POST['summary']);
            MTS('Report submit STARTED');
            // FIRST, if any raised zombies are kept we need to create their player objects in order have the correct player- vs. match creation & played dates.
            foreach (array(1 => $team1, 2 => $team2) as $id => $t) {
                if (in_array($t->f_race_id, $racesHasNecromancer) && isset($_POST["t{$id}zombie"])) {
                    $pos_id = $DEA[$t->f_rname]['players']['Zombie']['pos_id'];
                    list($exitStatus, $pid) = Player::create(array('nr' => $t->getFreePlayerNr(), 'f_pos_id' => $pos_id, 'team_id' => $t->team_id, 'name' => 'RAISED ZOMBIE'), array('free' => true));
                        Knowing the new zombie's PID we relocate the zombie match data to regular player data - this allows us
                        to use the same loop for submitting the zombie's match data.
                    foreach ($T_PMD__ENTRY_EXPECTED as $f) {
                        $postName = "{$f}_t{$id}zombie";
                        $_POST["{$f}_{$pid}"] = isset($_POST[$postName]) ? $_POST[$postName] : 0;
            // SECONDLY, look for raised rotters too, do same as above with zombies...
            foreach (array(1 => $team1, 2 => $team2) as $id => $t) {
                if (in_array($t->f_race_id, $racesMayRaiseRotters) && isset($_POST["t{$id}rotterCnt"]) && ($N = (int) $_POST["t{$id}rotterCnt"]) > 0) {
                    foreach (range(1, $N) as $n) {
                        $pos_id = $DEA[$t->f_rname]['players']['Rotter']['pos_id'];
                        list($exitStatus, $pid) = Player::create(array('nr' => $t->getFreePlayerNr(), 'f_pos_id' => $pos_id, 'team_id' => $t->team_id, 'name' => "RAISED ROTTER {$n}"), array('free' => true));
                            Knowing the new rotter's PID we relocate the rotter match data to regular player data - this allows us
                            to use the same loop for submitting the rotter's match data.
                        foreach ($T_PMD__ENTRY_EXPECTED as $f) {
                            $postName = "{$f}_t{$id}rotter{$n}";
                            $_POST["{$f}_{$pid}"] = isset($_POST[$postName]) ? $_POST[$postName] : 0;
            // Update general match data
            status($m->update(array('submitter_id' => (int) $_SESSION['coach_id'], 'stadium' => (int) $_POST['stadium'], 'gate' => (int) $_POST['gate'] * 1000, 'fans' => (int) $_POST['fans'], 'ffactor1' => (int) $_POST['ff1'], 'ffactor2' => (int) $_POST['ff2'], 'income1' => (int) $_POST['inc1'] * 1000, 'income2' => (int) $_POST['inc2'] * 1000, 'team1_score' => (int) $_POST['result1'], 'team2_score' => (int) $_POST['result2'], 'smp1' => (int) $_POST['smp1'], 'smp2' => (int) $_POST['smp2'], 'tcas1' => (int) $_POST['tcas1'], 'tcas2' => (int) $_POST['tcas2'], 'fame1' => (int) $_POST['fame1'], 'fame2' => (int) $_POST['fame2'], 'tv1' => (int) $_POST['tv1'] * 1000, 'tv2' => (int) $_POST['tv2'] * 1000)), 'Saving match report');
            if (!empty($_POST['summary'])) {
                # Save summery.
            MTS('matches entry submitted');
            // Update match's player data
            foreach (array(1 => $team1, 2 => $team2) as $id => $t) {
                /* Save ordinary players */
                foreach ($t->getPlayers() as $p) {
                    if (!self::player_validation($p, $m)) {
                    // We create zero entries for MNG player(s). This is required!
                    $pid = $p->player_id;
                    # Shortcut
                    if ($p->getStatus($m->match_id) == MNG) {
                        $_POST["mvp_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["cp_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["td_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["intcpt_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["bh_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["si_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["ki_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["ir1_d1_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["ir1_d2_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["ir2_d1_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["ir2_d2_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["ir3_d1_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["ir3_d2_{$pid}"] = 0;
                        $_POST["inj_{$pid}"] = NONE;
                        $_POST["agn1_{$pid}"] = NONE;
                        $_POST["agn2_{$pid}"] = NONE;
                    $m->entry($p->player_id, array('mvp' => $_POST["mvp_{$pid}"], 'cp' => $_POST["cp_{$pid}"], 'td' => $_POST["td_{$pid}"], 'intcpt' => $_POST["intcpt_{$pid}"], 'bh' => $_POST["bh_{$pid}"], 'si' => $_POST["si_{$pid}"], 'ki' => $_POST["ki_{$pid}"], 'ir1_d1' => $_POST["ir1_d1_{$pid}"], 'ir1_d2' => $_POST["ir1_d2_{$pid}"], 'ir2_d1' => $_POST["ir2_d1_{$pid}"], 'ir2_d2' => $_POST["ir2_d2_{$pid}"], 'ir3_d1' => $_POST["ir3_d1_{$pid}"], 'ir3_d2' => $_POST["ir3_d2_{$pid}"], 'inj' => $_POST["inj_{$pid}"], 'agn1' => $_POST["agn1_{$pid}"], 'agn2' => $_POST["agn2_{$pid}"]));
                MTS('Saved all REGULAR player entries in match_data for team ' . $id);
                    Save stars entries.
