function Vectors($angle, $size, $option = 0) { $width = 400; $height = 250; $svg = '<div class="img-question text-center"> <svg width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '">'; $paddingX = 50; $paddingY = 40; $length = 170; $Ax = $width - $paddingX - $length; $Ay = $height - $paddingY; $Bx = $Ax + $length; $By = $Ay; list($Cx, $Cy) = Rotate($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, 120); $Dx = $Cx + $length; $Dy = $Cy; $svg .= DrawText($Ax - 5, $Ay + 30, '$A$', 12); $svg .= DrawText($Bx - 5, $By + 30, '$B$', 12); $svg .= DrawText($Cx - 5, $Cy - 10, '$C$', 12); $svg .= DrawArc($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, $Cx, $Cy, 50); $svg .= DrawVector($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, 'black', 10, 2, 10); $svg .= DrawVector($Ax, $Ay, $Cx, $Cy, 'black', 10, 2, 10); $svg .= DrawText(($Ax + $Bx) / 2, ($Ay + $By) / 2 + 30, '$' . $size . '$', 12); $svg .= DrawText(($Ax + $Cx) / 2 - 23, ($Ay + $Cy) / 2, '$' . $size . '$', 12); $svg .= DrawText($Ax + 20, $Ay - 15, '$' . $angle . '°$', 12); if ($option) { $svg .= DrawVector($Cx, $Cy, $Bx, $By, 'black', 10, 2, 10); $svg .= DrawText(($Bx + $Cx) / 2 + 40, ($By + $Cy) / 2 - 10, '$\\overrightarrow{AB}-\\overrightarrow{AC}$', 12, 'black'); } $svg .= '</svg></div>'; return $svg; }
function AbsFunctionGraph($x1, $x2, $a, $b, $progress = 0) { $bottom = min(abs($x1 + $a), abs($x2 + $a), 0) + ($b < 0 ? $b : 0); $top = max(abs($x1 + $a), abs($x2 + $a)) + ($b > 0 ? $b : 0); $left = $x1; $right = $x2; $linesx = $top - $bottom + 3; $linesy = $right - $left + 3; $unit = 400 / $linesy < 40 ? 40 : 400 / $linesy; $width = $unit * $linesy; $height = $unit * $linesx; $svg = '<div class="img-question text-center"> <svg width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '">'; // Origo $Ox = (1.5 - $left) * $unit; $Oy = $height - (1.5 - $bottom) * $unit; if ($unit < 45) { $fontsize = 10; } elseif ($unit < 50) { $fontsize = 11; } else { $fontsize = 12; } // Guides for ($i = 0; $i < $linesy; $i++) { $x = (0.5 + $i) * $unit; $svg .= DrawLine($x, 0, $x, $height, '#F2F2F2'); $num = $i + $left - 1; if ($num == 0) { $svg .= DrawText($Ox + $unit / 3, $Oy + $unit / 2, '$0$', $fontsize); } else { $svg .= DrawLine($x, $Oy - 5, $x, $Oy + 5, 'black', 2); $svg .= DrawText($x, $Oy + $unit / 2, '$' . $num . '$', $fontsize); } } for ($i = 0; $i < $linesx; $i++) { $y = (0.5 + $i) * $unit; $svg .= DrawLine(0, $y, $width, $y, '#F2F2F2'); $num = $top - $i + 1; if ($num != 0) { $svg .= DrawLine($Ox + 5, $y, $Ox - 5, $y, 'black', 2); if ($num <= 9 && $num > 0) { $shift = $unit / 3; } elseif ($num > -10 || $num > 9) { $shift = $unit / 2; } else { $shift = $unit / 1.7; } $svg .= DrawText($Ox - $shift, $y + $unit / 5, '$' . $num . '$', $fontsize); } } // Axes $svg .= DrawVector($Ox, $height, $Ox, 0, 'black', 10, 2); $svg .= DrawVector(0, $Oy, $width, $Oy, 'black', 10, 2); $svg .= DrawText($width - $unit / 2, $Oy - $unit / 3, '$x$', $fontsize * 1.5); $svg .= DrawText($Ox + $unit / 2, $unit / 3, '$y$', $fontsize * 1.5); // Coordinates for |x| list($X1A, $Y1A) = $this->Coordinates2($x1, abs($x1), $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($X2A, $Y2A) = $this->Coordinates2(0, 0, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($X3A, $Y3A) = $this->Coordinates2($x2, abs($x2), $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); // Coordinates for |x+a| list($X1B, $Y1B) = $this->Coordinates2($x1, abs($x1 + $a), $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($X2B, $Y2B) = $this->Coordinates2(-$a, 0, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($X3B, $Y3B) = $this->Coordinates2($x2, abs($x2 + $a), $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); // Coordinates for |x+a|+b list($X1C, $Y1C) = $this->Coordinates2($x1, abs($x1 + $a) + $b, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($X2C, $Y2C) = $this->Coordinates2(-$a, $b, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($X3C, $Y3C) = $this->Coordinates2($x2, abs($x2 + $a) + $b, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); if ($progress == 0) { // End points for |x| $svg .