function OA_SPCGetJavaScript($affiliateid) { $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $varprefix = $aConf['var']['prefix']; $aZones = OA_cacheGetPublisherZones($affiliateid); foreach ($aZones as $zoneid => $aZone) { $zones[$aZone['type']][] = " '" . addslashes($aZone['name']) . "' : {$zoneid}"; } $additionalParams = ''; $magic_quotes_gpc = ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc'); foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'id') { continue; } if ($magic_quotes_gpc) { $value = stripslashes($value); } $additionalParams .= htmlspecialchars('&' . urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode($value), ENT_QUOTES); } $script = "\n if (typeof({$varprefix}zones) != 'undefined') {\n var {$varprefix}zoneids = '';\n for (var zonename in {$varprefix}zones) {$varprefix}zoneids += escape(zonename+'=' + {$varprefix}zones[zonename] + \"|\");\n {$varprefix}zoneids += '&nz=1';\n } else {\n var {$varprefix}zoneids = escape('" . implode('|', array_keys($aZones)) . "');\n }\n\n if (typeof({$varprefix}source) == 'undefined') { {$varprefix}source = ''; }\n var {$varprefix}p=location.protocol=='https:'?'" . MAX_commonConstructSecureDeliveryUrl($aConf['file']['singlepagecall'], true) . "':'" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($aConf['file']['singlepagecall']) . "';\n var {$varprefix}r=Math.floor(Math.random()*99999999);\n {$varprefix}output = new Array();\n\n var {$varprefix}spc=\"<\"+\"script type='text/javascript' \";\n {$varprefix}spc+=\"src='\"+{$varprefix}p+\"?zones=\"+{$varprefix}zoneids;\n {$varprefix}spc+=\"&source=\"+escape({$varprefix}source)+\"&r=\"+{$varprefix}r;" . (!empty($additionalParams) ? "\n {$varprefix}spc+=\"{$additionalParams}\";" : '') . "\n "; if (empty($_GET['charset'])) { $script .= "{$varprefix}spc+=(document.charset ? '&charset='+document.charset : (document.characterSet ? '&charset='+document.characterSet : ''));\n"; } $script .= "\n if (window.location) {$varprefix}spc+=\"&loc=\"+escape(window.location);\n if (document.referrer) {$varprefix}spc+=\"&referer=\"+escape(document.referrer);\n {$varprefix}spc+=\"'><\"+\"/script>\";\n document.write({$varprefix}spc);\n\n function {$varprefix}show(name) {\n if (typeof({$varprefix}output[name]) == 'undefined') {\n return;\n } else {\n document.write({$varprefix}output[name]);\n }\n }\n\n function {$varprefix}showpop(name) {\n zones = window.{$varprefix}zones ? window.{$varprefix}zones : false;\n var zoneid = name;\n if (typeof(window.{$varprefix}zones) != 'undefined') {\n if (typeof(zones[name]) == 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n zoneid = zones[name];\n }\n\n {$varprefix}p=location.protocol=='https:'?'" . MAX_commonConstructSecureDeliveryUrl($aConf['file']['popup'], true) . "':'" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($aConf['file']['popup']) . "';\n\n var {$varprefix}pop=\"<\"+\"script type='text/javascript' \";\n {$varprefix}pop+=\"src='\"+{$varprefix}p+\"?zoneid=\"+zoneid;\n {$varprefix}pop+=\"&source=\"+escape({$varprefix}source)+\"&r=\"+{$varprefix}r;" . (!empty($additionalParams) ? "\n {$varprefix}spc+=\"{$additionalParams}\";" : '') . "\n if (window.location) {$varprefix}pop+=\"&loc=\"+escape(window.location);\n if (document.referrer) {$varprefix}pop+=\"&referer=\"+escape(document.referrer);\n {$varprefix}pop+=\"'><\"+\"/script>\";\n\n document.write({$varprefix}pop);\n }\n"; // Add the FlashObject include to the SPC output $script .= MAX_javascriptToHTML(MAX_flashGetFlashObjectExternal(), $varprefix . 'fo'); return $script; }
