Exemple #1
function phPie($data, $width, $height, $CenterX, $CenterY, $DiameterX, $DiameterY, $MinDisplayPct, $DisplayColors, $BackgroundColor, $LineColor, $Legend, $FontNumber, $SortData = TRUE)
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                // too small to bother drawing - just finish off the arc with no fill and break
                $End = 360;
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                if ($Legend) {
                    ImageString($im, $FontNumber, 5, round(ImageFontHeight($FontNumber) * 0.5 + $valuecounter * 1.5 * ImageFontHeight($FontNumber)), 'Other (' . number_format(($TotalArrayValues - $ValuesSoFar) / $TotalArrayValues * 100, 1) . '%)', $line_color);
        // display image
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                header('Content-type: image/gif');
            } else {
                if (ImageTypes() & IMG_JPG) {
                    header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
        return TRUE;
    } else {
        echo 'Cannot Initialize new GD image stream';
        return FALSE;
function phPie($data, $width, $height, $CenterX, $CenterY, $newDiameterX, $DiameterY, $MinDisplayPct, $DisplayColors, $BackgroundColor, $LineColor, $Legend, $FontNumber, $CreatePie, $Sort, $DisplaySequence, $ShowText, $ImgType='PNG',$newLineSize=215) 
	// Ajustes necessários ao redimencionamento das pizzas...
	$width 		   += 95;
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	$CenterX 	   += 80;
	$FontNumber	    = 2; // Fixo o código da fonte em 2, reduzindo-a
						 // devido à saturação gerada pelas legendas nas estatísticas
						 // Acho legal tornar esse código flexível no futuro!... Anderson Peterle 07/11/2007 12:42PM
	$MinDisplayPct  = 0;
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 	$DisplayColors .= '0099FF;';
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    $DisplayColors .= 'CD4F39;';  // Tomato3
    $DisplayColors .= '8B3626;';  // Tomato4
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    $DisplayColors .= 'CD3278;';  // VioletRed3
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//	$CenterX = round($width  / 2);
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	if (isset($data) && !is_array($data)) 
		$data = unserialize(stripslashes($data));
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//		$data = array('Nenhum Registro'=>1);
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		die('Image size limited to 8192 x 8192 for safety reasons');

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		if ((count($data) <= 0) and ($Legend)) 
//			ImageString($im, $FontNumber, 5, round((ImageFontHeight($FontNumber) * .5) + ($valuecounter * 1.5 * ImageFontHeight($FontNumber))), 'Total: 0', '9933FF');
			ImageString($im, $FontNumber, 1, round((ImageFontHeight($FontNumber) * .5) + ($valuecounter * 1.1 * ImageFontHeight($FontNumber))), '                   ***** Nenhum Registro Encontrado *****', '9933FF');			
			$TotalArrayValues = array_sum($data);				
			if ($Sort)

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//						$MeuY = round((ImageFontHeight($FontNumber) * .5) + ($valuecounter * 1.5 * ImageFontHeight($FontNumber)));
						$MeuY = round((ImageFontHeight($FontNumber) * .5) + ($valuecounter * 1.1 * ImageFontHeight($FontNumber)));						
						ImageString($im, $FontNumber, 1, $MeuY, $key . ': ' . str_pad($value,6,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) . '('.str_pad(number_format(($value / $TotalArrayValues) * 100, 1),5,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).'%)', $label_color[$valuecounter % count($label_color)]);
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							ImageLine($im, 1, $MeuYLinha, $LineSize, $MeuYLinha, '009999');
					$Start = $End;
					// too small to bother drawing - just finish off the arc with no fill and break
					$End = 360;
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					if ($Legend) 
//						ImageString($im, $FontNumber, 1, round((ImageFontHeight($FontNumber) * .5) + ($valuecounter * 1.5 * ImageFontHeight($FontNumber))), 'Other ('.str_pad(number_format((($TotalArrayValues - $ValuesSoFar) / $TotalArrayValues) * 100, 1),4,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).'%)', $line_color);
						ImageString($im, $FontNumber, 1, round((ImageFontHeight($FontNumber) * .5) + ($valuecounter * 1.1 * ImageFontHeight($FontNumber))), 'Other ('.str_pad(number_format((($TotalArrayValues - $ValuesSoFar) / $TotalArrayValues) * 100, 1),4,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).'%)', $line_color);						
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				$MeuYLinha = $MeuY + ImageFontHeight($FontNumber) + 1;

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					$LineSize = $width - 24;
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				ImageLine($im, 1, $MeuYLinha+1, $LineSize, $MeuYLinha+1, '009999');										
//				ImageString($im, $FontNumber, 1, round((ImageFontHeight($FontNumber) * .5) + ($valuecounter * 1.5 * ImageFontHeight($FontNumber))), str_pad('Total',strlen($key),'.',STR_PAD_RIGHT) . ': ' . str_pad($TotalArrayValues,6,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) . '(100.0%)', '999999');				
				ImageString($im, $FontNumber, 1, round((ImageFontHeight($FontNumber) * .5) + ($valuecounter * 1.1 * ImageFontHeight($FontNumber))), str_pad('Total',strlen($key),'.',STR_PAD_RIGHT) . ': ' . str_pad($TotalArrayValues,6,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT) . '(100.0%)', '009999');								
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		echo 'Cannot Initialize new GD image stream';
		return false;