function JBXM_display_xml_doc_tree($schema_id, $element_id = 0) { static $depth = 0; global $element_input_options; static $pivot_open; static $feed_row; if ($element_input_options == '') { $element_input_options = 'BUTTONS'; } $feed_id = (int) $_REQUEST['feed_id']; if ($feed_row == null) { $sql = "SELECT * from xml_export_feeds WHERE feed_id='" . jb_escape_sql($feed_id) . "' "; $result = JB_mysql_query($sql); $feed_row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC); $feed_row['field_settings'] = unserialize($feed_row['field_settings']); } if ($depth > 100) { return; } $sql = "select * from xml_export_elements WHERE `parent_element_id`='" . jb_escape_sql($element_id) . "' AND `schema_id`='" . jb_escape_sql($schema_id) . "' order by has_child desc, is_pivot desc "; //echo $sql; $result = JB_mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { echo "<br>"; $the_end = true; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $element = $row['element_name']; if ($feed_row['field_settings']['static_data_' . $row['element_id']] != '') { // over-write the default export mode $row['static_data'] = $feed_row['field_settings']['static_data_' . $row['element_id']]; // hidden field to ensure that the custom static data setting is stored in field_settings // by the JBXM_save_xml_feed_input() function ?> <input type="hidden" name="static_data_<?php echo $row['element_id']; ?> " value="<?php echo jb_escape_html($row['static_data']); ?> "> <?php } if ($row['attributes'] != '') { $row['attributes'] = " " . $row['attributes']; } //echo "<br>"; JBXM_echo_nbsp_repeat($depth); if ($row['is_pivot'] == 'Y') { echo "<b>"; $pivot_open = true; } if ($row['is_mandatory'] == 'Y') { echo '<font color="red" size="4">*</font>'; } echo "<font color='purple'><{$element}</font><font color='blue'>" . JB_escape_html($row['attributes']) . "</font><font color='purple'>></font>"; if ($row['is_pivot'] == 'Y') { echo "</b>"; echo ' <font color="green"><!-- This item will be iterated for each record (Pivot) --> </font>'; } $depth += 2; $ending = JBXM_display_xml_doc_tree($schema_id, $row['element_id']); if ($row['static_data'] == '' && $row['field_id'] == false) { //echo "<br>"; //echo_nbsp_repeat($depth); } if ($row['is_pivot'] == 'Y') { echo "<b>"; $pivot_open = true; } if ($ending) { if (($row['static_data'] == '' || $row['static_mod'] != 'F') && $element_input_options == 'FIELDS' && $pivot_open == true && $depth >= 6) { JBXM_echo_nbsp_repeat($depth); ?> <small><input type="checkbox" name="implode_<?php echo $row['element_id']; ?> " value='Y' <?php if ($_REQUEST['implode_' . $row['element_id']] == 'Y') { echo ' checked '; } ?> ></small> <b>Implode</b> <small>the fields between <<?php echo $element; ?> > and </<?php echo $element; ?> > in to one single value</small><?php //JBXM_echo_field_select_field($row, $feed_row); echo '<br>'; } JBXM_echo_nbsp_repeat($depth); } else { if ($element_input_options == 'FIELDS') { // display the input fields //for XML Feed configuration if ($row['static_data'] == '' || $row['static_mod'] != 'F') { JBXM_echo_field_select_field($row, $feed_row); if ($row['static_mod'] == 'A') { // append echo "<font color='maroon'><b>" . $row['static_data'] . "</b></font>"; } if ($row['is_boolean'] == 'Y') { ?> Export as <font color="blue"><b>true</b></font> if data = <input type='text' size='10' name="<?php echo 'boolean_p_' . $row['element_id']; ?> " value="<?php echo jb_escape_html($_REQUEST['boolean_p_' . $row['element_id']]); ?> " > <?php } if ($row['static_mod'] != 'A') { ?> <small>[<a style="color:black" href="#" onclick="'xml_change_window.php?form_id=<?php echo $row['form_id']; ?> &schema_id=<?php echo $row['schema_id']; ?> &element_id=<?php echo $row['element_id']; ?> &feed_id=<?php echo $feed_id; ?> &to_static=1', '', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=550,height=500,left = 50,top = 50');return false;">Change to static...