private function getImageColor($params) { $transparency = intval($params->get('wordleTransparency', 127)); $backgroundColor = $params->get('wordleBackgroundColor', '000000'); $imageColor = array(HEXDEC(SUBSTR($backgroundColor, 0, 2)), HEXDEC(SUBSTR($backgroundColor, 2, 2)), HEXDEC(SUBSTR($backgroundColor, 4, 2)), $transparency); return $imageColor; }
function inverseHex($color) { $color = TRIM($color); $prependHash = FALSE; if (STRPOS($color, '#') !== FALSE) { $prependHash = TRUE; $color = STR_REPLACE('#', NULL, $color); } switch ($len = STRLEN($color)) { case 3: $color = PREG_REPLACE("/(.)(.)(.)/", "\\1\\1\\2\\2\\3\\3", $color); case 6: break; default: TRIGGER_ERROR("Invalid hex length ({$len}). Must be (3) or (6)", E_USER_ERROR); } if (!PREG_MATCH('/[a-f0-9]{6}/i', $color)) { $color = HTMLENTITIES($color); TRIGGER_ERROR("Invalid hex string #{$color}", E_USER_ERROR); } $r = DECHEX(255 - HEXDEC(SUBSTR($color, 0, 2))); $r = STRLEN($r) > 1 ? $r : '0' . $r; $g = DECHEX(255 - HEXDEC(SUBSTR($color, 2, 2))); $g = STRLEN($g) > 1 ? $g : '0' . $g; $b = DECHEX(255 - HEXDEC(SUBSTR($color, 4, 2))); $b = STRLEN($b) > 1 ? $b : '0' . $b; return ($prependHash ? '#' : NULL) . $r . $g . $b; }
function style($title, $color) { $new_title = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($title)); $number = $new_title[0]; $first_letter = $new_title[1]; $ev_title = $title; $color = str_replace('#', '', $color); $bg_color = 'rgba(' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($color, 0, 2)) . ',' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($color, 2, 2)) . ',' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($color, 4, 2)) . ',0.3' . ')'; $event = '<div id="cal_event" style="background-color:' . $bg_color . ' !important;border-left:2px solid #' . $color . ' "><p>' . $ev_title . '</p></div>'; return $event; }
array_push($wyniki, $row); } shuffle($wyniki); if (count($wyniki) > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($wyniki as $r) { if ($i < 8) { $i++; $rand = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'); $color = '#' . $rand[rand(0, 15)] . $rand[rand(0, 15)] . $rand[rand(0, 15)] . $rand[rand(0, 15)] . $rand[rand(0, 15)] . $rand[rand(0, 15)]; $hashlesscolor = STR_REPLACE('#', NULL, $color); $rr = DECHEX(255 - HEXDEC(SUBSTR($hashlesscolor, 0, 2))); $rr = STRLEN($rr) > 1 ? $rr : '0' . $rr; $gg = DECHEX(255 - HEXDEC(SUBSTR($hashlesscolor, 2, 2))); $gg = STRLEN($gg) > 1 ? $gg : '0' . $gg; $bb = DECHEX(255 - HEXDEC(SUBSTR($hashlesscolor, 4, 2))); $bb = STRLEN($bb) > 1 ? $bb : '0' . $bb; $invcolor = '#' . $rr . $gg . $bb; echo "<div class=\"col-md-3 col-centered\"style=\"text-align:center;padding: 2.5% 2.5% 2.5% 2.5%;\">"; echo "<div class=\"circle\" style=\"text-shadow: -1px 0 #444444, 0 1px #444444, 1px 0 #444444, 0 -1px #444444; border: 1px solid black;color:" . $invcolor . "; background-color:" . $color . "\">"; echo "<a href=\"sesja.php?sesja=" . $r['id_sesji'] . "\">"; echo "<h2>" . $r['lokalizacja'] . "</h2>"; echo "<p>" . $r['data'] . "</p>"; echo "</a>"; echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; } else { break; } } } else {
function Spider_Video_Player_front_end($id) { ob_start(); global $ident; global $wpdb; $find_priority = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT priority FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_player WHERE id=%d", $id)); $priority = $find_priority->priority; ?> <div id="spidervideoplayerhtml5_<?php echo $ident; ?> " style="display:none"> <?php if ($priority == 1 || $priority == 0) { $theme_id = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT theme FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_player WHERE id=%d", $id)); $playlist = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT playlist FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_player WHERE id=%d", $id)); $playlist_array = explode(',', $playlist->playlist); global $many_players; if (isset($_POST['playlist_id'])) { $playlistID = esc_html(stripslashes($_POST['playlist_id'])); } else { $playlistID = 1; } $key = $playlistID - 1; if (isset($playlist->playlist)) { $playlistID = count($playlist_array) - 1; } else { $playlistID = 1; } $key = $playlistID - 1; $row = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_playlist WHERE id=%d", $playlist_array[0])); $theme = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_theme WHERE id=%d", $theme_id->theme)); $row1 = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_player WHERE id=%d", $id)); $themeid = $row1->theme; if (isset($row->videos)) { $video_ids = substr($row->videos, 0, -1); } else { $video_ids = 0; } $videos = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT url,urlHtml5,type,title,thumb FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_video WHERE id IN ({$video_ids})"); $video_urls = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($videos); $i++) { if ($videos[$i]->urlHtml5 != "") { $video_urls .= "'" . $videos[$i]->urlHtml5 . "'" . ','; } else { $video_urls .= "'" . $videos[$i]->url . "'" . ','; } } $video_urls = substr($video_urls, 0, -1); $playlists = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_playlist"); $libRows = $theme->libRows; $libCols = $theme->libCols; $cellWidth = 100 / $libCols . '%'; $cellHeight = 100 / $libRows . '%'; $play = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_playlist"); // load the row from the db table $k = $libRows * $libCols; if (isset($_POST['play'])) { $p = esc_html(stripslashes($_POST['play'])); } else { $p = 0; } $display = 'style="width:100%;height:100% !important;border-collapse: collapse;"'; $table_count = 1; $itemBgHoverColor = '#' . $theme->itemBgHoverColor; $vds = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_video"); $ctrlsStack = $theme->ctrlsStack; if ($theme->ctrlsPos == 2) { $ctrl_top = $theme->appHeight - 35 . 'px'; $share_top = '-140px'; } else { $ctrl_top = '5px'; $share_top = '-' . $theme->appHeight + 20 . 'px'; } if (isset($_POST['AlbumId'])) { $AlbumId = esc_html(stripslashes($_POST['AlbumId'])); } else { $AlbumId = ''; } if (isset($_POST['TrackId'])) { $TrackId = esc_html(stripslashes($_POST['TrackId'])); } else { $TrackId = ''; } ?> <style> a#dorado_mark_<?php echo $ident; ?> :hover { background: none !important; } #album_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> td, #album_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> tr, #album_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> img { line-height: 1em !important; } #share_buttons_<?php echo $ident; ?> img { display: inline !important; } #album_div_<?php echo $ident; ?> table { margin: 0px !important; } #album_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> { margin: -1 0 1.625em !important; } table { margin: 0em; } #global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .control_<?php echo $ident; ?> { position: absolute; background-color: rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->framesBgColor, 0, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->framesBgColor, 2, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->framesBgColor, 4, 2)); ?> , <?php echo $theme->framesBgAlpha / 100; ?> ); top: <?php echo $ctrl_top; ?> !important; width: <?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> px; height: 40px; z-index: 7; margin-top: -5px; } #global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .control_<?php echo $ident; ?> td { padding: 0px !important; margin: 0px !important; } #global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .control_<?php echo $ident; ?> td img { padding: 0px !important; margin: 0px !important; } #global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .progressBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 6px; z-index: 5; cursor: pointer; border-top: 1px solid rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->slideColor, 0, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->slideColor, 2, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->slideColor, 4, 2)); ?> , <?php echo $theme->framesBgAlpha / 100; ?> ); border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->slideColor, 0, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->slideColor, 2, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->slideColor, 4, 2)); ?> , <?php echo $theme->framesBgAlpha / 100; ?> ); } #global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .timeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 0; height: 100%; background-color: <?php echo '#' . $theme->slideColor; ?> ; z-index: 5; } #global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .bufferBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 0; height: 100%; background-color: <?php echo '#' . $theme->slideColor; ?> ; opacity: 0.3; } #global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volumeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> { position: relative; overflow: hidden; width: 0px; height: 4px; background-color: rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->framesBgColor, 0, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->framesBgColor, 2, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->framesBgColor, 4, 2)); ?> , <?php echo $theme->framesBgAlpha / 100; ?> ); border: 1px solid rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->slideColor, 0, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->slideColor, 2, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->slideColor, 4, 2)); ?> , <?php echo $theme->framesBgAlpha / 100; ?> ); } #global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> img { background: none !important; } #global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 0; height: 100%; background-color: <?php echo '#' . $theme->slideColor; ?