uport:"5425,15425,28900"}}, {name: "Warcraft II", value:{tport:"6112-6119,4000", uport:"6112-6119"}}, {name: "Warcraft III", value:{tport:"6112-6119,4000", uport:"6112-6119"}}, {name: "WinMX", value:{tport:"6699", uport:"6257"}}, {name: "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory", value:{tport:"", uport:"27950,27960,27965,27952"}}, {name: "WON Servers", value:{tport:"27000-27999", uport:"15001,15101,15200,15400"}}, {name: "World of Warcraft", value:{tport:"3724,6112,6881-6999", uport:""}}, {name: "Xbox Live", value:{tport:"3074", uport:"88,3074"}} ], lanip: "<?php echo INF_getcurripaddr("LAN-1"); ?> ", mask: "<?php echo INF_getcurrmask("LAN-1"); ?> ", CursorFocus: function(node) { var i = node.lastIndexOf("entry:"); if(node.charAt(i+7)==="/") var idx = parseInt(node.charAt(i+6), 10); else var idx = parseInt(node.charAt(i+6), 10)*10 + parseInt(node.charAt(i+7), 10); var indx = 1; var valid_dsc_cnt = 0; for(indx=1; indx <= <?php echo $PFWD_MAX_COUNT;
function inet_ipv4_dslite($inf, $ifname, $inet, $inetp, $infprev) { startcmd("# inet_start_ipv4_dslite(" . $inf . "," . $ifname . "," . $inet . "," . $inetp . "," . $infprev . ")"); startcmd("echo \$\$ > /var/run/dslite_start.pid"); /* Get INET setting */ $b4addr = query($inetp . "/ipv4/ipaddr"); anchor($inetp . "/ipv4/ipv4in6"); $remote = query("remote"); $stsp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/runtime", "inf", "uid", $inf, 0); if ($b4addr != "") { set($stsp . "/inet/ipv4/ipaddr", $b4addr); } else { set($stsp . "/inet/ipv4/ipaddr", ""); } $devnam = "ip4ip6." . $inf; //if($local!="") $lcmd = " local ".$local; $mtu = query($inetp . "/ipv4/mtu"); if ($mtu == "") { $mtu = 1452; } set($stsp . "/inet/ipv4/mtu", $mtu); if ($remote != "") { if ($infprev != "") { $local = INF_getcurripaddr($infprev); if ($local != "") { $lcmd = " local " . $local; } } $rcmd = " remote " . $remote; startcmd("ip -6 tunnel add " . $devnam . " mode ip4ip6" . $rcmd . $lcmd); set($stsp . "/inet/ipv4/ipv4in6/remote", $remote); startcmd("ip link set dev " . $devnam . " up"); if ($b4addr != "") { startcmd("ip -4 addr add " . $b4addr . " dev " . $devnam); } startcmd("ip route add default dev " . $devnam); $uptime = query("/runtime/device/uptime"); set($stsp . "/inet/uptime", query("/runtime/device/uptime")); set($stsp . "/inet/ipv4/valid", "1"); startcmd("event " . $inf . ".UP"); startcmd("echo 1 > /var/run/" . $inf . ".UP"); stopcmd("ip -6 tunnel del " . $devnam); stopcmd("ip route del default dev " . $devnam); stopcmd("xmldbc -s " . $stsp . "/inet/ipv4/valid 0"); stopcmd("event " . $inf . ".DOWN"); stopcmd("rm -f /var/run/" . $inf . ".UP"); } else { /* Get the IPv6 address of the previous interface */ if ($infprev != "") { $local = INF_getcurripaddr($infprev); if ($local != "") { $lcmd = " local " . $local; } $prevstsp = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/runtime", "inf", "uid", $infprev, 0); $remote = query($prevstsp . "/inet/ipv4/ipv4in6/remote"); startcmd("sip=`gethostip -6 " . $remote . "`"); /* check if remote is acquired */ startcmd("if [ \"{$remote}\" == \"\" ]; then"); startcmd("\tsleep 1"); startcmd("\tremote=`xmldbc -w " . $prevstsp . "/inet/ipv4/ipv4in6/remote`"); startcmd("\twhile [ \"{$remote}\" == \"\" ]; do"); startcmd("\t\tsleep 1"); startcmd("\t\tremote=`xmldbc -w " . $prevstsp . "/inet/ipv4/ipv4in6/remote`"); startcmd("\tdone"); startcmd("\tsip=`gethostip -6 {$remote}`"); startcmd("fi"); //startcmd("sip=`gethostip -6 ".$remote."