function GetSignatureImage($signData) { $base64DecData = base64_decode($signData); if (1 == 1) { $exploded_sign = explode(';', $base64DecData); $explode_firstRow = explode(',', $exploded_sign[0]); if (count($explode_firstRow) == 8) { // process ahead if there are enough data in first input $SignBackGround = Html2RGB($explode_firstRow[1]); $SignWidth = $explode_firstRow[3]; $SignHeight = $explode_firstRow[4]; $SignTransparent = strtoupper($explode_firstRow[5]); $SignPoints = (int) $explode_firstRow[6]; $SignControl = $explode_firstRow[7]; $im = imagecreatetruecolor($SignWidth, $SignHeight); $colBack = imagecolorallocate($im, $SignBackGround[0], $SignBackGround[1], $SignBackGround[2]); imagefill($im, 0, 0, $colBack); if ($SignTransparent == "TRUE") { imagecolortransparent($im, $colBack); } // Now get rest of points for ($counter = 1; $counter < count($exploded_sign); $counter++) { if (strlen($exploded_sign[$counter]) > 0) { // Keep processing points $exploded_PointData = explode(" ", trim($exploded_sign[$counter])); $exploded_FirstPointData = explode(',', $exploded_PointData[0]); $SignThick = $exploded_FirstPointData[0]; $SignPenColor = Html2RGB($exploded_FirstPointData[1]); $penColor = imagecolorallocate($im, $SignPenColor[0], $SignPenColor[1], $SignPenColor[2]); // Now run loop for rest of the points if (count($exploded_PointData) == 2) { $coXY = explode(',', trim($exploded_PointData[1])); ImageFilledArc($im, $coXY[0], $coXY[1], 2 * $SignThick, 2 * $SignThick, 0, 360, $penColor, IMG_ARC_PIE); } else { for ($Incounter = 1; $Incounter < count($exploded_PointData) - 1; $Incounter++) { $coXY = explode(',', trim($exploded_PointData[$Incounter])); $coXY2 = explode(',', trim($exploded_PointData[$Incounter + 1])); imgdrawLine($im, $coXY[0], $coXY[1], $coXY2[0], $coXY2[1], $penColor, $SignThick); imgdrawLine($im, $coXY[0], $coXY[1], $coXY2[0], $coXY2[1], $penColor, $SignThick + 1); } } } } return $im; } } return null; }
function GetSignatureImage($spqwzr_11) { $enaysr_12 = base64_decode($spqwzr_11); if (1 == 1) { $jibrxv_13 = explode(base64_decode('Ow=='), $enaysr_12); $ahpyui_14 = explode(base64_decode('LA=='), $jibrxv_13[0]); if (count($ahpyui_14) == 8) { $qdfrcu_3 = Html2RGB($ahpyui_14[1]); $igkrwu_0 = $ahpyui_14[3]; $rhncls_1 = $ahpyui_14[4]; $qpgifq_5 = strtoupper($ahpyui_14[5]); $ijcski_6 = (int) $ahpyui_14[6]; $uyagdp_7 = $ahpyui_14[7]; $yjyqwd_10 = imagecreatetruecolor($igkrwu_0, $rhncls_1); $pshzfj_15 = imagecolorallocate($yjyqwd_10, $qdfrcu_3[0], $qdfrcu_3[1], $qdfrcu_3[2]); imagefill($yjyqwd_10, 0, 0, $pshzfj_15); if ($qpgifq_5 == base64_decode('VFJVRQ==')) { imagecolortransparent($yjyqwd_10, $pshzfj_15); } for ($zumudw_16 = 1; $zumudw_16 < count($jibrxv_13); $zumudw_16++) { if (strlen($jibrxv_13[$zumudw_16]) > 0) { $dmqeif_17 = explode(base64_decode('IA=='), trim($jibrxv_13[$zumudw_16])); $bkgzoa_18 = explode(base64_decode('LA=='), $dmqeif_17[0]); $hzwrws_2 = $bkgzoa_18[0]; $uooxsm_4 = Html2RGB($bkgzoa_18[1]); $vuinxy_19 = imagecolorallocate($yjyqwd_10, $uooxsm_4[0], $uooxsm_4[1], $uooxsm_4[2]); if (count($dmqeif_17) == 2) { $umkucn_20 = explode(base64_decode('LA=='), trim($dmqeif_17[1])); ImageFilledArc($yjyqwd_10, $umkucn_20[0], $umkucn_20[1], 2 * $hzwrws_2, 2 * $hzwrws_2, 0, 360, $vuinxy_19, IMG_ARC_PIE); } else { for ($puihwm_21 = 1; $puihwm_21 < count($dmqeif_17) - 1; $puihwm_21++) { $umkucn_20 = explode(base64_decode('LA=='), trim($dmqeif_17[$puihwm_21])); $kkgkso_22 = explode(base64_decode('LA=='), trim($dmqeif_17[$puihwm_21 + 1])); imgdrawLine($yjyqwd_10, $umkucn_20[0], $umkucn_20[1], $kkgkso_22[0], $kkgkso_22[1], $vuinxy_19, $hzwrws_2); imgdrawLine($yjyqwd_10, $umkucn_20[0], $umkucn_20[1], $kkgkso_22[0], $kkgkso_22[1], $vuinxy_19, $hzwrws_2 + 1); } } } } return $yjyqwd_10; } } return null; }