function GetTree($key)
    global $sqlcn;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM cloud_dirs WHERE parent = {$key}";
    $result = $sqlcn->ExecuteSQL($sql) or die('Не могу прочитать папку! ' . mysqli_error($sqlcn->idsqlconnection));
    $cnt = mysqli_num_rows($result);
    if ($cnt != 0) {
        $pz = 0;
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
            $name = $row['name'];
            $key = $row['id'];
            echo '{"title":"' . $name . '","isFolder":true,"key":"' . $key . '","children":[';
            echo ']}';
            if ($pz < $cnt) {
                echo ',';
Exemple #2
function GetTree($key)
    global $sqlcn;
    $sql = "select * from cloud_dirs where parent={$key}";
    $result = $sqlcn->ExecuteSQL($sql) or die("Не могу прочитать папку!!" . mysqli_error($sqlcn->idsqlconnection));
    $cnt = mysqli_num_rows($result);
    if ($cnt != 0) {
        $pz = 0;
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
            $name = $row["name"];
            $key = $row["id"];
            echo "{";
            echo "\"title\": \"{$name}\",\"isFolder\": true,\"key\": \"{$key}\",\"children\": [";
            echo "]}";
            if ($pz < $cnt) {
                echo ",";
Exemple #3
function GetPage($res = '', $number)
    $c_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    $num = 0;
    if ($res[phone] == "") {
        $num = $number;
    } else {
        $num = $res[phone];
    $increm = mysql_query("\tSELECT  `name`,\n                    \t            `rand_name`,\n                    \t            `id`\n                    \t    FROM \t`file`\n                    \t    WHERE   `incomming_call_id` = {$res['id']}\n                    \t    ");
    $data .= '
	<!-- jQuery Dialog -->
    <div id="add-edit-goods-form" title="საქონელი">
    	<!-- aJax -->
	<div id="dialog-form">
			<div style="float: left; width: 800px;">	
				<fieldset >
				<fieldset style="width:300px; float:left;">
			    	<legend>ძირითადი ინფორმაცია</legend>
			    	<table width="500px" class="dialog-form-table">
							<td style="width: 180px;"><label for="">მომართვა №</label></td>
							<td style="width: 180px;"><label for="">თარიღი</label></td>
							<td style="width: 180px;">
								<input type="text" id="id" class="idle" onblur="this.className=\'idle\'"  value="' . ($res['id'] != '' ? $res['id'] : increment('incomming_call')) . '" disabled="disabled" />
								<input style="display:none;" type="text" id="h_id" class="idle" onblur="this.className=\'idle\'"  value="' . $res['id'] . '" disabled="disabled" />
							<td style="width: 180px;">
								<input type="text" id="c_date" class="idle" onblur="this.className=\'idle\'" onfocus="this.className=\'activeField date\'" value="' . ($res['call_date'] != '' ? $res['call_date'] : $c_date) . '" disabled="disabled" />
							<td style="width: 180px;"><label for="phone">ტელეფონი</label></td>							
							<td><label for="person_name">აბონენტის სახელი</label></td>
							<td style="width: 180px;">
								<input type="text" id="phone" class="idle" onblur="this.className=\'idle\'"  value="' . $num . '"  />
							<td style="width: 69px;">
								<input type="text" id="person_name" class="idle" onblur="this.className=\'idle\'" onfocus="this.className=\'activeField\'" value="' . $res['first_name'] . '" />
							<td style="width: 69px;">
								<button id="button_calls" class="calls">ნომრები</button>
				<fieldset style="width:220px; float:left; margin-left:10px; ">
			    	<legend>მომართვის ავტორი</legend>
					<table id="" class="dialog-form-table" width="220px">						
							<td style="width: 220px;"><input style="float:left;" type="radio" name="x" value="1" ' . ($res['type_id'] == '1' ? "checked" : "") . ' checked><span style="margin-top:5px; display:block;">ფიზიკური</span></td>
					  		<td style="width: 220px;"><input style="float:left;" type="radio" name="x" value="2" ' . ($res['type_id'] == '2' ? "checked" : "") . '><span style="margin-top:5px; display:block;"">იურიდიული</span></td>
				<fieldset style="width:220px; float:left; margin-left:10px; ">
			    	<legend>ზარის ტიპი</legend>
					<table id="" class="dialog-form-table" width="220px">						
							<td style="width: 220px;"><input style="float:left;" type="radio" name="xx" value="1" ' . ($res['call_type_id'] == '1' ? "checked" : "") . ' checked><span style="margin-top:5px; display:block;">ინფორმაცია</span></td>
					  		<td style="width: 220px;"><input style="float:left;" type="radio" name="xx" value="2" ' . ($res['call_type_id'] == '2' ? "checked" : "") . ' ><span style="margin-top:5px; display:block;"">პრეტენზია</span></td>
