function DelClassTranFile($classid)
    global $empire, $class_r, $dbtbpre, $emod_r;
    $mid = $class_r[$classid][modid];
    $savetxtf = $emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf'];
    if ($savetxtf) {
        $txtsql = $empire->query("select " . $savetxtf . " from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$classid][tbname] . " where classid='{$classid}'");
        while ($txtr = $empire->fetch($txtsql)) {
            $newstextfile = $txtr[$savetxtf];
            $txtr[$savetxtf] = GetTxtFieldText($txtr[$savetxtf]);
    $filesql = $empire->query("select id from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r[$classid][tbname] . " where classid='{$classid}'");
    while ($filer = $empire->fetch($filesql)) {
        DelNewsTheFile($filer[id], $classid);
Exemple #2
function DelInfoData($start, $classid, $from, $retype, $startday, $endday, $startid, $endid, $tbname, $add, $userid, $username)
    global $empire, $public_r, $class_r, $fun_r, $dbtbpre, $emod_r;
    CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "delinfodata");
    $search = '';
    $start = (int) $start;
    $tbname = RepPostVar($tbname);
    if (empty($tbname)) {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)");
    $search .= "&tbname={$tbname}";
    $infotb = "{$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname;
    $classid = (int) $classid;
    if ($classid) {
        if (empty($class_r[$classid][islast])) {
            $where = ReturnClass($class_r[$classid][sonclass]);
        } else {
            $where = "classid='{$classid}'";
        $add1 = " and (" . $where . ")";
        $search .= "&classid={$classid}";
    $search .= "&retype={$retype}";
    if ($retype) {
        $startid = (int) $startid;
        $endid = (int) $endid;
        if ($endid) {
            $add1 .= " and id>={$startid} and id<={$endid}";
        $search .= "&startid={$startid}&endid={$endid}";
    } else {
        $startday = RepPostVar($startday);
        $endday = RepPostVar($endday);
        if ($startday && $endday) {
            $add1 .= " and truetime>=" . to_time($startday . " 00:00:00") . " and truetime<=" . to_time($endday . " 23:59:59");
        $search .= "&startday={$startday}&endday={$endday}";
    $delckinfo = 0;
    $infost = (int) $add['infost'];
    if ($infost) {
        if ($infost == 1) {
            $delckinfo = 1;
        } else {
            $infotb = "{$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_check";
            $delckinfo = 2;
        $search .= "&infost={$infost}";
    } else {
        $dodelcheck = (int) $add['dodelcheck'];
        if ($dodelcheck) {
            $infotb = "{$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_check";
            $delckinfo = 2;
            $search .= "&dodelcheck=1";
    $ismember = (int) $add['ismember'];
    if ($ismember) {
        if ($ismember == 1) {
            $add1 .= " and userid=0";
        } elseif ($ismember == 2) {
            $add1 .= " and userid>0";
        } elseif ($ismember == 3) {
            $add1 .= " and userid>0 and ismember=1";
        } elseif ($ismember == 4) {
            $add1 .= " and userid>0 and ismember=0";
        $search .= "&ismember={$ismember}";
    $isurl = (int) $add['isurl'];
    if ($isurl) {
        if ($isurl == 1) {
            $add1 .= " and isurl=1";
        } else {
            $add1 .= " and isurl=0";
        $search .= "&isurl={$isurl}";
    $plnum = (int) $add['plnum'];
    if ($plnum) {
        $add1 .= " and plnum<" . $plnum;
        $search .= "&plnum={$plnum}";
    $onclick = (int) $add['onclick'];
    if ($onclick) {
        $add1 .= " and onclick<" . $onclick;
        $search .= "&onclick={$onclick}";
    $totaldown = (int) $add['totaldown'];
    if ($totaldown) {
        $add1 .= " and totaldown<" . $totaldown;
        $search .= "&totaldown={$totaldown}";
    $userids = RepPostVar($add['userids']);