> ; } #play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> { height: <?php echo $theme->appHeight; ?> px; width: 0px; <?php if ($theme->playlistPos == 1) { echo 'position:absolute;float:left !important;'; } else { echo 'position:absolute;float:right !important;right:0;'; } ?> ; background-color: rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->framesBgColor, 0, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->framesBgColor, 2, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->framesBgColor, 4, 2)); ?> , <?php echo $theme->framesBgAlpha / 100; ?> ) !important; color: white; z-index: 100; padding: 0px !important; margin: 0px !important; } #play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> img, #play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> td { background-color: transparent !important; color: white; padding: 0px !important; margin: 0px !important; } .control_btns_<?php echo $ident; ?> { opacity: <?php echo $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100; ?> ; } #control_btns_<?php echo $ident; ?> , #volumeTD_<?php echo $ident; ?> { margin: 0px; } img { box-shadow: none !important; } #td_ik_<?php echo $ident; ?> { border: 0px; } </style> <?php $player_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT theme FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_player WHERE id=%d", $id)); ?> <div id="global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> " style="width:<?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> px;height:<?php echo $theme->appHeight; ?> px; position:relative;"> <?php $row1 = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_theme WHERE id=%d", $player_id)); $start_lib = $row1->startWithLib; ?> <div id="video_div_<?php echo $ident; ?> " style="display:<?php if ($start_lib == 1) { echo 'none'; } else { echo 'block'; } ?> ;width:<?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> px;height:<?php echo $theme->appHeight; ?> px;background-color:<?php echo "#" . $theme->vidBgColor; ?> "> <div id="play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> "> <input type='hidden' value='0' id="track_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> "/> <div style="height:90%" id="play_list1_<?php echo $ident; ?> "> <div id="arrow_up_<?php echo $ident; ?> " onmousedown="scrolltp2=setInterval('scrollTop2_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()', 30)" onmouseup="clearInterval(scrolltp2)" onclick="scrollTop2_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()" style="overflow:hidden; text-align:center;width:<?php echo $theme->playlistWidth; ?> px; height:20px"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__); ?> /images/top.png" style="cursor:pointer; border:none;" id="button20_<?php echo $ident; ?> "/> </div> <div style="height:<?php echo $theme->appHeight - 40; ?> px;overflow:hidden;" id="video_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> "> <?php //echo '<p onclick="document.getElementById("videoID").src="'.$videos[$i]["url"].'" ">'.$videos[$i]['title'].'</p>'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($playlist_array) - 1; $i++) { $playy = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_playlist WHERE id=%d", $playlist_array[$i])); $v_ids = explode(',', $playy->videos); $vi_ids = substr($playy->videos, 0, -1); if ($i != 0) { echo '<table id="track_list_' . $ident . '_' . $i . '" width="100%" style="display:none;height:100%;border-spacing:0px;border:none;border-collapse: inherit;padding:0px !important;background: transparent !important;" >'; } else { echo '<table id="track_list_' . $ident . '_' . $i . '" width="100%" style="display:block;height:100%; border-spacing:0px;border:none;border-collapse: inherit;padding:0px !important;background: transparent !important;" > '; } echo '<tr style="background:transparent "> <td id="td_ik_' . $ident . '" style="text-align:left;border:0px solid grey;width:100%;vertical-align:top;"> <div id="scroll_div2_' . $i . '_' . $ident . '" class="playlist_values_' . $ident . '" style="position:relative">'; $jj = 0; $vtttt = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < count($v_ids) - 1; $j++) { $vdss = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_video WHERE id=%d", $v_ids[$j])); if ($vdss->type == "http" || $vdss->type == "youtube" || $vdss->type == "vimeo") { if (($vdss->urlHtml5 == "" || !strpos($vdss->url, 'embed')) && $vdss->type != "vimeo") { if ($vdss->type == "youtube") { $html5Url = "" . substr($vdss->url, strpos($vdss->url, '?v=') + 3, 11) . "?enablejsapi=1&html5=1&controls=1&modestbranding=1&rel=0"; } else { $html5Url = $vdss->url; } } else { $html5Url = $vdss->urlHtml5; } $vidsTHUMB = $vdss->thumb; $vtttt = !$j || $j && !$vtttt ? $vidsTHUMB : $vtttt; if ($vdss->urlHDHtml5 != "") { $html5UrlHD = $vdss->urlHDHtml5; } else { $html5UrlHD = $vdss->urlHD; } echo '<div id="thumb_' . $jj . '_' . $ident . '" onclick="jQuery(\'#HD_on_' . $ident . '\').val(0);'; if ($vdss->type == "youtube") { echo 'youtube_control_' . $ident . '(\'' . $html5Url . '\'); '; } elseif ($vdss->type == "vimeo") { echo 'vimeo_control_' . $ident . '(\'' . $html5Url . '\'); '; } else { echo ' document.getElementById(\'videoID_' . $ident . '\').src=\'' . $html5Url . '\';video_control_' . $ident . '(\'' . $html5Url . '\');play_' . $ident . '();'; } echo 'document.getElementById(\'videoID_' . $ident . '\').poster=\'' . $vidsTHUMB . '\';vid_select_' . $ident . '(this);vid_num=' . $jj . ';jQuery(\'#current_track_' . $ident . '\').val(' . $jj . ');" class="vid_thumb_' . $ident . '" style="color:#' . $theme->textColor . ';cursor:pointer;width:' . $theme->playlistWidth . 'px;text-align:center; " >'; if ($vdss->thumb) { echo '<img src="' . $vidsTHUMB . '" width="90px" style="display:none; border:none;" />'; } echo '<p style="font-size:' . $theme->playlistTextSize . 'px !important;line-height:30px !important;cursor:pointer;margin: 0px !important;padding:0px !important" >' . ($theme->show_trackid ? $jj + 1 . '-' : '') . $vdss->title . '</p></div>'; echo '<input type="hidden" id="urlHD_' . $jj . '_' . $ident . '" value="' . $html5UrlHD . '" />'; echo '<input type="hidden" id="vid_type_' . $jj . '_' . $ident . '" value="' . $vdss->type . '" />'; $jj = $jj + 1; } } echo '</div></td> </tr></table>'; } ?> </div> <div onmousedown="scrollBot2=setInterval('scrollBottom2_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()', 30)" onmouseup="clearInterval(scrollBot2)" onclick="scrollBottom2_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()" style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden; text-align:center;width:<?php echo $theme->playlistWidth; ?> px; height:20px" id="divulushka_<?php echo $ident; ?> "><img src="<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__); ?> /images/bot.png" style="cursor:pointer; border:none;" id="button21_<?php echo $ident; ?> "/></div> </div> </div> <video ontimeupdate="timeUpdate_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()" ondurationchange="durationChange_<?php echo $ident; ?> ();" id="videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> " src="" poster="<?php echo $vtttt; ?> " style="width:100%; height:100%;margin:0px;position: absolute;"> <p>Your browser does not support the video tag.</p> </video> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__); ?> /images/wd_logo.png" style="bottom: 30px;position: absolute;width: 140px;height: 73px; border: 0px !important;left: 0px;"/> <div class="control_<?php echo $ident; ?> " id="control_<?php echo $ident; ?> " style="overflow:hidden;"> <?php if ($theme->ctrlsPos == 2) { ?> <div class="progressBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> "> <div class="timeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> "></div> <div class="bufferBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> "></div> </div> <?php } $ctrls = explode(',', $ctrlsStack); $y = 1; echo '<table id="control_btns_' . $ident . '" style="width: 100%; border:none;border-collapse: inherit; background: transparent;padding: 0px !important;"><tr style="background: transparent;">'; for ($i = 0; $i < count($ctrls); $i++) { $ctrl = explode(':', $ctrls[$i]); if ($ctrl[1] == 1) { echo '<td style="border:none;background: transparent;">'; if ($ctrl[0] == 'playPause') { if ($theme->appWidth > 400) { echo '<img id="button' . $y . '_' . $ident . '" class="btnPlay" width="16" style="position: relative;vertical-align: middle;cursor:pointer; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . '; height:19px" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/play.png" />'; echo '<img id="button' . ($y + 1) . '_' . $ident . '" width="16" class="btnPause" style="position: relative;vertical-align: middle;display:none;cursor:pointer; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';height:18px" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/pause.png" />'; } else { echo '<img id="button' . $y . '_' . $ident . '" class="btnPlay" style="vertical-align: middle;cursor:pointer;max-width:7px; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/play.png" />'; echo '<img id="button' . ($y + 1) . '_' . $ident . '" width="16" class="btnPause" style="vertical-align: middle;height: 18px !important;display:none;cursor:pointer;max-width:7px; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/pause.png" />'; } $y = $y + 2; } else { if ($ctrl[0] == '+') { echo '<span id="space" style="position: relative;vertical-align: middle;padding-left:' . $theme->appWidth * 20 / 100 . 