Exemple #1
 * get a list of comments for an RSS feed
 * @param Object $PAGEDATA The page
 * @return array array of articles
function Comments_rssHandler($PAGEDATA)
    $hideComments = isset($PAGEDATA->vars['hide_comments']) && $PAGEDATA->vars['hide_comments'];
    if ($hideComments) {
        die('comments are hidden');
    require_once SCRIPTBASE . 'ww.plugins/comments/frontend/libs.php';
    $comments = Comments_getListOfComments($PAGEDATA, 'desc', 10);
    $items = array();
    foreach ($comments as $comment) {
        $items[] = array('title' => 'comment by ' . $comment['name'], 'description' => $comment['comment'], 'link' => '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $PAGEDATA->getRelativeURL() . '#comments-' . $comment['id'], 'guid' => 'comment-' . $comment['id'], 'pubDate' => Core_dateM2H($comment['cdate'], 'rfc822'));
    return array('title' => 'Comments for ' . $PAGEDATA->getRelativeURL(), 'link' => '//' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $PAGEDATA->getRelativeURL() . '#comments', 'description' => 'Comments for ' . $PAGEDATA->getRelativeURL(), 'generator' => 'WebME CMS', 'items' => $items);
Exemple #2
 * retrieve HTML summary for a set page
 * @param int $id ID of the page
 * @return string HTML summary for a set page
function PageSummaries_getHtml($id)
    $PAGEDATA = Page::getInstance($id);
    global $sitedomain;
    $r = dbRow('select * from page_summaries where page_id="' . $PAGEDATA->id . '"');
    if (!count($r)) {
        return '<em>' . __('This page is marked as a page summary, but there is no ' . 'information on how to handle it.') . '</em>';
    if ($r['rss']) {
        return PageSummaries_rssToHtml($r['rss']);
    // { build rss
    $title = $PAGEDATA->title == '' ? $sitedomain : htmlspecialchars($PAGEDATA->title);
    $rss = '<' . '?xml version="1.0" ?' . '><rss version="2.0"><channel><title>' . $title . '</title>';
    $rss .= '<link>' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '</link><description>RSS for ' . $PAGEDATA->name . '</description>';
    $category = $PAGEDATA->category ? ' and category="' . $PAGEDATA->category . '"' : '';
    $containedpages = PageSummaries_getContainedPages($r['parent_id']);
    if (count($containedpages)) {
        $q2 = dbAll('select edate,name,title,body from pages where id in (' . join(',', $containedpages) . ')' . $category . ' order by cdate desc limit 20');
        foreach ($q2 as $r2) {
            $rss .= '<item>';
            if (!$r2['title']) {
                $r2['title'] = $r2['name'];
            $rss .= '<title>' . htmlspecialchars($r2['title']) . '</title>';
            $rss .= '<pubDate>' . Core_dateM2H($r2['edate']) . '</pubDate>';
            // { build body
            if ($r['amount_to_show'] == 0 || $r['amount_to_show'] == 1) {
                $length = $r['amount_to_show'] == 0 ? 300 : 600;
                $body = substr(preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', str_replace(array('&amp;', '&nbsp;', '&lsquo;'), array('&', ' ', '&apos;'), $r2['body'])), 0, $length) . '...';
            } else {
                $body = $r2['body'];
            $body = str_replace('&euro;', '&#8364;', $body);
            // }
            $rss .= '<description>' . $body . '</description>';
            $rss .= '<link>http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . urlencode(str_replace(' ', '-', $r2['name'])) . '</link>';
            $rss .= '</item>';
    $rss .= '</channel></rss>';
    dbQuery('update page_summaries set rss="' . addslashes($rss) . '" where page_id="' . $PAGEDATA->id . '"');
    // }
    return PageSummaries_rssToHtml($rss);
Exemple #3
 * show the news in Headline mode
 * @param array $PAGEDATA the page object
 * @return string HTML of the news
function News_displayHeadlines($PAGEDATA)
    $items_per_page = isset($PAGEDATA->vars['news_items']) ? $PAGEDATA->vars['news_items'] : 5;
    $p = isset($_REQUEST['news_page']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['news_page'] : 0;
    if ($p < 0) {
        $p = 0;
    $arr = Core_cacheLoad('pages', 'news-' . $GLOBALS['id'] . '-' . $p . '-' . $items_per_page);
    if ($arr === false) {
        $order_by = isset($PAGEDATA->vars['news_order']) ? addslashes($PAGEDATA->vars['news_order']) : 'associated_date desc';
        $rs = dbAll('select * from pages where parent=' . $GLOBALS['id'] . ' order by ' . $order_by . ',cdate desc limit ' . $p . ',' . $items_per_page);
        $num_stories = dbOne('select count(id) as num from pages where parent=' . $GLOBALS['id'], 'num');
        Core_cacheSave('pages', 'news-' . $GLOBALS['id'] . '-' . $p . '-' . $items_per_page, array($num_stories, $rs));
    } else {
        $num_stories = $arr[0];
        $rs = $arr[1];
    $nextprev = array();
    $nextprev[] = '<span class="page_n_of_n">' . __('page %1 of %2', array(1 + floor($p / $items_per_page), ceil($num_stories / $items_per_page)), 'core') . '</span>';
    if ($p) {
        $nextprev[] = '<a class="prev" href="?news_page=' . ($p - $items_per_page) . '">' . __('Previous Page') . '</a>';
    if ($p + $items_per_page < $num_stories) {
        $nextprev[] = '<a class="next" href="?news_page=' . ($p + $items_per_page) . '">' . __('Next Page') . '</a>';
    $nextprev = '<div class="nextprev">' . join(' | ', $nextprev) . '</div>';
    $html = $nextprev;
    $links = array();
    foreach ($rs as $r) {
        $page = Page::getInstance($r['id'], $r);
        $content = isset($PAGEDATA->vars['news_display']) && $PAGEDATA->vars['news_display'] == 'full' ? $page->render() : substr(preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', preg_replace('#<h1>[^<]*</h1>#', '', $page->render())), 0, 600);
        $date = isset($PAGEDATA->vars['news_title']) && $PAGEDATA->vars['news_title'] == 'yes' ? '<h2 class="news-header"><a href="' . $page->getRelativeURL() . '">' . htmlspecialchars($page->name) . '</a></h2>' . '<a class="news-date" href="' . $page->getRelativeURL() . '">' . __('posted on %1', array(Core_dateM2H($page->associated_date)), 'core') . '</a>' : '';
        if (!isset($page->associated_date) || !$page->associated_date) {
            $page->associated_date = $page->cdate;
        $links[] = $date . '<p class="news-paragraph">' . $content . '...</p>';
    $html .= join('<div class="news-break"></div>', $links);
    $html .= $nextprev;
    return $html;
Exemple #4
  * produce a HTML version of the product
  * @param string  $product     the product to render
  * @param string  $template    multi-view product or single-view?