</a>]</small> <?php } } else { // display the tree without any input fields echo "<font color='maroon'><b>" . $row['static_data'] . "</b></font>"; ?> <small>[<a style="color:black" href="#" onclick="'xml_change_window.php?form_id=<?php echo $row['form_id']; ?> &schema_id=<?php echo $row['schema_id']; ?> &element_id=<?php echo $row['element_id']; ?> &feed_id=<?php echo $feed_id; ?> &to_static=1', '', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=550,height=500,left = 50,top = 50');return false;">Edit</a>][<a style="color:black" href="#" onclick="'xml_change_window.php?form_id=<?php echo $row['form_id']; ?> &schema_id=<?php echo $row['schema_id']; ?> &element_id=<?php echo $row['element_id']; ?> &feed_id=<?php echo $feed_id; ?> &to_db=1', '', 'toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,location=no,statusbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=1,width=550,height=500,left = 50,top = 50');return false;">Change to DB value...</a>]</small> <?php } } else { // $element_input_options is 'BUTTONS' // This means that the XML document tree is displayed on the // Admin->XML Exports, 'Configure XML Structure' screen echo "<font color='maroon'><b>" . $row['static_data'] . "</b></font>"; } } echo "<font color='purple'></{$element}></font>"; // Show comments $comment = ''; $comma = ''; if ($row['is_boolean'] == 'Y') { $comment .= ' Boolean'; $comma = ','; } if ($row['is_cdata'] == 'Y') { $comment .= $comma . ' CDATA'; $comma = ','; } if ($row['strip_tags'] == 'Y') { $comment .= $comma . ' Strip Tags'; $comma = ','; } if ($row['truncate'] > 0) { $comment .= $comma . ' Truncate to:' . $row['truncate'] . ' chars'; $comma = ','; } if ($row['qualify_codes'] == 'Y') { $comment .= $comma . ' Export codes as names'; $comma = ','; } if ($row['qualify_cats'] == 'Y') { $comment .= $comma . ' Export categories as names'; $comma = ','; } if ($row['comment'] != '') { if ($comment) { $comment = $comment . ","; } $comment .= " " . $row['comment']; } if ($comment != '') { echo ' <font color="green"><!-- ' . $comment . ' --></font> '; } if ($row['element_name'] == 'jamitKey') { echo ' <font color="green"><!-- If this feed requires a key, this field should be set to static --></font> '; } if ($element_input_options == 'BUTTONS' && !JBXM_is_schema_locked($_REQUEST['schema_id'])) { echo " <a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?delelement=yes&form_id=" . $_REQUEST['form_id'] . "&schema_id=" . $_REQUEST['schema_id'] . "&element_id=" . $row['element_id'] . "' onclick=\"if (!confirmLink(this, 'Delete, are you sure?')) return false;\" ><img border=0 src='delete.gif' ></a> <a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?config=yes&form_id=" . $_REQUEST['form_id'] . "&schema_id=" . $_REQUEST['schema_id'] . "&element_id=" . $row['element_id'] . "'><img border=0 src='edit.gif'></a> <a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?config=yes&form_id=" . $_REQUEST['form_id'] . "&schema_id=" . $_REQUEST['schema_id'] . "&form_id=" . $_REQUEST['form_id'] . "&parent_element_id=" . $row['element_id'] . "'><img border=0 src='add.gif'></a>"; } echo "<br>"; if ($row['is_pivot'] == 'Y') { echo "</b>"; $pivot_open = false; } } $depth -= 2; return $the_end; }
if ($_REQUEST['import'] != '') { ?> <form method="POST" action="xmlschema.php?config=yes&form_id=<?php echo $_REQUEST['form_id']; ?> &schema_id=<?php echo $_REQUEST['schema_id']; ?> &import=1" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <b>Please paste in the CSV content, and click the 'Import' button to import the structure:</b><br> <textarea name="csv_data" cols="80" rows="15"><?php echo htmlentities(stripslashes($_REQUEST['csv_data'])); ?> </textarea><br> <input type="submit" value="Import" name="do_import"><br> (Please note: Existing structure will be replaced with the structure imported from the CSV file) </form> <?php } ?> <i>The XML document tree:</i><br> <?php JBXM_display_xml_doc_tree($_REQUEST['schema_id']); ?> </td> <?php } JB_admin_header('Admin -> XML Schema');