'px"></span>'; } else { if ($ctrl[0] == 'time') { echo ' <span style="color:#' . $theme->ctrlsMainColor . ';opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . '; position:relative; vertical-align: middle; " id="time_' . $ident . '">00:00</span> <span style="color:#' . $theme->ctrlsMainColor . '; opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';position:relative; vertical-align: middle;">/</span> <span style="color:#' . $theme->ctrlsMainColor . ';opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';position:relative; vertical-align: middle;" id="duration_' . $ident . '">00:00</span>'; } else { if ($ctrl[0] == 'vol') { if ($theme->appWidth > 400) { $img_button = '<img style="position: relative;cursor:pointer; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';vertical-align: middle;" id="button' . $y . '_' . $ident . '" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/vol.png" />'; } else { $img_button = '<img style="vertical-align: middle;cursor:pointer;max-width:7px; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" id="button' . $y . '_' . $ident . '" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/vol.png" />'; } echo '<table id="volumeTD_' . $ident . '" style="border:none;border-collapse: inherit; min-width: 0;background: transparent;padding: 0px !important;" > <tr style="background: transparent;"> <td id="voulume_img_' . $ident . '" style="top:5px;border:none;min-width:13px; background: transparent; width:20px;" >' . $img_button . ' </td> <td id="volumeTD2_' . $ident . '" style="width:0px; border:none; position:relative;background: transparent; "> <span id="volumebar_player_' . $ident . '" class="volumeBar_' . $ident . '" style="vertical-align: middle;"> <span class="volume_' . $ident . '" style="vertical-align: middle;"></span> </span> </td> </tr> </table> '; $y = $y + 1; } else { if ($ctrl[0] == 'shuffle') { if ($theme->appWidth > 400) { echo '<img id="button' . $y . '_' . $ident . '" class="shuffle_' . $ident . '" style="position: relative;vertical-align: middle;cursor:pointer; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/shuffle.png" />'; echo '<img id="button' . ($y + 1) . '_' . $ident . '" class="shuffle_' . $ident . '" style="position: relative;vertical-align: middle;display:none;cursor:pointer; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/shuffleoff.png" />'; } else { echo '<img id="button' . $y . '_' . $ident . '" class="shuffle_' . $ident . '" style="vertical-align: middle;cursor:pointer;max-width:7px; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/shuffle.png" />'; echo '<img id="button' . ($y + 1) . '_' . $ident . '" class="shuffle_' . $ident . '" style="vertical-align: middle;display:none;cursor:pointer;max-width:7px; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/shuffleoff.png" />'; } $y = $y + 2; } else { if ($ctrl[0] == 'repeat') { if ($theme->appWidth > 400) { echo ' <img id="button' . $y . '_' . $ident . '" class="repeat_' . $ident . '" style="position: relative;vertical-align: middle;cursor:pointer; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/repeat.png"/> <img id="button' . ($y + 1) . '_' . $ident . '" class="repeat_' . $ident . '" style="position: relative;vertical-align: middle;display:none;cursor:pointer; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/repeatOff.png"/> <img id="button' . ($y + 2) . '_' . $ident . '" class="repeat_' . $ident . '" style="osition: relative;vertical-align: middle;display:none;cursor:pointer; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/repeatOne.png"/> '; } else { echo ' <img id="button' . $y . '_' . $ident . '" class="repeat_' . $ident . '" style="vertical-align: middle;cursor:pointer;max-width:7px; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/repeat.png"/> <img id="button' . ($y + 1) . '_' . $ident . '" class="repeat_' . $ident . '" style="vertical-align: middle;display:none;cursor:pointer;max-width:7px; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/repeatOff.png"/> <img id="button' . ($y + 2) . '_' . $ident . '" class="repeat_' . $ident . '" style="vertical-align: middle;display:none;cursor:pointer;max-width:7px; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/repeatOne.png"/> '; } $y = $y + 3; } else { if ($theme->appWidth > 400) { echo '<img style="position: relative;vertical-align: middle;cursor:pointer; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" id="button' . $y . '_' . $ident . '" class="' . $ctrl[0] . '_' . $ident . '" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/' . $ctrl[0] . '.png" />'; } else { echo '<img style="vertical-align: middle;cursor:pointer;max-width:7px; border:none;opacity:' . $theme->ctrlsMainAlpha / 100 . ';" id="button' . $y . '_' . $ident . '" class="' . $ctrl[0] . '_' . $ident . '" src="' . plugins_url('', __FILE__) . '/images/' . $ctrl[0] . '.png" />'; } $y = $y + 1; #echo "<script>jQuery(document).ready(show_hide_playlist);</script>"; } } } } } } echo '</td>'; } } echo '</tr></table>'; if ($theme->ctrlsPos == 1) { ?> <div class="progressBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> "> <div class="timeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> "></div> <div class="bufferBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> "></div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div id="album_div_<?php echo $ident; ?> " style="display:<?php if ($start_lib == 0) { echo 'none'; } ?> ;background-color:<?php echo "#" . $theme->appBgColor; ?> ;overflow:hidden;position:relative;height:<?php echo $theme->appHeight; ?> px;"> <table width="100%" height="100%" style="padding:0px !important;border:none;border-collapse: inherit;width: 100% !important;" id="album_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> "> <tr id="tracklist_up_<?php echo $ident; ?> " style="display:none; background: transparent;"> <td height="12px" colspan="2" style="text-align:right; border:none;background: transparent;padding: 0px !important;"> <div onmouseover="'rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 0, 2)); ?> ,<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 2, 2)); ?> ,<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 4, 2)); ?> ,0.4)'" onmouseout="'none'" id="scroll" style="overflow:hidden;width:50%;height:100%;text-align:center;float:right;cursor:pointer;" onmousedown="scrolltp=setInterval('scrollTop_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()', 30)" onmouseup="clearInterval(scrolltp)" onclick="scrollTop_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__); ?> /images/top.png" style="cursor:pointer; margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; border:none;background: transparent;" id="button25_<?php echo $ident; ?> "/> <div> </td> </tr> <tr style="background: transparent;"> <td style="vertical-align:middle; border:none;background: transparent;padding: 0px !important;width: 4% !important; "> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__); ?> /images/prev.png" style="cursor:pointer; margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; background: transparent;border:none;min-width: 16px;" id="button28_<?php echo $ident; ?> " onclick="prevPage_<?php echo $ident; ?> ();"/> </td> <td style="border:none;background: transparent;padding: 2px !important;width:92% !important;" id="lib_td_<?php echo $ident; ?> "> <?php for ($l = 0; $l < $table_count; $l++) { echo '<table class="lib_tbl_' . $ident . '" id="lib_table_' . $l . '_' . $ident . '" ' . $display . '> '; for ($i = 0; $i < $libRows; $i++) { echo '<tr style="background: transparent;">'; for ($j = 0; $j < $libCols; $j++) { if ($p < count($playlist_array) - 1) { $playyy = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_playlist WHERE id=" . $playlist_array[$p]); $playTHUMB = $playyy->thumb; if ($playTHUMB != "") { $image_nk = '<img src="' . $playTHUMB . '" style="border:none; width:50% !important;background: transparent;"/>'; } else { $image_nk = ""; } echo '<td class="playlist_td_' . $ident . '" id="playlist_' . $p . '_' . $ident . '" onclick="openPlaylist_' . $ident . '(' . $p . ',' . $l . ')" onmouseover="\'#' . $theme->textHoverColor . '\';\'rgba(' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 0, 2)) . ',' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 2, 2)) . ',' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 4, 2)) . ',0.4)\'" onmouseout="\'#' . $theme->textColor . '\';\' none\'" onclick="" style="color:#' . $theme->textColor . ';border:1px solid white;background: transparent;vertical-align:center; text-align:center;width:' . $cellWidth . ';height:' . $cellHeight . ';cursor:pointer;padding:5px !important; ">' . $image_nk . ' <p style="font-size:' . $theme->libListTextSize . 'px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;padding:0px !important;">' . $playyy->title . '</p> </td>'; $p = $p + 1; } else { echo '<td style="border:1px solid white;vertical-align:top;background: transparent; align:center;width:' . $cellWidth . ';height:' . $cellHeight . '"> </td>'; } } echo '</tr>'; } if ($p < count($playlist_array) - 1) { $table_count = $table_count + 1; $display = 'style="display:none;width:100%;height:100%;border-collapse: collapse;"'; } echo '</table>'; } for ($i = 0; $i < $p; $i++) { $play1 = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_playlist WHERE id=" . $playlist_array[$i]); $v_ids = explode(',', $play1->videos); $vi_ids = substr($play1->videos, 0, -1); $playTHUMB = $play1->thumb; if ($playTHUMB != "") { $image_nkar = '<img src="' . $playTHUMB . '" style="border:none;width:70% !important" /><br /><br />'; } else { $image_nkar = ""; } echo '<table playlist_id="' . $i . '" id="playlist_table_' . $i . '_' . $ident . '" style="border:none;border-collapse: inherit;display:none;height:100%;width:100% !important; padding:0px !important;" > </tr> <tr style="background: transparent;"> <td style="text-align:center;vertical-align:top;background: transparent;border:none;background: transparent;padding:5px !important;">'; echo $image_nkar; echo '<p style="color:#' . $theme->textColor . '; font-size:' . $theme->libDetailsTextSize . 