  * @param boolean $add_wrapper wrap in div.products-product before return
  * @return string html of the product
 function render($product, $template = 'singleview', $add_wrapper = true)
     global $DBVARS, $PAGEDATA;
     $GLOBALS['products_template_used'] = $template;
     if (isset($DBVARS['online_store_currency'])) {
         $csym = $DBVARS['online_store_currency'];
     $smarty = Products_setupSmarty();
     $smarty->assign('product', $product);
     $smarty->assign('product_id', $product->get('id'));
     $smarty->assign('_name', __FromJson($product->name));
     $smarty->assign('_stock_number', $product->stock_number);
     if (!is_array(@$this->data_fields)) {
         $this->data_fields = array();
     $productVals = array();
     foreach ($this->data_fields as $f) {
         $f->n = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]/', '_', $f->n);
         $val = $product->get($f->n);
         $required = @$f->r ? ' required' : '';
         switch ($f->t) {
             case 'checkbox':
                 // {
                 $val = $val ? __('Yes') : __('No');
                 $smarty->assign($f->n, $val);
                 // }
             // }
             case 'colour':
                 // {
                 if (@$f->u) {
                     // user-definable
                     $h = '<input class="color-picker" ' . 'name="products_values_' . $f->n . '" ' . 'style="height:20px;width:20px;" ' . 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($val) . '" ' . 'data-text="hidden"/>' . '<style>#mColorPickerFooter,#mColorPickerImg{display:none}</style>';
                     WW_addInlineScript('$(".color-picker")' . '.mColorPicker({"imageFolder":"/j/mColorPicker/images/"});');
                 } else {
                     $h = 'TODO';
                 $smarty->assign($f->n, $h);
                 // }
             // }
             case 'date':
                 // {
                 if (@$f->u) {
                     // user-definable
                     $smarty->assign($f->n, '<input class="product-field date ' . $f->n . $required . '" name="' . 'products_values_' . $f->n . '"/>');
                     $format = @$f->e ? $f->e : 'yy-mm-dd';
                     $y = date('Y');
                     WW_addInlineScript('$("input[name=products_values_' . $f->n . ']").datepicker({' . '"dateFormat":"' . $format . '",' . 'changeYear:true,changeMonth:true,yearRange:"1900:' . $y . '"' . '});');
                     WW_addInlineScript('$("input.hasDatepicker").each(function() {' . 'if (this.value!="") return;' . '$(this).datepicker("setDate", "+0");' . '});');
                 } else {
                     $val = Core_dateM2H($val);
                     $smarty->assign($f->n, $val);
                 // }
             // }
             case 'hidden':
                 // {
                 $smarty->assign($f->n, '<input type="hidden" name="products_values_' . $f->n . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($val) . '"/>');
                 // }
             // }
             case 'selectbox':
                 // {
                 if (@$f->u) {
                     $valid_entries = explode("\n", $val);
                     foreach ($valid_entries as $k => $v) {
                         $v = trim($v);
                         if ($v == '') {
                         } else {
                             $valid_entries[$k] = $v;
                     if (!count($valid_entries)) {
                         $valid_entries = explode("\n", $f->e);
                     $h = '<select name="products_values_' . $f->n . '" class="' . $required . '">';
                     $translateable = @$f->tr && 1;
                     foreach ($valid_entries as $e) {
                         $e = trim($e);
                         if ($e == '' || !in_array($e, $valid_entries)) {
                         $o = $e;
                         $p = '';
                         if (strpos($e, '|') !== false) {
                             $bits = explode('|', $e);
                             $e = $bits[0];
                             $p = 'price="' . (int) $bits[1] . '"';
                         $h .= '<option ' . $p . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($o) . '"';
                         if ($translateable) {
                             $h .= ' class="__"';
                         $h .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($e) . '</option>';
                     $h .= '</select>';
                 } else {
                     $val = preg_replace('/\\|.*/', '', $val);
                     $h = $val;
                 $smarty->assign($f->n, $h);
                 // }
             // }
             case 'selected-image':
                 // {
                 $smarty->assign($f->n, '<input type="hidden" name="products_values_' . $f->n . '" ' . 'class="product-field ' . $f->n . $required . '"/>');
                 // }
             // }
             case 'textarea':
                 // { textarea
                 if (@$f->u) {
                     $val = trim(preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', $val));
                     $smarty->assign($f->n, '<textarea class="product-field ' . $f->n . $required . '" name="products_values_' . $f->n . '">' . htmlspecialchars($val) . '</textarea>');
