function scan($url) { global $scans; global $documentsToScan; $document = getPageContents($url); if (!DBdocumentExists($url)) { $keywords = EXTRACTkeywords($document); DBinsertKeywords($url, $keywords); $scans--; } if ($scans <= 0) { DBclose(); exit; } $links = getLinks($document); $documentsToScan = array_merge($documentsToScan, $links); $nextScan = array_shift($documentsToScan); if ($nextScan != null) { scan($nextScan); } }
function checkConnection() { global $DB; if (!$this->getConfig('check_fields_result')) { return false; } $DB['TYPE'] = $this->getConfig('DB_TYPE'); if (is_null($DB['TYPE'])) { return false; } $DB['SERVER'] = $this->getConfig('DB_SERVER', 'localhost'); $DB['PORT'] = $this->getConfig('DB_PORT', '0'); $DB['DATABASE'] = $this->getConfig('DB_DATABASE', 'zabbix'); $DB['USER'] = $this->getConfig('DB_USER', 'root'); $DB['PASSWORD'] = $this->getConfig('DB_PASSWORD', ''); $DB['SCHEMA'] = $this->getConfig('DB_SCHEMA', ''); $error = ''; // during setup set debug to false to avoid displaying unwanted PHP errors in messages if (!($result = DBconnect($error))) { error($error); } else { $result = true; if (!zbx_empty($DB['SCHEMA']) && $DB['TYPE'] == ZBX_DB_DB2) { $db_schema = DBselect('SELECT schemaname FROM syscat.schemata WHERE schemaname=\'' . db2_escape_string($DB['SCHEMA']) . '\''); $result = DBfetch($db_schema); } if ($result) { $result = DBexecute('CREATE TABLE zabbix_installation_test (test_row INTEGER)'); $result &= DBexecute('DROP TABLE zabbix_installation_test'); } } DBclose(); $DB = null; return $result; }
function CheckConfigurationFile() { global $DB, $ZBX_SERVER, $ZBX_SERVER_PORT; if (!empty($DB)) { $old_DB = true; $old_DB_TYPE = $DB['TYPE']; $old_DB_SERVER = $DB['SERVER']; $old_DB_PORT = $DB['PORT']; $old_DB_DATABASE = $DB['DATABASE']; $old_DB_USER = $DB['USER']; $old_DB_PASSWORD = $DB['PASSWORD']; $old_ZBX_SERVER = $ZBX_SERVER; $old_ZBX_SERVER_PORT = $ZBX_SERVER_PORT; } $error = null; $error_msg = null; global $ZBX_CONFIGURATION_FILE; if (file_exists($ZBX_CONFIGURATION_FILE)) { include $ZBX_CONFIGURATION_FILE; if (isset($DB['TYPE']) && isset($DB['SERVER']) && isset($DB['DATABASE']) && isset($DB['USER']) && isset($DB['PASSWORD']) && isset($ZBX_SERVER) && isset($ZBX_SERVER_PORT) && isset($IMAGE_FORMAT_DEFAULT) && $DB['TYPE'] == $this->getConfig('DB_TYPE', null) && $DB['SERVER'] == $this->getConfig('DB_SERVER', null) && $DB['PORT'] == $this->getConfig('DB_PORT', null) && $DB['DATABASE'] == $this->getConfig('DB_DATABASE', null) && $DB['USER'] == $this->getConfig('DB_USER', null) && $DB['PASSWORD'] == $this->getConfig('DB_PASSWORD', null)) { if (!DBconnect($error_msg)) { $error_msg = 'Can not connect to database'; } } else { $error_msg = 'Incorrect configuration file[' . $ZBX_CONFIGURATION_FILE . ']'; } DBclose(); } else { $error = 'Missing configuration file[' . $ZBX_CONFIGURATION_FILE . ']'; } if (isset($error_msg)) { error($error_msg); } /* restore connection */ global $DB; if (isset($old_DB)) { $DB['TYPE'] = $old_DB_TYPE; $DB['SERVER'] = $old_DB_SERVER; $DB['PORT'] = $old_DB_PORT; $DB['DATABASE'] = $old_DB_DATABASE; $DB['USER'] = $old_DB_USER; $DB['PASSWORD'] = $old_DB_PASSWORD; $ZBX_SERVER = $old_ZBX_SERVER; $ZBX_SERVER_PORT = $old_ZBX_SERVER_PORT; } DBconnect($error2); return !isset($error) && !isset($error_msg); }
/** * Initializes the application. */ public function run($mode = self::EXEC_MODE_DEFAULT) { $this->init(); $this->setMaintenanceMode(); $this->setErrorHandler(); switch ($mode) { case self::EXEC_MODE_DEFAULT: $this->loadConfigFile(); $this->initDB(); $this->initNodes(); $this->authenticateUser(); // init nodes after user is authenticated init_nodes(); $this->initLocales(); break; case self::EXEC_MODE_API: $this->loadConfigFile(); $this->initDB(); $this->initNodes(); $this->initLocales(); break; case self::EXEC_MODE_SETUP: try { // try to load config file, if it exists we need to init db and authenticate user to check permissions $this->loadConfigFile(); $this->initDB(); $this->initNodes(); $this->authenticateUser(); // init nodes after user is authenticated init_nodes(); $this->initLocales(); DBclose(); } catch (ConfigFileException $e) { } break; } }