'px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;">' . $play1->title . '</p>'; echo '</td> <td style="width:50% !important;border:none; background: transparent;padding: 5px !important;"> <div style="width:100%;text-align:left;border:1px solid white;height:' . ($theme->appHeight - 55) . 'px;vertical-align:top;position:relative;overflow:hidden; min-width: 130px;"> <div id="scroll_div_' . $i . '_' . $ident . '" style="position:relative;">'; $jj = 0; for ($j = 0; $j < count($v_ids) - 1; $j++) { $vds1 = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb->prefix . "Spider_Video_Player_video WHERE id=" . $v_ids[$j]); if ($vds1[0]->type == 'http') { echo '<p class="vid_title_' . $ident . '" ondblclick="jQuery(\'.show_vid_' . $ident . '\').click()" onmouseover="\'#' . $theme->textHoverColor . '\';\'rgba(' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 0, 2)) . ',' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 2, 2)) . ',' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 4, 2)) . ',0.4)\'" onmouseout="\'#' . $theme->textColor . '\';\' none\'" style="padding: 0px !important;color:#' . $theme->textColor . ' !important;font-size:' . $theme->libDetailsTextSize . 'px !important;line-height:30px !important;cursor:pointer; margin: 0px !important;" onclick="jQuery(\'#HD_on_' . $ident . '\').val(0);jQuery(\'#track_list_' . $ident . '_' . $i . '\').find(\'.vid_thumb_' . $ident . '\')[' . $jj . '].click();playBTN_' . $ident . '();current_playlist_videos_' . $ident . '();vid_num=' . $jj . ';jQuery(\'#current_track_' . $ident . '\').val(' . $jj . ');vid_select2_' . $ident . '(this);playlist_select_' . $ident . '(' . $i . ') ">' . ($jj + 1) . ' - ' . $vds1[0]->title . '</p>'; $jj = $jj + 1; } elseif ($vds1[0]->type == 'youtube') { echo '<p class="vid_title_' . $ident . '" ondblclick="jQuery(\'.show_vid_' . $ident . '\').click()" onmouseover="\'#' . $theme->textHoverColor . '\';\'rgba(' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 0, 2)) . ',' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 2, 2)) . ',' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 4, 2)) . ',0.4)\'" onmouseout="\'#' . $theme->textColor . '\';\' none\'" style="padding: 0px !important;color:#' . $theme->textColor . ' !important;font-size:' . $theme->libDetailsTextSize . 'px !important;line-height:30px !important;cursor:pointer; margin: 0px !important;" onclick="jQuery(\'#HD_on_' . $ident . '\').val(0);jQuery(\'#track_list_' . $ident . '_' . $i . '\').find(\'.vid_thumb_' . $ident . '\')[' . $jj . '].click();playBTN_' . $ident . '();current_playlist_videos_' . $ident . '();vid_num=' . $jj . ';jQuery(\'#current_track_' . $ident . '\').val(' . $jj . ');vid_select2_' . $ident . '(this);playlist_select_' . $ident . '(' . $i . ') ">' . ($jj + 1) . ' - ' . $vds1[0]->title . '</p>'; $jj = $jj + 1; } elseif ($vds1[0]->type == 'vimeo') { echo '<p class="vid_title_' . $ident . '" ondblclick="jQuery(\'.show_vid_' . $ident . '\').click()" onmouseover="\'#' . $theme->textHoverColor . '\';\'rgba(' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 0, 2)) . ',' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 2, 2)) . ',' . HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 4, 2)) . ',0.4)\'" onmouseout="\'#' . $theme->textColor . '\';\' none\'" style="padding: 0px !important;color:#' . $theme->textColor . ' !important;font-size:' . $theme->libDetailsTextSize . 'px !important;line-height:30px !important;cursor:pointer; margin: 0px !important;" onclick="jQuery(\'#HD_on_' . $ident . '\').val(0);jQuery(\'#track_list_' . $ident . '_' . $i . '\').find(\'.vid_thumb_' . $ident . '\')[' . $jj . '].click();playBTN_' . $ident . '();current_playlist_videos_' . $ident . '();vid_num=' . $jj . ';jQuery(\'#current_track_' . $ident . '\').val(' . $jj . ');vid_select2_' . $ident . '(this);playlist_select_' . $ident . '(' . $i . ') ">' . ($jj + 1) . ' - ' . $vds1[0]->title . '</p>'; $jj = $jj + 1; } } echo '</div></div> </td> </tr> </table>'; } ?> </td> <td style="vertical-align:bottom; border:none;background: transparent; position: relative;width: 5% !important;padding: 0px !important;max-width: 20px !important;"> <table style='height:<?php echo $theme->appHeight - 46; ?> px; border:none;border-collapse: inherit;'> <tr style="background: transparent;"> <td height='100%' style="border:none;background: transparent; vertical-align: middle;padding: 0px !important;"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__); ?> /images/next.png" style="cursor:pointer;border:none;background: transparent;display:inline !important; " id="button27_<?php echo $ident; ?> " onclick="nextPage_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()"/> </td> </tr> <tr style="background: transparent;"> <td style="border:none;background: transparent;padding: 0px !important;"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__); ?> /images/back.png" style="cursor:pointer; display:none; border:none;background: transparent;" id="button29_<?php echo $ident; ?> " onclick="openLibTable_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()"/> </td> </tr> <tr style="background: transparent;"> <td style="border:none;background: transparent;padding: 0px !important;"> <img style="cursor:pointer;border:none;background: transparent; position:relative;" id="button19_<?php echo $ident; ?> " class="show_vid_<?php echo $ident; ?> " src="<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__); ?> /images/lib.png"/> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr id="tracklist_down_<?php echo $ident; ?> " style="display:none;background: transparent"> <td height="12px" colspan="2" style="text-align:right;border:none;background: transparent;padding: 5px !important;"> <div onmouseover="'rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 0, 2)); ?> ,<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 2, 2)); ?> ,<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 4, 2)); ?> ,0.4)'" onmouseout="'none'" id="scroll" style="overflow:hidden;width:50%;height:100%;text-align:center;float:right;cursor:pointer;" onmousedown="scrollBot=setInterval('scrollBottom_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()', 30)" onmouseup="clearInterval(scrollBot)" onclick="scrollBottom_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()"> <img src="<?php echo plugins_url('', __FILE__); ?> /images/bot.png" style="cursor:pointer;border:none;background: transparent;padding:0px !important;" id="button26_<?php echo $ident; ?> "/> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function flashShare(type, b, c) { u = location.href; u = u.replace('/?', '/index.php?'); if ('&AlbumId') != -1) { var u_part2 = ''; u_part2 = u.substring('&TrackId') + 2, 1000) if ('&') != -1) { u_part2 = u_part2.substring('&'), 1000); } u = u.replace(u.substring('&AlbumId'), 1000), '') + u_part2; } if (! u = u + '?'; else u = u + '&'; t = document.title; switch (type) { case 'fb':'' + encodeURIComponent(u + 'AlbumId=' + b + '&TrackId=' + c) + '&t=' + encodeURIComponent(t), "Facebook", "menubar=1,resizable=1,width=350,height=250"); break; case 'g':'' + encodeURIComponent(u + 'AlbumId=' + b + '&TrackId=' + c) + '&t=' + encodeURIComponent(t), "Google", "menubar=1,resizable=1,width=350,height=250"); 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?> ").css({"line-height":"27px","width":"100%"}); jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #share_buttons_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css({'background':'transparent','margin-left': '160px','text-align': 'inherit','top':'-130px'}); jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").replaceWith('<iframe id="videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> " type="text/html" width="<?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> " height="<?php echo $theme->appHeight; ?> " src="'+src+'" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'); jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").load(function(){ youtube_ready_<?php echo $ident; ?> = false; set_youtube_player_<?php echo $ident; ?> (); var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isAndroid = ua.indexOf("android") > -1; //&& ua.indexOf("mobile"); if(!isAndroid) { play_<?php echo $ident; ?> (); }else{ paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); } }); } function vimeo_control_<?php echo $ident; ?> (src){ jQuery("#time_<?php echo $ident; 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?> != "undefined" && player_<?php echo $ident; ?> !=null){ if(typeof player_<?php echo $ident; ?> .api == "function"){ jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").attr("src",src+';player_id=videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ;badge=0;byline=0;portrait=0;'); return false;} } jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").replaceWith('<iframe id="videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> " type="text/html" name="videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> " width="<?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> " height="<?php echo $theme->appHeight; ?> " src="'+src+';player_id=videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ;badge=0;byline=0;portrait=0;" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'); jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").load(function(){ youtube_ready_<?php echo $ident; ?> = false; vimeo_play_<?php echo $ident; ?> = false; set_vimeo_player_<?php echo $ident; ?> (); var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var isAndroid = ua.indexOf("android") > -1; //&& ua.indexOf("mobile"); if(!isAndroid) { play_<?php echo $ident; ?> (); }else{ paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); } }); } function set_youtube_player_<?php echo $ident; ?