/** * Test1 return a URL * A function to generate the URL for delivery scripts. * * @param string $file The file name of the delivery script. * @return string The URL to the delivery script. */ function test_MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl() { $this->sendMessage('test_MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl'); $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['webpath']['delivery'] = ''; $file = 'test.html'; $ret = MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($file); $this->assertEqual($ret, ''); }
/** * A function that can be used to get the delivery URL, * or the delivery URL prefix (sans-file) if no filname * is passed in. * * @param string $file Optional delivery file name. * @return string The delivery URL. */ function MAX_commonGetDeliveryUrl($file = null) { $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; if ($GLOBALS['_MAX']['SSL_REQUEST']) { $url = MAX_commonConstructSecureDeliveryUrl($file); } else { $url = MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($file); } return $url; }
/** * A function that can be used to get the delivery URL, * or the delivery URL prefix (sans-file) if no filname * is passed in. * * @param string $file Optional delivery file name. * @return string The delivery URL. */ function MAX_commonGetDeliveryUrl($file = null) { $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == $conf['openads']['sslPort']) { $url = MAX_commonConstructSecureDeliveryUrl($file); } else { $url = MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($file); } return $url; }
/** * This function sets the viewerid cookie, and does a header redirect to self * this lets us tell if a user allows permenant cookies to be set * * @param string $viewerId The viewerId value to attempt to set */ function MAX_cookieSetViewerIdAndRedirect($viewerId) { $aConf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; MAX_cookieAdd($aConf['var']['viewerId'], $viewerId, _getTimeYearFromNow()); MAX_cookieFlush(); // Determine if the access to OpenX was made using HTTPS if ($GLOBALS['_MAX']['SSL_REQUEST']) { $url = MAX_commonConstructSecureDeliveryUrl(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); } else { $url = MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])); } $url .= "?{$aConf['var']['cookieTest']}=1&" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; MAX_header("Location: {$url}"); ###START_STRIP_DELIVERY if (empty($GLOBALS['is_simulation']) && !defined('TEST_ENVIRONMENT_RUNNING')) { ###END_STRIP_DELIVERY exit; ###START_STRIP_DELIVERY } ###END_STRIP_DELIVERY }
/** * Return invocation code for this plugin (codetype) * * @return string */ function generateInvocationCode() { $aComments = array('Cache Buster Comment' => '', 'Third Party Comment' => '', 'SSL Delivery Comment' => '', 'SSL Backup Comment' => '', 'Comment' => ''); parent::prepareCommonInvocationData($aComments); $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $mi =& $this->maxInvocation; if (!isset($mi->clientid) || $mi->clientid == '') { $mi->clientid = 0; } if (empty($mi->campaignid)) { $mi->campaignid = 0; } if ($mi->xmlrpcproto) { $mi->params = parse_url(MAX_commonConstructSecureDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['xmlrpc'])); } else { $mi->params = parse_url(MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['xmlrpc'])); } if (!$mi->xmlrpctimeout) { $mi->timeout = 15; } else { $mi->timeout = $mi->xmlrpctimeout; } switch ($mi->hostlanguage) { case 'php': default: if (!isset($mi->what) or $mi->what == "") { // Need to generate the waht variable here if (isset($mi->zoneid) and $mi->zoneid != "") { $mi->what = "zone:" . $mi->zoneid; } elseif (isset($mi->bannerid) and $mi->bannerid != "") { $mi->what = "bannerid:" . $mi->bannerid; } } if (!isset($mi->campaignid)) { $mi->campaignid = 0; } $buffer .= "<" . "?php\n /* " . str_replace(array("\n", '/*', '*/'), array('', '', ''), $mi->buffer); if (!isset($mi->comments) || $mi->comments == "1") { $buffer .= "\n *"; $buffer .