                foreach ($stars as $star) {
                    $s = new Star($star['id']);
                    if (isset($_POST['team_' . $star['id']]) && $_POST['team_' . $star['id']] == $id) {
                        $sid = $s->star_id;
                        $m->entry($sid, array('f_team_id' => $t->team_id, 'mvp' => isset($_POST["mvp_{$sid}"]) && $_POST["mvp_{$sid}"] ? 1 : 0, 'cp' => $_POST["cp_{$sid}"], 'td' => $_POST["td_{$sid}"], 'intcpt' => $_POST["intcpt_{$sid}"], 'bh' => $_POST["bh_{$sid}"], 'si' => $_POST["si_{$sid}"], 'ki' => $_POST["ki_{$sid}"], 'ir1_d1' => 0, 'ir1_d2' => 0, 'ir2_d1' => 0, 'ir2_d2' => 0, 'ir3_d1' => 0, 'ir3_d2' => 0, 'inj' => NONE, 'agn1' => NONE, 'agn2' => NONE));
                    } else {
                        $s->rmMatchEntry($m->match_id, $t->team_id);
                MTS('Saved all STAR player entries in match_data for team ' . $id);
                    Save mercenary entries.
                Mercenary::rmMatchEntries($m->match_id, $t->team_id);
                // Remove all previously saved mercs in this match.
                for ($i = 0; $i <= 20; $i++) {
                    # We don't expect over 20 mercs. This is just some large random number.
                    $idm = '_' . ID_MERCS . '_' . $i;
                    if (isset($_POST["team{$idm}"]) && $_POST["team{$idm}"] == $id) {
                        $m->entry(ID_MERCS, array('f_team_id' => $t->team_id, 'nr' => $i, 'skills' => $_POST["skills{$idm}"], 'mvp' => isset($_POST["mvp{$idm}"]) && $_POST["mvp{$idm}"] ? 1 : 0, 'cp' => $_POST["cp{$idm}"], 'td' => $_POST["td{$idm}"], 'intcpt' => $_POST["intcpt{$idm}"], 'bh' => $_POST["bh{$idm}"], 'si' => $_POST["si{$idm}"], 'ki' => $_POST["ki{$idm}"], 'ir1_d1' => 0, 'ir1_d2' => 0, 'ir2_d1' => 0, 'ir2_d2' => 0, 'ir3_d1' => 0, 'ir3_d2' => 0, 'inj' => NONE, 'agn1' => NONE, 'agn2' => NONE));
                MTS('Saved all MERC player entries in match_data for team ' . $id);
            # Required!
            MTS('Report submit ENDED');
            // Refresh objects used to display form.
            $m = new Match($match_id);
            $team1 = new Team($m->team1_id);
            $team2 = new Team($m->team2_id);
        // Change round form submitted?
        if ($IS_LOCAL_ADMIN && isset($_POST['round'])) {
            status($m->chRound((int) $_POST['round']));
         * Generate form
        $teamUrl1 = "<a href=\"" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, $m->team1_id, false, false) . "\">" . $m->team1_name . "</a>";
        $teamUrl2 = "<a href=\"" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, $m->team2_id, false, false) . "\">" . $m->team2_name . "</a>";
        $coachUrl1 = "<a href=\"" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_COACH, $team1->owned_by_coach_id, false, false) . "\">" . $team1->f_cname . "</a>";
        $coachUrl2 = "<a href=\"" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_COACH, $team2->owned_by_coach_id, false, false) . "\">" . $team2->f_cname . "</a>";
        $raceUrl1 = "<a href=\"" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_RACE, $team1->f_race_id, false, false) . "\">" . $lng->getTrn('race/' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $team1->f_rname))) . "</a>";
        $raceUrl2 = "<a href=\"" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_RACE, $team2->f_race_id, false, false) . "\">" . $lng->getTrn('race/' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $team2->f_rname))) . "</a>";
        $leagueUrl = League::getLeagueUrl(get_parent_id(T_NODE_MATCH, $m->match_id, T_NODE_LEAGUE));
        $divUrl = "<a href=\"" . urlcompile(T_URL_STANDINGS, T_OBJ_TEAM, false, T_NODE_DIVISION, get_parent_id(T_NODE_MATCH, $m->match_id, T_NODE_DIVISION)) . "\">" . get_parent_name(T_NODE_MATCH, $m->match_id, T_NODE_DIVISION) . "</a>";
        $tourUrl = Tour::getTourUrl(get_parent_id(T_NODE_MATCH, $m->match_id, T_NODE_TOURNAMENT));
        title($teamUrl1 . " - " . $teamUrl2);
        $CP = 8;
        // Colspan.