    $usertype = (int) $add['usertype'];
    if ($userids) {
        $uidsr = explode(',', $userids);
        $uidscount = count($uidsr);
        $uids = '';
        $udh = '';
        for ($ui = 0; $ui < $uidscount; $ui++) {
            $uids .= $udh . intval($uidsr[$ui]);
            $udh = ',';
        if ($usertype == 1) {
            $add1 .= " and userid in (" . $uids . ") and ismember=0";
        } else {
            $add1 .= " and userid in (" . $uids . ") and ismember=1";
        $search .= "&userids={$userids}&usertype={$usertype}";
    $title = RepPostStr($add['title']);
    if ($title) {
        $titler = explode('|', $title);
        $titlecount = count($titler);
        $titlewhere = '';
        $titleor = '';
        for ($ti = 0; $ti < $titlecount; $ti++) {
            $titlewhere .= $titleor . "title like '%" . $titler[$ti] . "%'";
            $titleor = ' or ';
        $add1 .= " and (" . $titlewhere . ")";
        $search .= "&title={$title}";
    $b = 0;
    $sql = $empire->query("select * from " . $infotb . " where id>{$start}" . $add1 . " order by id limit " . $public_r[delnewsnum]);
    while ($r = $empire->fetch($sql)) {
        $b = 1;
        $new_start = $r[id];
        $mid = $emod_r[$r[classid]]['modid'];
        $pf = $emod_r[$mid]['pagef'];
        $stf = $emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf'];
        if ($delckinfo == 2) {
            $infodatatb = "{$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_check_data";
        } else {
            $infodatatb = "{$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_data_" . $r['stb'];
        if ($pf) {
            if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'], ',' . $pf . ',')) {
                $finfor = $empire->fetch1("select " . $pf . " from " . $infodatatb . " where id='{$r['id']}' limit 1");
                $r[$pf] = $finfor[$pf];
        if ($stf) {
            $newstextfile = $r[$stf];
            $r[$stf] = GetTxtFieldText($r[$stf]);
        if ($add['delhtml'] != 1 && $delckinfo != 2) {
            DelNewsFile($r[filename], $r[newspath], $r[classid], $r[$pf], $r[groupid]);
        $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_index where id='{$r['id']}'");
        $empire->query("delete from " . $infotb . " where id='{$r['id']}'");
        $empire->query("delete from " . $infodatatb . " where id='{$r['id']}'");
        AddClassInfos($r['classid'], '-1', '-1', $delckinfo == 2 ? 0 : 1);
        DelSingleInfoOtherData($r['classid'], $r['id'], $r, 0, 0);
    if (empty($b)) {
        if ($delckinfo == 0 && !$dodelcheck) {
            echo $fun_r[DelDataSuccess] . "<script>self.location.href='ecmsinfo.php?enews=DelInfoData&start=0&from=" . urlencode($from) . "&delhtml={$add['delhtml']}&dodelcheck=1" . $search . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref(0) . "';</script>";
        printerror("DelNewsAllSuccess", "db/DelData.php" . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref2(1));
    echo $fun_r[OneDelDataSuccess] . "(ID:<font color=red><b>" . $new_start . "</b></font>)<script>self.location.href='ecmsinfo.php?enews=DelInfoData&start={$new_start}&from=" . urlencode($from) . "&delhtml={$add['delhtml']}" . $search . hReturnEcmsHashStrHref(0) . "';</script>";
Exemple #3
function DodoInfo($add, $ecms = 0)
    global $empire, $public_r, $emod_r, $level_r, $class_r, $dbtbpre, $fun_r;
    if ($ecms == 0 || $ecms == 1) {
    if ($public_r['addnews_ok']) {
        printerror("CloseQAdd", "", 1);
    $classid = (int) $add['classid'];
    $mid = (int) $class_r[$classid]['modid'];
    if (!$mid || !$classid) {
        printerror("EmptyQinfoCid", "", 1);
    $tbname = $emod_r[$mid]['tbname'];
    $qenter = $emod_r[$mid]['qenter'];
    if (!$tbname || !$qenter || $qenter == ',') {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    $muserid = (int) getcvar('mluserid');
