Exemple #1
function RetGetTaskInfo($tbl_content, $role_name, $role_id)
    $tbl_count = count($tbl_content);
    $str = "";
    global $page_main, $tbl_sys_msg;
    echo "<table class='list_table'>\n";
    echo sprintf("<tr><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th></tr>\n", $page_main["task"], $tbl_sys_msg["status"], $page_main["begin_time"], $page_main["end_time"]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $tbl_count; $i++) {
        printf("<tr" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "" : " class='even'") . "><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>", Lan_Quest_GetDisplayName(Local2UTF8($tbl_content[$i][0])), $tbl_content[$i][1], $tbl_content[$i][2], "1970-01-01 08:00:00" == $tbl_content[$i][3] ? "-" : $tbl_content[$i][3]);
    echo "</table>\n";
Exemple #2
function Main()
    $now = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    P($now . "==============================\n");
    global $tbl_gm_db, $tbl_serv_db, $tbl_game_server;
    $str = "(";
    $qs = "select * from tbl_channel_word";
    $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "GMS");
    $words = array();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        array_push($words, "lcc.lcc_sMsg like '%" . $row[0] . "%'");
    $str .= implode(" or ", $words);
    $str .= ")";
    P("Number of Check Word: " . count($words) . "\n");
    $qs = "select gv_value from tbl_gm_variable where gv_name = 'ChannelChatStemp'";
    $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "GMS");
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        P("Last updated at: " . $row[0] . "\n");
        $str .= " and lcc.lcc_dtChatTime > '" . $row[0] . "' and lcc.lcc_dtChatTime <= '" . $now . "'";
    $qs = "update tbl_gm_variable set gv_value = '" . $now . "' where gv_name = 'ChannelChatStemp'";
    MySQLQuery($qs, "GMS");
    foreach ($tbl_serv_db as $key => $dbinfo) {
        P("Server: " . $key . "\t");
        $insert = array();
        $qs = "select lcc.cs_uId,lcc.lcc_dtChatTime,{$key} as serv_id,lcc.lcc_sMsg,lcc.lcc_sChannelName from tbl_log_channel_chat lcc where " . $str;
        $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "GameLog", $key);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
            $qs = "select c.c_sName, us.us_sName from tbl_char c, tbl_char_static cs, tbl_user_static us where c.cs_uId = cs.cs_uId and cs.us_uId = us.us_uId and cs.cs_uId = " . $row[0];
            $rs = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $key);
            if ($r = mysql_fetch_row($rs)) {
                $row[0] = $r[0];
                $user_name = $r[1];
            } else {
                $row[0] = "[" . $row[0] . "]";
            array_push($insert, "insert into tbl_channel_chat values('" . $row[0] . "','" . $row[3] . "','" . $row[1] . "','" . Local2UTF8($row[4]) . "'," . $row[2] . ",'" . $user_name . "')");
        P("Number of Chat: " . count($insert) . "\n");
        foreach ($insert as $query) {
            MySQLQuery($query, "GMS");
Exemple #3
function attrtostr($arr)
    $str = "";
    foreach ($arr as $k => $s) {
        if ($k > 1) {
            $str .= Local2UTF8($s);
        $str .= ",";
    return $str;
Exemple #4
function GetTongLog_Produce($var, $gm)
    global $tbl_sys_msg, $page_main, $tbl_tong_msg;
    $tong_name = $var["tong_name"];
    $serverid = $var["serverid"];
    $qs = "select t_uId from tbl_tong where t_sName = '" . $tong_name . "'";
    $rs = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rs)) {
        $tong_id = $row[0];
    } else {
        return false;
    $query = "select le.le_dtDateTime, ltip.ltip_uEventType, ltip.ltip_sName, lc.lc_sName from tbl_log_tong_item_produce ltip left join tbl_log_char lc on ltip.ltip_uExecutorId = lc.lcs_uId, tbl_log_event le where ltip.le_uId = le.le_uId and lts_uId = " . $tong_id . " " . getDateLimit($var, $serverid);
    $rs = MySQLQuery($query, "Log", $serverid);
    echo "<table class='list_table'>\n";