> (){ if(typeof YT.Player != 'undefined'){ player_<?php echo $ident; ?> = new YT.Player('videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ', { events: {'onReady':onPlayerReady_<?php echo $ident; ?> ,'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange_<?php echo $ident; ?> } }); }else setTimeout(function(){set_youtube_player_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()},200); } function set_vimeo_player_<?php echo $ident; ?> (){ if(typeof $f != 'undefined'){ jQuery('#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').each(function(){ player_<?php echo $ident; ?> = $f(this); player_<?php echo $ident; ?> .addEvent('ready', onVimeoReady_<?php echo $ident; ?> ); player_<?php echo $ident; ?> .playVideo = function(){ if(!vimeo_play_<?php echo $ident; ?> ) setTimeout(function(){player_<?php echo $ident; ?> .playVideo();},500); player_<?php echo $ident; ?> .api("play"); } player_<?php echo $ident; ?> .pauseVideo = function(){player_<?php echo $ident; ?> .api("pause");} }); }else setTimeout(function(){set_vimeo_player_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()},200); } function video_control_<?php echo $ident; ?> (src){ jQuery("#time_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").parent('td').show(); jQuery("#control_<?php echo $ident; ?> .btnPlay").parent('td').show(); jQuery(".progressBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").show(); jQuery("#volumeTD_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").parent('td').show(); jQuery(".hd_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").parent('td').show(); jQuery(".fullScreen_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").parent('td').show(); jQuery("#control_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").attr('style',"overflow:hidden;"); jQuery("#control_<?php echo $ident; ?> #control_btns_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").css("line-height",""); jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #share_buttons_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css({'background':'transparent','margin-left': '','text-align': 'center','top':'<?php echo $share_top; ?> '}); jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").replaceWith('<video ontimeupdate="timeUpdate_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()" ondurationchange="durationChange_<?php echo $ident; ?> ();" id="videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> " src="'+src+'" poster="<?php echo $vtttt; ?> " style="width:100%; height:100%;margin:0px;position: absolute;top:0px;"><p>Your browser does not support the video tag.</p></video>'); video_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> '); v_timeupdate_<?php echo $ident; ?> (video_<?php echo $ident; ?> ); v_ended_<?php echo $ident; ?> (video_<?php echo $ident; ?> ); youtube_ready_<?php echo $ident; ?> = false; vimeo_play_<?php echo $ident; ?> = false; player_<?php echo $ident; ?> = null; } var video_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> '); var paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .btnPlay'); var pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .btnPause'); var check_play_<?php echo $ident; ?> = false; function embed_url_<?php echo $ident; ?> (a, b) { // jQuery('#embed_Url_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').html('<iframe allowFullScreen allowTransparency="true" frameborder="0" width="<?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> " height="<?php echo $theme->appHeight; ?> " src="' + location.href + '&AlbumId=' + a + '&TrackId=' + b + '" type="text/html" ></iframe>') jQuery('#embed_Url_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').focus(); jQuery('#embed_Url_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').select(); } jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .share_<?php echo $ident; ?> , #global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #share_buttons_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').on('mouseenter', function () { left = jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .share_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').position().left; if (parseInt(jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('width')) == 0) jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #share_buttons_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('left', left) else <?php if ($theme->playlistPos == 1) { ?> jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #share_buttons_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('left', left +<?php echo $theme->playlistWidth; ?> ) <?php } else { ?> jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #share_buttons_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('left', left) <?php } ?> jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #share_buttons_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('display', '') }) jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .share_<?php echo $ident; ?> ,#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #share_buttons_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').on('mouseleave', function () { jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #share_buttons_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('display', 'none') }) if (<?php echo $theme->autoPlay; ?> ==1 ) { setTimeout(function () { jQuery('#thumb_0_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').click() }, 500); } <?php if ($sufffle == 'shuffleOff') { ?> if (jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[0]) { jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[0].style.display = "none"; jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[1].style.display = ""; } <?php } else { ?> if (jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; 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?> ')[1].style.display = "none"; jQuery('.repeat_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[2].style.display = "none"; break; case 'repeatAll': jQuery('#repeat_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val('repeatOff'); jQuery('.repeat_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[0].style.display = "none"; jQuery('.repeat_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[1].style.display = ""; jQuery('.repeat_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[2].style.display = "none"; break; } }) jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #voulume_img_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').live('click', function () { if (jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[0].style.width != '0%') { video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].volume = 0; jQuery('body #volumeBar_width_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val(jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[0].style.width) jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('width', '0%') } else { video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].volume = parseInt(jQuery('body #volumeBar_width_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val()) / 100; jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('width', jQuery('body #volumeBar_width_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val()) } }) jQuery('.hd_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').live('click', function () { current_time_<?php echo $ident; ?> = video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].currentTime; HD_on_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#HD_on_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val(); current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val(); current_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#current_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val(); if (jQuery('#track_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> _' + current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> ).find('#urlHD_' + current_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> + '_' +<?php echo $ident; ?> ).val() && HD_on_<?php echo $ident; ?> == 0) { document.getElementById('videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').src = jQuery('#track_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> _' + current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> ).find('#urlHD_' + current_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> + '_' +<?php echo $ident; ?> ).val(); play_<?php echo $ident; ?> (); setTimeout('video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].currentTime=current_time_<?php echo $ident; ?> ', 500) jQuery('#HD_on_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val(1); } if (jQuery('#track_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> _' + current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> ).find('#urlHD_' + current_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> + '_' +<?php echo $ident; ?> ).val() && HD_on_<?php echo $ident; ?> == 1) { jQuery('#track_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> _' + current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> ).find('#thumb_' + current_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> + '_' +<?php echo $ident; ?> ).click(); setTimeout('video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].currentTime=current_time_<?php echo $ident; ?> ', 500) jQuery('#HD_on_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val(0); } }) function support_<?php echo $ident; ?