= $this->translate("\n * As the PHP script below tries to set cookies, it must be called\n * before any output is sent to the user's browser. Once the script\n * has finished running, the HTML code needed to display the ad is\n * stored in the \$adArray array (so that multiple ads can be obtained\n * by using mulitple tags). Once all ads have been obtained, and all\n * cookies set, then you can send output to the user's browser, and\n * print out the contents of \$adArray where appropriate.\n *\n * Example code for printing from \$adArray is at the end of the tag -\n * you will need to remove this before using the tag in production.\n * Remember to ensure that the PEAR::XML-RPC package is installed\n * and available to this script, and to copy over the\n * lib/xmlrpc/php/ library file. You may need to\n * alter the 'include_path' value immediately below.\n */"); $buffer .= "\n\n"; } else { $buffer .= " */\n"; } $buffer .= ' //ini_set(\'include_path\', \'.:/usr/local/lib\');' . "\n"; $buffer .= ' require \'\';' . "\n\n"; $buffer .= ' if (!isset($OA_context)) $OA_context = array();' . "\n\n"; $buffer .= ' $oaXmlRpc = new OA_XmlRpc(\'' . $mi->params['host'] . '\', \'' . $mi->params['path'] . '\''; if (isset($mi->params['port'])) { $buffer .= ', ' . $mi->params['port'] . ''; } else { $buffer .= $mi->xmlrpcproto ? ', 443' : ', 80'; } if ($mi->xmlrpcproto) { $buffer .= ', true'; } else { $buffer .= ', false'; } $buffer .= ', ' . $mi->timeout . ');' . "\n"; if (!empty($mi->comments)) { $buffer .= "\n //view(\$what='', \$campaignid=0, \$target='', \$source='', \$withText=false, \$context=array(), \$charset='')\n"; } $buffer .= " \$adArray = \$oaXmlRpc->view('{$mi->what}', {$mi->campaignid}, '{$mi->target}', '{$mi->source}', {$mi->withtext}, \$OA_context, '{$mi->charset}');\n"; if (isset($mi->block) && $mi->block == '1') { $buffer .= ' $OA_context[] = array(\'!=\' => \'bannerid:\'.$adArray[\'bannerid\']);' . "\n"; } if (isset($mi->blockcampaign) && $mi->blockcampaign == '1') { $buffer .= ' $OA_context[] = array(\'!=\' => \'campaignid:\'.$adArray[\'campaignid\']);' . "\n"; } $buffer .= "\n"; $buffer .= ' echo $adArray[\'html\'];' . "\n"; $buffer .= "?" . ">\n"; break; } return $buffer; }
/** * Return invocation code for this plugin (codetype) * * @return string */ function generateInvocationCode() { $aComments = array('Third Party Comment' => $this->translate("\n -- Don't forget to replace the 'Insert_Clicktrack_URL_Here' text with\n -- the click tracking URL if this ad is to be delivered through a 3rd\n -- party (non-Max) adserver.\n --\n -- Don't forget to replace the 'Insert_Random_Number_Here' text with\n -- a cache-buster random number each time you deliver the tag through\n -- a 3rd party (non-Max) adserver.\n --"), 'Comment' => $this->translate("\n -- This tag has been generated for use on a non-SSL page. If this tag\n -- is to be placed on an SSL page, change all instances of\n -- 'http://%s/...'\n -- to\n -- 'https://%s/...'\n --", array($conf['webpath']['delivery'], $conf['webpath']['deliverySSL']))); parent::prepareCommonInvocationData($aComments); $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $mi =& $this->maxInvocation; $buffer = $mi->buffer; if (isset($mi->popunder) && $mi->popunder == '1') { $mi->parameters['popunder'] = "popunder=1"; } if (isset($mi->left) && $mi->left != '' && $mi->left != '-') { $mi->parameters['left'] = "left=" . $mi->left; } if (isset($mi->top) && $mi->top != '' && $mi->top != '-') { $mi->parameters['top'] = "top=" . $mi->top; } if (isset($mi->timeout) && $mi->timeout != '' && $mi->timeout != '-') { $mi->parameters['timeout'] = "timeout=" . $mi->timeout; } if (isset($mi->toolbars) && $mi->toolbars == '1') { $mi->parameters['toolbars'] = "toolbars=1"; } if (isset($mi->location) && $mi->location == '1') { $mi->parameters['location'] = "location=1"; } if (isset($mi->menubar) && $mi->menubar == '1') { $mi->parameters['menubar'] = "menubar=1"; } if (isset($mi->status) && $mi->status == '1') { $mi->parameters['status'] = "status=1"; } if (isset($mi->resizable) && $mi->resizable == '1') { $mi->parameters['resizable'] = "resizable=1"; } if (isset($mi->scrollbars) && $mi->scrollbars == '1') { $mi->parameters['scrollbars'] = "scrollbars=1"; } if (isset($mi->delay_type)) { if ($mi->delay_type == 'seconds' && isset($mi->delay) && $mi->delay != '' && $mi->delay != '-') { $mi->parameters['delay'] = "delay=" . $mi->delay; } elseif ($mi->delay_type == 'exit') { $mi->parameters['delay'] = "delay=exit"; } } $buffer .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['popup']); $buffer .= "?n=" . $mi->uniqueid; if (sizeof($mi->parameters) > 0) { $buffer .= "&" . implode("&", $mi->parameters); } $buffer .= "'></script>\n"; return $buffer; }
function addIntroductionInlineHelp(&$form) { $helpString = $this->getHelpAdTypeDescription(); $crossdomainUrl = MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl('crossdomain.xml'); // because flash apps look at http://domain/crossdomain.xml, we need to construct this URL and keep only the hostname $crossdomainUrl = parse_url($crossdomainUrl); $crossdomainUrl = $crossdomainUrl['scheme'] . '://' . $crossdomainUrl['host'] . '/crossdomain.xml'; $helpString .= "<br/><br/>To setup your " . $this->getBannerShortName() . ", you will need to:\n <ul style='list-style-type:decimal;padding-left:20px;padding-top:5px'>\n <li>Enter the information about your Ad in the form below.</li>\n <li>Link this " . $this->getBannerShortName() . " to the desired zone. The zone must be of the type \"" . $this->getZoneToLinkShortName() . "\". <a href='" . VideoAdsHelper::getHelpLinkOpenXPlugin() . "' target='_blank'>Learn more</a></li>\n <li>Include the zone in the Ad Schedule of the video player plugin configuration in your webpage. <a href='" . VideoAdsHelper::getHelpLinkVideoPlayerConfig() . "' target='_blank'>Learn more</a></li>\n <li>Make sure that the flash player is allowed to request ads on this adserver. The <a href='{$crossdomainUrl}' target='_blank'>crossdomain.xml on your adserver</a> should look similar to the <a href='" . VideoAdsHelper::getLinkCrossdomainExample() . "' target='_blank'>recommended crossdomain.xml</a></li>\n \t</ul>"; $form->addElement('html', 'video_status_info1', '<span style="font-size:100%;">' . $helpString . '</span>'); }
function _generateTrackerImageBeacon($trackerId) { $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $variables = Admin_DA::getVariables(array('trackerid' => $trackerId), true); $beacon = "<div id='m3_tracker_{$trackerId}' style='position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; visibility: hidden;'>"; $beacon .= "<img src='" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['conversion']) . "?trackerid={$trackerId}"; foreach ($variables as $variable) { $beacon .= "&{$variable['name']}=%%" . strtoupper($variable['name']) . "_VALUE%%"; } $beacon .= "&cb=%%RANDOM_NUMBER%%' width='0' height='0' alt='' /></div>"; return $beacon; }
/** * Prepare data before generating the invocation code * * @param array $aComments Array of comments allowed keys: 'Cache Buster Comment', 'Third Party Comment', * 'SSL Delivery Comment', 'SSL Backup Comment', 'Comment' * */ function prepareCommonInvocationData($aComments) { $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $mi =& $this->maxInvocation; // Check if affiliate is on the same server if (isset($mi->website) && $mi->website != '') { $mi->server_max = parse_url('http://' . $conf['webpath']['delivery'] . '/'); $mi->server_affilate = parse_url($mi->website); $mi->server_same = @gethostbyname($mi->server_max['host']) == @gethostbyname($mi->server_affilate['host']); } else { $mi->server_same = true; } $mi->macros = array('cachebuster' => 'INSERT_RANDOM_NUMBER_HERE', 