    printf("<tr><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th></tr>\n", $tbl_sys_msg["time"], $page_main["type"], $page_main["item"], $tbl_sys_msg["Executor"]);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rs)) {
        if ($row[4] == null) {
            $row[4] = "-";
        printf("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n", $row[0], $tbl_tong_msg["produce_event"][$row[1]], Lan_Item_GetDisplayName(Local2UTF8($row[2]), 10), $row[3]);
    echo "</table>\n";
    return true;
Exemple #5
function Base642UTF8($var)
    return Local2UTF8(Base642Local($var));
Exemple #6
function GetRoleEquipByID($var, $gm)
    $serverid = intval($var["serverid"]);
    $item_id = mysql_escape_string($var["item_id"]);
    global $tbl_role_equip_info;
    $qs = "select * from tbl_item_static where is_uId = {$item_id}";
    $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        $item_type = $row[1];
        $item_name = Local2UTF8($row[2]);
    } else {
        return false;
    $style = <<<_style
.equip {
\twidth: 230px;
\tborder: 1px solid #ccc;
.equip div{
.equip .head, .equip .binding, .equip .durability, .equip .armor, .equip .armor .armor_item, .equip .advance, .equip .advance_item, .equip .intensify, .equip .intensify .intensify_item, .equip .equip_info .armor_item, .equip .JingLing {
\twidth: 230px;
.equip .head .name {
.equip .head .level, .equip .equip_info .weapon_speed, .equip .intensify .intensify_total, .equip .advance .advance_times, .equip .addation, .equip .JingLingSkill {
\tclear: right;
.equip .binding, .equip .durability {
.equip .armor .armor_item .armor_name, .equip .advance .advance_item .advance_name, .equip .intensify .intensify_name, .equip .equip_info .armor_item .armor_name {
\twidth: 80px;
.equip .armor .armor_item .armor_value,.equip .advance .advance_item .advance_value,.equip .intensify .intensify_value,.equip .equip_info .armor_item .armor_value {
\twidth: 30px;
.equip .armor, .equip .advance, .equip .intensify, .equip .JingLing {
\tmargin-top: 5px;
    echo $style;
    echo "<div class='equip'>\n";
    switch ($item_type) {
        case 5:
            $qs = "select * from tbl_item_weapon where is_uId = {$item_id}";
            $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
            if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                if ($row[1] != "") {
                    $item_name = $row[1];
                $level = $row[2];
                $intensify = $row[7];
                $inten = $row[8];
                $DPS = $row[4];
                $speed = $row[5];
                $rate = $row[6];
                $min_attack = intval($DPS * $speed * (1 - $rate * 0.01));
                $max_attack = intval($DPS * $speed * (1 + $rate * 0.01));
                $equip_info = "<div class='weapon_attack'>" . sprintf($tbl_role_equip_info[1][0][0], $min_attack, $max_attack) . "<br/>" . sprintf($tbl_role_equip_info[1][0][2], $DPS) . "</div>\n<div class='weapon_speed'>" . sprintf($tbl_role_equip_info[1][0][1], $speed) . "</div>\n";
        case 6:
        case 9:
            $qs = "select * from tbl_item_armor where is_uId = {$item_id}";
            $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
            if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                if ($row[1] != "") {
                    $item_name = $row[1];
                $level = $row[2];
                $intensify = $row[8];
                $inten = $row[9];
                $equip_info = "<div class='armor_item'><div class='armor_name'>" . $tbl_role_equip_info[1][1][0] . "</div><div class='armor_value'>+" . $row[4] . "</div></div>\n";
                $equip_info .= "<div class='armor_item'><div class='armor_name'>" . $tbl_role_equip_info[1][1][1] . "</div><div class='armor_value'>+" . $row[5] . "</div></div>\n";
                $equip_info .= "<div class='armor_item'><div class='armor_name'>" . $tbl_role_equip_info[1][1][2] . "</div><div class='armor_value'>+" . $row[6] . "</div></div>\n";
        case 7:
            $qs = "select * from tbl_item_shield where is_uId = {$item_id}";