                 } else {
                     $smarty->assign($f->n, $val);
                 // }
             // }
             case 'user':
                 // {
                 $u = User::getInstance($val, false, false);
                 $val = $u ? $u->get('name') : 'no name';
                 $smarty->assign($f->n, $val);
                 // }
             // }
                 // { everything else
                 if (@$f->u) {
                     $smarty->assign($f->n, '<input class="product-field ' . $f->n . $required . '" value="' . htmlspecialchars($val) . '" name="products_values_' . $f->n . '"/>');
                 } else {
                     $smarty->assign($f->n, $val);
                 // }
         $productVals[$f->n] = $val;
         $PAGEDATA->title = str_replace('{{$' . $f->n . '}}', $val, $PAGEDATA->title);
     if (isset($PAGEDATA->vars['products_pagedescriptionoverride']) && $PAGEDATA->vars['products_pagedescriptionoverride']) {
         $desc = preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', $productVals['description']);
         $desc = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/m', ' ', $desc));
         $PAGEDATA->description = substr($desc, 0, 153) . '...';
     if (isset($product->ean)) {
         $smarty->assign('_ean', $product->ean);
     // { $_name, $_stock_number, $_ean
     $PAGEDATA->title = str_replace(array('{{$_name}}', '{{$_stock_number}}', '{{$_ean}}'), array($product->get('_name'), $product->get('_stock_number'), $product->vals['ean']), $PAGEDATA->title);
     // }
     $html = '';
     if ($add_wrapper) {
         $classes = array('products-product');
         if ($this->stock_control) {
             $classes[] = 'stock-control';
         $html .= '<div class="' . join(' ', $classes) . '" id="products-' . $product->get('id') . '">';
     $html .= $smarty->fetch(USERBASE . '/ww.cache/products/templates/types_' . $template . '_' . $this->id);
     if ($template == 'singleview') {
         $PAGEDATA->vars['header_html'] = (isset($PAGEDATA->vars['header_html']) ? $PAGEDATA->vars['header_html'] : '') . '<link rel="canonical" href="' . htmlspecialchars($product->getRelativeUrl()) . '" />';
         if ($this->allow_comments) {
             $html .= Core_commentsShow('http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $product->getRelativeURL());
     if ($add_wrapper) {
         $html .= '</div>';
     return $html;
Exemple #5
// { dashboard
$c .= '<div id="t-dashboard">';
$sql = 'select users.id as uid,users.name as user, threads.name as thread,' . 'posts.body as body, posts.id as id, posts.created_date as date,' . 'forums.name as forum, forums.moderator_groups as groups' . ' from user_accounts as users, forums_threads as threads, forums_posts ' . 'as posts, forums ' . 'where users.id=posts.author_id and threads.id=posts.thread_id ' . 'and threads.forum_id = forums.id and posts.moderated=0 ' . 'and forums.page_id = ' . $page['id'];
$posts = dbAll($sql);
$c .= '<strong>Posts Requiring Moderation</strong>';
$c .= '<table id="forum-datatable-requires-moderation" class="forum-page-table">' . '<thead>';
$c .= '<tr><th>Date</th>';
$c .= '<th>Author</th>';
$c .= '<th>Forum</th>';
$c .= '<th>Thread</th>';
$c .= '<th>Posts</th>';
$c .= '<th>Moderation</th>';
$c .= '</tr></thead><tbody>';
foreach ($posts as $post) {
    $c .= '<tr id="post-for-moderation-' . $post['id'] . '">';
    $c .= '<td>' . Core_dateM2H($post['date']) . '</td>';
    $c .= '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($post['user']) . '</td>';
    $c .= '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($post['forum']) . '</td>';
    $c .= '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($post['thread']) . '</td>';
    $c .= '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($post['body']) . '</td>';
    $c .= '<td>';
    $c .= '<a class="approve" id="approve_' . $post['id'] . '" ' . 'href="javascript:;">Approve</a><br />' . '<a class="delete" id="delete_' . $post['id'] . '" ' . 'href="javascript:;">Delete</a>';
    $c .= '</td></tr>';
$c .= '</tbody></table></div>';
// }
// { forums
$c .= '<div id="t-forums">';
$forums = dbAll('select name, id from forums where page_id = ' . $page['id']);
$groups = dbAll('select name, id from groups');
$c .= '<table id="forum-moderators-table">';
Exemple #6
 * display a specific thread
 * @param object &$PAGEDATA the page object
 * @param int    &$id       the thread's ID
 * @return string HTML of the forum creation tool
function Forum_showThread(&$PAGEDATA, &$id)
    require_once SCRIPTBASE . 'ww.incs/bb2html.php';
    $script = '$(function(){$(".ratings").ratings();});';
    $thread = dbRow('select * from forums_threads where id=' . $id);
    $forum_id = $thread['forum_id'];
    if (!$thread || !count($thread)) {
        return '<em class="error">Error: this thread does not exist!</em>';
    $c = Forum_getForumBreadcrumbs($PAGEDATA, $thread['forum_id']) . ' &raquo; <a href="' . $PAGEDATA->getRelativeUrl() . '?forum-f=' . $forum_id . '&forum-t=' . $id . '">' . htmlspecialchars($thread['name']) . '</a>';
    $c .= '<table id="forum-posts"><tr><th>Author</th><th>Post</th></tr>';
    $posts = dbAll('select * from forums_posts where thread_id=' . $id . '  and moderated = 1 order by created_date');
    foreach ($posts as $post) {