= DrawCircle($X1A, $Y1A, 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawCircle($X3A, $Y3A, 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); // Lines for |x| $svg .= DrawLine($X1A, $Y1A, $X2A, $Y2A, 'red', 2); $svg .= DrawLine($X2A, $Y2A, $X3A, $Y3A, 'red', 2); } elseif ($progress == 1) { // End points for |x| $svg .= DrawCircle($X1A, $Y1A, 3, 'blue', 1, 'blue'); $svg .= DrawCircle($X3A, $Y3A, 3, 'blue', 1, 'blue'); // Lines for |x| $svg .= DrawPath($X1A, $Y1A, $X2A, $Y2A, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray2asharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); $svg .= DrawPath($X2A, $Y2A, $X3A, $Y3A, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray2asharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); // Vector from old to new $svg .= DrawVector($X2A, $Y2A, $X2B, $Y2B, 'green', 10, 2, 30); // End points for |x+a| $svg .= DrawCircle($X1B, $Y1B, 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawCircle($X3B, $Y3B, 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); // Lines for |x+a| $svg .= DrawLine($X1B, $Y1B, $X2B, $Y2B, 'red', 2); $svg .= DrawLine($X2B, $Y2B, $X3B, $Y3B, 'red', 2); } elseif ($progress == 2) { // End points for |x+a| $svg .= DrawCircle($X1B, $Y1B, 3, 'blue', 1, 'blue'); $svg .= DrawCircle($X3B, $Y3B, 3, 'blue', 1, 'blue'); // Lines for |x+a| $svg .= DrawPath($X1B, $Y1B, $X2B, $Y2B, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray2asharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); $svg .= DrawPath($X2B, $Y2B, $X3B, $Y3B, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray2asharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); // Vector from old to new $svg .= DrawVector($X2B, $Y2B, $X2C, $Y2C, 'green', 10, 2, 30); // End points for |x+a|+b $svg .= DrawCircle($X1C, $Y1C, 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawCircle($X3C, $Y3C, 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); // Lines for |x+a|+b $svg .= DrawLine($X1C, $Y1C, $X2C, $Y2C, 'red', 2); $svg .= DrawLine($X2C, $Y2C, $X3C, $Y3C, 'red', 2); } else { // Lines between end points and y axis if (abs($x1 + $a) > abs($x2 + $a)) { if (abs($x1 + $a) + $b != 0) { list($X1D, $Y1D) = $this->Coordinates2(0, abs($x1 + $a) + $b, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); $svg .= DrawPath($X1C, $Y1C, $X1D, $Y1D, $color1 = 'green', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray2asharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } } else { if (abs($x2 + $a) + $b != 0) { list($X3D, $Y3D) = $this->Coordinates2(0, abs($x2 + $a) + $b, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); $svg .= DrawPath($X3C, $Y3C, $X3D, $Y3D, $color1 = 'green', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray2asharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } } if ($b != 0) { list($X2D, $Y2D) = $this->Coordinates2(0, $b, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); $svg .= DrawPath($X2C, $Y2C, $X2D, $Y2D, $color1 = 'green', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray2asharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } // End points for |x+a|+b $svg .= DrawCircle($X1C, $Y1C, 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawCircle($X3C, $Y3C, 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); // Lines for |x+a|+b $svg .= DrawLine($X1C, $Y1C, $X2C, $Y2C, 'red', 2); $svg .= DrawLine($X2C, $Y2C, $X3C, $Y3C, 'red', 2); } $svg .= '</svg></div>'; return $svg; }