    <tr><td></td><td style='text-align: right;'><i><?php 
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/home');
</i></td><td>&mdash;</td><td style='text-align: left;'><i><?php 
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/away');
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/teams');
</b>:</td><td style='text-align: right;'><?php 
        echo "{$teamUrl1}</td><td> &mdash; </td><td style='text-align: left;'>{$teamUrl2}";
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/coaches');
</b>:</td><td style='text-align: right;'><?php 
        echo "{$coachUrl1}</td><td> &mdash; </td><td style='text-align: left;'>{$coachUrl2}";
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/races');
</b>:</td><td style='text-align: right;'><?php 
        echo "{$raceUrl1}</td><td> &mdash; </td><td style='text-align: left;'>{$raceUrl2}";
    <tr><td colspan="4"><hr></td></tr>
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/league');
</b>:</td><td colspan="3">    <?php 
        echo $leagueUrl;
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/division');
</b>:</td><td colspan="3">  <?php 
        echo $divUrl;
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/tournament');
</b>:</td><td colspan="3"><?php 
        echo $tourUrl;
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/round');
</b>:</td><td colspan="3">     <?php 
        echo $T_ROUNDS[$m->round];
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/dateplayed');
</b>:</td><td colspan="3"><?php 
        echo $m->is_played ? textdate($m->date_played) : '<i>' . $lng->getTrn('matches/report/notplayed') . '</i>';
        if (Module::isRegistered('PDFMatchReport')) {
            $str = '<a href="handler.php?type=pdfmatchreport&amp;tid1=' . $team1->team_id . '&amp;tid2=' . $team2->team_id . '&amp;mid=' . $m->match_id . '" TARGET="_blank">Download PDF report</a>';
            echo "<tr><td><b>Match report</b>:</td><td>{$str}</td></tr>";
        if (Module::isRegistered('UPLOAD_BOTOCS')) {
            echo "<tr><td><b>Replay</b>:</td><td colspan='3'><a href='handler.php?type=leegmgr&amp;replay={$m->match_id}'>View replay</a></td></tr>";
        if ($IS_LOCAL_ADMIN) {
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
			function match_delete() {
				return confirm('<?php 
            echo $lng->getTrn('matches/tourmatches/matchdelete');
			function match_reset() {
				return confirm('<?php 
            echo $lng->getTrn('matches/tourmatches/reset_notice');
            $matchURL = "index.php?section=matches&type=report&amp;mid={$m->match_id}";
            $deleteURL = "index.php?section=matches&amp;type=tourmatches&amp;trid={$m->f_tour_id}&amp;mid={$m->match_id}";
            echo "<tr><td><b>Admin:</b></td><td colspan='3'><b>";
            echo "<a onclick=\"return match_reset();\" href='{$matchURL}&amp;action=reset'>" . $lng->getTrn('common/reset') . "</a>&nbsp;\n";
            echo "<a onclick=\"return match_delete();\" href='{$deleteURL}&amp;action=delete' style='color:" . (!empty($m->date_played) ? 'Red' : 'Blue') . ";'>" . $lng->getTrn('common/delete') . "</a>&nbsp;\n";
            echo "<a href='{$matchURL}&amp;action=" . ($m->locked ? 'unlock' : 'lock') . "'>" . ($m->locked ? $lng->getTrn('common/unlock') : $lng->getTrn('common/lock')) . "</a>&nbsp;\n";
            echo "<br><a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick='slideToggleFast(\"chRound\");'>" . $lng->getTrn('matches/report/chround') . "</a><div id='chRound' style='display:none;'>\n\t\t<form method='POST'>\n\t\t<select name='round'>";
            foreach ($T_ROUNDS as $id => $desc) {
                echo "<option value='{$id}'>" . $desc . "</option>\n";
            echo "</select>\n\t\t<input type='submit' value='" . $lng->getTrn('matches/report/chround') . "'>\n\t\t</form>\n\t\t</div>";
            echo "</b></td></tr>";
        echo "<b><a TARGET='_blank' href='" . DOC_URL_GUIDE . "'>" . $lng->getTrn('common/needhelp') . "</a></b><br><br>";
    <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <table class="common">
            <tr class='commonhead'><td colspan="<?php 
        echo $CP;
        echo $lng->getTrn('matches/report/info');
            <tr><td class='seperator' colspan='<?php 
        echo $CP;
            <tr><td colspan='<?php 
        echo $CP;
        echo $lng->getTrn('matches/report/stadium');
                <select name="stadium" <?php 
        echo $DIS;
        $stad = $m->stadium ? $m->stadium : $m->team1_id;
        foreach (array($team1, $team2) as $_t) {
            echo "<option value='{$_t->team_id}'" . ($stad == $_t->team_id ? 'SELECTED' : '') . ">{$_t->name}</option>\n";
            <tr><td colspan='<?php 
        echo $CP;
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/gate');
                <input type="text" name="gate" onChange='numError(this);' value="<?php 
        echo $m->gate ? $m->gate / 1000 : 0;
" size="4" maxlength="4" <?php 
        echo $DIS;
            <tr><td colspan='<?php 
        echo $CP;
        echo $lng->getTrn('matches/report/fans');
                <input type="text" name="fans" onChange='numError(this);' value="<?php 
        echo $m->fans;
" size="7" maxlength="12" <?php 
        echo $DIS;
        if (!$settings['hide_ES_extensions']) {
                <tr><td colspan='<?php 
            echo $CP;
                    <b>E</b>xtra player <b>S</b>tats (ES) <a href="index.php?section=matches&amp;type=report&amp;mid=<?php 
            echo $m->match_id;
&amp;es_report=1">report page here</a>
            <tr><td class="seperator" colspan='<?php 
        echo $CP;
            <tr class='commonhead'>
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/teams');
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/score');
                <td><b>&Delta; <?php 
        echo $lng->getTrn('matches/report/treas');
        echo $lng->getTrn('matches/report/ff');
        echo $lng->getTrn('matches/report/smp');
        echo $lng->getTrn('matches/report/tcas');
        echo $lng->getTrn('matches/report/fame');
        echo $lng->getTrn('matches/report/tv');

            <tr><td class='seperator' colspan='<?php 
        echo $CP;
        foreach (array(1, 2) as $N) {
            echo "<tr>\n";
            echo "<td>" . ${"teamUrl{$N}"} . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td><input type='text' onChange='numError(this);' name='result{$N}' value='" . (int) $m->{"team{$N}_score"} . "' size='1' maxlength='2' {$DIS}></td>\n";
            echo "<td><input type='text' onChange='numErrorAllowNegative(this);' name='inc{$N}' value='" . (int) $m->{"income{$N}"} / 1000 . "' size='4' maxlength='4' {$DIS}>k</td>\n";