    $musername = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlusername'));
    $mrnd = RepPostVar(getcvar('mlrnd'));
    $isadd = 0;
    if ($ecms == 0) {
        $isadd = 1;
    $setuserday = '';
    $cr = DoQCheckAddLevel($classid, $muserid, $musername, $mrnd, $ecms, $isadd);
    $setuserday = $cr['checkaddnumquery'];
    $filepass = (int) $add['filepass'];
    $id = (int) $add['id'];
    $infor = array();
    $titlecolor = RepPostStr(RepPhpAspJspcodeText($add[titlecolor]));
    $titlefont = TitleFont($add[titlefont], $titlecolor);
    $titlecolor = "";
    $titlefont = "";
    $ttid = (int) $add['ttid'];
    $keyboard = addslashes(RepPostStr(trim(DoReplaceQjDh($add[keyboard]))));
    $keyid = '';
    if ($keyboard && strstr($qenter, ',special.field,')) {
        $keyboard = str_replace('[!--f--!]', 'ecms', $keyboard);
        $keyid = GetKeyid($keyboard, $classid, $id, $class_r[$classid][link_num]);
    $keyvname = 'checkinfokey';
    if (Moreport_ReturnMustDt()) {
        define('ECMS_SELFPATH', eReturnEcmsMainPortPath());
    if ($ecms == 0) {
        $lasttime = getcvar('lastaddinfotime');
        if ($lasttime) {
            if (time() - $lasttime < $public_r['readdinfotime']) {
                printerror("QAddInfoOutTime", "", 1);
        if ($cr['qaddshowkey']) {
            ecmsCheckShowKey($keyvname, $add['key'], 1);
        $check_ip = egetip();
        $check_checked = $cr['wfid'] ? 0 : $cr['checkqadd'];
        eCheckIpAddInfoNum($check_ip, $tbname, $mid, $check_checked);
        $ret_r = ReturnQAddinfoF($mid, $add, $infor, $classid, $filepass, $muserid, $musername, 0);
        $checked = $cr['checkqadd'];
        $havehtml = 0;
        $newspath = date($cr['newspath']);
        $truetime = time();
        $newstime = $truetime;
        $newstempid = $cr['newstempid'];
        $haveaddfen = 0;
        $isqf = 0;
        if ($cr['wfid']) {
            $checked = 0;
            $isqf = 1;
        if ($checked && $muserid) {
            AddInfoFen($cr['addinfofen'], $muserid);
            $haveaddfen = 1;
        if (empty($muserid)) {
            $musername = $fun_r['guest'];
        if ($setuserday) {
        if (!strstr($qenter, ',newstime,')) {
            $ret_r[0] = ",newstime" . $ret_r[0];
            $ret_r[1] = ",'{$newstime}'" . $ret_r[1];
        } else {
            if ($add['newstime']) {
                $newstime = to_time($add['newstime']);
                $newstime = intval($newstime);
        $addecmscheck = empty($checked) ? '&ecmscheck=1' : '';
        $indexsql = $empire->query("insert into {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_index(classid,checked,newstime,truetime,lastdotime,havehtml) values('{$classid}','{$checked}','{$newstime}','{$truetime}','{$truetime}','{$havehtml}');");
        $id = $empire->lastid();
        $infotbr = ReturnInfoTbname($tbname, $checked, $ret_r[4]);
        $sql = $empire->query("insert into " . $infotbr['tbname'] . "(id,classid,ttid,onclick,plnum,totaldown,newspath,filename,userid,username,firsttitle,isgood,istop,isqf,ismember,isurl,truetime,lastdotime,havehtml,groupid,userfen,titlefont,titleurl,stb,fstb,restb,keyboard" . $ret_r[0] . ") values('{$id}','{$classid}','{$ttid}',0,0,0,'{$newspath}','','" . $muserid . "','" . addslashes($musername) . "',0,0,0,'{$isqf}',1,0,'{$truetime}','{$truetime}','{$havehtml}',0,0,'{$titlefont}','','{$ret_r['4']}','{$public_r['filedeftb']}','{$public_r['pldeftb']}','{$keyboard}'" . $ret_r[1] . ");");
        $fsql = $empire->query("insert into " . $infotbr['datatbname'] . "(id,classid,keyid,dokey,newstempid,closepl,haveaddfen,infotags" . $ret_r[2] . ") values('{$id}','{$classid}','{$keyid}',1,'{$newstempid}',0,'{$haveaddfen}',''" . $ret_r[3] . ");");
        if ($haveaddfen) {
            if ($cr['addinfofen'] < 0) {
                BakDown($classid, $id, 0, $muserid, $musername, RepPostStr($add[title]), abs($cr['addinfofen']), 3);
        if ($isqf == 1) {
