<?php if (!defined('IN_GS')) { die('you cannot load this page directly.'); } /**************************************************** * * @File: template.php * @Package: GetSimple * @Action: Innovation theme for GetSimple CMS * *****************************************************/ # Get this theme's settings based on what was entered within its plugin. # This function is in functions.php $innov_settings = Innovation_Settings(); # Include the header template include 'header.inc.php'; ?> <div class="content"> <?php if (return_page_slug() == 'index') { get_i18n_gallery('slider'); } ?> <?php if (return_page_slug() == 'news') { nm_list_recent(); nm_list_archives(); echo '12321321321'; } ?>
<?php if (!defined('IN_GS')) { die('you cannot load this page directly.'); } /**************************************************** * * @File: tempate.php * @Package: GetSimple * @Action: Innovation theme for the GetSimple 3.0 * *****************************************************/ # Get this theme's settings based on what was entered within it's plugin. # This function is in functions.php Innovation_Settings(); # Include the header template include 'header.php'; ?> <div class="wrapper clearfix"> <!-- page content --> <article> <section> <!-- title and content --> <h1><?php get_page_title(); ?> </h1> <?php get_page_content();