            echo "<td>";
            foreach (array('1' => 'green', '0' => 'blue', '-1' => 'red') as $Nff => $color) {
                echo "<input {$DIS} type='radio' name='ff{$N}' value='{$Nff}' " . ($m->{"ffactor{$N}"} == (int) $Nff ? 'CHECKED' : '') . "><font color='{$color}'><b>{$Nff}</b></font>";
            echo "</td>\n";
            echo "<td><input type='text' onChange='numError(this);' name='smp{$N}' value='" . $m->{"smp{$N}"} . "' size='1' maxlength='2' {$DIS}>" . $lng->getTrn('matches/report/pts') . "</td>\n";
            echo "<td><input type='text' onChange='numError(this);' name='tcas{$N}' value='" . $m->{"tcas{$N}"} . "' size='1' maxlength='2' {$DIS}></td>\n";
            echo "<td><input type='text' onChange='numError(this);' name='fame{$N}' value='" . $m->{"fame{$N}"} . "' size='1' maxlength='2' {$DIS}></td>\n";
            echo "<td><input type='text' onChange='numError(this);' name='tv{$N}' value='" . ($m->is_played ? $m->{"tv{$N}"} / 1000 : ${"team{$N}"}->value / 1000) . "' size='4' maxlength='10' {$DIS}>k</td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";

        $playerFields = array_merge($T_MOUT_REL, $T_MOUT_ACH, $T_MOUT_IR, $T_MOUT_INJ);
        $CPP = count($playerFields);
        foreach (array(1 => $team1, 2 => $team2) as $id => $t) {
            <table class='common'>
            <tr><td class='seperator' colspan='<?php 
            echo $CPP;
            <tr class='commonhead'><td colspan='<?php 
            echo $CPP;
                <b><a href="<?php 
            echo urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, $t->team_id, false, false);
            echo $t->name;
</a> <?php 
            echo $lng->getTrn('matches/report/report');
            <tr><td class='seperator' colspan='<?php 
            echo $CPP;
            echo "<tr>\n";
            foreach (array_values($playerFields) as $f) {
                // We need to translate table headers
                switch (strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $f))) {
                    case 'name':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('common/name');
                    case 'mvp':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/mvp');
                    case 'cp':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/cp');
                    case 'bh':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/bh');
                    case 'si':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/si');
                    case 'ki':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/ki');
                    case 'ir1d1':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/ir1') . " D1";
                    case 'ir1d2':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/ir1') . " D2";
                    case 'ir2d1':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/ir2') . " D1";
                    case 'ir2d2':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/ir2') . " D2";
                    case 'ir3d1':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/ir3') . " D1";
                    case 'ir3d2':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/ir3') . " D2";
                    case 'inj':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/inj');
                    case 'ageing1':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/ageing1');
                    case 'ageing2':
                        $header_text = $lng->getTrn('matches/report/ageing2');
                        $header_text = $f;
                echo "<td><i>{$header_text}</i></td>\n";
            echo "</tr>\n";
            $NORMSTAT = true;
            // only normal player statuses
            foreach ($t->getPlayers() as $p) {
                if (!self::player_validation($p, $m)) {
                // Fetch player data from match
                $status = $p->getStatus($m->match_id);
                $mdat = $m->getPlayerEntry($p->player_id);
                // Print player row
                if ($p->is_journeyman_used && !$m->is_played) {
                    $bgcolor = COLOR_HTML_JOURNEY_USED;
                    $NORMSTAT = false;
                } elseif ($p->is_journeyman) {
                    $bgcolor = COLOR_HTML_JOURNEY;
                    $NORMSTAT = false;
                } elseif ($status == MNG) {
                    $bgcolor = COLOR_HTML_MNG;
                    $NORMSTAT = false;
                } elseif ($p->mayHaveNewSkill()) {
                    $bgcolor = COLOR_HTML_NEWSKILL;
                    $NORMSTAT = false;
                } else {
                    $bgcolor = false;
                self::_print_player_row($p->player_id, '<a href="index.php?section=objhandler&type=1&obj=1&obj_id=' . $p->player_id . '">' . $p->name . '</a>', $p->nr, $lng->getTrn('position/' . strtolower($lng->FilterPosition($p->position))) . ($status == MNG ? '&nbsp;[MNG]' : ''), $bgcolor, $mdat, $DIS || $status == MNG);
            echo "</table>\n";
            echo "<br>\n";
            if (!$NORMSTAT) {
<table class="text"><tr><td style="width: 100%;"></td><?php 
                if (1) {
                    <td style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo COLOR_HTML_MNG;
;"><font color='black'><b>&nbsp;MNG&nbsp;</b></font></td>
                    <td style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo COLOR_HTML_JOURNEY;
;"><font color='black'><b>&nbsp;Journeyman&nbsp;</b></font></td>
                    <td style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo COLOR_HTML_JOURNEY_USED;
;"><font color='black'><b>&nbsp;Used&nbsp;journeyman&nbsp;</b></font></td>
                    <td style="background-color: <?php 
                    echo COLOR_HTML_NEWSKILL;
;"><font color='black'><b>&nbsp;New&nbsp;skill&nbsp;available&nbsp;</b></font></td>
            // Add raised zombies
            global $racesHasNecromancer;
            if (in_array($t->f_race_id, $racesHasNecromancer)) {
                echo "<hr style='width:200px;float:left;'><br>\n                <b>Raised zombie?:</b> <input type='checkbox' name='t{$id}zombie' value='1' onclick='slideToggleFast(\"t{$id}zombie\");'><br>\n";
                echo "<div id='t{$id}zombie' style='display:none;'>\n";
                echo "<table class='common'>\n";
                self::_print_player_row("t{$id}zombie", 'Raised zombie', '&mdash;', 'Zombie', false, array(), $DIS);
                echo "</table>\n";
                echo "</div>\n";
            // Add raised rotters
            global $racesMayRaiseRotters;
            if (in_array($t->f_race_id, $racesMayRaiseRotters)) {
                $maxRotters = 6;