function Vectors($angle, $size, $option = 0) { $width = 400; $height = 250; $svg = '<div class="img-question text-center"> <svg width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '">'; if ($angle == 60) { $paddingX = 50; $paddingY = 50; $length = 170; $Ax = $paddingX; $Ay = $height - $paddingY; $Bx = $Ax + $length; $By = $Ay; list($Cx, $Cy) = Rotate($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, 60); $Dx = $Cx + $length; $Dy = $Cy; $svg .= DrawText($Ax - 5, $Ay + 30, '$A$', 12); $svg .= DrawText($Bx - 5, $By + 30, '$B$', 12); $svg .= DrawText($Cx - 5, $Cy - 10, '$C$', 12); $svg .= DrawArc($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, $Cx, $Cy, 70); $svg .= DrawVector($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, 'black', 10, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawVector($Ax, $Ay, $Cx, $Cy, 'black', 10, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawText(($Ax + $Bx) / 2, ($Ay + $By) / 2 + 30, '$' . $size . '$', 12); $svg .= DrawText(($Ax + $Cx) / 2 - 13, ($Ay + $Cy) / 2, '$' . $size . '$', 12); if (!$option) { $svg .= DrawText($Ax + 40, $Ay - 15, '$60°$', 12); } else { $svg .= DrawPath($Bx, $By, $Cx, $Cy, 'black', 2, 'none', 2, 2); if ($option == 2) { $svg .= DrawPath($Bx, $By, $Dx, $Dy, 'black', 2, 'none', 2, 2); $svg .= DrawPath($Cx, $Cy, $Dx, $Dy, 'black', 2, 'none', 2, 2); $svg .= DrawVector($Ax, $Ay, $Dx, $Dy, 'black', 10, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawText($Dx - 15, $Dy - 10, '$\\overrightarrow{AB}+\\overrightarrow{AC}$', 12, 'black'); } else { $svg .= DrawText($Ax + 40, $Ay - 15, '$60°$', 12); } } } elseif ($angle == 90) { $paddingX = 50; $paddingY = 40; $length = 170; $Ax = ($width - $length) / 2; $Ay = $height - $paddingY; $Bx = $Ax + $length; $By = $Ay; list($Cx, $Cy) = Rotate($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, $angle); $Dx = $Cx + $length; $Dy = $Cy; $svg .= DrawText($Ax - 5, $Ay + 30, '$A$', 12); $svg .= DrawText($Bx - 5, $By + 30, '$B$', 12); $svg .= DrawText($Cx - 5, $Cy - 10, '$C$', 12); $svg .= DrawArc($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, $Cx, $Cy, 60); $svg .= DrawVector($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, 'black', 10, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawVector($Ax, $Ay, $Cx, $Cy, 'black', 10, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawText(($Ax + $Bx) / 2, ($Ay + $By) / 2 + 30, '$' . $size . '$', 12); $svg .= DrawText(($Ax + $Cx) / 2 - 13, ($Ay + $Cy) / 2, '$' . $size . '$', 12); if (!$option) { $svg .= DrawText($Ax + 25, $Ay - 15, '$90°$', 12); } else { $svg .= DrawPath($Bx, $By, $Dx, $Dy, 'black', 2, 'none', 2, 2); $svg .= DrawPath($Cx, $Cy, $Dx, $Dy, 'black', 2, 'none', 2, 2); if ($option == 2) { $svg .= DrawVector($Ax, $Ay, $Dx, $Dy, 'black', 10, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawText($Dx - 15, $Dy - 10, '$\\overrightarrow{AB}+\\overrightarrow{AC}$', 12, 'black'); } else { $svg .= DrawText($Ax + 25, $Ay - 15, '$90°$', 12); } } } elseif ($angle == 120) { $paddingX = 50; $paddingY = 40; $length = 170; $Ax = $width - $paddingX - $length; $Ay = $height - $paddingY; $Bx = $Ax + $length; $By = $Ay; list($Cx, $Cy) = Rotate($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, $angle); $Dx = $Cx + $length; $Dy = $Cy; $svg .= DrawText($Ax - 5, $Ay + 30, '$A$', 12); $svg .