Exemple #1
function BuildTime($metal, $cristal, $nano_lvl)
    $time = ($metal + $cristal) / (BUILD_TIMES * 2500) * (1 / ((1 + $nano_lvl) * pow(1.1, $nano_lvl)));
    $time = floor($time * 60 * 60);
    return FormatTimes($time);
 private function __construct()
     if (isset($_POST['construir'], $_GET['id'])) {
     } else {
         if (isset($_POST['destruir'], $_GET['id'])) {
         } else {
             require 'core/models/class.User.php';
             require 'core/models/implement.Menu.php';
             require 'core/models/class.Planet.php';
             require 'core/models/implement.Topnav.php';
             require 'core/buildables.php';
             require 'core/functions/GeneralFunctions.php';
             global $id_user, $id_planet;
             $lng = new Lang();
             $menu = new Menu($id_user);
             $topnav = new Topnav($id_planet, $id_user);
             $user = new User($id_user);
             $planet = new Planet($id_planet);
             foreach ($provision as $id => $item) {
                 $price = BuildPrice($item['metal'], $item['cristal'], $item['tritio'], $item['materia'], $item['price'], $planet->PlanetBuildsLeveles()[$item['name']]);
                 if ($price[0] > 0 and $price[1] > 0 and $price[2] > 0 and $price[3] > 0) {
                     $precios = 'todos';
                 } else {
                     if ($price[0] == 0 and $price[1] == 0 and $price[2] == 0 and $price[3] == 0) {
                         $precios = 'ninguno';
                     } else {
                         if ($price[0] > 0 and $price[1] == 0 and $price[2] == 0 and $price[3] == 0) {
                             $precios = 'metal';
                         } else {
                             if ($price[0] > 0 and $price[1] > 0 and $price[2] == 0 and $price[3] == 0) {
                                 $precios = 'metal_cristal';
                             } else {
                                 if ($price[0] > 0 and $price[1] > 0 and $price[2] > 0 and $price[3] == 0) {
                                     $precios = 'metal_cristal_tritio';
                                 } else {
                                     if ($price[0] > 0 and $price[1] == 0 and $price[2] == 0 and $price[3] > 0) {
                                         $precios = 'metal_materia';
                                     } else {
                                         if ($price[0] > 0 and $price[1] == 0 and $price[2] > 0 and $price[3] == 0) {
                                             $precios = 'metal_tritio';
                                         } else {
                                             if ($price[0] == 0 and $price[1] > 0 and $price[2] == 0 and $price[3] == 0) {
                                                 $precios = 'cristal';
                                             } else {
                                                 if ($price[0] == 0 and $price[1] > 0 and $price[2] == 0 and $price[3] > 0) {
                                                     $precios = 'cristal_materia';
                                                 } else {
                                                     if ($price[0] == 0 and $price[1] > 0 and $price[2] > 0 and $price[3] == 0) {
                                                         $precios = 'cristal_tritio';
                                                     } else {
                                                         if ($price[0] == 0 and $price[1] > 0 and $price[2] > 0 and $price[3] > 0) {
                                                             $precios = 'cristal_tritio_materia';
                                                         } else {
                                                             if ($price[0] == 0 and $price[1] == 0 and $price[2] > 0 and $price[3] == 0) {
                                                                 $precios = 'tritio';
                                                             } else {
                                                                 if ($price[0] == 0 and $price[1] == 0 and $price[2] > 0 and $price[3] > 0) {
                                                                     $precios = 'tritio_materia';
                                                                 } else {
                                                                     if ($price[0] == 0 and $price[1] == 0 and $price[2] == 0 and $price[3] > 0) {
                                                                         $precios = 'materia';
                 $requeriments = TechRequeriments($item, $planet->PlanetBuildsLeveles());
                 if ($requeriments) {
                     $build = '<input type=\'submit\' class=\'construir\' name=\'construir\' value=\'\' />';
                     if ($planet->PlanetBuildsLeveles()[$item['name']] > 0) {
                         $destroy = '<input type=\'submit\' class=\'destruir\' name=\'destruir\' value=\'\' />';
                     } else {
                         $destroy = '<input type=\'submit\' class=\'destruir_no\' name=\'destruir\' value=\'\' />';
                     $image = $item['name'];
                 } else {
                     if ($item['name'] == 'almacen_materia' or $item['name'] == 'distribuidor') {
                         $image = $item['name'];
                     } else {
                         $image = $item['name'] . '_no';
                     $build = '';
                     $destroy = '';
                 $building[] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $item['name'], 'image' => $image, 'build' => $build, 'destroy' => $destroy, 'nivel' => $planet->PlanetBuildsLeveles()[$item['name']], 'metal' => number_format($price[0], '0', ',', '.'), 'cristal' => number_format($price[1], '0', ',', '.'), 'tritio' => number_format($price[2], '0', ',', '.'), 'materia' => number_format($price[3], '0', ',', '.'), 'tiempo_c' => FormatTimes(BuildTime($price[0], $price[1], $planet->PlanetBuildsLeveles()['nanobots'])), 'tiempo_d' => FormatTimes(BuildTime($price[0] / 2, $price[1] / 2, $planet->PlanetBuildsLeveles()['nanobots'])), 'name_lng' => $lng->{$item}['name_lng'], 'desc_lng' => $lng->{$item}['desc_lng'], 'precios' => $precios);
                 unset($precios, $price, $item, $id);
             $template = new Smarty();
             $template->assign(array('abastecimiento' => $lng->m_abastecimiento, 'building' => $building));