Exemple #1
function GraphTraffic($rrd, $t)
    global $errlbl, $trflbl, $debug, $stalbl;
    $c = 0;
    $drawin = '';
    $drawout = '';
    $outdir = '';
    $odef = '';
    $idef = '';
    $inmod = 'AREA';
    $n = count($rrd);
    if ($t == 'trf') {
        $idef = 'inoct';
        $odef = 'outoct';
        $tit = $_SESSION['gbit'] ? "{$trflbl} [Bit/s]" : "{$trflbl} [Byte/s]";
    } elseif ($t == 'err') {
        $idef = 'inerr';
        $odef = 'outerr';
        $tit = "{$errlbl}/s";
    } elseif ($t == 'dsc') {
        $idef = 'indisc';
        $odef = 'outdisc';
        $tit = 'Discards/s';
    } elseif ($t == 'sta') {
        $tit = "IF {$stalbl}";
    } else {
        $idef = 'inbcast';
        $tit = 'Broadcasts/s';
    if ($_SESSION['gneg']) {
        $outdir = '-';
        $outmod = 'AREA';
    } else {
        $outmod = 'LINE2';
    foreach (array_keys($rrd) as $i) {
        $eol = $c == $n ? "\\l" : "";
        $il = str_replace(":", "\\:", $i);
        if ($t == 'sta') {
            $drawin .= "DEF:sta{$c}={$rrd[$i]}:status:AVERAGE ";
            $drawin .= "CDEF:sh{$c}=sta{$c},0,EQ {$inmod}:sh{$c}#cc8844: ";
            $drawin .= "CDEF:dn{$c}=sta{$c},1,2,LIMIT,1,0,IF {$inmod}:dn{$c}#cccc44: ";
            #TODO remove $inmod and just multiply by $c to avoid stacking problem?
            $drawin .= "CDEF:up{$c}=sta{$c},2,GT {$inmod}:up{$c}#44cc44: ";
            $drawin .= "CDEF:un{$c}=sta{$c},UN {$inmod}:un{$c}#cccccc:\"{$il} ";
        } elseif ($t == 'trf' and $_SESSION['gbit']) {
            $drawin .= "DEF:inbyte{$c}={$rrd[$i]}:{$idef}:AVERAGE ";
            $drawin .= "CDEF:{$idef}{$c}=inbyte{$c},8,* {$inmod}:{$idef}{$c}" . GetCol($t, $c, 0) . ":\"{$il} in ";
            $drawout .= "DEF:outbyte{$c}={$rrd[$i]}:{$odef}:AVERAGE ";
            $drawout .= "CDEF:{$odef}{$c}=outbyte{$c},{$outdir}8,* {$outmod}:{$odef}{$c}" . GetCol($t, $c, 3) . ":\"{$il} out";
        } else {
            $drawin .= "DEF:{$idef}{$c}={$rrd[$i]}:{$idef}:AVERAGE {$inmod}:{$idef}{$c}" . GetCol($t, $c, 0) . ":\"{$il} in ";
            $drawout .= "DEF:outgr{$c}={$rrd[$i]}:{$odef}:AVERAGE ";
            $drawout .= "CDEF:{$odef}{$c}=outgr{$c},{$outdir}1,* {$outmod}:{$odef}{$c}" . GetCol($t, $c, 3) . ":\"{$il} out";
        if ($t == 'trf' and $n == 1) {
            #and !$_SESSION['gneg']){# Couldn't figure out yet, why 95% is incorrect on negative traffic??!?
            $drawin .= "\" VDEF:tio95={$idef}{$c},95,PERCENT GPRINT:tio95:\"%7.2lf%s\" HRULE:tio95#ffcc44:\"95%\" ";
            $drawout .= "\" VDEF:too95={$odef}{$c},95,PERCENT GPRINT:too95:\"%7.2lf%s\" HRULE:too95#ff4444:\"95%\" ";
            $drawin .= "GPRINT:{$idef}{$c}:MIN:\" %7.2lf%s min\" GPRINT:{$idef}{$c}:MAX:\" %7.2lf%s max\" GPRINT:{$idef}{$c}:AVERAGE:\" %7.2lf%s avg ";
            $drawout .= "GPRINT:{$odef}{$c}:MIN:\" %7.2lf%s min\" GPRINT:{$odef}{$c}:MAX:\" %7.2lf%s max\" GPRINT:{$odef}{$c}:AVERAGE:\" %7.2lf%s avg ";
        $drawin .= "{$eol}\" ";
        $drawout .= "{$eol}\" ";
        if ($debug) {
            $drawin .= "\n\t";
            $drawout .= "\n\t";
        $inmod = 'STACK';
        $outmod = 'STACK';
    if ($t == 'brc' or $t == 'sta') {
        return array($drawin, $tit);
    } else {
        return array($drawin . $drawout, $tit);
Exemple #2
function NodOS($ina, $opa, $sta, $lim, $ord)
    global $link, $modgroup, $self, $stslbl, $srtlbl, $typlbl, $qtylbl;
<table class="full fixed"><tr><td class="helper">