> (i, j) { if (jQuery('#track_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> _' + i).find('#vid_type_' + j + '_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val() != 'http') { jQuery('#not_supported_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('display', ''); jQuery('#support_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val(0); } else { jQuery('#not_supported_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('display', 'none'); jQuery('#support_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val(1); } } jQuery('.play_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').on('click', function () { video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].play(); }) jQuery('.pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').on('click', function () { video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].pause(); }) function vid_select_<?php echo $ident; ?> (x) { jQuery("div.vid_thumb_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").each(function () { if (jQuery(this).find("img")) { jQuery(this).find("img").hide(20); if (jQuery(this).find("img")[0]) jQuery(this).find("img")[0].style.display = "none"; } jQuery(this).css('background', 'none'); }) jQuery("div.vid_thumb_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").each(function () { jQuery(this).mouseenter(function () { if (jQuery(this).find("img")) jQuery(this).find("img").slideDown(100); jQuery(this).css('background', 'rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 0, 2)); 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?> (x) { jQuery("p.vid_title_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").each(function () { this.onmouseover = function () { = '#' + '<?php echo $theme->textHoverColor; ?> '; = 'rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 0, 2)); ?> ,<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 2, 2)); ?> ,<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 4, 2)); ?> ,0.4)' } this.onmouseout = function () { = '<?php echo '#' . $theme->textColor; ?> '; = " none" } jQuery(this).css('background', 'none'); jQuery(this).css('color', '#<?php echo $theme->textColor; ?> '); }) jQuery(x).css('background', 'rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgSelectedColor, 0, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgSelectedColor, 2, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgSelectedColor, 4, 2)); ?> , <?php echo $theme->framesBgAlpha / 100; ?> )') jQuery(x).css('color', '#<?php echo $theme->textSelectedColor; ?> ') x.onmouseover = null; x.onmouseout = null; } function playlist_select_<?php echo $ident; ?> (x) { jQuery("#global_body_<?php echo $ident; 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?> ')[0].onmouseover = null jQuery('#playlist_' + x + '_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[0].onmouseout = null } jQuery('.shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').on('click', function () { if (jQuery('#shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val() == 0) { jQuery('#shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val(1); jQuery('.shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[1].style.display = "none"; jQuery('.shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[0].style.display = ""; } else { jQuery('#shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val(0); jQuery('.shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[0].style.display = "none"; jQuery('.shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[1].style.display = ""; } }); jQuery("div.vid_thumb_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").each(function () { jQuery(this).mouseenter(function () { if (jQuery(this).find("img")) jQuery(this).find("img").slideToggle(100); jQuery(this).css('background', 'rgba(<?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 0, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 2, 2)); ?> , <?php echo HEXDEC(SUBSTR($theme->itemBgHoverColor, 4, 2)); ?> , <?php echo $theme->framesBgAlpha / 100; ?> )') jQuery(this).css('color', '#<?php echo $theme->textHoverColor; ?> ') }) jQuery(this).mouseleave(function () { if (jQuery(this).find("img")) jQuery(this).find("img").slideToggle(300); jQuery(this).css('background', 'none'); jQuery(this).css('color', '#<?php echo $theme->textColor; ?> ') }); }) function timeUpdate_<?php echo $ident; ?> () { if (parseInt(document.getElementById('videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').currentTime / 60) < 10 && parseInt(document.getElementById('videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').currentTime % 60 < 10)) document.getElementById('time_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').innerHTML = '0' + parseInt(document.getElementById('videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').currentTime / 60) + ':0' + parseInt(document.getElementById('videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').currentTime % 60); if (parseInt(document.getElementById('videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').currentTime / 60) < 10) document.getElementById('time_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').innerHTML = '0' + parseInt(document.getElementById('videoID_<?php echo $ident; 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?> .playVideo();} } function play_<?php echo $ident; ?> () { next_vid_<?php echo $ident; ?> = true; if(!is_youtube_video_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()){ video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].play(); } else{ if(typeof player_<?php echo $ident; ?> != 'undefined'){ if(youtube_ready_<?php echo $ident; ?> ){ player_<?php echo $ident; ?> .playVideo(); } } } paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); } jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .btnPlay <?php if ($theme->clickOnVid == 1) { echo ',#videoID_' . $ident . ''; } ?> , #global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .btnPause').on('click', function () { if(!is_youtube_video_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()){ if (video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].paused) { video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].play(); paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); } else { video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].pause(); paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); } }else{ if(!check_play_<?php echo $ident; ?> ){ if(typeof player_<?php echo $ident; ?> != 'undefined'){if(youtube_ready_<?php echo $ident; ?> )player_<?php echo $ident; ?> .playVideo();} check_play_<?php echo $ident; ?> = true; paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); }else{ if(typeof player_<?php echo $ident; ?> != 'undefined')player_<?php echo $ident; ?> .pauseVideo(); check_play_<?php echo $ident; ?> = false; paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); } } return false; }); function check_volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> () { percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> = video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].volume * 100; jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('width', percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> + '%'); document.getElementById("play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").style.width = '0px'; document.getElementById("play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").style.display = 'none'; } window.onload = check_volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> (); video_<?php echo $ident; ?> .on('loadedmetadata', function () { jQuery('.duration_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').text(video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].duration); }); function v_timeupdate_<?php echo $ident; ?> (el){ el.on('timeupdate', function () { var progress_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .progressBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> '); var currentPos_<?php echo $ident; ?> = el[0].currentTime; //Get currenttime var maxduration_<?php echo $ident; 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?> .playNext_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').click(); } if (jQuery('#repeat_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val() == "repeatOff") { if (vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> == video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length - 1) { el[0].currentTime = 0; el[0].pause(); paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); } } <?php if ($theme->autoNext == 1) { ?> if (jQuery('#repeat_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val() == "repeatOff") if (vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> == video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length - 1) { el[0].currentTime = 0; el[0].pause(); paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); } else { jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .playNext_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').click(); } <?php } ?> }); } var timeDrag_<?php echo $ident; ?> = false; /* Drag status */ jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .progressBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').mousedown(function (e) { timeDrag_<?php echo $ident; ?> = true; updatebar_<?php echo $ident; 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?> < 0) { percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> = 0; } jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .timeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('width', percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> + '%'); jQuery('.spanA').css('left', position_<?php echo $ident; ?> + 'px'); video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].currentTime = maxduration_<?php echo $ident; ?> * percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> / 100; }; function startBuffer_<?php echo $ident; ?