function CheckConnection() { global $DB; // global $ZBX_MESSAGES; $DB['TYPE'] = $this->getConfig('DB_TYPE'); if (is_null($DB['TYPE'])) { return false; } $DB['SERVER'] = $this->getConfig('DB_SERVER', 'localhost'); $DB['PORT'] = $this->getConfig('DB_PORT', '0'); $DB['DATABASE'] = $this->getConfig('DB_DATABASE', 'zabbix'); $DB['USER'] = $this->getConfig('DB_USER', 'root'); $DB['PASSWORD'] = $this->getConfig('DB_PASSWORD', ''); $DB['SCHEMA'] = $this->getConfig('DB_SCHEMA', ''); $error = ''; if (!($result = DBconnect($error))) { // if(!is_null($ZBX_MESSAGES)) array_pop($ZBX_MESSAGES); error($error); } else { $result = true; if (!zbx_empty($DB['SCHEMA']) && $DB['TYPE'] == 'IBM_DB2') { $db_schema = DBselect("SELECT schemaname FROM syscat.schemata WHERE schemaname='" . db2_escape_string($DB['SCHEMA']) . "'"); $result = DBfetch($db_schema); } if ($result) { $result = DBexecute('CREATE table zabbix_installation_test ( test_row integer )'); $result &= DBexecute('DROP table zabbix_installation_test'); } } DBclose(); if ($DB['TYPE'] == 'SQLITE3' && !zbx_is_callable(array('sem_get', 'sem_acquire', 'sem_release', 'sem_remove'))) { error('SQLite3 requires IPC functions'); $result = false; } $DB = null; return $result; }
function CheckConnection() { global $DB; $DB['TYPE'] = $this->getConfig('DB_TYPE'); if (is_null($DB['TYPE'])) { return false; } $DB['SERVER'] = $this->getConfig('DB_SERVER', 'localhost'); $DB['PORT'] = $this->getConfig('DB_PORT', '0'); $DB['DATABASE'] = $this->getConfig('DB_DATABASE', 'zabbix'); $DB['USER'] = $this->getConfig('DB_USER', 'root'); $DB['PASSWORD'] = $this->getConfig('DB_PASSWORD', ''); $DB['SCHEMA'] = $this->getConfig('DB_SCHEMA', ''); $error = ''; if (!($result = DBconnect($error))) { error($error); } else { $result = true; if (!zbx_empty($DB['SCHEMA']) && $DB['TYPE'] == ZBX_DB_DB2) { $db_schema = DBselect('SELECT schemaname FROM syscat.schemata WHERE schemaname=\'' . db2_escape_string($DB['SCHEMA']) . '\''); $result = DBfetch($db_schema); } if ($result) { $result = DBexecute('CREATE TABLE zabbix_installation_test (test_row INTEGER)'); $result &= DBexecute('DROP TABLE zabbix_installation_test'); } } DBclose(); if ($DB['TYPE'] == ZBX_DB_SQLITE3 && !zbx_is_callable(array('ftok', 'sem_get', 'sem_acquire', 'sem_release', 'sem_remove'))) { error('Support of SQLite3 requires PHP IPC functions'); $result = false; } $DB = null; return $result; }
// if a guest or a non-super admin user is logged in if (CWebUser::$data && CWebUser::getType() < USER_TYPE_SUPER_ADMIN) { // on the last step of the setup we always have a guest user logged in; // when he presses the "Finish" button he must be redirected to the login screen if (CWebUser::isGuest() && CSession::getValue('step') == 5 && hasRequest('finish')) { CSession::clear(); redirect('index.php'); } elseif (!(CWebUser::isGuest() && CSession::getValue('step') == 5)) { access_deny(ACCESS_DENY_PAGE); } } elseif (hasRequest('cancel') || hasRequest('finish')) { CSession::clear(); redirect('index.php'); } $theme = CWebUser::$data ? getUserTheme(CWebUser::$data) : ZBX_DEFAULT_THEME; DBclose(); /* * Setup wizard */ $ZBX_SETUP_WIZARD = new CSetupWizard(); // if init fails due to missing configuration, set user as guest with default en_GB language if (!CWebUser::$data) { CWebUser::setDefault(); } // page title (new CPageHeader(_('Installation')))->addCssFile('styles/' . CHtml::encode($theme) . '.css')->addJsFile('js/browsers.js')->addJsFile('jsLoader.php?ver=' . ZABBIX_VERSION . '&lang=' . CWebUser::$data['lang'])->display(); /* * Displaying */ $link = (new CLink('GPL v2', ''))->setTarget('_blank')->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_GREY)->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_LINK_ALT); $sub_footer = (new CDiv(['Licensed under ', $link]))->addClass(ZBX_STYLE_SIGNIN_LINKS);