// close the </HEAD> part
$JBMarkup->body_open('style="background-color:white; background-image: none;"');
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . JB_CANDIDATE_FOLDER . "login_functions.php";
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/include/posts.inc.php";
if ($_REQUEST['username'] != '') {
    $_REQUEST['silent'] = 'yes';
if ($_REQUEST['post_id'] != '') {
    $_SESSION['app_post_id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['post_id'];
$post_id = (int) $_SESSION['app_post_id'];
if (($_SESSION['JB_ID'] == '' || $_SESSION['JB_Domain'] != 'CANDIDATE') && JB_ONLINE_APP_SIGN_IN == 'YES') {
    // is the user logged in??
    JB_can_login_form(JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH . "appurl_iframe.php");
} else {
    if (!is_numeric($post_id)) {
    $data = JB_load_post_data($post_id);
    if ($_SESSION['JB_ID'] != '' && $_SESSION['JB_Domain'] == 'CANDIDATE' || JB_ONLINE_APP_SIGN_IN != 'YES') {
        $sql = "SELECT app_id FROM applications WHERE post_id='" . jb_escape_sql($post_id) . "' AND user_id='" . jb_escape_sql($_SESSION['JB_ID']) . "' ";
        $result = JB_mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
        $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
        if ($row['app_id'] != '') {
            echo $label["app_already_applied"] . "<br>";
        } else {
            // increment the application count
            $sql = "UPDATE `posts_table` SET `applications`=`applications`+1 WHERE `post_id`='" . jb_escape_sql($post_id) . "' ";
            JB_mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
function JB_process_login()
    global $label;
    global $JBMarkup;
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['page'])) {
        // this us used to forward the user to the relevant page after login
        $q_str = '';
        $amp = '';
        foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) {
            if (!is_array($val)) {
                $q_str .= $amp . $key . '=' . urlencode($val);
            $amp = '&';
        $_REQUEST['page'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $q_str;
    $session_duration = ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime");
    if ($session_duration == false) {
        $session_duration = 20 * 60;
    // general house-keeping to end all sessions longer than session.gc_maxlifetime
    $now = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
    $sql = "UPDATE `users` SET `logout_date`='{$now}' WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(DATE_SUB('{$now}', INTERVAL {$session_duration} SECOND)) > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_request_time) AND (`logout_date` ='0000-00-00 00:00:00')";
    JB_mysql_query($sql) or die($sql . mysql_error());
    JBPLUG_do_callback('can_process_login', $A = false);
    // Note for Plugin authors: here your plugin can update your session cookies for your external app, and do other hosekeeping such as update the session tables, etc
    if (!JB_is_can_logged_in() || $_SESSION['JB_Domain'] != "CANDIDATE" || isset($_SESSION['JB_Base']) && $_SESSION['JB_Base'] != JB_BASE_HTTP_PATH) {
        $page_title = $label["c_loginform_title"] . " - " . JB_SITE_NAME;
    } else {
        JBPLUG_do_callback('can_process_login_passed', $A = false);
        // user is logged in
        $now = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $sql = "UPDATE `users` SET `last_request_time`='{$now}', logout_date='0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE `Username`='" . jb_escape_sql(addslashes($_SESSION['JB_Username'])) . "'";
        JB_mysql_query($sql) or die($sql . mysql_error());
        // check membership payment.
            if (!JB_is_candidate_membership_active($_SESSION['JB_ID'])) {
                if (strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'membership.php') === false && strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'order.php') === false && strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'payment.php') === false && strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'logout.php') === false) {
                    // redirect to the memberhsip page
				   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php 
                    echo JB_get_maincss_url();
" >
				   <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="1; URL=membership.php">
				   <body style="background-color:white">

                    echo $label['membership_please_wait'];