            $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
            if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                if ($row[1] != "") {
                    $item_name = $row[1];
                $level = $row[2];
                $intensify = $row[4];
                $inten = $row[5];
        case 8:
            $qs = "select * from tbl_item_ring where is_uId = {$item_id}";
            $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
            if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
                if ($row[1] != "") {
                    $item_name = $row[1];
                $level = $row[2];
                $intensify = $row[6];
                $inten = $row[7];
                $DPS = $row[4];
                $equip_info = "<div class='ring_attack'>" . sprintf($tbl_role_equip_info[1][2][0], $DPS) . "</div>\n";
    $addation = 0;
    $qs = "select * from tbl_item_equip_superaddation where is_uId = {$item_id}";
    $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        $addation = $row[1];
    $addation_rate = 0;
    $addation_time = "";
    $addation_desc = "";
    switch ($addation) {
        case 1:
            $addation_rate = 10;
        case 2:
            $addation_rate = 21;
        case 3:
            $addation_rate = 33;
        case 4:
            $addation_rate = 46;
        case 5:
            $addation_rate = 60;
        case 6:
            $addation_rate = 75;
        case 7:
            $addation_rate = 91;
        case 8:
            $addation_rate = 108;
    if ($addation > 0) {
        $addation_time = "&nbsp;+" . $addation;
        $addatiom_desc = "<div class='addation'>(" . $tbl_role_equip_info[6] . $addation_rate . "%)</div>\n";
    $inten_times = 0;
    $qs = "select * from tbl_item_equip_intensify where is_uId = {$item_id}";
    $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        $inten_times = $row[10];
        $inten_totle = $row[14];
        $suit_info = Lan_Equip_GetSuitInfo(Local2UTF8($row[12]), $row[16]);
        $suit_name = $suit_info["name"];
        if ($row[6]) {
            $inten_info .= "<div class='intensify_item'>\n<div class='intensify_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[6])) . "</div>\n<div class='intensify_value'>+" . $row[7] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[7] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
        if ($row[8]) {
            $inten_info .= "<div class='intensify_item'>\n<div class='intensify_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[8])) . "</div>\n<div class='intensify_value'>+" . $row[9] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[9] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
    if ($suit_name != "") {
        $suit_name .= "<br/>";
    echo "<div class='head'>\n<div class='name'>" . $suit_name . Lan_Item_GetDisplayName($item_name, $item_type, false) . $addation_time . "</div>\n<div class='level'>" . $level . $tbl_role_equip_info[7] . "</div>\n" . $addatiom_desc . "</div>\n";
    $qs = "select * from tbl_item_is_binding where is_uId = {$item_id}";
    $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        if ($row[1] > 0) {
            global $tbl_item_is_binding;
            echo "<div class='binding'>" . $tbl_item_is_binding[$row[1]] . "</div>\n";
    $qs = "select * from tbl_item_equip_durability where is_uId = {$item_id}";
    $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        echo "<div class='durability'>" . sprintf($tbl_role_equip_info[0], $row[2], $row[1]) . "</div>\n";
    echo "<div class='equip_info'>\n{$equip_info}</div>\n";
    $qs = "select * from tbl_item_equip_armor where is_uId = {$item_id}";
    $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        echo "<div class='armor'>\n";
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
            echo "<div class='armor_item'>\n";
            $armor = Lan_Equip_GetArmorPiece(Local2UTF8($row[1]));
            echo "<div class='armor_name'>" . $armor[1] . "</div>\n";