> () { setTimeout(function () { var maxduration_<?php echo $ident; ?> = video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].duration; try{ var currentBuffer_<?php echo $ident; ?> = video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].buffered.end(0); }catch(err){ setTimeout(startBuffer_<?php echo $ident; ?> , 500); return false; } var percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> = 100 * currentBuffer_<?php echo $ident; ?> / maxduration_<?php echo $ident; ?> ; jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .bufferBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('width', percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> + '%'); if (currentBuffer_<?php echo $ident; ?> < maxduration_<?php echo $ident; ?> ) { setTimeout(startBuffer_<?php echo $ident; ?> , 500); } }, 800) } ; checkVideoLoad = setInterval(function () { if (video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].duration) { setTimeout(startBuffer_<?php echo $ident; ?> (), 500); clearInterval(checkVideoLoad) } }, 1000) var volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volumeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> '); jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .muted').click(function () { video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].muted = !video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].muted; return false; }); jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volumeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').on('mousedown', function (e) { var position_<?php echo $ident; ?> = e.pageX - volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> .offset().left; var percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> = 100 * position_<?php echo $ident; ?> / volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> .width(); jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('width', percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> + '%'); video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].volume = percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> / 100; }); var volumeDrag_<?php echo $ident; ?> = false; /* Drag status */ jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volumeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').mousedown(function (e) { volumeDrag_<?php echo $ident; ?> = true; updateVolumeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> (e.pageX); }); jQuery(document).mouseup(function (e) { if (volumeDrag_<?php echo $ident; ?> ) { volumeDrag_<?php echo $ident; ?> = false; updateVolumeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> (e.pageX); } }); jQuery(document).mousemove(function (e) { if (volumeDrag_<?php echo $ident; ?> ) { updateVolumeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> (e.pageX); } }); var updateVolumeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> = function (x) { var progress_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volumeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> '); var position_<?php echo $ident; ?> = x - progress_<?php echo $ident; ?> .offset().left; //Click pos var percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> = 100 * position_<?php echo $ident; ?> / progress_<?php echo $ident; 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?> +"px", }, 300); <?php } ?> <?php if ($theme->ctrlsSlideOut == 1) { ?> jQuery('.control').hide("slide", { direction: "<?php if ($theme->ctrlsPos == 1) { echo 'up'; } else { echo 'down'; } ?> " }, 1000); <?php } ?> <?php if ($theme->playlistOverVid == 0 && $theme->playlistPos == 1) { ?> jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: <?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> +"px", marginLeft: '0px' }, 300); <?php } ?> <?php if ($theme->playlistOverVid == 0 && $theme->playlistPos == 2) { ?> jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: <?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> +"px", }, 300); <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($theme->ctrlsSlideOut == 1) { ?> jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .control_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').hide("slide", { direction: "<?php if ($theme->ctrlsPos == 1) { echo 'up'; } else { echo 'down'; } ?> ", queue: false }, 1000); <?php } ?> } }, 1000); }); jQuery(this).mouseenter(function () { if (controlHideTime_<?php echo $ident; ?> ) { clearInterval(controlHideTime_<?php echo $ident; 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jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('width', percentage_<?php echo $ident; ?> + '%'); } }, 1000) }) jQuery('#volumeTD_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').mouseenter(function () { if (volumeHideTime_<?php echo $ident; ?> ) { clearInterval(volumeHideTime_<?php echo $ident; ?> ) xx = 1; } jQuery("#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #space").animate({ paddingLeft:<?php echo $theme->appWidth * 20 / 100 - 100 + 'px'; ?> , }, 500); jQuery("#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #volumebar_player_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ <?php if ($theme->appWidth > 400) { ?> width: '100px', <?php } else { ?> width: '50px', <?php } ?> }, 500); }); }) function show_hide_playlist() { if (document.getElementById("play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").style.width == "0px") { jQuery("#play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").css('display', '') jQuery("#play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: <?php echo $theme->playlistWidth; ?> +"px", }, 500); if(!is_youtube_video_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()){ jQuery("#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .control_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: <?php echo $theme->appWidth - $theme->playlistWidth; ?> +"px", <?php if ($theme->playlistPos == 1) { ?> marginLeft: <?php echo $theme->playlistWidth; ?> +'px' <?php } else { ?> marginRight: <?php echo $theme->playlistWidth; ?> +'px' <?php } ?> }, 500); /*jQuery("#space").animate({paddingLeft: <?php echo $theme->appWidth * 20 / 100 - $theme->playlistWidth; ?> +"px"},500)*/ jQuery("#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #control_btns_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: <?php echo $theme->appWidth - $theme->playlistWidth; ?> +"px", }, 500); <?php if ($theme->playlistOverVid == 0 && $theme->playlistPos == 1) { ?> jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: <?php echo $theme->appWidth - $theme->playlistWidth; ?> +'px', marginLeft: <?php echo $theme->playlistWidth; ?> +'px' }, 500); <?php } ?> <?php if ($theme->playlistOverVid == 0 && $theme->playlistPos == 2) { ?> jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: <?php echo $theme->appWidth - $theme->playlistWidth; ?> +"px", }, 500); <?php } ?> } } else { jQuery("#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: "0px", }, 1500); setTimeout(function () { jQuery("#play_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").css('display', 'none'); }, 1500) if(!is_youtube_video_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()){ jQuery("#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .control_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: <?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> +"px", <?php if ($theme->playlistPos == 1) { ?> marginLeft: '0px' <?php } else { ?> marginRight: '0px' <?php } ?> }, 1500); jQuery("#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> #control_btns_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: <?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> +"px", }, 1500); /*jQuery("#space").animate({paddingLeft: <?php echo $theme->appWidth * 20 / 100; ?> +'px'},1500)*/ <?php if ($theme->playlistOverVid == 0 && $theme->playlistPos == 1) { ?> jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: <?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> +"px", marginLeft: '0px' }, 1500); <?php } ?> <?php if ($theme->playlistOverVid == 0 && $theme->playlistPos == 2) { ?> jQuery("#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").animate({ width: <?php echo $theme->appWidth; ?> +"px", }, 1500); <?php } ?> } } } jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .playlist_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').on('click', show_hide_playlist); current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> = document.getElementById('current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').value; video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#track_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> _' + current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> ).find('.vid_thumb_<?php echo $ident; ?> '); function current_playlist_videos_<?php echo $ident; ?> () { current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> = document.getElementById('current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').value; video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> = jQuery('#track_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> _' + current_playlist_table_<?php echo $ident; ?> ).find('.vid_thumb_<?php echo $ident; ?> '); } function in_array(needle, haystack, strict) { // Checks if a value exists in an array // // + original by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( var found = false, key, strict = !!strict; for (key in haystack) { if ((strict && haystack[key] === needle) || (!strict && haystack[key] == needle)) { found = true; break; } } return found; } var vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> = 0; //for set cur video number var used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> = new Array(); // played vido numbers jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .playPrev_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').on('click', function () { next_vid_<?php echo $ident; ?