function ListNavigation($position_id, $actual_level = "", $parent_id = "", $level = 0) { if (empty($actual_level)) { $LevelNumber = CheckPositionLevel($position_id); $actual_level = $LevelNumber; $mySQL = "SELECT nav_tab_id,nav_tab_name,parent_id FROM navigation_tab WHERE nav_position_id = '{$position_id}' AND parent_id = '0'"; } else { $LevelNumber = $actual_level; $actual_level--; $level++; $mySQL = "SELECT nav_tab_id,CONCAT_WS('',REPEAT('-',{$level}),nav_tab_name) as nav_tab_name,parent_id FROM navigation_tab WHERE parent_id = '{$parent_id}'"; } if (!$LevelNumber) { return; } $recSET = mysql_query($mySQL) or die(mysql_error("Mysql Error ( 83 )")); $output = ""; while ($recROW = mysql_fetch_assoc($recSET)) { $id = $recROW['nav_tab_id']; $name = $recROW['nav_tab_name']; $output .= "<div class=\"alisting\"><a href=\"{$id}\">{$name}</a></div>"; if ($actual_level) { $output .= ListNavigation($position_id, $actual_level, $id, $level); } } return $output; }
* GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ ?> <div style="text-align:left;"><h2>- Navigation Links</h2></div> -Edit Order, Edit Page, Delete Pages, Add Pages<br /> <?php if (!defined("ADMIN_FILE")) { die("Access denied."); } include $basedir . 'navigation/functions.php'; if (isset($_GET['edit'])) { $block_id = $_GET['edit']; EditBlock($block_id); return; } if (isset($_GET['delete'])) { $block_id = $_GET['delete']; DeleteBlock($block_id); return; } if (isset($_GET['create'])) { NewBlock(); return; } ListNavigation();