$proctorpost = $_POST['ProctorPost']; $proctormail = $_POST['ProctorMainEmail']; $proctormail2 = $_POST['AdditionalEmails']; $phoneno = $_POST['PrimaryPhone']; $phone2 = $_POST['AdditionalPhones']; $centerid = $_POST['centerid']; //Sanitize the POST values $proctorname = clean($_POST['ProctorName']); $proctorpost = clean($_POST['ProctorPost']); $proctormail = clean($_POST['ProctorMainEmail']); $proctormail2 = clean($_POST['AdditionalEmails']); $phoneno = clean($_POST['PrimaryPhone']); $phone2 = clean($_POST['AdditionalPhones']); $centerid = clean($_POST['centerid']); $errors = array(); if (!EmailValidation($proctormail)) { $errors[] = "The email appears to be in valid"; } if (strlen($proctorname) == 0) { $errors[] = "Please specify the Proctor's Name"; } if (strlen($centerid) == 0) { $errors[] = "Ensure you add a valid Center Id"; } if (!fnValidateNumber($phoneno)) { $errors[] = "Number is not valid, please try removing spaces and enter with the ISD code"; } // were there any errors? if (count($errors) > 0) { $errorString = '<p>There was an error processing the form.</p>'; $errorString .= '<ul>';
/** * User submitted the form. Validate the request and email a validation link. * */ function SumbitRequest() { $error = null; $recaptcha_key = GetSetting('recaptcha_key'); $recaptcha_secret = GetSetting('recaptcha_secret'); if ($recaptcha_key && $recaptcha_secret) { if (isset($_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response'])) { $response = urlencode($_REQUEST['g-recaptcha-response']); $url = "https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret={$recaptcha_secret}&response={$response}"; $data = http_fetch($url); $check = json_decode($data, true); if (isset($check) && $check !== false && is_array($check) && isset($check['success'])) { if (!$check['success']) { $error = "Captcha challenge failed"; } } else { $error = "Error validating the captcha (could not communicate with server)"; } } else { $error = "Please answer the captcha challenge"; } } if (isset($error)) { echo $error; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['agree']) && $_REQUEST['agree']) { $email = trim($_REQUEST['email']); if (!preg_match('/[^@]+@[^\\.]+\\..+/', $email)) { echo 'Please provide a valid email address'; } elseif (BlockEmail($email)) { echo 'Sorry, registration is not permitted. Please contact us for more information.'; } elseif ($keyinfo = GetKeyInfo($email)) { EmailKeyInfo($keyinfo); } elseif ($requestinfo = CreateRequest($email)) { EmailValidation($requestinfo); } else { echo 'Internal generating the API key request'; } } else { echo 'Please agree to the terms and conditions'; } } }
$address = $_POST['Address1']; $phoneno = $_POST['PrimaryPhone']; $country = $_POST['Country']; $city = $_POST['CityName']; $state = $_POST['state']; //Sanitize the POST values $centername = clean($_POST['CenterName']); $email = clean($_POST['Email']); $website = clean($_POST['Website']); $address = clean($_POST['Address1']); $phoneno = clean($_POST['PrimaryPhone']); $country = clean($_POST['Country']); $city = clean($_POST['CityName']); $state = clean($_POST['state']); $errors = array(); if (!EmailValidation($email)) { $errors[] = "The email appears to be in valid"; } if (strlen($centername) == 0) { $errors[] = "Please specify a Center Name"; } if (strlen($country) == 0) { $errors[] = "Ensure you choose a country please"; } if (strlen($address) == 0) { $errors[] = "Please provide the Center's Address"; } if (strlen($city) == 0) { $errors[] = "The Center's City was not specified."; } if (strlen($state) == 0) {
</form> <?php if (isset($_POST['Submit'])) { $tamail = $_POST['tamail']; $cid = $_POST['courseid']; $studentid = $USER->id; $firstname = $USER->firstname; $lastname = $USER->lastname; $email = $USER->email; $firstname = mysql_real_escape_string($USER->firstname); $lastname = mysql_real_escape_string($USER->lastname); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($USER->email); $tamail = mysql_real_escape_string($tamail); $errors = array(); if (!EmailValidation($tamail)) { $errors[] = "The email appears to be in valid"; } if (strlen($cid) == 0) { $errors[] = "Please choose the course you wish to drop"; } // were there any errors? if (count($errors) > 0) { $errorString = '<p>There was an error processing the form.</p>'; $errorString .= '<ul>'; foreach ($errors as $error) { $errorString .= "<li>{$error}</li>"; } $errorString .= '</ul>'; echo $errorString; // display the previous form