'clickurl' => 'INSERT_ENCODED_CLICKURL_HERE'); if (!empty($mi->thirdpartytrack) && $mi->thirdpartytrack != 'generic') { if ($thirdpartyserver = OX_Component::factoryByComponentIdentifier($mi->thirdpartytrack)) { $thirdpartyname = $thirdpartyserver->getName(); if (!empty($thirdpartyserver->clickurlMacro)) { $mi->macros['clickurl'] = $thirdpartyserver->clickurlMacro; } if (!empty($thirdpartyserver->cachebusterMacro)) { $mi->macros['cachebuster'] = $thirdpartyserver->cachebusterMacro; } } } $mi->parameters = array(); $imgParams = array(); // Setup option defaults $pluginOptions = new Plugins_InvocationTagsOptions(); foreach ($pluginOptions->defaultValues as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value) && (!isset($mi->{$key}) || is_null($mi->{$key}))) { $mi->{$key} = $mi->parameters[$key] = $value; } } // UniqueID is only necessary for a couple of plugins, so it is not "common" //$mi->uniqueid = 'a'.substr(md5(uniqid('', 1)), 0, 7); if (!isset($mi->withtext)) { $mi->withtext = 0; } // Set parameters if (isset($mi->clientid) && strlen($mi->clientid) && $mi->clientid != '0') { $mi->parameters['clientid'] = $this->options['clientid'] = $imgParams['clientid'] = "clientid=" . $mi->clientid; } if (isset($mi->zoneid) && $mi->zoneid != '') { $mi->parameters['zoneid'] = $this->options['zoneid'] = $imgParams['zoneid'] = "zoneid=" . urlencode($mi->zoneid); } if (isset($mi->campaignid) && strlen($mi->campaignid) && $mi->campaignid != '0') { $mi->parameters['campaignid'] = $this->options['campaignid'] = $imgParams['campaignid'] = "campaignid=" . $mi->campaignid; } if (isset($mi->bannerid) && $mi->bannerid != '') { $mi->parameters['bannerid'] = $this->options['bannerid'] = $imgParams['bannerid'] = "bannerid=" . urlencode($mi->bannerid); } if (isset($mi->what) && $mi->what != '') { $mi->parameters['what'] = $this->options['what'] = $imgParams['what'] = "what=" . str_replace(",+", ",_", $mi->what); } if (isset($mi->source) && $mi->source != '') { $mi->parameters['source'] = $this->options['source'] = $imgParams['source'] = "source=" . urlencode($mi->source); } if (isset($mi->target) && $mi->target != '') { $mi->parameters['target'] = $this->options['target'] = $imgParams['target'] = "target=" . urlencode($mi->target); } if (isset($mi->charset) && $mi->charset != '') { $mi->parameters['charset'] = $this->options['charset'] = $imgParams['charset'] = "charset=" . urlencode($mi->charset); } if (!empty($mi->cachebuster)) { $mi->parameters['cb'] = $this->options['cb'] = $imgParams['cb'] = "cb=" . $mi->macros['cachebuster']; } if (!empty($mi->thirdpartytrack)) { $mi->parameters['ct0'] = $this->options['ct0'] = $imgParams['ct0'] = "ct0=" . $mi->macros['clickurl']; } // Set $mi->buffer to the initial comment $name = PRODUCT_NAME; if (!empty($GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['ui']['applicationName'])) { $name = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']['ui']['applicationName']; } $buffer = "<!--/*\n *\n * " . $name . " " . $this->getName() . "\n * - Generated with " . PRODUCT_NAME . " v" . VERSION . "\n"; if (!empty($thirdpartyname)) { $buffer .= " * - " . $thirdpartyname . "\n"; } $buffer .= " *\n */-->\n\n"; if (!empty($mi->comments)) { $oTrans = new OX_Translation(); $comment = ''; if (!empty($mi->cachebuster) && ($mi->thirdpartytrack == 'generic' || $mi->thirdpartytrack === 0)) { if (isset($aComments['Cache Buster Comment'])) { $cbComment = $aComments['Cache Buster Comment']; } else { $cbComment = $GLOBALS['strCacheBusterComment']; } $comment .= str_replace('{random}', $mi->macros['cachebuster'], $cbComment); } if (isset($mi->thirdpartytrack) && ($mi->thirdpartytrack == 'generic' || $mi->thirdpartytrack === 0)) { if (isset($aComments['Third Party Comment'])) { $clickurlComment = $aComments['Third Party Comment']; } else { $clickurlComment = $GLOBALS['strThirdPartyComment']; } $clickurlComment = $aComments['Third Party Comment']; $comment .