                # Note there is no real limit for raised rotters.
                echo "<hr style='width:200px;float:left;'><br>\n                <b>Raised rotters?:</b>\n                <select name='t{$id}rotterCnt' onChange='var i = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; var j=1; for (j=1; j<={$maxRotters}; j++) {if (j<=i) {slideDownFast(\"t{$id}rotter\"+j);} else {slideUpFast(\"t{$id}rotter\"+j);}}' >";
                foreach (range(0, $maxRotters) as $n) {
                    echo "<option value='{$n}'>{$n}</option>";
                echo "</select>\n";
                foreach (range(0, $maxRotters) as $n) {
                    echo "<div id='t{$id}rotter{$n}' style='display:none;'><table class='common'>\n";
                    self::_print_player_row("t{$id}rotter{$n}", "Raised Rotter #{$n}", '&mdash;', 'Rotter', false, array(), $DIS);
                    echo "</table></div>\n";

            <table style='border-spacing: 0px 10px;'>
                <tr><td align="left" valign="top">
                    <b>Star Players</b>:
                    <input type='button' id="addStarsBtn_<?php 
            echo $id;
" value="<?php 
            echo $lng->getTrn('common/add');
                    onClick="stars = document.getElementById('stars_<?php 
            echo $id;
'); addStarMerc(<?php 
            echo $id;
, stars.options[stars.selectedIndex].value);" <?php 
            echo $DIS;
                    <select id="stars_<?php 
            echo $id;
" <?php 
            echo $DIS;
            foreach ($stars as $s => $d) {
                echo "<option " . (in_array($t->f_race_id, $d['races']) ? 'style="background-color: ' . COLOR_HTML_READY . ';"' : '') . " value='{$d['id']}'>{$s}</option>\n";
                <tr><td align="left" valign="top">
                    <b>Mercenaries</b>: <input type='button' id="addMercsBtn_<?php 
            echo $id;
" value="<?php 
            echo $lng->getTrn('common/add');
" onClick="addStarMerc(<?php 
            echo "{$id}, " . ID_MERCS;
);" <?php 
            echo $DIS;

            <table class='common' id='<?php 
            echo "starsmercs_{$id}";
        <table class='common'>
            <tr><td class='seperator' colspan='13'></td></tr>
            <tr class='commonhead'><td colspan='13'><b><?php 
        echo $lng->getTrn('matches/report/summary');
            <tr><td colspan='13'><textarea name='summary' rows='10' cols='100' <?php 
        echo $DIS . ">" . $m->getText();
            <input type="submit" name='button' value="<?php 
        echo $lng->getTrn('common/save');
" <?php 
        echo $DIS;
            echo "<br><br><b>" . $lng->getTrn('matches/report/usedjourney') . "</b>";
            Now, we call javascript routine(s) to fill out stars and mercs rows, if such entries exist in database.
        $i = 0;
        // Counter. Used to pass PHP-data to Javascript.
        foreach (array(1 => $team1->team_id, 2 => $team2->team_id) as $id => $t) {
            foreach (Star::getStars(STATS_TEAM, $t, STATS_MATCH, $m->match_id) as $s) {
                echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>\n";
                echo "var mdat{$i} = [];\n";
                $mdat = $s->getStats(T_NODE_MATCH, $m->match_id);
                foreach (array_keys($T_MOUT_ACH) as $f) {
                    echo "mdat{$i}['{$f}'] = " . $mdat[$f] . ";\n";
                echo "existingStarMerc({$id}, {$s->star_id}, mdat{$i});\n";
                echo "</script>\n";
            foreach (Mercenary::getMercsHiredByTeam($t, $m->match_id) as $merc) {
                echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>\n";
                echo "var mdat{$i} = [];\n";
                foreach (array_merge(array_keys($T_MOUT_ACH), array('skills')) as $f) {
                    echo "mdat{$i}['{$f}'] = " . $merc->{$f} . ";\n";
                echo "existingStarMerc({$id}, " . ID_MERCS . ", mdat{$i});\n";
                echo "</script>\n";
Exemple #2
    case 'teamlist':
    case 'coachlist':
    case 'rules':
    case 'about':
    case 'matches':
        // Tournaments, matches, match reports, recent matches, upcoming matches etc.
    // Tournaments, matches, match reports, recent matches, upcoming matches etc.
    case 'objhandler':
        // Object profiles, object standings.
    // Object profiles, object standings.
// Spit out all the end-tags.