        $user = User::getInstance($post['author_id']);
        if ($user) {
            $user_name = $user->get('name');
            $user_id = $post['author_id'];
            $user_email = $user->get('email');
        } else {
            $user_name = 'unknown';
            $user_id = 0;
            $user_email = '';
        $c .= '<tr p-data=\'({"id":' . $post['id'] . ',"cdate":"' . $post['created_date'] . '"' . ',"uid":' . $post['author_id'] . '})\'>' . '<td class="user-details"><a name="forum-c-' . $post['id'] . '"></a>' . htmlspecialchars($user_name) . '</td>' . '<td><div class="post-header">Posted: ' . Core_dateM2H($post['created_date'], 'datetime') . '</div></td></tr>';
        $count_posts = $user_id ? dbOne('select count(id) from forums_posts where author_id=' . $user->get('id'), 'count(id)') : 0;
        $emailHash = md5(trim(strtolower($user_email)));
        $c .= '<tr><td><img class="avatar" data-uid="' . $user_id . '" />' . '<span>Posts: ' . $count_posts . '</span>' . '<p>Helpfulness:' . '<span class="ratings" id="forum_user_' . $user_email . '"' . ' type="forum_user">rating</span></p>';
        $c .= '</td><td class="post">' . bb2html($post['body']) . '</td></tr>';
    $c .= '</table>';
    // { post form
    if (isset($_SESSION['userdata']) && $_SESSION['userdata']['id']) {
        $c .= '<div id="forum-post-submission-form"><script defer="defer">var forum_id=' . $forum_id . ',forum_thread_id=' . $id . ';</script></div>';
    } else {
        $c .= '<div class="forum-not-logged-in">In order to post to this thread,' . ' you must <a href="/_r?type=loginpage">login' . '</a> first.</div>';
    // }
    return $c;
Exemple #7
$history = array();
$orders = dbAll('select meta,id,status,total,user_id,date_created from online_store_orders' . ' order by date_created desc');
foreach ($orders as $order) {
    if ($order['user_id'] != 0 && $order['user_id'] == $user['id']) {
        array_push($history, $order);
if (count($history) == 0) {
    return $html .= '<p><i>No recent orders</i></p>';
$html .= '<table id="online_store_orders">
		<th>' . __('Date', 'core') . '</th>
		<th>' . __('Amount', 'core') . '</th>
		<th>' . __('Status', 'core') . '</th>
		<th>' . __('Invoice', 'core') . '</th>
foreach ($history as $order) {
    $status = $order['status'] == 1 ? 'Paid' : 'Unpaid';
    $meta = json_decode($order['meta'], true);
    $oid = $order['id'];
    $html .= '<tr>' . '<td>' . Core_dateM2H($order['date_created']) . '</td>' . '<td>' . $order['total'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . $status . '</td>' . '<td>' . '<a href="' . $PAGEDATA->getRelativeUrl() . '?onlinestore_iid=' . $oid . '">' . __('Details') . '</a> | ';
    if (isset($meta['invoice-type']) && $meta['invoice-type'] == 'pdf') {
        $html .= '<a href="javascript:os_invoice(' . $oid . ', \'pdf\', true)">PDF</a>';
    } else {
        $html .= '<a href="javascript:os_invoice(' . $oid . ', \'html\')">' . __('Invoice') . '</a>' . ' (<a href="javascript:os_invoice(' . $oid . ', \'html\', true)">' . __('print') . '</a> | ' . '<a href="javascript:os_invoice(' . $oid . ', \'pdf\', true)">PDF</a>)';
    $html .= '</td></tr>';
$html .= '</table>';
Exemple #8
 * @category None
 * @package  None
 * @author   Kae Verens <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  GPL 2.0
 * @link     http://kvsites.ie/
if (!Core_isAdmin()) {
require SCRIPTBASE . 'ww.plugins/sms/admin/libs.php';
echo '<div id="sms_wrapper">';
$clink = '<a href="javascript:sms_edit(0);">Create Addressbook</a>';
echo $clink;
$rs = dbAll('select * from sms_addressbooks order by name');
if (count($rs)) {
    // show addressbooks
    echo '<table><tr><th>Name</th><td>Created Date</td><td>Subscribers</td></tr>';
    foreach ($rs as $r) {
        if ($r['subscribers'] == '') {
            $r['subscribers'] = '[]';
        $ss = json_decode($r['subscribers']);
        echo '<tr id="sms_row_' . $r['id'] . '">' . '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($r['name']) . '</td>' . '<td>' . Core_dateM2H($r['date_created']) . '</td>' . '<td>' . count($ss) . '</td>' . '<td><a href="javascript:sms_edit(' . $r['id'] . ')">edit</a></td>' . '<td><a href="javascript:sms_delete(' . $r['id'] . ')">[x]</a></td>' . '</tr>';
    echo '</table>';
} else {
    echo '<em>No addressbooks exist yet. Please create one: ' . $clink . '</em>';
echo '</div>';
echo '<script src="/ww.plugins/sms/admin/addressbooks.js"></script>';
 * sends a form, or displays the form instead with errors on top
 * @param array $page        page db row
 * @param array $vars        page meta data
 * @param array $form_fields array of fields
 * @return HTML of either the result, or the form with errors on top
function Form_send($page, $vars, $form_fields)
    $c = '';
    $plaintext = '';
    $values = array();
    $email = '';
    foreach ($form_fields as $r2) {
        $name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', $r2['name']);
        $separator = "\n" . str_repeat('-', 80) . "\n";
        $val = '';
        switch ($r2['type']) {
            case 'checkbox':
                // {
                $val = @$_REQUEST[$name];
                $values[$r2['name']] = $val == 'on' ? 'yes' : 'no';
                if ($val == 'on') {
                    $plaintext .= 'selected option: ' . htmlspecialchars($r2['name']) . $separator;