= str_replace('{clickurl}', $mi->macros['clickurl'], $clickurlComment); } //SSL Delivery Comment if (isset($aComments['SSL Delivery Comment'])) { $comment .= $aComments['SSL Delivery Comment']; } else { $comment .= $oTrans->translate('SSLDeliveryComment', array($conf['webpath']['delivery'], $conf['webpath']['deliverySSL'])); } if (isset($aComments['SSL Backup Comment'])) { $comment .= $aComments['SSL Backup Comment']; } else { $comment .= $oTrans->translate('SSLBackupComment', array($conf['webpath']['delivery'], $conf['webpath']['deliverySSL'])); } if (isset($aComments['Comment'])) { $comment .= $aComments['Comment']; } if ($comment != '') { $buffer .= "<!--/*" . $comment . "\n */-->\n\n"; } } $mi->buffer = $buffer; // Set $mi->backupImage to the HTML for the backup image (same as used by adview) $hrefParams = array(); $uniqueid = 'a' . substr(md5(uniqid('', 1)), 0, 7); if (isset($mi->bannerid) && $mi->bannerid != '') { $hrefParams[] = "bannerid=" . $mi->bannerid; $hrefParams[] = "zoneid=" . $mi->zoneid; } else { $hrefParams[] = "n=" . $uniqueid; $imgParams[] = "n=" . $uniqueid; } if (!empty($mi->cachebuster) || !isset($mi->cachebuster)) { $hrefParams[] = "cb=" . $mi->macros['cachebuster']; } // Make sure that ct0= is the last element in the array unset($imgParams['ct0']); if (!empty($mi->thirdpartytrack)) { $imgParams[] = "ct0=" . $mi->macros['clickurl']; } $backup = "<a href='" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['click']) . "?" . implode("&", $hrefParams) . "'"; if (isset($mi->target) && $mi->target != '') { $backup .= " target='" . $mi->target . "'"; } else { $backup .= " target='_blank'"; } $backup .= "><img src='" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['view']); // Remove any paramaters that should not be passed into the IMG call unset($imgParams['target']); if (sizeof($imgParams) > 0) { $backup .= "?" . implode("&", $imgParams); } $backup .= "' border='0' alt='' /></a>"; $mi->backupImage = $backup; // Make sure that the parameters being added are accepted by this plugin, else remove them foreach ($mi->parameters as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, array_keys($this->options))) { unset($mi->parameters[$key]); } } }
/** * Return invocation code for this plugin (codetype) * * @return string */ function generateInvocationCode() { $aComments = array('SSL Backup Comment' => "", 'SSL Delivery Comment' => "", 'Comment' => ""); parent::prepareCommonInvocationData($aComments); $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $mi =& $this->maxInvocation; $buffer = $mi->buffer; if (isset($mi->block) && $mi->block == '1') { $mi->parameters['block'] = "block=1"; } if (isset($mi->blockcampaign) && $mi->blockcampaign == '1') { $mi->parameters['blockcampaign'] = "blockcampaign=1"; } // The cachebuster for async tags isn't needed unset($mi->parameters['cb']); // Add ID $mi->parameters['id'] = 'id=' . md5("{$conf['webpath']['delivery']}*{$conf['webpath']['deliverySSL']}"); // Remap as tag attributes with data-revive prefix $mi->parameters = array_map(function ($v) use($conf) { return preg_replace('#^(.*)=(.*)$#', 'data-' . $conf['var']['product'] . '-$1="$2"', $v); }, $mi->parameters); $buffer .= '<ins ' . join(' ', $mi->parameters) . '></ins>' . PHP_EOL; if ($conf['webpath']['delivery'] == $conf['webpath']['deliverySSL']) { // Yes, we can use the short version! $buffer .= '<script async src="' . MAX_commonConstructPartialDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['asyncjs']) . '"></script>'; } else { // Bummer, we need the longer variant $url = array(MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['asyncjs']), MAX_commonConstructSecureDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['asyncjs'])); $buffer .= <<<EOF <script> (function () { var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'), p = d.location.protocol, i = d.getElementsByTagName('ins'), j = i[i.length-1]; try { s.src = p === 'http:' ? '{$url[0]}' : '{$url[1]}'; s.async = true; j.appendChild(s); } catch (e) {} })(); </script> EOF; } return $buffer; }
