function UpdatePass($conn, $username, $password)
    $hash = GenPass($username, $password);
    $sql = 'UPDATE User_Tbl SET Password=:v_pass WHERE Username = :v_user';
    $stid = oci_parse($conn, $sql);
    oci_bind_by_name($stid, ":v_user", $username);
    oci_bind_by_name($stid, ":v_pass", $hash);
    $r = oci_execute($stid);
    if (!$r) {
        $e = oci_error($stid);
        return htmlentities($e['message']);
    return true;
 public function AUTH()
     if (isset($_POST['login']) and isset($_POST['password'])) {
         $LOGIN = clean($this->AR, $_POST['login'], "S");
         // Clean login
         $PASS = clean($this->AR, $_POST['password'], "S");
         // Clean passwords
         $USERINF = $this::USERINFO($LOGIN, "N");
         // Get user info
         if ($USERINF) {
             // If have user
             $this->AR['LOG']->WR("USERSClass: User " . $LOGIN . " found");
             //$this->AR['LOG']->WR("USERSClass: GenPass test is ".GenPass($PASS, $PASS."ota")." <-");
             if (strcmp($USERINF['PASS'], GenPass($PASS, $PASS . "ota")) == 0) {
                 $_SESSION['USERSES_CODE'] = GenHashe($LOGIN, "ota");
                 $this->AR['LOG']->WR("USERSClass: SESION is " . $_SESSION['USERSES_CODE'] . " for " . $LOGIN . "");
                 $DATAS['SESSION'] = $_SESSION['USERSES_CODE'];
                 // Sesion
                 $DATAS['NAME'] = $LOGIN;
                 // Login name
                 $RESHASH = USER_SET_API($DATAS, "S", $this->AR);
                 // Sets session to db
                 if ($RESHASH == 1) {
                     $this->AR['LOG']->WR("USERSClass: SESION is " . $_SESSION['USERSES_CODE'] . " for " . $LOGIN . " updated");
                     header("location: " . INDEX_FILE . "");
                 } else {
                     // Del session
                     // Destroy
                     $this->AR['LOG']->WR("USERSClass: SESION is " . $_SESSION['USERSES_CODE'] . " for " . $LOGIN . " ERROR");
                     $this->AR['MENU']->SET($this->AR['LNG']->STR['m_nazad'], "javascript:history.go(-1);", "R");
                     // Create menu
                     $this->AR['MSG']->SHOW($this->AR['LNG']->STR['msg_no_sesionset'], "I");
             } else {
                 $this->AR['MENU']->SET($this->AR['LNG']->STR['m_nazad'], "javascript:history.go(-1);", "R");
                 // Create menu
                 $this->AR['MSG']->SHOW($this->AR['LNG']->STR['msg_bed_bass'], "I");
         } else {
             // If no user
             $this->AR['LOG']->WR("USERSClass: User " . $LOGIN . "  not found");
             $this->AR['MENU']->SET($this->AR['LNG']->STR['m_nazad'], "javascript:history.go(-1);", "R");
             // Create menu
             $this->AR['MSG']->SHOW($this->AR['LNG']->STR['msg_no_user'], "I");
     } else {
         $this->AR['MENU']->SET($this->AR['LNG']->STR['m_nazad'], "javascript:history.go(-1);", "R");
         // Create menu
         $this->AR['MSG']->SHOW($this->AR['LNG']->STR['msg_no_data'], "I");
Exemple #3

if ($Module == 'register' and $_POST['enter']) {
    $_POST['login'] = FormChars($_POST['login']);
    $_POST['email'] = FormChars($_POST['email']);
    $_POST['password'] = GenPass(FormChars($_POST['password']), $_POST['login']);
    $_POST['name'] = FormChars($_POST['name']);
    $_POST['country'] = FormChars($_POST['country']);
    $_POST['captcha'] = FormChars($_POST['captcha']);
    if (!$_POST['login'] or !$_POST['email'] or !$_POST['password'] or !$_POST['name'] or $_POST['country'] > 4 or !$_POST['captcha']) {
        MessageSend(1, 'Невозможно обработать форму.');
    if ($_SESSION['captcha'] != md5($_POST['captcha'])) {
        MessageSend(1, 'Капча введена не верно.');
    $Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($CONNECT, "SELECT `login` FROM `users` WHERE `login` = '{$_POST['login']}'"));
    if ($Row['login']) {
        exit('Логин <b>' . $_POST['login'] . '</b> уже используеться.');
    $Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($CONNECT, "SELECT `email` FROM `users` WHERE `email` = '{$_POST['email']}'"));
    if ($Row['email']) {
        exit('E-Mail <b>' . $_POST['email'] . '</b> уже используеться.');
    mysqli_query($CONNECT, "INSERT INTO `users`  VALUES ('', '{$_POST['login']}', '{$_POST['password']}', '{$_POST['name']}', NOW(), '{$_POST['email']}', {$_POST['country']}, 0, 0)");
    $Code = substr(base64_encode($_POST['email']), 0, -1);
    mail($_POST['email'], 'Регистрация на блоге Mr.Shift', 'Ссылка для активации:' . substr($Code, -5) . substr($Code, 0, -5), 'From:');
    MessageSend(3, 'Регистрация акаунта успешно завершена. На указанный E-mail адрес <b>' . $_POST['email'] . '</b> отправленно письмо о подтверждении регистрации.');
} else {
    if ($Module == 'activate' and $Param['code']) {
        if (!$_SESSION['USER_ACTIVE_EMAIL']) {
            $Email = base64_decode(substr($Param['code'], 5) . substr($Param['code'], 0, 5));