                // }
            // }
            case 'date':
            case 'ccdate':
                // {
                $val = Core_dateM2H(@$_REQUEST[$name]);
                if ($r2['type'] == 'ccdate') {
                    $val = preg_replace('#.* ([a-zA-Z]*, [0-9]+)#', "\$1", $val);
                $values[$r2['name']] = $val;
                $plaintext .= htmlspecialchars($r2['name']) . "\n" . htmlspecialchars($val) . $separator;
                // }
            // }
            case 'email':
                // {
                $val = @$_REQUEST[$name];
                $values[$r2['name']] = $val;
                $plaintext .= htmlspecialchars($r2['name']) . "\n" . htmlspecialchars($val) . $separator;
                $email = $val;
                // }
            // }
            case 'file':
                // { build $files array which emulates the $_FILES array
                // { first remove old uploads
                $dir = USERBASE . '/f/.files/forms/';
                if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                $fs = new DirectoryIterator($dir);
                $time = time();
                foreach ($fs as $f) {
                    if ($f->isDot()) {
                    if ($f->isDir()) {
                        $diff = $time - $f->getMTime();
                        if ($diff > 600) {
                            // file is older than 10 minutes
                // }
                $session_id = session_id();
                $dir .= $session_id;
                if (!is_dir($dir)) {
                $_FILES = array();
                $uploads = new DirectoryIterator($dir);
                foreach ($uploads as $upload) {
                    if ($upload->isDot() || $upload->isDir()) {
                    array_push($_FILES, array('name' => $upload->getFileName(), 'type' => mime_content_type($upload->getPathname()), 'tmp_name' => $upload->getPathname(), 'error' => 0, 'size' => $upload->getSize()));
                // }
            // }
            case 'html-block':
            case 'next-page-link':
            case 'previous-page-link':
            case 'page-break':
                // { not inputs - don't add them
                // }
            // }
                // {
                $val = @$_REQUEST[$name];
                $values[$r2['name']] = $val;
                $val = nl2br($val);
                $plaintext .= htmlspecialchars($r2['name']) . "\n" . htmlspecialchars($val) . $separator;
                // }
    $from_field = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]/', '', $vars['forms_replyto']);
    $from = isset($_REQUEST[$from_field]) ? $_REQUEST[$from_field] : '';
    if (@$vars['forms_create_user']) {
        $id = dbOne('select id from user_accounts where email="' . addslashes($email) . '"', 'id');
        if (!$id) {
            dbQuery('insert into user_accounts set email="' . addslashes($email) . '",' . 'extras="' . addslashes(json_encode($values)) . '"');
            $id = dbLastInsertId();
            if (isset($_FILES) && count($_FILES)) {
                @mkdir(USERBASE . '/f/user-files');
                @mkdir(USERBASE . '/f/user-files/' . $id);
                foreach ($_FILES as $file) {
                    copy($file['tmp_name'], USERBASE . '/f/user-files/' . $id . '/' . $file['name']);
    if ($vars['forms_send_as_email']) {
        $form = Form_readonly($page['id'], $vars, $form_fields);
        $to = $vars['forms_recipient'];
        $form = str_replace(array('<input type="submit" value="' . __('Submit Form') . '" />', '<form action="' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '" method="post" ' . 'class="ww_form" enctype="multipart/form-data">', '</form>'), '', $form);
        cmsMail($to, $from, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ' ' . __FromJson($page['name']), '<html><head></head><body>' . $form . '</body></html>', $_FILES);
        if (is_dir(USERBASE . '/f/.files/forms/' . session_id())) {
            // remove uploaded files
            CoreDirectory::delete(USERBASE . '/f/.files/forms/' . session_id());
    if ($vars['forms_record_in_db']) {
        Form_saveValues($page['id'], $form_fields);
    $c .= '<div id="thankyoumessage">' . $vars['forms_successmsg'] . '</div>';
    return $c;
Exemple #10

if (!Core_isAdmin()) {
echo '<h2>Credits</h2><p>You have <strong>' . (int) $GLOBALS['DBVARS']['sitecredits-credits'] . '</strong> credits.</p><button id="buy-credits">Buy Credits</button>';
echo '<h2>Account history</h2>';
$rs = dbAll('select cdate, description, amt, total from sitecredits_accounts order by ' . 'cdate desc');
if ($rs && count($rs)) {
    echo '<table><tr><th>Date</th><th>Description</th><th>Amt</th><th>Total' . '</th></tr>';
    foreach ($rs as $r) {
        echo '<tr><td>' . Core_dateM2H($r['cdate']) . '</td>' . '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($r['description']) . '</td>' . '<td>' . $r['amt'] . '</td><td>' . $r['total'] . '</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
} else {
    echo '<p>No credits accounting history to show.</p>';
Exemple #11

$filters = array();
if (isset($_REQUEST['from_date'])) {
    $filters[] = 'meeting_date>"' . addslashes($_REQUEST['from_date']) . '"' . ' and meeting_date<"' . addslashes($_REQUEST['from_date']) . ' 24"';