					  		<td style="width: 220px;"><input style="float:left;" type="radio" name="xx" value="3" ' . ($res['call_type_id'] == '3' ? "checked" : "") . '><span style="margin-top:5px; display:block;"">სხვა</span></td>
				<fieldset style="width:756px; float:left;">
					<table id="" class="dialog-form-table" width="500px">
					  		<td style="width: 600px;">
					  		    <label style="float:left; margin-top:7px; margin-right:5px;">სრულწლოვანი (18)</label>
					  		    <input style="float:left;" type="radio" name="status_1" value="1" ' . ($res['status_1'] == '1' ? "checked" : "") . '><span style="margin-top:8px; display:block; float: left;"">კი</span>
					  		    <input style="float:left;" type="radio" name="status_1" value="2" ' . ($res['status_1'] == '2' ? "checked" : "") . '><span style="margin-top:8px; display:block; float: left;"">არა</span>
					  		<td style="width: 400px;">
					  		    <label style="float:left; margin-top:7px; margin-right:5px;">მწეველი</label>
					  		    <input style="float:left;" type="radio" name="status_2" value="1" ' . ($res['status_2'] == '1' ? "checked" : "") . '><span style="margin-top:8px; display:block; float: left;"">კი</span>
					  		    <input style="float:left;" type="radio" name="status_2" value="2" ' . ($res['status_2'] == '2' ? "checked" : "") . '><span style="margin-top:8px; display:block; float: left;"">არა</span>
				<fieldset style="width: 400px; float:left;">
					<legend>ზარის დაზუსტება</legend>
					<table id="" class="dialog-form-table" width="150px">
							<td><textarea  style="width: 400px; height: 50px;" id="call_comment" class="idle" name="call_comment" cols="300" >' . $res['call_comment'] . '</textarea></td>
					<fieldset style="width: 317px; margin-left:10px; height:55px;  float:left;">
					<legend>მომართვის შინაარსი</legend>
					<table id="" class="dialog-form-table" width="150px">
							<td><select style="width: 310px; margin-left:5px;" id="call_status_id" class="idls object">' . Getcall_status($res['call_status_id']) . '</select></td>
    $data .= '
				<fieldset style="margin-top: 5px;">
			    	<legend>დავალების ფორმირება</legend>
			    	<table class="dialog-form-table" style="width: 750px;">
							<td style="width: 180px;"><label for="task_type_id">დავალების ტიპი</label></td>
							<td style="width: 180px;"><label for="task_department_id">განყოფილება</label></td>
							<td style="width: 180px;"><label for="persons_id">პასუხისმგებელი პირი</label></td>
							<td style="width: 180px;"><label for="priority_id">პრიორიტეტი</label></td>
							<td><select style="width: 180px;" id="task_type_id" class="idls object">' . Gettask_type($res['task_type_id']) . '</select></td>
							<td><select style="width: 180px;" id="task_department_id" class="idls object">' . Getdepartment($res['task_department_id']) . '</select></td>
							<td><select style="width: 180px;" id="persons_id" class="idls object">' . Getpersons($res['persons_id']) . '</select></td>
							<td><select style="width: 180px;" id="priority_id" class="idls object">' . Getpriority($res['priority_id']) . '</select></td>
						<table class="dialog-form-table" style="width: 750px;">
							<td style="width: 150px;"><label>შესრულების პერიოდი</label></td>
							<td style="width: 150px;"><label></label></td>
							<td style="width: 150px;"><label>კომენტარი</label></td>
							<td><input id="done_start_time" style="width: 150px; float:left;" class="idle" type="text" value="' . $res['done_start_time'] . '"><span style="margin-left:5px; ">დან</span></td>
					  		<td><input id="done_end_time" style="width: 150px; float:left;" class="idle" type="text" value="' . $res['done_end_time'] . '"><span style="margin-left:5px; ">მდე</span></td>
								<textarea  style="width: 300px; resize: none;" id="comment" class="idle" name="content" cols="300" >' . $res['comment'] . '</textarea>
			<div style="float: right;  width: 355px;">
				<fieldset style="width: 334px; float:left;">
							    <div  id="tree">
				    ' . GetTree() . '
				<fieldset style="margin-top: 10px; width: 150px; margin-left:10px; float: right;">
					<table style="float: right; border: 1px solid #85b1de; width: 150px; text-align: center;">
       <div class="file-uploader">
        <input id="choose_file" type="file" name="choose_file" class="input" style="display: none;">
        <button id="choose_button" class="center">აირჩიეთ ფაილი</button>
        <input id="hidden_inc" type="text" value="' . increment('action') . '" style="display: none;">