            echo "<div class='armor_value'>+" . $armor[2] * $row[2] . "</div>\n";
            if ($armor[0] > 1) {
                echo "<div class='aromr_time'>(" . $row[2] . "/" . $armor[0] . ")</div>\n";
        echo "</div>\n";
    $qs = "select * from tbl_item_equip_advance where is_uId = {$item_id}";
    $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        echo "<div class='advance'>\n";
        $advance_name = Local2UTF8($row[15]);
        $advance_cur_tiems = $row[1];
        $advance_tot_tiems = $row[2];
        if ($advance_tot_tiems > 0) {
            echo "<div class='advance_item'>\n<div class='advance_name'>" . sprintf($tbl_role_equip_info[2], $advance_name) . "</div>\n<div class='advance_value'>" . $advance_cur_tiems . "/" . $advance_tot_tiems . "</div>\n<div class='advance_times'>" . sprintf($tbl_role_equip_info[5], $row[10]) . "</div>\n</div>\n";
        if ($row[11] != null) {
            echo "<div class='advance_item'>\n<div class='advance_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[16])) . "</div>\n<div class='advance_value'>+" . $row[11] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[11] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
        if ($row[12] != null) {
            echo "<div class='advance_item'>\n<div class='advance_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[17])) . "</div>\n<div class='advance_value'>+" . $row[12] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[12] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
        if ($row[13] != null) {
            echo "<div class='advance_item'>\n<div class='advance_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[18])) . "</div>\n<div class='advance_value'>+" . $row[13] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[13] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
        if ($row[14] != null) {
            echo "<div class='advance_item'>\n<div class='advance_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[19])) . "</div>\n<div class='advance_value'>+" . $row[14] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[14] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
        $JingLingType = Local2UTF8($row[8]);
        $JingLingSkill = $row[7];
        echo "</div>\n";
    global $tbl_item_inten_soul;
    $qs = "select * from tbl_item_equip_intensifyAddAttr where is_uId = {$item_id}";
    $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serverid);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        if ($row[1]) {
            $inten_info .= "<div class='intensify_item'>\n<div class='intensify_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[1])) . "</div>\n<div class='intensify_value'>+" . $row[2] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[2] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
        if ($row[3]) {
            $inten_info .= "<div class='intensify_item'>\n<div class='intensify_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[3])) . "</div>\n<div class='intensify_value'>+" . $row[4] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[4] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
        if ($row[5]) {
            $inten_info .= "<div class='intensify_item'>\n<div class='intensify_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[5])) . "</div>\n<div class='intensify_value'>+" . $row[6] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[6] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
        if ($row[7]) {
            $inten_info .= "<div class='intensify_item'>\n<div class='intensify_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[7])) . "</div>\n<div class='intensify_value'>+" . $row[8] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[8] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
        if ($row[9]) {
            $inten_info .= "<div class='intensify_item'>\n<div class='intensify_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[9])) . "</div>\n<div class='intensify_value'>+" . $row[10] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[10] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
