Exemple #1

require SCRIPTROOT . 'jamstates.php';
$stmt = $dbconnection->prepare('SELECT * FROM jams ORDER BY suggestionsbegin DESC;');
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll();
$jams = array();
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    $jam = array();
    $jam['id'] = $row['id'];
    $jam['title'] = $row['title'];
    $jam['status'] = $row['status'];
    $jam['suggestionsbegin'] = SuggestionsBegin($row);
    $jam['votingbegins'] = VotingBegins($row);
    $jam['themeannounce'] = ThemeAnnounce($row);
    $jam['jambegins'] = JamBegins($row);
    $jam['submissionsbegin'] = SubmissionsBegin($row);
    $jam['submissionsend'] = SubmissionsEnd($row);
    $jam['judgingends'] = JudgingEnds($row);
    array_push($jams, $jam);
Exemple #2
function VerifyJamState(&$Jam)
    global $dbconnection;
    if ($Jam['status'] == JamStatus::Disabled) {
    $time = time();
    $length = JudgingEnds($Jam);
    if ($time >= $length) {
        $status = JamStatus::Complete;
    } else {
        if ($time >= ($length -= $Jam['judginglength'])) {
            $status = JamStatus::Judging;
        } else {
            if ($time >= ($length -= $Jam['submissionslength'])) {
                $status = JamStatus::ReceivingGameSubmissions;
            } else {
                if ($time >= ($length -= $Jam['jamlength'])) {
                    $status = JamStatus::JamRunning;
                } else {
                    if ($time >= ($length -= $Jam['themeannouncelength'])) {
                        $status = JamStatus::ThemeAnnounced;
                    } else {
                        if ($time >= ($length -= $Jam['votinglength'])) {
                            $status = JamStatus::ThemeVoting;
                        } else {
                            if ($time >= ($length -= $Jam['approvallength'])) {
                                $status = JamStatus::WaitingThemeApprovals;
                            } else {
                                if ($time >= ($length -= $Jam['suggestionslength'])) {
                                    $status = JamStatus::ReceivingSuggestions;
                                } else {
                                    $status = JamStatus::WaitingSuggestionsStart;
    $round = $Jam['currentround'];
    $selectedtheme = $Jam['selectedthemeid'];
    if ($status == JamStatus::ThemeVoting || $status > JamStatus::ThemeVoting && $selectedtheme == SelectedTheme::NotSelected) {
        // we need to figure out what round we are in
        // remember we must maintain the integrity of the data
        // so... if lots of time has been skipped we must still advance one round at a time
        // first find how far we have advanced into the voting period
        $timeoffset = $time - ($Jam['suggestionsbegin'] + $Jam['suggestionslength'] + $Jam['approvallength']);
        // next find out how long each round should last
        // round length = voting length / total rounds [inital rounds + the final round(1)]
        $roundlength = $Jam['votinglength'] / ($Jam['initialvotingrounds'] + 1);
        // track the round offset - after each iteration it will be increased by the round length
        $roundoffset = 0;
        // if no round is selected setup rounds
        if ($round == CurrentRound::NotSelected) {
            $round = $Jam['initialvotingrounds'];
            SetupInitialRounds($Jam['id'], $Jam['initialvotingrounds']);
        // loop over each round and check if the round needs to be advanced
        for ($i = $Jam['initialvotingrounds']; $i >= 0; $i--) {
            // check if the timeoffset falls within this round
            // if it does advance the round if needed and break the loop
            if ($timeoffset >= $roundoffset && ($timeoffset < $roundoffset + $roundlength || $i == CurrentRound::FinalRound)) {
                if ($round != $i) {
                    $round = $i;
                    if ($round == CurrentRound::FinalRound) {
                        SetupFinalRound($Jam['id'], $Jam['initialvotingrounds'], $Jam['topthemesinfinal']);
            } else {
                if ($round > $i) {
                    $round = $i;
            $roundoffset += $roundlength;
    if ($status >= JamStatus::ThemeAnnounced && $selectedtheme == SelectedTheme::NotSelected) {
        $stmt = $dbconnection->prepare('SELECT * FROM themes WHERE jamid = ? AND round = ?;');
        $stmt->execute(array($Jam['id'], CurrentRound::FinalRound));
        $themes = $stmt->fetchAll();
        foreach ($themes as $key => $theme) {
            $stmt = $dbconnection->prepare('SELECT value FROM votes WHERE jamid = ? AND themeid = ? AND round = ?;');
            $stmt->execute(array($Jam['id'], $theme['id'], CurrentRound::FinalRound));
            $votes = $stmt->fetchAll();
            $themes[$key]['votes'] = 0;
            foreach ($votes as $vote) {
                $themes[$key]['votes'] += $vote['value'];
        usort($themes, 'CompareThemeVotes');
        $count = 0;
        $winningthemes = array();
        foreach ($themes as $theme) {
            if (!isset($highscore)) {
                $highscore = $theme['votes'];
                $winningthemes[$count++] = $theme;
            } else {
                if ($highscore == $theme['votes']) {
                    $winningthemes[$count++] = $theme;
                } else {
        if ($count == 1) {
            $selectedtheme = $winningthemes[0]['id'];
        } else {
            if ($count > 1) {
                $pickedtheme = array_rand($winningthemes);
                $selectedtheme = $winningthemes[$pickedtheme]['id'];
    if ($status != $Jam['status'] || $round != $Jam['currentround'] || $selectedtheme != $Jam['selectedthemeid']) {
        $stmt = $dbconnection->prepare('UPDATE jams SET status = ?, currentround = ?, selectedthemeid = ? WHERE id = ?;');
        $stmt->execute(array($status, $round, $selectedtheme, $Jam['id']));
        $Jam['status'] = $status;
        $Jam['currentround'] = $round;
        $Jam['selectedthemeid'] = $selectedtheme;