            InfoInsertToWorkflow($id, $classid, $cr['wfid'], $muserid, addslashes($musername));
        $filename = ReturnInfoFilename($classid, $id, '');
        $infourl = GotoGetTitleUrl($classid, $id, $newspath, $filename, 0, 0, '');
        $usql = $empire->query("update " . $infotbr['tbname'] . " set filename='{$filename}',titleurl='{$infourl}' where id='{$id}'");
        UpdateTheIspic($classid, $id, $checked);
        if ($filepass) {
            UpdateTheFile($id, $filepass, $classid, $public_r['filedeftb']);
        AddClassInfos($classid, '+1', '+1', $checked);
        DoUpdateAddDataNum('info', $class_r[$classid]['tid'], 1);
        esetcookie("qeditinfo", "", 0);
        if ($checked && !$cr['showdt']) {
            $titleurl = qAddGetHtml($classid, $id);
        if ($checked) {
            qAddListHtml($classid, $mid, $cr['qaddlist'], $cr['listdt']);
            if ($cr['repreinfo']) {
                $prer = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " where id<{$id} and classid='{$classid}' order by id desc limit 1");
                GetHtml($prer['classid'], $prer['id'], $prer, 1);
        if ($sql) {
            $reurl = DoingReturnUrl("AddInfo.php?classid={$classid}&mid={$mid}" . $addecmscheck, $add['ecmsfrom']);
            if ($add['gotoinfourl'] && $checked) {
                if ($cr['showdt'] == 1) {
                    $reurl = $public_r[newsurl] . "e/action/ShowInfo/?classid={$classid}&id={$id}";
                } elseif ($cr['showdt'] == 2) {
                    $rewriter = eReturnRewriteInfoUrl($classid, $id, 1);
                    $reurl = $rewriter['pageurl'];
                } else {
                    $reurl = $titleurl;
            esetcookie("lastaddinfotime", time(), time() + 3600 * 24);
            printerror("AddQinfoSuccess", $reurl, 1);
        } else {
            printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    } elseif ($ecms == 1) {
        if (!$id) {
            printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
        $infor = CheckQdoinfo($classid, $id, $muserid, $tbname, $cr['adminqinfo'], 1);
        if ($public_r['qeditinfotime']) {
            if (time() - $infor['truetime'] > $public_r['qeditinfotime'] * 60) {
                printerror("QEditInfoOutTime", "history.go(-1)", 1);
        $iaddfield = '';
        $addfield = '';
        $faddfield = '';
        $ret_r = ReturnQAddinfoF($mid, $add, $infor, $classid, $filepass, $muserid, $musername, 1);
        if ($keyboard) {
            $addfield = ",keyboard='{$keyboard}'";
            $faddfield = ",keyid='{$keyid}'";
        if (strstr($qenter, ',newstime,')) {
            if ($add['newstime']) {
                $newstime = to_time($add['newstime']);
                $newstime = intval($newstime);
                $iaddfield .= ",newstime='{$newstime}'";
        $ychecked = $infor['checked'];
        if ($cr['qeditchecked']) {
            $infor['checked'] = 0;
            $iaddfield .= ",checked=0";
            $relist = 1;
            DelNewsFile($infor[filename], $infor[newspath], $infor[classid], $infor[newstext], $infor[groupid]);
        if ($setuserday) {
        $lastdotime = time();
        $addecmscheck = empty($infor['checked']) ? '&ecmscheck=1' : '';
        $indexsql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_index set lastdotime={$lastdotime},havehtml=0" . $iaddfield . " where id='{$id}'");
        $infotbr = ReturnInfoTbname($tbname, $ychecked, $infor['stb']);
        $sql = $empire->query("update " . $infotbr['tbname'] . " set lastdotime={$lastdotime},havehtml=0,ttid='{$ttid}'" . $addfield . $ret_r[0] . " where id={$id} and classid={$classid} and userid='{$muserid}' and ismember=1");
        $fsql = $empire->query("update " . $infotbr['datatbname'] . " set classid='{$classid}'" . $faddfield . $ret_r[3] . " where id='{$id}'");
        UpdateTheIspic($classid, $id, $ychecked);