function getZoneCode($zone, $affiliate, $zoneAlias = null) { $mi =& $this->maxInvocation; $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $zone['n'] = $affiliate['mnemonic'] . substr(md5(uniqid('', 1)), 0, 7); $uri = !empty($mi->ssl) ? MAX_commonConstructSecureDeliveryUrl('') : MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl(''); $codeblock = "<script type='text/javascript'><!--// <![CDATA["; $js_func = $this->varprefix . ($zone['delivery'] == phpAds_ZonePopup ? 'showpop' : 'show'); if ($mi->comments) { $codeblock .= "\n /* " . ($zoneAlias ? addcslashes($zoneAlias) . " - " : '') . "[id{$zone['zoneid']}] " . addcslashes($zone['zonename'], '/') . " */"; } $codeblock .= "\n {$js_func}(" . ($zoneAlias ? "'" . $zoneAlias . "'" : $zone['zoneid']) . ");\n// ]]> --></script>"; if ($zone['delivery'] != phpAds_ZoneText && $mi->noscript) { $codeblock .= "<noscript><a target='_blank' href='{$uri}{$conf['file']['click']}?n={$zone['n']}'>"; $codeblock .= "<img border='0' alt='' src='{$uri}{$conf['file']['view']}?zoneid={$zone['zoneid']}&n={$zone['n']}' /></a>"; $codeblock .= "</noscript>"; } return $codeblock; }
/** * Return invocation code for this plugin (codetype) * * @return string */ function generateInvocationCode() { $aComments['Comment'] = $this->translate("\n * If iFrames are not supported by the viewer's browser, then this\n * tag only shows image banners. There is no width or height in these\n * banners, so if you want these tags to allocate space for the ad\n * before it shows, you will need to add this information to the <img>\n * tag."); parent::prepareCommonInvocationData($aComments); $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $mi =& $this->maxInvocation; $buffer = $mi->buffer; $uniqueid = 'a' . substr(md5(uniqid('', 1)), 0, 7); if (!isset($mi->iframetracking) || $mi->iframetracking == 1) { // Add n as first parameter array_unshift($mi->parameters, "{$conf['var']['n']}={$uniqueid}"); } if (isset($mi->refresh) && $mi->refresh != '') { if (is_array($mi->parameters)) { $mi->parameters = array('refresh' => "refresh=" . $mi->refresh) + $mi->parameters; } else { $mi->parameters['refresh'] = "refresh=" . $mi->refresh; } } if (isset($mi->resize) && $mi->resize == '1') { if (is_array($mi->parameters)) { $mi->parameters = array('resize' => "resize=1") + $mi->parameters; } else { $mi->parameters['resize'] = "resize=1"; } } if (empty($mi->frame_width)) { $mi->frame_width = $mi->width; } if (empty($mi->frame_height)) { $mi->frame_height = $mi->height; } $buffer .= "<iframe id='{$uniqueid}' name='{$uniqueid}' src='" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['frame']); if (sizeof($mi->parameters) > 0) { $buffer .= "?" . implode("&", $mi->parameters); } $buffer .= "' frameborder='0' scrolling='no'"; if (isset($mi->frame_width) && $mi->frame_width != '' && $mi->frame_width != '-1') { $buffer .= " width='" . $mi->frame_width . "'"; } if (isset($mi->frame_height) && $mi->frame_height != '' && $mi->frame_height != '-1') { $buffer .= " height='" . $mi->frame_height . "'"; } if (isset($mi->transparent) && $mi->transparent == '1') { $buffer .= " allowtransparency='true'"; } $buffer .= ">"; if (isset($mi->refresh) && $mi->refresh != '') { unset($mi->parameters['refresh']); } if (isset($mi->resize) && $mi->resize == '1') { unset($mi->parameters['resize']); } if (isset($mi->ilayer) && $mi->ilayer == 1 && isset($mi->frame_width) && $mi->frame_width != '' && $mi->frame_width != '-1' && isset($mi->frame_height) && $mi->frame_height != '' && $mi->frame_height != '-1') { $buffer .