        if ($row[11]) {
            $inten_info .= "<div class='intensify_item'>\n<div class='intensify_name'>" . Lan_Equip_GetPropertyName(Local2UTF8($row[11])) . "</div>\n<div class='intensify_value'>+" . $row[12] . "</div>\n" . ($addation == 0 ? "" : "<div class='addation'>(+" . ceil($addation_rate * $row[12] / 100) . ")</div>\n") . "</div>\n";
    echo "<div class='intensify'>\n";
    echo "<div class='intensify_item'>\n";
    if ($intensify > 0) {
        echo "<div class='intensify_name'>" . sprintf($tbl_role_equip_info[3], $tbl_item_inten_soul[Local2Base64($inten)]) . "</div>\n<div class='intensify_value'>{$inten_times}/{$intensify}</div>\n";
    if ($inten_totle) {
        echo "<div class='intensify_total'>" . sprintf($tbl_role_equip_info[4], $inten_totle) . "</div>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo $inten_info;
    echo "<div class='intensify_item'>\n";
    if ($suit_info["name"] != null) {
        echo $suit_info["name"] . "\n";
    echo "<div style='margin-left: 10px'>\n";
    if ($suit_info["part"] != null) {
        foreach ($suit_info["part"] as $part) {
            echo $suit_info["name"] . $part . "<br/>\n";
    if ($suit_info["desc"] != null) {
        foreach ($suit_info["desc"] as $i => $desc) {
            printf($tbl_role_equip_info[8], $i);
            echo $desc . "<br/>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
    if ($suit_info["talent"] != null) {
        echo "<div>" . $tbl_role_equip_info[9] . $suit_info["talent"] . "</div>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "</div>\n";
    global $tbl_JingLing_type;
    echo "<div class='JingLing'><div>" . $tbl_JingLing_type[UTF82Base64($JingLingType)] . "</div>";
    if ($JingLingSkill > 0) {
        echo "<div class='JingLingSkill'>" . Lan_Equip_GetSkillName($JingLingType, $JingLingSkill) . "</div>";
    echo "</div>\n";
    echo "</div>";
    return true;
Exemple #7
function NpcInfo($var, $gm)
    if ($var["serverindex"] == null || $var["serverindex"] == "") {
        $ret = eachServerFrame($var, $gm);
        return $ret;
    global $tbl_npc_info, $tbl_camp, $bid2type, $tbl_jifen, $tbl_sys_msg, $page_main;
    $gm_name = mysql_escape_string($gm);
    $serverid = intval($var["serverindex"]);
    $action = "";
    $npc_name = $var["npc_name"];
    if ($npc_name == "") {
        return false;
    $npc_name = str_replace(" ", "+", $npc_name);
    $param = array();
    $param["npc_name"] = Base642Local($npc_name);
    global $tbl_game_server;
    $gas_host = $tbl_game_server[$serverid][0];
    $gas_port = $tbl_game_server[$serverid][1];
    $ret = PostData($gas_host, $gas_port, "GetNpcInfo", $param);
    $xml = new DOMDocument();
    $root = $xml->getElementsByTagName("root")->item(0);
    $npc = $root->getElementsByTagName("npc")->item(0);
    echo "<h2>" . $tbl_npc_info[0] . "</h2>\n";
    echo "<table class='form_table'>\n";
    $npc_name = $npc->getElementsByTagName("npc-name")->item(0)->nodeValue;
    echo "<tr><th>" . $page_main["npc_name"] . "</th><td>" . Lan_Npc_GetDisplayName($npc_name, false) . "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><th>" . $page_main["real_name"] . "</th><td>" . $npc_name . "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><th>Base 64</th><td>" . UTF82Base64($npc_name) . "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "<tr><th>" . $tbl_sys_msg["camp"] . "</th><td>" . $tbl_camp[intval($npc->getElementsByTagName("npc-camp")->item(0)->nodeValue)] . "</td></tr>\n";
    echo "</table>\n";
    $questset = $npc->getElementsByTagName("npc-quests")->item(0);
    if ($questset) {
        echo "<h2>" . $tbl_npc_info[1] . "</h2>\n";
        $npc_pos = $questset->getElementsByTagName("npc-quest-pos")->item(0);
        echo "<table class='list_table'>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>" . $page_main["scene"] . "</th><th>" . $page_main["pos"] . "</th></tr>\n";