= DrawText($Bx - 5, $By + 30, '$B$', 12); $svg .= DrawText($Cx - 5, $Cy - 10, '$C$', 12); $svg .= DrawVector($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, 'black', 10, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawVector($Ax, $Ay, $Cx, $Cy, 'black', 10, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawText(($Ax + $Bx) / 2, ($Ay + $By) / 2 + 30, '$' . $size . '$', 12); $svg .= DrawText(($Ax + $Cx) / 2 - 13, ($Ay + $Cy) / 2, '$' . $size . '$', 12); if (!$option) { $svg .= DrawArc($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, $Cx, $Cy, 50); $svg .= DrawText($Ax + 20, $Ay - 15, '$120°$', 12); } else { $svg .= DrawArc($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, $Dx, $Dy, 50); $svg .= DrawArc($Ax, $Ay, $Bx, $By, $Cx, $Cy, 60); $svg .= DrawPath($Bx, $By, $Dx, $Dy, 'black', 2, 'none', 2, 2); $svg .= DrawPath($Cx, $Cy, $Dx, $Dy, 'black', 2, 'none', 2, 2); $svg .= DrawVector($Ax, $Ay, $Dx, $Dy, 'black', 10, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawText($Dx - 15, $Dy - 10, '$\\overrightarrow{AB}+\\overrightarrow{AC}$', 12, 'black'); $svg .= DrawText($Ax + 30, $Ay - 10, '$60°$', 12); } } $svg .= '</svg></div>'; return $svg; }
function Rhombus($Cx, $Cy, $vx, $vy, $mult, $progress = 0) { // Calculate coordinates (nodes) list($Tx, $Ty, $Rx, $Ry, $Px, $Py, $Sx, $Sy) = $this->Coordinates1($Cx, $Cy, $vx, $vy, $mult); $bottom = min($Py, $Ry, $Sy, $Ty, 0); $top = max($Py, $Ry, $Sy, $Ty, 0); $left = min($Px, $Rx, $Sx, $Tx, 0); $right = max($Px, $Rx, $Sx, $Tx, 0); // print_r('bottom: '.$bottom.'<br />'); // print_r('top: '.$top.'<br />'); // print_r('left: '.$left.'<br />'); // print_r('right: '.$right.'<br />'); $linesx = $top - $bottom + 3; $linesy = $right - $left + 3; $unit = 400 / $linesy < 40 ? 40 : 400 / $linesy; $width = $unit * $linesy; $height = $unit * $linesx; // Calculate coordinates (labels) list($C2x, $C2y) = $this->Coordinates3($Rx, $Ry, $Tx, $Ty, 'center'); list($T2x, $T2y) = $this->Coordinates3($Cx, $Cy, $Tx, $Ty); list($R2x, $R2y) = $this->Coordinates3($Cx, $Cy, $Rx, $Ry); list($S2x, $S2y) = $this->Coordinates3($Cx, $Cy, $Sx, $Sy); list($P2x, $P2y) = $this->Coordinates3($Cx, $Cy, $Px, $Py); // Calculate coordinates on canvas (nodes) list($C3x, $C3y) = $this->Coordinates2($Cx, $Cy, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($T3x, $T3y) = $this->Coordinates2($Tx, $Ty, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($R3x, $R3y) = $this->Coordinates2($Rx, $Ry, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($S3x, $S3y) = $this->Coordinates2($Sx, $Sy, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($P3x, $P3y) = $this->Coordinates2($Px, $Py, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); // Calculate coordinates on canvas (labels) list($C4x, $C4y) = $this->Coordinates2($C2x, $C2y, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($T4x, $T4y) = $this->Coordinates2($T2x, $T2y, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($R4x, $R4y) = $this->Coordinates2($R2x, $R2y, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($S4x, $S4y) = $this->Coordinates2($S2x, $S2y, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); list($P4x, $P4y) = $this->Coordinates2($P2x, $P2y, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); // print_r('T('.$Tx.';'.$Ty.')<br />'); // print_r('R('.$Rx.';'.$Ry.')<br />'); // print_r('S('.$Sx.';'.$Sy.')<br />'); // print_r('P('.$Px.';'.$Py.')<br />'); $svg = '<div class="img-question text-center"> <svg width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '">'; // Origo $Ox = (1.5 - $left) * $unit; $Oy = $height - (1.5 - $bottom) * $unit; if ($unit < 45) { $fontsize = 10; } elseif ($unit < 50) { $fontsize = 11; } else { $fontsize = 12; } // Guides for ($i = 0; $i < $linesy; $i++) { $x = (0.5 + $i) * $unit; $svg .