$sql = 'select * from meetings';
if (count($filters)) {
    $sql .= ' where (' . join(') and (', $filters) . ')';
$sql .= ' order by meeting_time';
$meetings = dbAll($sql);
echo '<table id="meetings">' . '<thead><tr><th>Meeting Time</th><th>Who</th><th>Is Meeting Who</th>' . '<th>Question List</th><th>&nbsp;</th></tr></thead>';
echo '<tbody>';
foreach ($meetings as $meeting) {
    $user = User::getInstance($meeting['user_id'], false, false);
    $customer = User::getInstance($meeting['customer_id'], false, false);
    $formname = dbOne('select name from forms_nonpage where id=' . $meeting['form_id'], 'name');
    $username = $user ? $user->get('name') : 'no such user';
    $customername = $customer ? $customer->get('name') : 'no such user';
    echo '<tr id="meeting-' . $meeting['id'] . '">' . '<td>' . Core_dateM2H($meeting['meeting_time'], 'datetime') . '</td>' . '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($username) . '</td>' . '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($customername) . '</td>' . '<td>' . $formname . '</td>' . '<td><a href="#" class="edit">' . __('Edit') . '</a>' . ' | <a href="#" class="delete">' . __('[x]') . '</a></td>' . '</tr>';
echo '</tbody></table>';
echo '<button id="meetings-create">' . __('Create') . '</button>';
Exemple #12
 * frontend of the classified ads thing
 * @param object $PAGEDATA the page object
 * @return html
function ClassifiedAds_frontend($PAGEDATA)
    global $unused_uri;
    $html = $PAGEDATA->render();
    $bits = false;
    if ($unused_uri == '') {
        $cid = 0;
    } else {
        $bits = explode('/', preg_replace('/\\/$/', '', $unused_uri));
        $cid = ClassifiedAds_getCategoryId($bits);
    $sql = 'select name from classifiedads_categories where id=' . $cid;
    WW_addInlineScript('var classifiedads_categoryId=' . $cid . ', classifiedads_categoryName="' . addslashes(dbOne($sql, 'name')) . '"' . ', classifiedads_paypal="' . $PAGEDATA->vars['classified-ads-paypal'] . '";');
    $html = '<div id="classifiedads-wrapper">';
    // { breadcrumbs
    if ($bits) {
        $html .= '<div class="breadcrumbs">' . ClassifiedAds_getBreadcrumbs($PAGEDATA, $bits);
        if ($cid) {
            $html .= ' <span class="divider">&raquo;</span>' . ' <button class="classifiedads-advertise-button">' . 'Advertise Here</button>';
        $html .= '</div>';
    // }
    if ($bits && preg_match('/^[0-9]+-.*/', $bits[count($bits) - 1])) {
        $ad_id = (int) preg_replace('/[^0-9].*/', '', $bits[count($bits) - 1]);
        $ad = ClassifiedAds::get($ad_id);
        $html .= '<div id="classifiedads-single">' . '<h2>' . htmlspecialchars($ad['title']) . '</h2>' . '<table id="classifiedads-ad-details"><tr>' . '<td class="classifiedads-creation-date">Posted: ' . Core_dateM2H($ad['creation_date']) . '</td>' . '<td class="classifiedads-location">Location: ' . htmlspecialchars($ad['location']) . '</td>' . '<td class="classifiedads-cost">Cost: €' . htmlspecialchars($ad['cost']) . '</td></tr></table>';
        $images = array();
        $dir = '/userfiles/' . $ad['user_id'] . '/classified-ads/' . $ad['id'];
        if (file_exists(USERBASE . '/f' . $dir)) {
            $files = new DirectoryIterator(USERBASE . '/f' . $dir);
            foreach ($files as $f) {
                if ($f->isDot() || $f->isDir()) {
                $images[] = '<a href="/f' . $dir . '/' . $f->getFilename() . '" target="popup">' . '<img src="/a/f=getImg/w=128/h=128' . $dir . '/' . $f->getFilename() . '"' . ' style="max-width:128px;max-height:128px"/></a>';
        $html .= '<p class="classified-ads-body">' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars($ad['body'])) . '</p>' . join('', $images);
        $html .= '<table class="classifiedads-contact"><tr>';
        if ($ad['phone']) {
            $html .= '<td>Phone: ' . htmlspecialchars($ad['phone']) . '</td>';
        /*		if ($ad['email']) {
        			$html.='<td>Email: <a href="#" class="classified-ads-email"'
        				.' data-ad-id="'.$ad['id'].'">click to send</a></td>';
        		} */
        $html .= '</tr></table>';
        $html .= '</div>';
    } else {
        // show sub-categories and ads
        // { sub-categories
        $subcats = dbAll('select id, icon, name from classifiedads_categories where parent=' . $cid . ' order by name');
        if (count($subcats)) {
            $html .= '<div id="classifiedads-subcats">' . '<h2>Categories</h2><ul>';
            foreach ($subcats as $cat) {
                $url = ClassifiedAds_getCategoryUrl($cat['id']);
                $html .= '<li>' . '<a href="' . $url . '">';
                if ($cat['icon']) {
                    $html .= '<img src="/a/f=getImg/' . $cat['icon'] . '/w=32/h=32"/>';
                $html .= htmlspecialchars($cat['name']);
                $html .= '</a></li>';
            $html .= '</div>';
        // }
        // { ads
        $subcatsRecursive = ClassifiedAds_getCategoryIdsRecursive($cid);
        $ads = ClassifiedAds::getByCategories($subcatsRecursive);
        $html .= '<table id="classifiedads-ads">' . '<thead><tr><th colspan="2">Title</th><th>Location</th><th>Posted</th>' . '<th>Price</th></tr></thead><tbody>';
        $today = date('Y-m-d');
        foreach ($ads as $ad) {
            if ($ad['expiry_date'] < $today) {