        echo "<tr><td>" . Lan_Scene_GetDisplayName($npc_pos->getAttribute("scene")) . "</td><td>" . $npc_pos->getAttribute("x") . "," . $npc_pos->getAttribute("y") . "</td></tr>\n";
        echo "</table>\n";
        echo "<table class='list_table'>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>" . $page_main["task"] . "</th></tr>\n";
        $npc_quests = $questset->getElementsByTagName("npc-quest");
        foreach ($npc_quests as $quest) {
            echo "<tr><td>" . Lan_Quest_GetDisplayName($quest->nodeValue) . "</td></tr>\n";
        echo "</table>\n";
    $shop = $npc->getElementsByTagName("npc-shop")->item(0);
    if ($shop) {
        echo "<h2>" . $tbl_npc_info[4] . "</h2>\n";
        echo "<table class='form_table'>\n";
        $shop_pay = $shop->getElementsByTagName("npc-shop-pay")->item(0);
        if ($shop_pay) {
            echo "<tr><th>" . $page_main["category"] . "</th><td>" . $tbl_jifen[intval($shop_pay->nodeValue)] . "</td></tr>\n";
        echo "</table>\n";
        echo "<table class='list_table'>\n";
        echo "<tr><th>" . $page_main["type"] . "</th><th>" . $page_main["item"] . "</th></tr>\n";
        $shop_items = $shop->getElementsByTagName("npc-shop-items")->item(0)->getElementsByTagName("npc-shop-item");
        foreach ($shop_items as $shop_item) {
            echo "<tr><td>" . $bid2type[intval($shop_item->getAttribute("type"))] . "</td><td>" . Lan_Item_GetDisplayName($shop_item->nodeValue) . "</td></tr>\n";
    $drop = $npc->getElementsByTagName("npc-drop")->item(0);
    if ($drop) {
        echo "<h2>" . $tbl_npc_info[2] . "</h2>\n";
        echo "<table class='form_table'>\n";
        $drop_scene = $drop->getElementsByTagName("npc-drop-scene")->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($drop_scene) {
            echo "<tr><th>" . $page_main["scene"] . "</th><td>" . Lan_Scene_GetDisplayName($drop_scene) . "</td></tr>\n";
        $drop_level = $drop->getElementsByTagName("npc-drop-level")->item(0)->nodeValue;
        if ($drop_level) {
            echo "<tr><th>" . $page_main["level"] . "</th><td>" . $drop_level . "</td></tr>\n";
        echo "</table>\n";
        $drop_teams = $drop->getElementsByTagName("npc-drop-team");
        foreach ($drop_teams as $drop_team) {
            $group_rate = $drop_team->getAttribute("rate");
            $drop_team_num = $drop_team->getElementsByTagName("npc-drop-team-num")->item(0);
            $group_number = $drop_team_num->getAttribute("min") . "-" . $drop_team_num->getAttribute("max");
            echo "<table class='list_table'>\n";
            echo "<tr><th style='width:50%'>" . $page_main["item"] . "</th><th style='width:25%;'>" . $tbl_npc_info[3] . "</th><th>" . $page_main["number"] . "</th></tr>\n";
            $drop_items = $drop_team->getElementsByTagName("npc-drop-team-item");
            foreach ($drop_items as $drop_item) {
                echo "<tr><td>" . Lan_Item_GetDisplayName($drop_item->nodeValue) . "</td><td>" . $group_rate . "*" . $drop_item->getAttribute("rate") . "</td><td>" . $group_number . "</td></tr>\n";
            echo "</table>\n";
    return true;
Exemple #8
function GetObjDropLimit($var, $gm)
    global $page_main, $tbl_sys_msg;
    if ($var["serverindex"] == null || $var["serverindex"] == "") {
        $js_src = <<<_js_src
<script type="text/javascript">
function DelObjDropLimit(item_name,obj)
\tdocument.form1.target = "block";
\tdocument.form1.action_name.value = '152';
\tdocument.form1.item_name.value = item_name;
\tdocument.form1.serverid.value = \$(obj).parents(".panel").attr("id").substring(4);
        echo $js_src . "\n";
        form($var, $gm);
        echo "<input type='hidden' name='item_name'/>";
        echo "</form>\n";
        $ret = eachServerFrame($var, $gm);
        return $ret;
    } else {
        $serverid = intval($var["serverindex"]);
    $query_string = "select odl_sObjName from tbl_obj_drop_limit";
    $result = MySQLQuery($query_string, "Game", $serverid);
    echo "<table class='list_table'>\n";
    echo "<tr><th>" . $page_main["item"] . "</th><th>" . $tbl_sys_msg["act"] . "</th></tr>\n";