Exemple #3
function sec_main()
    global $settings, $rules, $coach, $lng, $leagues;
    MTS('Main start');
    list($sel_lid, $HTML_LeagueSelector) = HTMLOUT::simpleLeagueSelector();
    $IS_GLOBAL_ADMIN = is_object($coach) && $coach->ring == Coach::T_RING_GLOBAL_ADMIN;
     *  Was any main board actions made?
    if (isset($_POST['type']) && is_object($coach) && $coach->isNodeCommish(T_NODE_LEAGUE, $sel_lid)) {
        if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            if (isset($_POST['title'])) {
                $_POST['title'] = stripslashes($_POST['title']);
            if (isset($_POST['txt'])) {
                $_POST['txt'] = stripslashes($_POST['txt']);
        $msg = isset($_POST['msg_id']) ? new Message((int) $_POST['msg_id']) : null;
        switch ($_POST['type']) {
            case 'msgdel':
            case 'msgnew':
                status(Message::create(array('f_coach_id' => $coach->coach_id, 'f_lid' => $IS_GLOBAL_ADMIN && isset($_POST['BC']) && $_POST['BC'] ? Message::T_BROADCAST : $sel_lid, 'title' => $_POST['title'], 'msg' => $_POST['txt'])));
            case 'msgedit':
                status($msg->edit($_POST['title'], $_POST['txt']));
            case 'pin':
            case 'unpin':
     *  Now we are ready to generate the HTML code.
    <div class="main_head"><?php 
    echo $settings['league_name'];
    <div class='main_leftColumn'>
        <div class="main_leftColumn_head">
    echo "<div class='main_leftColumn_welcome'>\n";
    echo $settings['welcome'];
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "<div class='main_leftColumn_left'>\n";
    if (count($leagues) > 1) {
        echo $HTML_LeagueSelector;
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "<div class='main_leftColumn_right'>\n";
    if (is_object($coach) && $coach->isNodeCommish(T_NODE_LEAGUE, $sel_lid)) {
        echo "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick=\"slideToggle('msgnew');\">" . $lng->getTrn('main/newmsg') . "</a>&nbsp;\n";
    if (Module::isRegistered('RSSfeed')) {
        echo "<a href='handler.php?type=rss'>RSS</a>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
            <div style="display:none; clear:both;" id="msgnew">
                <form method="POST">
                    <textarea name="title" rows="1" cols="50"><?php 
    echo $lng->getTrn('common/notitle');
                    <textarea name="txt" rows="15" cols="50"><?php 
    echo $lng->getTrn('common/nobody');
    if ($IS_GLOBAL_ADMIN) {
        echo $lng->getTrn('main/broadcast');
<input type="checkbox" name="BC"><br><br><?php 
                    <input type="hidden" name="type" value="msgnew">
                    <input type="submit" value="<?php 
    echo $lng->getTrn('common/submit');

        Generate main board.
        Left column is the message board, consisting of both commissioner messages and game summaries/results.
        To generate this table we create a general array holding the content of both.
    $j = 1;
    $prevPinned = 0;
    foreach (TextSubSys::getMainBoardMessages($settings['fp_messageboard']['length'], $sel_lid, $settings['fp_messageboard']['show_team_news'], $settings['fp_messageboard']['show_match_summaries']) as $e) {
        if ($prevPinned == 1 && !$e->pinned) {
            echo "<hr>\n";
        $prevPinned = $e->pinned;
        echo "<div class='boxWide'>\n";
        echo "<h3 class='boxTitle{$e->cssidx}'>{$e->title}</h3>\n";
        echo "<div class='boxBody'>\n";
        $fmtMsg = fmtprint($e->message);
        # Basic supported syntax: linebreaks.
        echo "\r\n                    <div id='e{$j}' class='expandable'>{$fmtMsg}</div>\r\n                    <script type='text/javascript'>\r\n                      \$('#e{$j}').expander({\r\n                        slicePoint:       300,\r\n                        expandText:       '" . $lng->getTrn('main/more') . "',\r\n                        collapseTimer:    0,\r\n                        userCollapseText: ''\r\n                      });\r\n                      </script>";
        echo "<br><hr>\n";
        echo "<table class='boxTable'><tr>\n";
        switch ($e->type) {
            case T_TEXT_MATCH_SUMMARY:
                echo "<td align='left' width='100%'>" . $lng->getTrn('main/posted') . " " . textdate($e->date) . " " . (isset($e->date_mod) && $e->date_mod != $e->date ? "(" . $lng->getTrn('main/lastedit') . " " . textdate($e->date_mod) . ") " : '') . $lng->getTrn('main/by') . " {$e->author}</td>\n";
                echo "<td align='right'><a href='index.php?section=matches&amp;type=report&amp;mid={$e->match_id}'>" . $lng->getTrn('common/view') . "</a></td>\n";
            case T_TEXT_MSG:
                echo "<td align='left' width='100%'>" . $lng->getTrn('main/posted') . " " . textdate($e->date) . " " . $lng->getTrn('main/by') . " {$e->author}</td>\n";
                if (is_object($coach) && ($IS_GLOBAL_ADMIN || $coach->coach_id == $e->author_id)) {
                    // Only admins may delete messages, or if it's a commissioner's own message.