        UpdateTheFileEdit($classid, $id, $infor['fstb']);
        if ($ychecked != $infor['checked']) {
            MoveCheckInfoData($tbname, $ychecked, $infor['stb'], "id='{$id}'");
            if ($infor['checked']) {
                AddClassInfos($classid, '', '+1');
            } else {
                AddClassInfos($classid, '', '-1');
        esetcookie("qeditinfo", "", 0);
        if ($infor['checked'] && !$cr['showdt']) {
            $titleurl = qAddGetHtml($classid, $id);
        if ($infor['checked'] || $relist == 1) {
            qAddListHtml($classid, $mid, $cr['qaddlist'], $cr['listdt']);
        if ($cr['repreinfo'] && $infor['checked']) {
            $prer = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " where id<{$id} and classid='{$classid}' order by id desc limit 1");
            GetHtml($prer['classid'], $prer['id'], $prer, 1);
        if ($sql) {
            $reurl = DoingReturnUrl("ListInfo.php?mid={$mid}" . $addecmscheck, $add['ecmsfrom']);
            if ($add['editgotoinfourl'] && $infor['checked']) {
                if ($cr['showdt'] == 1) {
                    $reurl = $public_r[newsurl] . "e/action/ShowInfo/?classid={$classid}&id={$id}";
                } elseif ($cr['showdt'] == 2) {
                    $rewriter = eReturnRewriteInfoUrl($classid, $id, 1);
                    $reurl = $rewriter['pageurl'];
                } else {
                    $reurl = $titleurl;
            printerror("EditQinfoSuccess", $reurl, 1);
        } else {
            printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    } elseif ($ecms == 2) {
        if (!$id) {
            printerror("ErrorUrl", "history.go(-1)", 1);
        $r = CheckQdoinfo($classid, $id, $muserid, $tbname, $cr['adminqinfo'], 2);
        $addecmscheck = empty($r['checked']) ? '&ecmscheck=1' : '';
        $infotbr = ReturnInfoTbname($tbname, $r['checked'], $r['stb']);
        $stf = $emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf'];
        $pf = $emod_r[$mid]['pagef'];
        if ($pf) {
            if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'], ',' . $pf . ',')) {
                $finfor = $empire->fetch1("select " . $pf . " from " . $infotbr['datatbname'] . " where id='{$id}' limit 1");
                $r[$pf] = $finfor[$pf];
        if ($stf) {
            $newstextfile = $r[$stf];
            $r[$stf] = GetTxtFieldText($r[$stf]);
        DelNewsFile($r[filename], $r[newspath], $classid, $r[$pf], $r[groupid]);
        $indexsql = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_index where id='{$id}'");
        $sql = $empire->query("delete from " . $infotbr['tbname'] . " where id={$id} and classid={$classid} and userid='{$muserid}' and ismember=1");
        $fsql = $empire->query("delete from " . $infotbr['datatbname'] . " where id={$id}");
        esetcookie("qdelinfo", "", 0);
        AddClassInfos($classid, '-1', '-1', $r['checked']);
        DelSingleInfoOtherData($classid, $id, $r, 0, 0);
        if ($r['checked']) {
            qAddListHtml($classid, $mid, $cr['qaddlist'], $cr['listdt']);
            if ($cr['repreinfo']) {
                $prer = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " where id<{$id} and classid='{$classid}' order by id desc limit 1");
                GetHtml($prer['classid'], $prer['id'], $prer, 1);
                $nextr = $empire->fetch1("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " where id>{$id} and classid='{$classid}' order by id limit 1");
                if ($nextr['id']) {
                    GetHtml($nextr['classid'], $nextr['id'], $nextr, 1);
        if ($sql) {
            $reurl = DoingReturnUrl("ListInfo.php?mid={$mid}", $add['ecmsfrom']);
            printerror("DelQinfoSuccess", $reurl, 1);
        } else {
            printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)", 1);
    } else {
        printerror("ErrorUrl", "", 1);