= DrawLine($x, 0, $x, $height, '#F2F2F2'); $num = $i + $left - 1; if ($num == 0) { $svg .= DrawText($Ox + $unit / 3, $Oy + $unit / 2, '$0$', $fontsize); } else { $svg .= DrawLine($x, $Oy - 5, $x, $Oy + 5, 'black', 2); $svg .= DrawText($x, $Oy + $unit / 2, '$' . $num . '$', $fontsize); } } for ($i = 0; $i < $linesx; $i++) { $y = (0.5 + $i) * $unit; $svg .= DrawLine(0, $y, $width, $y, '#F2F2F2'); $num = $top - $i + 1; if ($num != 0) { $svg .= DrawLine($Ox + 5, $y, $Ox - 5, $y, 'black', 2); if ($num <= 9 && $num > 0) { $shift = $unit / 3; } elseif ($num > -10 || $num > 9) { $shift = $unit / 2; } else { $shift = $unit / 1.7; } $svg .= DrawText($Ox - $shift, $y + $unit / 5, '$' . $num . '$', $fontsize); } } // Axes $svg .= DrawVector($Ox, $height, $Ox, 0, 'black', 10, 2); $svg .= DrawVector(0, $Oy, $width, $Oy, 'black', 10, 2); $svg .= DrawText($width - $unit / 2, $Oy - $unit / 3, '$x$', $fontsize * 1.5); $svg .= DrawText($Ox + $unit / 2, $unit / 3, '$y$', $fontsize * 1.5); if ($progress == 0) { if ($Cy != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($Ox, $C3y, $C3x, $C3y, $color1 = 'red', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray2asharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } if ($Cx != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($C3x, $C3y, $C3x, $Oy, $color1 = 'red', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } // Draw point K $svg .= DrawCircle($C3x, $C3y, 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawText($C4x, $C4y, '$K$', 15); } elseif ($progress == 1) { if ($Ty != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($Ox, $T3y, $T3x, $T3y, $color1 = 'red', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } if ($Tx != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($T3x, $T3y, $T3x, $Oy, $color1 = 'red', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } // Draw point T $svg .= DrawCircle($T3x, $T3y, 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawText($T4x, $T4y, '$T$', 15); // Draw point K $svg .= DrawCircle($C3x, $C3y, 3, 'blue', 1, 'blue'); $svg .= DrawText($C4x, $C4y, '$K$', 15); } elseif ($progress == 2) { $svg .= DrawVector($C3x, $C3y, $T3x, $T3y, 'blue', 7, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawVector($C3x, $C3y, $R3x, $R3y, 'red', 7, 2, 30); // Draw point R $svg .= DrawText($R4x, $R4y, '$R$', 15); // Draw point K $svg .= DrawText($C4x, $C4y, '$K$', 15); // Draw point T $svg .= DrawText($T4x, $T4y, '$T$', 15); } elseif ($progress == 3) { $svg .= DrawVector($C3x, $C3y, $T3x, $T3y, 'blue', 7, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawVector($C3x, $C3y, $R3x, $R3y, 'blue', 7, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawVector($C3x, $C3y, $P3x, $P3y, 'red', 7, 2, 30); $svg .= DrawVector($C3x, $C3y, $S3x, $S3y, 'red', 7, 2, 30); // Draw point K $svg .= DrawText($C4x, $C4y, '$K$', 15); // Draw point T $svg .= DrawText($T4x, $T4y, '$T$', 15); // Draw point R $svg .= DrawText($R4x, $R4y, '$R$', 15); // Draw point S $svg .= DrawText($S4x, $S4y, '$S$', 15); // Draw point P $svg .= DrawText($P4x, $P4y, '$P$', 15); } else { $svg .= DrawLine($P3x, $P3y, $T3x, $T3y, 'red', 2); $svg .= DrawLine($S3x, $S3y, $R3x, $R3y, 'red', 2); $svg .= DrawLine($T3x, $T3y, $S3x, $S3y, 'red', 2); $svg .= DrawLine($R3x, $R3y, $P3x, $P3y, 'red', 2); if ($Py != $Ry && $Py != $Ty && $Py != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($Ox, $P3y, $P3x, $P3y, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } if ($Px != $Rx && $Px != $Tx && $Px != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($P3x, $P3y, $P3x, $Oy, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } if ($Ry != $Py && $Ry != $Sy && $Ry != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($Ox, $R3y, $R3x, $R3y, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } if ($Rx != $Px && $Rx != $Sx && $Rx != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($R3x, $R3y, $R3x, $Oy, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } if ($Sy != $Ry && $Sy != $Ty && $Sy != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($Ox, $S3y, $S3x, $S3y, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } if ($Sx != $Rx && $Sx != $Tx && $Sx != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($S3x, $S3y, $S3x, $Oy, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } if ($Ty != $Py && $Ty != $Sy && $Ty != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($Ox, $T3y, $T3x, $T3y, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } if ($Tx != $Px && $Tx != $Sx && $Tx != 0) { $svg .= DrawPath($T3x, $T3y, $T3x, $Oy, $color1 = 'blue', $width = 2, $color2 = 'none', $dasharray1 = 5, $dasharray2 = 5); } // Draw point T $svg .= DrawText($T4x, $T4y, '$T$', 15); // Draw point R $svg .= DrawText($R4x, $R4y, '$R$', 15); // Draw point S $svg .= DrawText($S4x, $S4y, '$S$', 15); // Draw point P $svg .= DrawText($P4x, $P4y, '$P$', 15); } $svg .= '</svg></div>'; return $svg; }
function Graph($A, $B, $axis, $progress = 0) { list($C, $r, $P1, $P2) = $this->Solution($A, $B, $axis); $bottom = min(0, $C[1] - $r); $top = max(0, $C[1] + $r); $left = min(0, $C[0] - $r); $right = max(0, $C[0] + $r); // print_r('bottom: '.$bottom.'<br />'); // print_r('top: '.$top.'<br />'); // print_r('left: '.$left.'<br />'); // print_r('right: '.$right.'<br />'); $linesx = $top - $bottom + 3; $linesy = $right - $left + 3; $unit = 500 / $linesy; $width = $unit * $linesy; $height = $unit * $linesx; // print_r('width: '.$width.', height: '.$height.'<br />'); $svg = '<div class="img-question text-center"> <svg width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '">'; // Origo $OO = $this->CanvasCoordinates([0, 0], $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); if ($unit < 35) { $fontsize_axis = 0; // Hide text if coordinate system is too big $axis_width = 1; } elseif ($unit < 45) { $fontsize_axis = 10; $axis_width = 2; } elseif ($unit < 50) { $fontsize_axis = 11; $axis_width = 2; } else { $fontsize_axis = 12; $axis_width = 2; } $fontsize_label = round($fontsize_axis * 1.2); // Guides for ($i = 0; $i < $linesy; $i++) { $x = (0.5 + $i) * $unit; $svg .= DrawLine($x, 0, $x, $height, '#F2F2F2'); $num = $i + $left - 1; if ($num == 0) { $svg .= DrawText($OO[0] + $unit / 3, $OO[1] + $unit / 2, '$0$', $fontsize_axis); } else { $svg .= DrawLine($x, $OO[1] - 5, $x, $OO[1] + 5, 'black', $axis_width); $svg .= DrawText($x, $OO[1] + $unit / 2, '$' . $num . '$', $fontsize_axis); } } for ($i = 0; $i < $linesx; $i++) { $y = (0.5 + $i) * $unit; $svg .= DrawLine(0, $y, $width, $y, '#F2F2F2'); $num = $top - $i + 1; if ($num != 0) { $svg .= DrawLine($OO[0] + 5, $y, $OO[0] - 5, $y, 'black', $axis_width); if ($num <= 9 && $num > 0) { $shift = $unit / 3; } elseif ($num > -10 || $num > 9) { $shift = $unit / 2; } else { $shift = $unit / 1.7; } $svg .= DrawText($OO[0] - $shift, $y + $unit / 5, '$' . $num . '$', $fontsize_axis); } } // Axes $svg .= DrawVector($OO[0], $height, $OO[0], 0, 'black', 10, $axis_width); $svg .= DrawVector(0, $OO[1], $width, $OO[1], 'black', 10, $axis_width); $svg .= DrawText($width - $unit / 2, $OO[1] - $unit / 3, '$x$', $fontsize_label); $svg .