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        $func_str = sprintf("<input type=button value='%s' onclick='DelObjDropLimit(\"%s\",this)'/>", $tbl_sys_msg["cancel"], Local2UTF8($row[0]));
        echo sprintf("<tr" . ($i % 2 == 0 ? "" : " class='even'") . "><td align='center'>%s</td><td align='center'>%s</td></tr>\n", Local2UTF8($row[0]), $func_str);
    echo "</table>\n";
    return true;
Exemple #9
function GetTongItemLog($var, $gm)
    global $tbl_sys_msg, $page_main, $tbl_tong_depot_log, $tbl_tong_pos;
    $server_id = $var["serverid"];
    $tong_name = $var["tong_name"];
    $qs = "select t_uId from tbl_tong where t_sName = '{$tong_name}'";
    $rs = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $server_id);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rs)) {
        $tong_id = $row[0];
    } else {
        return false;
    echo "<table class='list_table'>\n";
    printf("<tr><th style='width:120px;'>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th><th>%s</th></tr>\n", $tbl_sys_msg["time"], $page_main["type"], $page_main["item"], $page_main["number"], $page_main["role_name"] . "(" . $page_main["position"] . ")");
    $qs = "select le.le_dtDateTime, ltd.ltd_uType, lis.lis_sName, ltd.ltd_uExecutorId, ltd.ltd_uExecutorPosition, count(*) ";
    $qs .= "from tbl_log_tong_depot ltd, tbl_log_event le, tbl_log_item_static lis ";
    $qs .= "where ltd.le_uId = le.le_uId and ltd.lis_uId = lis.lis_uId and ";
    $qs .= "lts_uId = {$tong_id}" . getDateLimit($var, $server_id) . " ";
    $qs .= "group by le.le_dtDateTime, lis.lis_sName, ltd.ltd_uExecutorId";
    $result = MySQLQuery($qs, "Log", $server_id);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
        if ($row[3] == 0) {
            $role_name = $tbl_sys_msg["admin"];
        } else {
            $role_name = GetRoleName($row[3], $server_id);
        if ($row[4] == 0) {
            $position = $tbl_sys_msg["admin"];
        } else {
            $position = $tbl_tong_pos[$row[4]];
        printf("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n", $row[0], $tbl_tong_depot_log[$row[1]], Lan_Item_GetDisplayName(Local2UTF8($row[2])), $row[5], $role_name . "(" . $position . ")");
    echo "</table>\n";
    return true;
Exemple #10
function OnlineIPSearch($var, $gm)
    global $tbl_serv_db, $tbl_game_server, $tbl_sys_msg, $page_main;
    if ($var["servers"] != null && $var["servers"] != "") {
        $servers = explode(",", $var["servers"]);
    } else {
        $servers = $var["server_id"];
    $ip = $var["ip"];
    echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='/js/checkbox.js'></script>\n";
    form($var, $gm);
    checkbox(true, true);
    echo "</form>";
    echo "<table class='list_table'>\n";
    echo "<tr><th>" . $tbl_sys_msg["server"] . "</th><th>" . $page_main["user_name"] . "</th><th>" . $page_main["role_name"] . "</th><th>" . $page_main["level"] . "</th><th>" . $page_main["scene"] . "</th><th>" . $tbl_sys_msg["time"] . "</th></tr>\n";
    foreach ($servers as $serv) {
        $qs = "select us.us_sName, c.c_sName, cb.cb_uLevel, sc.sc_sSceneName, uo.uo_dtLoginTime from tbl_user_online uo, tbl_user_static us, tbl_char_static cs, tbl_char_online co, tbl_char c, tbl_char_basic cb, tbl_char_position cp, tbl_scene sc where uo.us_uId = us.us_uId and cs.us_uId = us.us_uId and cs.cs_uId = co.cs_uId and cs.cs_uId = c.cs_uId and cs.cs_uId = cb.cs_uId and cs.cs_uId = cp.cs_uId and cp.sc_uId = sc.sc_uId and uo.uo_sIp = '{$ip}'";
        $rs = MySQLQuery($qs, "Game", $serv);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($rs)) {
            printf("<tr><td>%s</td><td><input type='checkbox' flag='user' value='%s' onclick='Checkbox(this)' />%s</td><td><input type='checkbox' flag='role' value='%s' onclick='Checkbox(this)' />%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n", $tbl_game_server[$serv][2], $row[0], $row[0], $row[1], $row[1], $row[2], Lan_Scene_GetDisplayName(Local2UTF8($row[3])), $row[4]);
    echo "</table>\n";
    return true;