        <table style="float: right; border: 1px solid #85b1de; width: 150px; text-align: center;">
             <tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #85b1de;">
              <td colspan="3">მიმაგრებული ფაილი</td>
    <table id="file_div" style="float: right; border: 1px solid #85b1de; width: 150px; text-align: center;">';
    while ($increm_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($increm)) {
        $data .= ' 
                <tr style="border-bottom: 1px solid #85b1de;">
                  <td style="width:110px; display:block;word-wrap:break-word;">' . $increm_row[name] . '</td>              
                  <td ><button type="button" value="media/uploads/file/' . $increm_row[rand_name] . '" style="cursor:pointer; border:none; margin-top:25%; display:block; height:16px; width:16px; background:none;background-image:url(\'media/images/get.png\');" id="download" ></button><input type="text" style="display:none;" id="download_name" value="' . $increm_row[rand_name] . '"> </td>
                  <td ><button type="button" value="' . $increm_row[id] . '" style="cursor:pointer; border:none; margin-top:25%; display:block; height:16px; width:16px; background:none; background-image:url(\'media/images/x.png\');" id="delete"></button></td>
    $data .= '
    if (!empty($res[phone])) {
        $data .= GetRecordingsSection($res);
    $data .= '
	  		<button type="button" class="save-dialog" id="save-dialog" style="margin-top:10px;">შენახვა</button>
    return $data;
if (!function_exists('CreateMapStructure')) {
    function CreateMapStructure($arMap)
        $arReturn = array();
        foreach ($arMap as $key => $arMapItem) {
            $arChildrenItems = $arMapItem["CHILDREN"];
            $arMapItem["STRUCT_KEY"] = $key;
            $arReturn[] = $arMapItem;
            if (is_array($arChildrenItems) && count($arChildrenItems) > 0) {
                $arChildren = CreateMapStructure($arChildrenItems);
                $arReturn = array_merge($arReturn, $arChildren);
        return $arReturn;
$additionalCacheID = $USER->GetGroups();
if ($this->StartResultCache(false, $additionalCacheID)) {
    $sl = CLang::GetList($dummy1 = "", $dummy2 = "");
    while ($slr = $sl->Fetch()) {
        if ($slr["LID"] == LANG) {
            $lang_dir = $slr["DIR"];
    $arResult["arMapStruct"] = GetTree($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $lang_dir, $arParams["LEVEL"], $arParams["SHOW_DESCRIPTION"] == "Y");
    $arResult["arMap"] = CreateMapStructure($arResult["arMapStruct"]);
Exemple #5
        if ($cat_name != '' && $cat_id == '') {
            if (!CheckCategoryExist($cat_name, $par_id)) {
                AddCategory($cat_name, $par_id, $hint);
            } else {
                $error = '"' . $cat_name . '" უკვე არის სიაში!';
        } else {
            SaveCategory($cat_id, $cat_name, $par_id, $hint);
    case 'disable':
        $cat_id = $_REQUEST['id'];
    case 'get_tree':
        $page = GetTree();
        $data = array('page' => $page);
        $error = 'Action is Null';
$data['error'] = $error;
echo json_encode($data);
/* ******************************
 *	Category Functions
 * ******************************
function AddCategory($cat_name, $par_id, $hint)
    $user_id = $_SESSION['USERID'];
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO `tage`\r\n\t\t\t\t\t(`user_id`,`name`, `parent_id`, `hint`) \r\n\t\t\t\t VALUES\r\n\t\t\t\t\t('{$user_id}','{$cat_name}', {$par_id}, '{$hint}')");
function GetTree($tree_Res, $flag = '')
    global $DBConn;
    if ($tree_Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($tree_Res)) {
        do {
            if (empty($_REQUEST['RID']) || ($tree_Row['Release_ID'] == $_REQUEST['RID'] || Num_Children($tree_Row['AID']) != 0)) {
                echo '<li id="' . $tree_Row['AID'] . '" data-nodndflag="' . $flag . '" data-iteration="' . Get_Iteration_Name($tree_Row['Iteration_ID'], False) . '" data-iid="' . $tree_Row['Iteration_ID'] . '" data-pid="' . $tree_Row['Project_ID'] . '" >';
                echo '<div class="treebox">';
                echo '</div>';
                // if i have children, then go and fetch them
                $sql = 'SELECT * FROM story WHERE story.Parent_Story_ID=' . $tree_Row['AID'] . ' order by story.Epic_Rank';
                $Child_Res = mysqli_query($DBConn, $sql);
                if ($Child_Res) {
                    echo '<ul>';
                    GetTree($Child_Res, $flag);
                    echo '</ul>';
                echo '</li>';
        } while ($tree_Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($tree_Res));