= DrawText($OO[0] + $unit / 2, $unit / 3, '$y$', $fontsize_label); // Calculate canvas coordinates for nodes $CC = $this->CanvasCoordinates($C, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); $AA = $this->CanvasCoordinates($A, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); $BB = $this->CanvasCoordinates($B, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); $PP1 = $this->CanvasCoordinates($P1, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); $PP2 = $this->CanvasCoordinates($P2, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); // print_r('C('.$CC[0].';'.$CC[1].')<br />'); // print_r('A('.$AA[0].';'.$AA[1].')<br />'); // print_r('B('.$BB[0].';'.$BB[1].')<br />'); // Calculate coordinates (labels) $Clabel = $this->LabelCoordinates($A, $B, 'center'); $Alabel = $this->LabelCoordinates($B, $A); $Blabel = $this->LabelCoordinates($A, $B); $P1label = $this->LabelCoordinates($C, $P1, 'minus'); $P2label = $this->LabelCoordinates($C, $P2, 'minus'); // Calculate canvas coordinates for labels $CClabel = $this->CanvasCoordinates($Clabel, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); $AAlabel = $this->CanvasCoordinates($Alabel, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); $BBlabel = $this->CanvasCoordinates($Blabel, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); $PP1label = $this->CanvasCoordinates($P1label, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); $PP2label = $this->CanvasCoordinates($P2label, $height, $left, $bottom, $unit); if ($progress == 1) { // Draw points $svg .= DrawCircle($AA[0], $AA[1], 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawCircle($BB[0], $BB[1], 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); // Draw labels $svg .= DrawText($AAlabel[0], $AAlabel[1], '$A$', $fontsize_label); $svg .= DrawText($BBlabel[0], $BBlabel[1], '$B$', $fontsize_label); } elseif ($progress == 2) { // AB $svg .= DrawLine($AA[0], $AA[1], $BB[0], $BB[1], 'blue', 2); // Draw points $svg .= DrawCircle($AA[0], $AA[1], 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawCircle($BB[0], $BB[1], 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawCircle($CC[0], $CC[1], 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); // Draw labels $svg .= DrawText($AAlabel[0], $AAlabel[1], '$A$', $fontsize_label); $svg .= DrawText($BBlabel[0], $BBlabel[1], '$B$', $fontsize_label); $svg .= DrawText($CClabel[0], $CClabel[1], '$C$', $fontsize_label); } elseif ($progress == 3) { // Circle $svg .= DrawCircle($CC[0], $CC[1], $r * $unit, 'blue', 2); // Draw points $svg .= DrawCircle($AA[0], $AA[1], 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawCircle($BB[0], $BB[1], 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawCircle($CC[0], $CC[1], 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); // Draw labels $svg .= DrawText($AAlabel[0], $AAlabel[1], '$A$', $fontsize_label); $svg .= DrawText($BBlabel[0], $BBlabel[1], '$B$', $fontsize_label); $svg .= DrawText($CClabel[0], $CClabel[1], '$C$', $fontsize_label); } elseif ($progress == 4) { // Axes if ($axis == 'x') { $svg .= DrawLine(0, $OO[1], $width, $OO[1], 'limegreen', 2); } else { $svg .= DrawLine($OO[0], $height, $OO[0], 0, 'limegreen', 2); } // Circle $svg .= DrawCircle($CC[0], $CC[1], $r * $unit, 'blue', 2); // Draw points $svg .= DrawCircle($PP1[0], $PP1[1], 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); $svg .= DrawCircle($PP2[0], $PP2[1], 3, 'red', 1, 'red'); // Draw labels $svg .= DrawText($PP1label[0], $PP1label[1], '$P_1$', $fontsize_label); $svg .= DrawText($PP2label[0], $PP2label[1], '$P_2$', $fontsize_label); } $svg .= '</svg></div>'; return $svg; }