> = true; used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> [used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length] = vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> ; vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> --; if (used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length >= video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length) { // reset old list used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> = []; if (jQuery('#shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val() == 1) { // get new vido number out of used_tracks vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> = parseInt(Math.random() * (video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length - 0) + 0); while (in_array(vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> , used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> )) { vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> = parseInt(Math.random() * (video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length - 0) + 0); } } } if (jQuery('#shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val() == 1) { // get new vido number out of used_tracks vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> = parseInt(Math.random() * (video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length - 0) + 0); while (in_array(vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> , used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> )) { vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> = parseInt(Math.random() * (video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length - 0) + 0); } } if (vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> < 0) { vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> = video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length - 1; } video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> [vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> ].click(); }); jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .playNext_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').on('click', function () { next_vid_<?php echo $ident; ?> = true; used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> [used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length] = vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> ; vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> ++; if (used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length >= video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length) { // reset old list used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> = []; if (jQuery('#shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val() == 1) { // get new vido number out of used_tracks vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> = parseInt(Math.random() * (video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length - 0) + 0); while (in_array(vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> , used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> )) { vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> = parseInt(Math.random() * (video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length - 0) + 0); } } } if (jQuery('#shuffle_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').val() == 1) { // get new vido number out of used_tracks vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> = parseInt(Math.random() * (video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length - 0) + 0); while (in_array(vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> , used_track_<?php echo $ident; ?> )) { vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> = parseInt(Math.random() * (video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length - 0) + 0); } } jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> .timeBar_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('width', '0%'); if (vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> == video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> .length) { vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> = 0; } video_urls_<?php echo $ident; ?> [vid_num_<?php echo $ident; ?> ].click(); }); jQuery(".lib_<?php echo $ident; ?> ").click(function () { jQuery('#album_div_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('transform', ''); jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('transform', ''); jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').transition({ perspective: '700px', rotateY: '180deg', }, 1000); setTimeout(function () { jQuery('#album_div_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('-ms-transform', 'rotateY(180deg)') jQuery('#album_div_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('transform', 'rotateY(180deg)') jQuery('#album_div_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('-o-transform', 'rotateY(180deg)') document.getElementById('album_div_<?php echo $ident; 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?> ').style.display = 'none' document.getElementById('video_div_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').style.display = 'block' }, 300); setTimeout(function () { jQuery('#video_div_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('-ms-transform', ''); jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('-ms-transform', ''); jQuery('#video_div_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('transform', ''); jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('transform', ''); jQuery('#video_div_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('-o-transform', ''); jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').css('-o-transform', ''); }, 1100); }) var canvas_<?php echo $ident; ?> = [] var ctx_<?php echo $ident; ?> = [] var originalPixels_<?php echo $ident; ?> = [] var currentPixels_<?php echo $ident; ?> = [] for (i = 1; i < 30; i++) if (document.getElementById('button' + i + '_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')) { canvas_<?php echo $ident; ?> [i] = document.createElement("canvas"); ctx_<?php echo $ident; ?> [i] = canvas_<?php echo $ident; ?> [i].getContext("2d"); originalPixels_<?php echo $ident; 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?> [i].toDataURL("image/png"); } } <?php if ($theme->spaceOnVid == 1) { ?> var video_focus; jQuery('#global_body_<?php echo $ident; ?> ,#videoID_<?php echo $ident; ?> ').each(function () { jQuery(this).live('click', function () { setTimeout("video_focus=1", 100) }) }) jQuery('body').live('click', function () { video_focus = 0 }) jQuery(window).keypress(function (event) { if(!is_youtube_video_<?php echo $ident; ?> ()){ if (video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].paused) { video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].play(); paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); } else { video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].pause(); paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); } }else{ if(!check_play_<?php echo $ident; ?> ){ if(typeof player_<?php echo $ident; ?> != 'undefined'){if(youtube_ready_<?php echo $ident; ?> )player_<?php echo $ident; ?> .playVideo();} check_play_<?php echo $ident; ?> = true; paly_<?php echo $ident; 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?> .pauseVideo(); if (paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> && pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> ) { paly_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', ""); pause_<?php echo $ident; ?> .css('display', "none"); } <?php if ($AlbumId != '') { ?> jQuery('#track_list_<?php echo $ident; ?> _<?php echo $AlbumId; ?> ').find('#thumb_<?php echo $TrackId; ?> _<?php echo $ident; ?> ').click(); <?php } ?> jQuery(window).load(function () { getPixels_<?php echo $ident; ?> (); changeColor_<?php echo $ident; ?> () }) jQuery('.volume_<?php echo $ident; ?> ')[0].style.width = '<?php echo $theme->defaultVol; ?> %'; video_<?php echo $ident; ?> [0].volume =<?php echo $theme->defaultVol / 100; ?> ; </script> <?php if ($theme->openPlaylistAtStart) { echo "<script>jQuery(ifrae(show_hide_playlist);</script>"; } } ?> </div><br/> <?php global $many_players; $many_players++; $ident++; $content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $content; }
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HEXDEC(SUBSTR($selmenucolor, 4, 2)) . ',0.4' . ')'; ?> <style type="text/css"> h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, h1>a, h2>a, h3>a, h4>a, h5>a, h6>a,h1 > a:link, h2 > a:link, h3 > a:link, h4 > a:link, h5 > a:link, h6 > a:link,h1 > a:hover,h2 > a:hover,h3 > a:hover,h4 > a:hover,h5 > a:hover,h6 > a:hover,h61> a:visited,h2 > a:visited,h3 > a:visited,h4 > a:visited,h5 > a:visited,h6 > a:visited,#sidebar1 li, #sidebar2 li,#sidebar3 li,#sidebar4 li{ color:<?php echo $text_headers_color; ?> ; } .widget-area h3{ color: <?php echo $primary_links_color; ?> ; } #back h3 a{ color: <?php echo '#' . $this->negativeColor(weddings_ligthest_brigths($menu_elem_back_color, 10)); ?> !important; },,,{ color:<?php echo $logo_text_color; ?> ; } a.read_more:visited,a.read_more:link,.read_more, .more-link, .reply { color:<?php echo $menu_links_color; ?> !important; } .commentlist li { background-color:<?php echo $sideb_background_color; ?> ; } .children .comment{ background-color:#<?php echo weddings_ligthest_brigths($sideb_background_color, 37); ?> ; } .comment-body .reply a, #cancel-comment-reply-link{ background-color: #<?php echo weddings_darkest_brigths($text_headers_color, 10); 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