<meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="author" content="Benjamin Citrin"> <meta name="description" content="testdev!"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> </head> <?php function Greeting($hrs) { if ($hrs > 0 && $hrs < 12) { return 'Good morning'; } else { if ($hrs == 12 || $hrs > 12 && $hrs < 17) { return 'Good Afternoon'; } else { if ($hrs < 20 && $hrs > 17 || $hrs == 17) { return 'Good Evening'; } else { if ($hrs < 24 && $hrs > 20 || $hrs == 20) { return 'Good night'; } } } } } $hrs = 11; print Greeting($hrs); ?> </html>
$Dictionaries = GetDictionaries(DICTIONARIES_DIR); foreach ($Dictionaries as $Key => $Value) { $Dictionary[] = $Key; } } /* * Let us check to see if we should use a file to store * the scripts report in? */ if ($UseFileStorage) { $Filename = $Options['file']; } else { $Filename = false; } /* * Display the greeting message */ echo Greeting(); /* * Store the CheckHash return value in $Result, * if true, return the hashed value of the password * along with the password in clear text * * if false, return bool * if true, return array. array[0] = hash, array[1] = word/password (CLEARTEXT) */ if ($Result = CheckHash($Dictionary, $Options['a'], $Options['h'], $Filename)) { print_r("\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[SUCCESS] Found a matching hash: {$Result[0]} \n[MATCHES] Matched the word: {$Result[1]}\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); } else { print_r("\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n[FAILURE] No hash matching {$Options['h']} in dictionary!\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n"); }