                dbQuery('delete from classifiedads_ad where id=' . $ad['id']);
            $url = ClassifiedAds_getCategoryUrl($ad['category_id']) . '/' . $ad['id'] . '-' . preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9A-Z]/', '-', $ad['title']);
            $img = '';
            $adDir = '/userfiles/' . $ad['user_id'] . '/classified-ads/' . $ad['id'];
            $dir = USERBASE . '/f' . $adDir;
            if (file_exists($dir)) {
                $files = new DirectoryIterator($dir);
                foreach ($files as $f) {
                    if (!$f->isDot()) {
                        $img = '<img style="max-width:64px;max-height:64px;" src="/a/f=getImg/w=64/h=64' . $adDir . '/' . $f->getFilename() . '"/>';
            $html .= '<tr class="ad-top-details"><td rowspan="2">' . $img . '</td><td><a href="' . $url . '">' . htmlspecialchars($ad['title']) . '</a></td>' . '<td class="location">' . htmlspecialchars($ad['location']) . '</td>' . '<td class="posted">' . Core_dateM2H($ad['creation_date']) . '</td>' . '<td class="price">€' . htmlspecialchars($ad['cost']) . '</td>' . '</tr><tr class="ad-bottom-details">' . '<td colspan="4">' . $ad['excerpt'] . '</td></tr>';
        $html .= '</tbody></table>';
        // }
    $html .= '</div>';
    $html .= @$PAGEDATA->vars['footer'];
    return $html;
Exemple #13
$sql = 'select status,id,invoice_num, total,date_created,authorised' . ' from online_store_orders' . ' where ' . $filter . ' order by date_created desc';
$rs = dbAll($sql);
if (is_array($rs) && count($rs)) {
    $c .= '<div style="margin:0 10%">' . '<table id="onlinestore-orders-table" width="100%" class="desc"><thead><tr>' . '<th><input type="checkbox" id="onlinestore-orders-selectall"/></th>' . '<th>' . __('Order ID') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Invoice Num') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Date') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Amount') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Items') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Invoice') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Checkout Form') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Status') . '</th>' . '</tr></thead><tbody>';
    foreach ($rs as $r) {
        $c .= '<tr data-id="' . $r['id'] . '">' . '<td><input class="mass-actions" type="checkbox"/></td>' . '<td>' . $r['id'] . '</td>' . '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($r['invoice_num']) . '</td>' . '<td><span style="display:none">' . $r['date_created'] . '</span>' . Core_dateM2H($r['date_created']) . '</td><td>' . $csym . sprintf('%.2f', $r['total']) . '</td>' . '<td><a href="javascript:os_listItems(' . $r['id'] . ')">' . __('Items') . '</a></td>' . '<td><a href="javascript:os_invoice(' . $r['id'] . ')">' . __('Invoice') . '</a>' . ' (<a href="javascript:os_invoice(' . $r['id'] . ',true)">' . __('Print') . '</a>)</td>' . '<td>' . '<a href="javascript:onlinestoreFormValues(' . $r['id'] . ')">' . __('Checkout Form') . '</a>' . '</td>' . '<td><a href="javascript:onlinestoreStatus(' . $r['id'] . ',' . (int) $r['status'] . ')" ' . 'id="os_status_' . $r['id'] . '">' . htmlspecialchars($statii[(int) $r['status']]) . '</a>';
        if ($r['authorised']) {
            $c .= ' <strong>' . __('Authorised') . '</strong>';
        $c .= '</td></tr>';
    $c .= '</tbody></table></div>' . '<select id="onlinestore-orders-action"><option value="0"> -- </option>' . '<option value="1">' . __('Mark as Unpaid') . '</option>' . '<option value="2">' . __('Mark as Paid') . '</option>' . '<option value="3">' . __('Mark as Dispatched') . '</option>' . '<option value="4">' . __('Download as PDF') . '</option>' . '</select>';
} else {
    $c .= '<em>' . __('No orders with this status exist') . '</em>';
$c .= '</div>';
// }
// { authorised payments
if ($has_authrs) {
    $c .= '<div id="online-store-authorised"><table class="wide"><tr><th>' . '<input type="checkbox"/></th><th>' . __('ID') . '</th><th>' . __('Date') . '</th><th>' . __('Total') . '</th>' . '<th>' . __('Status') . '</th></tr>';
    foreach ($authrs as $r) {
        $c .= '<tr id="capture' . $r['id'] . '"><td><input type="checkbox" id="auth' . $r['id'] . '"/></td>' . '<td>' . $r['id'] . '</td><td>' . Core_dateM2H($r['date_created']) . '</td>' . '<td>' . $r['total'] . '</td><td>' . $statii[(int) $r['status']] . '</td></tr>';
    /* TODO: translation needed */
    $c .= '</table><input type="button" value="Capture selected transactions"/>';
    $c .= '</div>';
// }
$c .= '</div>';
echo $c;
Exemple #14
$trusted = $is_admin || dbOne('select value from site_vars where name="no_moderation"', 'value') ? 1 : 0;
if (!is_numeric($page)) {
    echo '{"status":0, "message":"The page id should be a number"}';
} elseif (!dbOne('select id from pages where id = ' . $page, 'id')) {
    echo '{"status":0, "message":"No page with that id exists"}';
} else {
    dbQuery('insert into comments set
		name = "' . addslashes($name) . '",
		email = "' . addslashes($email) . '",
		objectid = ' . $page . ',
		isvalid = ' . $trusted . ',
		cdate = now(),
		comment = "' . addslashes($comment) . '",
		homepage ="' . addslashes($site) . '"');
    $id = dbOne('select last_insert_id() as id', 'id');
    //	$_SESSION['comment_ids'][] = $id; // turning this off to avoid confusion...