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; $buffer .= "<!--// <![CDATA[\n"; $buffer .= " document.write (\"<nolayer>\");\n"; $buffer .= " document.write (\"{$mi->backupImage}\");\n"; $buffer .= " document.write (\"</nolayer>\");\n"; $buffer .= " document.write (\"<ilayer id='layer" . $uniqueid . "' visibility='hidden' width='" . $mi->frame_width . "' height='" . $mi->frame_height . "'></ilayer>\");\n"; $buffer .= "// ]]> -->\n"; $buffer .= "</script>"; $buffer .= "<noscript>\n <a href='" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['click']); $buffer .= "?n=" . $uniqueid; $buffer .= "'"; if (isset($mi->target) && $mi->target != '') { $buffer .= " target='{$mi->target}'"; } $buffer .= ">\n <img src='" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['view']); if (sizeof($mi->parameters) > 0) { $buffer .= "?" . implode("&", $mi->parameters); } $buffer .= "' border='0' alt='' /></a></noscript>"; } else { $buffer .= $mi->backupImage; } $buffer .= "</iframe>\n"; if (isset($mi->target) && $mi->target != '') { $mi->parameters['target'] = "target=" . urlencode($mi->target); } if (isset($mi->ilayer) && $mi->ilayer == 1 && isset($mi->frame_width) && $mi->frame_width != '' && $mi->frame_width != '-1' && isset($mi->frame_height) && $mi->frame_height != '' && $mi->frame_height != '-1') { // Do no rewrite target frames $mi->parameters['rewrite'] = 'rewrite=0'; $buffer .= "\n\n"; $buffer .= "<!-- " . $this->translate("Placement Comment") . " -->\n"; $buffer .= "<layer src='" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['frame']); $buffer .= "?n=" . $uniqueid; if (sizeof($mi->parameters) > 0) { $buffer .= "&" . implode("&", $mi->parameters); } $buffer .= "' width='" . $mi->frame_width . "' height='" . $mi->frame_height . "' visibility='hidden' onload=\"moveToAbsolute(layer" . $uniqueid . ".pageX,layer" . $uniqueid . ".pageY);clip.width=" . $mi->frame_width . ";clip.height=" . $mi->frame_height . ";visibility='show';\"></layer>"; } if (!isset($mi->iframetracking) || $mi->iframetracking != 0) { $buffer .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['google']) . "'></script>"; } return $buffer; }
/** * Return invocation code for this plugin (codetype) * * @return string */ function generateInvocationCode() { $aComments = array('Third Party Comment' => '', 'SSL Delivery Comment' => '', 'Comment' => ''); parent::prepareCommonInvocationData($aComments); $conf = $GLOBALS['_MAX']['CONF']; $mi =& $this->maxInvocation; $buffer = $mi->buffer; if (!empty($mi->uniqueid) && $mi->extra['delivery'] != MAX_ZoneEmail) { $mi->parameters[] = "n=" . $mi->uniqueid; } $buffer .= "<a href='"; if (!empty($mi->thirdpartytrack)) { $buffer .= $mi->macros['clickurl']; } $buffer .= MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['click']); $mi->clickParams = array(); // Only need the banner id for direct selection not zone if (empty($mi->extra['delivery']) || $mi->extra['delivery'] != MAX_ZoneEmail) { //$buffer .= "?bannerid=" . $mi->bannerid; $mi->clickParams[] = 'bannerid=' . $mi->bannerid; } if (isset($mi->zoneid) && $mi->zoneid != '') { //$buffer .= "&zoneid=".$mi->zoneid; $mi->clickParams[] = 'zoneid=' . $mi->zoneid; } if (count($mi->clickParams) > 0) { $buffer .= '?' . implode('&', $mi->clickParams); } $buffer .= "'"; if (isset($mi->target) && $mi->target != '') { $buffer .= " target='" . $mi->target . "'"; } else { $buffer .= " target='_blank'"; } $buffer .= "><img src='" . MAX_commonConstructDeliveryUrl($conf['file']['view']); // Without cookies, passing in the click URL to view is not possible unset($mi->parameters['ct0']); if (sizeof($mi->parameters) > 0) { $buffer .= "?" . implode("&", $mi->parameters); } $buffer .= "' border='0' alt='' /></a>\n"; return $buffer; }