<h2>OS <?php 
    echo $stslbl;

<canvas id="nosdnt" style="display: block;margin: 0 auto;padding: 10px;" width="400" height="300"></canvas>

<table class="content"><tr class="<?php 
    echo $modgroup[$self];
<th colspan="2"><img src="img/16/cbox.png"><br>OS</th>
<th><img src="img/16/nods.png"><br>Nodes</th></tr>
    if ($ord) {
        $ocol = "nodos";
        $srt = "{$srtlbl}: OS";
    } else {
        $ocol = "cnt desc";
        $srt = "{$srtlbl}: {$qtylbl}";
    $query = GenQuery('nodes', 'g', 'nodos', $ocol, $lim, array($ina), array($opa), array($sta), array(), 'LEFT JOIN devices USING (device)');
    $res = DbQuery($query, $link);
    if ($res) {
        $row = 0;
        $chd = array();
        while ($r = DbFetchRow($res)) {
            if ($row % 2) {
                $bg = "txta";
                $bi = "imga";
            } else {
                $bg = "txtb";
                $bi = "imgb";
            if ($r[0]) {
                $uo = urlencode($r[0]);
                $op = "=";
            } else {
                $uo = "^\$";
                $op = "~";
            $chd[] = array('value' => $r[1], 'color' => GetCol('231', $row, 3));
            echo "<tr class=\"{$bg}\"><th class=\"{$bi}\">{$row}</th>\n";
            echo "<td>{$r['0']}</td><td nowrap>" . Bar($r[1], GetCol('231', $row, 3), 'ls') . " <a href=Nodes-List.php?in[]=nodos&op[]={$op}&st[]={$uo}>{$r['1']}</a></td></tr>\n";
<table class="content" >
<tr class="<?php 
    echo $modgroup[$self];
    echo $row;
 OS, <?php 
    echo $srt;

<script language="javascript">
var data = <?php 
    echo json_encode($chd, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);

var ctx = document.getElementById("nosdnt").getContext("2d");
var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx).Doughnut(data);

</td><td class="helper">

    echo $typlbl;
    echo $stslbl;

<canvas id="ntydnt" style="display: block;margin: 0 auto;padding: 10px;" width="400" height="300"></canvas>

<table class="content"><tr class="<?php 
    echo $modgroup[$self];
<th colspan="2"><img src="img/16/abc.png"><br><?php 
    echo $typlbl;
<th><img src="img/16/nods.png"><br>Nodes</th></tr>
    if ($ord) {
        $ocol = "nodtype";
        $srt = "{$srtlbl}: {$typlbl}";
    } else {
        $ocol = "cnt desc";
        $srt = "{$srtlbl}: {$qtylbl}";
    $query = GenQuery('nodes', 'g', 'nodtype', $ocol, $lim, array($ina), array($opa), array($sta), array(), 'LEFT JOIN devices USING (device)');
    $res = DbQuery($query, $link);
    if ($res) {
        $row = 0;
        $chd = array();
        while ($r = DbFetchRow($res)) {
            if ($row % 2) {
                $bg = "txta";
                $bi = "imga";
            } else {
                $bg = "txtb";
                $bi = "imgb";
            if ($r[0]) {
                $uo = urlencode($r[0]);
                $op = "=";
            } else {
                $uo = "^\$";
                $op = "~";
            $chd[] = array('value' => $r[1], 'color' => GetCol('123', $row, 3));
            echo "<tr class=\"{$bg}\"><th class=\"{$bi}\">{$row}</th>\n";
            echo "<td>{$r['0']}</td><td nowrap>" . Bar($r[1], GetCol('123', $row, 3), 'ls') . " <a href=Nodes-List.php?in[]=nodos&op[]={$op}&st[]={$uo}>{$r['1']}</a></td></tr>\n";
<table class="content" >
<tr class="<?php 
    echo $modgroup[$self];
    echo $row;
    echo $typlbl;
, <?php 
    echo $srt;

<script language="javascript">
var data = <?php 
    echo json_encode($chd, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);

var ctx = document.getElementById("ntydnt").getContext("2d");
var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx).Doughnut(data);