`"); } startcmd("b4addr=`xmldbc -w " . $inetp . "/ipv4/ipaddr`"); startcmd("if [ \"{$sip}\" != \"\" ]; then"); startcmd("\tip -6 tunnel add " . $devnam . " mode ip4ip6 remote {$sip}" . $lcmd); startcmd("\txmldbc -s " . $stsp . "/inet/ipv4/ipv4in6/remote {$sip}"); startcmd("\tip link set dev " . $devnam . " up"); startcmd("\tif [ \"{$b4addr}\" != \"\" ]; then"); startcmd("\t\tip -4 addr add {$b4addr} dev " . $devnam); startcmd("\tfi"); startcmd("\tip route add default dev " . $devnam); $uptime = query("/runtime/device/uptime"); startcmd("\txmldbc -s " . $stsp . "/inet/uptime " . $uptime); startcmd("\txmldbc -s " . $stsp . "/inet/ipv4/valid 1"); startcmd("\tevent " . $inf . ".UP"); startcmd("\techo 1 > /var/run/" . $inf . ".UP"); startcmd("else"); startcmd("\techo Cannot resolve aftr server name > /dev/console"); startcmd("\txmldbc -s " . $stsp . "/inet/ipv4/valid 0"); startcmd("fi"); /* Start script */ /* startcmd("phpsh /etc/scripts/IPV4.INET.php ACTION=ATTACH". " STATIC=1". " INF=".$inf. " DEVNAM=".$ifname. " IPADDR=".$ipaddr. " MASK=".$mask. " GATEWAY=".$gw. " MTU=".$mtu. ' "DNS='.$dns.'"' ); */ //startcmd("event ".$inf.".UP"); //startcmd("echo 1 > /var/run/".$inf.".UP"); //startcmd("fi"); /* Stop script */ stopcmd("if [ -e /var/run/" . $inf . ".UP ]; then"); stopcmd("\tip -6 tunnel del " . $devnam); stopcmd("\tip route del default dev " . $devnam); stopcmd("\txmldbc -s " . $stsp . "/inet/ipv4/valid 0"); stopcmd("\tevent " . $inf . ".DOWN"); stopcmd("\trm -f /var/run/" . $inf . ".UP"); stopcmd("fi"); //stopcmd("phpsh /etc/scripts/IPV4.INET.php ACTION=DETACH INF=".$inf); } stopcmd("if [ -f /var/run/dslite_start.pid ]; then"); stopcmd("\tpid=`pfile -f /var/run/dslite_start.pid`"); stopcmd("\t[ \"{$pid}\" != \"0\" ] && kill {$pid} > /dev/console 2>&1"); stopcmd("\trm -rf /var/run/dslite_start.pid"); stopcmd("fi"); }
<?php /* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */ include "/htdocs/phplib/inf.php"; include "/htdocs/phplib/xnode.php"; $dtype = "urn:schemas-wifialliance-org:device:WFADevice:1"; $dpath = XNODE_getpathbytarget("/runtime/upnp", "dev", "deviceType", $dtype, 0); if ($dpath == "") { exit; } anchor($dpath); $ipaddr = INF_getcurripaddr($INF); $port = query("port"); set("devdesc/URLBase", "http://" . $ipaddr . ":" . $port); set("devdesc/device/presentationURL", "http://" . $ipaddr); echo "<\\?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?\\>\n"; echo "<root xmlns=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0\">\n"; echo dump(1, "devdesc"); echo "</root>\n";
<?php /* vi: set sw=4 ts=4: */ include "/htdocs/phplib/trace.php"; include "/htdocs/phplib/xnode.php"; include "/htdocs/phplib/inf.php"; fwrite("w", $START, "#!/bin/sh\n"); fwrite("w", $STOP, "#!/bin/sh\n"); $path = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "inf", "uid", "LAN-1", 0); $lan_ip_addr = INF_getcurripaddr("LAN-1"); $wan_ip_addr = INF_getcurripaddr("WAN-1"); $path_wan = XNODE_getpathbytarget("", "inf", "uid", "WAN-1", 0); $wan_https_rport = query($path_wan . "/https_rport"); $stunnel = query($path . "/stunnel"); if (query("webaccess/enable") == "1") { $wfa_stunnel = 1; } else { $wfa_stunnel = 0; } $mydlink = query("/mydlink/register_st"); $stunnel_conf = "/var/stunnel.conf"; /* prepare data for http to create httpd.conf (service STUNNEL) */ if ($stunnel == 1 || $wfa_stunnel == 1 || $mydlink == 1) { //prepare stunnel needed file fwrite("w", $stunnel_conf, "cert = /etc/stunnel_cert.pem\n"); fwrite("a", $stunnel_conf, "key =/etc/stunnel.key\n"); fwrite("a", $stunnel_conf, "pid = /var/run/stunnel.pid\n"); fwrite("a", $stunnel_conf, "setuid = 0\n"); fwrite("a", $stunnel_conf, "setgid = 0\n"); fwrite("a", $stunnel_conf, "debug = 7\n"); fwrite("a", $stunnel_conf, "output = /var/log/stunnel.log\n");