                    echo "<td align='right'><a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick=\"slideToggle('msgedit{$e->msg_id}');\">" . $lng->getTrn('common/edit') . "</a></td>\n";
                    echo "<td align='right'>";
                    $fieldname = 'pin';
                    if ($e->pinned) {
                        $fieldname = 'unpin';
                    echo inlineform(array('type' => "{$fieldname}", 'msg_id' => $e->msg_id), "{$fieldname}{$e->msg_id}", $lng->getTrn("main/{$fieldname}"));
                    echo "</td>";
                    echo "<td align='right'>";
                    echo inlineform(array('type' => 'msgdel', 'msg_id' => $e->msg_id), "msgdel{$e->msg_id}", $lng->getTrn('common/delete'));
                    echo "</td>";
            case T_TEXT_TNEWS:
                echo "<td align='left' width='100%'>" . $lng->getTrn('main/posted') . " " . textdate($e->date) . "</td>\n";
        if ($e->type == T_TEXT_MSG) {
            echo "<div style='display:none;' id='msgedit{$e->msg_id}'>\n";
            echo "<hr><br>\n";
            echo '<form method="POST">
                            <textarea name="title" rows="1" cols="50">' . $e->title . '</textarea><br><br>
                            <textarea name="txt" rows="15" cols="50">' . $e->message . '</textarea><br><br>
                            <input type="hidden" name="type" value="msgedit">
                            <input type="hidden" name="msg_id" value="' . $e->msg_id . '">
                            <input type="submit" value="' . $lng->getTrn('common/submit') . '">
            echo "</div>";

    MTS('Board messages generated');
        The right hand side column optionally (depending on settings) contains standings, latest game results, touchdown and casualties stats.
        We will now generate the stats, so that they are ready to be printed in correct order.
    echo "<div class='main_rightColumn'>\n";
    $boxes_all = array_merge($settings['fp_standings'], $settings['fp_leaders'], $settings['fp_events'], $settings['fp_latestgames']);
    usort($boxes_all, create_function('$a,$b', 'return (($a["box_ID"] > $b["box_ID"]) ? 1 : (($a["box_ID"] < $b["box_ID"]) ? -1 : 0) );'));
    $boxes = array();
    foreach ($boxes_all as $box) {
        # These fields distinguishes the box types.
        if (isset($box['fields'])) {
            $box['dispType'] = 'standings';
        } else {
            if (isset($box['field'])) {
                $box['dispType'] = 'leaders';
            } else {
                if (isset($box['content'])) {
                    $box['dispType'] = 'events';
                } else {
                    $box['dispType'] = 'latestgames';
        switch ($box['type']) {
            case 'league':
                $_type = T_NODE_LEAGUE;
            case 'division':
                $_type = T_NODE_DIVISION;
            case 'tournament':
                $_type = T_NODE_TOURNAMENT;
                $_type = T_NODE_LEAGUE;
        $box['type'] = $_type;
        $boxes[] = $box;
    // Used in the below standings dispType boxes.
    global $core_tables, $ES_fields;
    $_MV_COLS = array_merge(array_keys($core_tables['mv_teams']), array_keys($ES_fields));
    $_MV_RG_INTERSECT = array_intersect(array_keys($core_tables['teams']), array_keys($core_tables['mv_teams']));
    // Let's print those boxes!
    foreach ($boxes as $box) {
        switch ($box['dispType']) {
            case 'standings':
                $_BAD_COLS = array();
                # Halt on these columns/fields.
                switch ($box['type']) {
                    case T_NODE_TOURNAMENT:
                        if (!get_alt_col('tours', 'tour_id', $box['id'], 'tour_id')) {
                            break 2;
                        $tour = new Tour($box['id']);
                        $SR = array_map(create_function('$val', 'return $val[0]."mv_".substr($val,1);'), $tour->getRSSortRule());
                    case T_NODE_DIVISION:
                        $_BAD_COLS = array('elo', 'swon', 'slost', 'sdraw', 'win_pct');
                        # Divisions do not have pre-calculated, MV, values of these fields.
                        // Fall through!
                    # Divisions do not have pre-calculated, MV, values of these fields.
                    // Fall through!
                    case T_NODE_LEAGUE:
                        global $hrs;
                        $SR = $hrs[$box['HRS']]['rule'];
                        foreach ($SR as &$f) {
                            $field = substr($f, 1);