function DelDataTable($add, $userid, $username)
    global $empire, $dbtbpre, $emod_r, $class_r;
    CheckLevel($userid, $username, $classid, "table");
    $tid = (int) $add['tid'];
    $tbname = RepPostVar($add['tbname']);
    $datatb = (int) $add['datatb'];
    if (!$tid || !$tbname || !$datatb) {
        printerror("NotChangeDataTable", "history.go(-1)");
    $tr = $empire->fetch1("select tid,tbname,datatbs,deftb from {$dbtbpre}enewstable where tid='{$tid}'");
    if (!$tr['tid']) {
        printerror("NotChangeDataTable", "history.go(-1)");
    if (!strstr($tr['datatbs'], ',' . $datatb . ',')) {
        printerror("NotChangeDataTable", "history.go(-1)");
    if ($tr['deftb'] == $datatb || $datatb == 1) {
        printerror("NotDelDefDataTable", "history.go(-1)");
    $newdatatbs = str_replace(',' . $datatb . ',', ',', $tr['datatbs']);
    $sql = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}enewstable set datatbs='{$newdatatbs}' where tid='{$tid}'");
    $infosql = $empire->query("select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tr[tbname] . " where stb='{$datatb}'");
    while ($infor = $empire->fetch($infosql)) {
        $mid = $class_r[$infor[classid]]['modid'];
        $pf = $emod_r[$mid]['pagef'];
        $stf = $emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf'];
        if ($pf) {
            if (strstr($emod_r[$mid]['tbdataf'], ',' . $pf . ',')) {
                $finfor = $empire->fetch1("select " . $pf . " from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tr[tbname] . "_data_" . $datatb . " where id='{$infor['id']}'");
                $infor[$pf] = $finfor[$pf];
        if ($stf) {
            $newstextfile = $infor[$stf];
            $infor[$stf] = GetTxtFieldText($infor[$stf]);
        DelNewsFile($infor[filename], $infor[newspath], $infor[classid], $infor[$pf], $infor[groupid]);
        $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewswfinfo where id='{$infor['id']}' and classid='{$infor['classid']}'");
        $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewswfinfolog where id='{$infor['id']}' and classid='{$infor['classid']}'");
        $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsinfovote where id='{$infor['id']}' and classid='{$infor['classid']}'");
        $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}enewsdiggips where id='{$infor['id']}' and classid='{$infor['classid']}'");
        DelNewsTheFile($infor['id'], $infor['classid']);
    $deltb = $empire->query("delete from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tr[tbname] . " where stb='{$datatb}'");
    $deltb = $empire->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tr[tbname] . "_data_" . $datatb . ";");
    if ($sql) {
        insert_dolog("tid=" . $tid . "<br>tbname=" . $tr[tbname] . "&datatb={$datatb}");
        printerror("DelDataTableSuccess", "db/ListDataTable.php?tid={$tid}&tbname={$tr['tbname']}");
    } else {
        printerror("DbError", "history.go(-1)");
Exemple #5
function DelInfoSaveTxtfile($mid, $tbname, $where)
    global $empire, $dbtbpre, $public_r, $class_r, $emod_r;
    if (empty($where)) {
        return '';
    $savetxtf = $emod_r[$mid]['savetxtf'];
    if ($savetxtf) {
        $txtsql = $empire->query("select " . $savetxtf . " from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . " where " . $where);
        while ($txtr = $empire->fetch($txtsql)) {
            $newstextfile = $txtr[$savetxtf];
        $txtsql = $empire->query("select " . $savetxtf . " from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_check where " . $where);
        while ($txtr = $empire->fetch($txtsql)) {
            $newstextfile = $txtr[$savetxtf];
        $txtsql = $empire->query("select " . $savetxtf . " from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $tbname . "_doc where " . $where);
        while ($txtr = $empire->fetch($txtsql)) {
            $newstextfile = $txtr[$savetxtf];