/** * Renders help information about the slider in the Precontent Theme Area. */ public function precontent_render_helpmode() { $slider = G1_Elements()->get('slider'); // Render helpmode only when there's no slider if (!(is_string($slider) && strlen($slider) > 0)) { $out = ''; $helpmode = G1_Helpmode('slider_here', __('Do you want a slider here?', 'g1_theme'), '<ol>' . '<li>' . __('Create a slider ( check the WordPress Admin Menu - there should be some slider types to choose).', 'g1_theme') . '</li>' . '<li>' . __('When editing a single entry scroll down to the "Single Page Elements" meta box, and choose your previously created slider from the "Slider" dropdown.') . '</li>' . '<li>' . __('When editing a single category or a tag choose your previously created slider from the "Slider" dropdown.') . '</li>' . '<li>' . __('Save', 'g1_theme') . '</li>' . '</ol>', 'info'); $out .= $helpmode->capture(); if (strlen($out)) { $out = '<div style="position: relative; z-index: 10;">' . $out . '</div>'; } echo $out; } }
protected function test_dependencies() { if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { $helpmode = G1_Helpmode('curl_not_enabled', __('cURL not enabled.', 'g1_theme'), __('cURL module is not enabled on your server. Please contact your hosting provider and ask about enabling cURL for your account.', 'g1_theme'), 'error'); $out = $helpmode->capture(); if (strlen($out)) { $out = '<div style="position: relative; z-index: 10;">' . $out . '</div>'; } echo $out; return false; } return true; }
/* Executes a custom hook. * If you want to add some content before the g1-footer-area, * hook into 'g1_footer_begin' action. */ do_action('g1_footer_begin'); ?> <!-- BEGIN #g1-footer-area --> <div id="g1-footer-area" class="g1-layout-inner"> <nav id="g1-footer-nav"> <?php if (has_nav_menu('footer_nav')) { $footer_nav = array('theme_location' => 'footer_nav', 'container' => '', 'menu_id' => 'g1-footer-nav-menu', 'menu_class' => '', 'depth' => 1); wp_nav_menu($footer_nav); } else { $helpmode = G1_Helpmode('empty_footer_navigation', __('Empty Footer Navigation', 'g1_theme'), '<p>' . sprintf(__('You should <a href="%s">assign a menu to the Footer Navigation Theme Location</a>', 'g1_theme'), network_admin_url('nav-menus.php')) . '</p>'); $helpmode->render(); } ?> </nav> <p id="g1-footer-text"><?php echo g1_get_theme_option('general', 'footer_text', ''); ?> </p> </div> <!-- END #g1-footer-area --> <?php /* Executes a custom hook. * If you want to add some content after the g1-footer-area, * hook into 'g1_footer_end' action.