                            if (in_array($field, $_MV_RG_INTERSECT)) {
                                if (in_array($field, $_BAD_COLS)) {
                                    # E.g. divisions have no win_pct record for teams like the mv_teams table (for tours) has.
                                    fatal("Sorry, the element '{$field}' in your specified house sortrule #{$box['HRS']} is not supported for your chosen type (ie. tournament/division/league).");
                                $f = $f[0] . "rg_" . substr($f, 1);
                            } else {
                                $f = $f[0] . "mv_" . substr($f, 1);
                list($teams, ) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_TEAM, array($box['type'] => $box['id']), array(1, $box['length']), $SR, false);
            <div class='boxWide'>
                <h3 class='boxTitle<?php 
                echo T_HTMLBOX_STATS;
                echo $box['title'];
                <div class='boxBody'>
                    <table class="boxTable">
                echo "<tr>\n";
                foreach ($box['fields'] as $title => $f) {
                    echo "<td><i>{$title}</i></td>\n";
                echo "</tr>\n";
                foreach ($teams as $t) {
                    if (!$t['retired']) {
                        echo "<tr>\n";
                        foreach ($box['fields'] as $title => $f) {
                            if (in_array($f, $_MV_COLS)) {
                                $f = 'mv_' . $f;
                            echo "<td>";
                            if ($settings['fp_links'] && $f == 'name') {
                                echo "<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, $t['team_id'], false, false) . "'>{$t['name']}</a>";
                            } elseif (is_numeric($t[$f]) && !ctype_digit($t[$f][0] == '-' ? substr($t[$f], 1) : $t[$f])) {
                                echo sprintf('%1.2f', $t[$f]);
                            } else {
                                echo in_array($f, array('tv')) ? $t[$f] / 1000 : $t[$f];
                            echo "</td>\n";
                        echo "</tr>\n";
                if (isset($box['infocus']) && $box['infocus']) {
                    echo "<hr>";
                MTS('Standings table generated');
            case 'latestgames':
                if ($box['length'] <= 0) {
            <div class="boxWide">
                <h3 class='boxTitle<?php 
                echo T_HTMLBOX_MATCH;
                echo $box['title'];
                <div class='boxBody'>
                    <table class="boxTable">
                            <td style="text-align: right;" width="50%"><i><?php 
                echo $lng->getTrn('common/home');
                            <td> </td>
                            <td style="text-align: left;" width="50%"><i><?php 
                echo $lng->getTrn('common/away');
                echo $lng->getTrn('common/date');
                            <td> </td>
                list($matches, $pages) = Match::getMatches(array(1, $box['length']), $box['type'], $box['id'], false);
                foreach ($matches as $m) {
                    echo "<tr valign='top'>\n";
                    $t1name = $settings['fp_links'] ? "<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, $m->team1_id, false, false) . "'>{$m->team1_name}</a>" : $m->team1_name;
                    $t2name = $settings['fp_links'] ? "<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, $m->team2_id, false, false) . "'>{$m->team2_name}</a>" : $m->team2_name;
                    echo "<td style='text-align: right;'>{$t1name}</td>\n";
                    echo "<td><nobr>{$m->team1_score}&mdash;{$m->team2_score}</nobr></td>\n";
                    echo "<td style='text-align: left;'>{$t2name}</td>\n";
                    echo "<td>" . str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', textdate($m->date_played, true)) . "</td>";
                    echo "<td><a href='index.php?section=matches&amp;type=report&amp;mid={$m->match_id}'>Show</a></td>";
                    echo "</tr>";
                MTS('Latest matches table generated');
            case 'leaders':
                $f = 'mv_' . $box['field'];
                list($players, ) = Stats::getRaw(T_OBJ_PLAYER, array($box['type'] => $box['id']), array(1, $box['length']), array('-' . $f), false);
            <div class="boxWide">
                <h3 class='boxTitle<?php 
                echo T_HTMLBOX_STATS;
                echo $box['title'];
                <div class='boxBody'>
                    <table class="boxTable">
                echo $lng->getTrn('common/name');
                if ($box['show_team']) {
                    echo $lng->getTrn('common/team');
                echo $lng->getTrn('common/value');
                foreach ($players as $p) {
                    echo "<tr>\n";
                    echo "<td>" . ($settings['fp_links'] ? "<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_PLAYER, $p['player_id'], false, false) . "'>{$p['name']}</a>" : $p['name']) . "</td>\n";
                    if ($box['show_team']) {
                        echo "<td>" . ($settings['fp_links'] ? "<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, $p['owned_by_team_id'], false, false) . "'>{$p['f_tname']}</a>" : $p['f_tname']) . "</td>\n";
                    echo "<td>" . $p[$f] . "</td>\n";
                    echo "<td>" . $p['value'] / 1000 . "k</td>\n";
                    echo "</tr>";
                MTS('Leaders standings generated');
            case 'events':
                $events = _events($box['content'], $box['type'], $box['id'], $box['length']);
            <div class="boxWide">
                <h3 class='boxTitle<?php 
                echo T_HTMLBOX_STATS;
                echo $box['title'];
                <div class='boxBody'>
                    <table class="boxTable">
                $head = array_pop($events);
                echo "<tr>\n";
                foreach ($head as $col => $name) {
                    echo "<td><i>{$name}</i></td>\n";
                echo "</tr>\n";
                foreach ($events as $e) {
                    echo "<tr>\n";
                    foreach ($head as $col => $name) {
                        switch ($col) {
                            case 'date':
                                $e->{$col} = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', textdate($e->{$col}, true));
                            case 'name':
                                if ($settings['fp_links']) {
                                    $e->{$col} = "<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_PLAYER, $e->pid, false, false) . "'>" . $e->{$col} . "</a>";
                            case 'tname':
                                if ($settings['fp_links']) {
                                    $e->{$col} = "<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_TEAM, $e->f_tid, false, false) . "'>" . $e->{$col} . "</a>";
                            case 'rname':
                                if ($settings['fp_links']) {
                                    $e->{$col} = "<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_RACE, $e->f_rid, false, false) . "'>" . $e->{$col} . "</a>";
                            case 'f_pos_name':
                                if ($settings['fp_links']) {
                                    $e->{$col} = "<a href='" . urlcompile(T_URL_PROFILE, T_OBJ_RACE, $e->f_rid, false, false) . "'>" . $e->{$col} . "</a>";
                            case 'value':
                                $e->{$col} = $e->{$col} / 1000 . 'k';
                        echo "<td>" . $e->{$col} . "</td>\n";
                    echo "</tr>\n";
                MTS('Events box generated');
    <div class="main_foot">
        <a TARGET="_blank" href="http://nicholasmr.dk/index.php?sec=obblm">OBBLM official website</a><br><br>
        This web site is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.
        Bloodquest, Blood Bowl, the Blood Bowl logo, The Blood Bowl Spike Device, Chaos, the Chaos device, the Chaos logo, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Nurgle, the Nurgle device, Skaven, Tomb Kings, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Blood Bowl game, the Warhammer world are either (R), TM and/or (C) Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2006, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.