    if (isset($DBVARS['comments_moderatorEmail']) && $DBVARS['comments_moderatorEmail']) {
        mail($DBVARS['comments_moderatorEmail'], '[' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '] new comment', addslashes($name) . " has commented on your site:\n" . addslashes($comment) . "\n\nTo approve or delete this comment, please log into your administration area and go to Communication>Comments", 'From: noreply@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "\nReply-to: noreply@" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
    $count = dbOne('select count(id) from comments 
			where objectid = ' . $page, 'count(id)');
    $datetime = dbOne('select cdate from comments where id = ' . $id, 'cdate');
    $date = Core_dateM2H($datetime);
    if ($count > 1) {
        $addIntroString = 0;
    } else {
        $addIntroString = 1;
    $data = array('status' => 1, 'id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'humandate' => $date, 'mysqldate' => $datetime, 'comment' => $comment, 'add' => $addIntroString, 'moderated' => $trusted ? 0 : 1);
    echo json_encode($data);
Exemple #15
        if (strpos($img, '<img') === 0) {
            $img = preg_replace('/>.*/', '', $img);
            $img = preg_replace('/.*src="([^"]*)".*/', '\\1', $img);
            $img = preg_replace('#^/f/#', '', $img);
            $thumb = '<img src="/a/f=getImg/w=' . $vars->thumbnailw . '/h=' . $vars->thumbnailh . '/' . $img . '" style="float:left;"/>';
    $body = '';
    if ($vars->characters_shown) {
        $body = preg_replace('#<h1[^<]*</h1>#', '', $pagerendered);
        $body = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', $body);
        $body = preg_replace('/<script defer="defer"[^>]*>.*?<\\/script>/', '', $body);
        $body = preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', $body);
        $body = '<br /><i>' . substr($body, 0, $vars->characters_shown) . '...</i>';
    $links[] = '<a href="' . $page->getRelativeURL() . '"><strong>' . htmlspecialchars(__FromJson($page->name)) . '</strong><div class="date">' . Core_dateM2H($page->associated_date) . '</div><span class="news-body">' . $thumb . $body . '</span></a>';
$html .= '<div id="news-wrapper-' . $vars->id . '" class="news_excerpts_wrapper"><ul class="news_excerpts"><li>' . join('</li><li>', $links) . '</li></ul></div>';
if (isset($vars->scrolling) && $vars->scrolling) {
    $n_items = isset($vars->stories_to_show) && is_numeric($vars->stories_to_show) ? $vars->stories_to_show : 2;
    if (isset($vars->scrolling) && $vars->scrolling) {
        $html .= '<script defer="defer">$(function(){
			$("#news-wrapper-' . $vars->id . '").vTicker({
				speed: 15000,
				pause: 5000,
				showItems: ' . $n_items . ',
				animation: "",
				mousePause: true
Exemple #16
 $c .= '<thead>';
 $c .= '<tr>';
 foreach ($datafields as $data) {
     $name = $data->ti ? $data->ti : ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $data->n));
     $c .= '<th>' . htmlspecialchars(ucfirst($name)) . '</th>';
 $c .= '</tr>';
 $c .= '</thead>';
 $c .= '<tbody>';
 $c .= '<tr>';
 foreach ($datafields as $data) {
     $c .= '<td>';
     switch ($data->t) {
         case 'date':
             // {
             $c .= Core_dateM2H($product->vals[$data->n]);
             // }
         // }
         case 'checkbox':
             // {
             if (isset($product->vals[$data->n])) {
                 $c .= __('Yes');
             } else {
                 $c .= __('No');
             // }
         // }
         case 'textarea':
             // {
Exemple #17
 * display products in a datatable format
 * @param array  $products  array of product IDS to show
 * @param string $direction the orientation of the table
 * @return string
function Product_datatableMultiple($products, $direction)
    $headers = array();
    $header_types = array();
    $data = array();
    foreach ($products as $pid) {
        $row = array();
        $product = Product::getInstance($pid);
        $type = ProductType::getInstance($product->vals['product_type_id']);
        if (!isset($type)) {
            $ptid = $product->vals['product_type_id'];
            return '<em>' . __('Product Type with ID %1 does not exist - please alert the admin of' . ' this site.', array($ptid), 'core') . '</em>';
        $row['name'] = $product->name;
        if (!is_array($type->data_fields)) {
            return __('Product Type "%1" has no data fields.', array($type->name), 'core');
        foreach ($type->data_fields as $df) {
            switch ($df->t) {
                case 'checkbox':
                    // {
                    $row[$df->n] = isset($product->vals[$df->n]) && $product->vals[$df->n] ? __('Yes') : __('No');
                    // }
                // }
                case 'date':
                    // {
                    $row[$df->n] = Core_dateM2H($product->vals[$df->n]);
                    // }
                // }
                case 'textarea':
                    // {
                    $row[$df->n] = $product->vals[$df->n];
                    // }
                // }
                    // {
                    $row[$df->n] = htmlspecialchars($product->vals[$df->n]);
                    // }
            if (!in_array($df->n, $headers)) {
                if ($df->ti) {
                    $headers[$df->n] = $df->ti;
                } else {
                    $headers[$df->n] = ucwords($df->n);
                $header_types[$df->n] = $df->t;
        $data[] = $row;
    switch ($direction) {
        case 'horizontal':
            // {
            // { datatables
            WW_addScript('http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.4/' . 'jquery.dataTables.min.js');
            WW_addCSS('http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.4/css/' . 'jquery.dataTables.css');
            WW_addCSS('http://ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.dataTables/1.9.4/css/' . 'jquery.dataTables_themeroller.css');
            // }
            $html = '<table class="product-horizontal">';
            $html .= '<thead><tr>';
            foreach ($headers as $n => $v) {
                $html .= '<th o="' . htmlspecialchars($n) . '">' . htmlspecialchars($v) . '</th>';
            $html .= '</tr></thead><tbody>';
            foreach ($data as $row) {
                $html .= '<tr>';
                foreach ($headers as $n => $d) {
                    $html .= '<td>' . $row[$n] . '</td>';
                $html .= '</tr>';
            $html .= '</tbody>';
            $html .= '<tfoot><tr>';
            foreach ($headers as $key => $name) {
                if ($header_types[$key] == 'checkbox') {
                    $html .= '<th><select name="search_' . $name . '"><option></option>' . '<option value="0">' . __('No') . '</option>' . '<option value="1">' . __('Yes') . '</option>' . '</select></th>';
                } else {
                    $html .= '<th><input type="text" name="search_' . $name . '" /></th>';
            $html .= '</tr></tfoot></table>';
            // }
        // }
        case 'vertical':
            // {
            $html = '<table class="product-vertical">';
            foreach ($headers as $n => $d) {
                $html .= '<tr class="' . $n . '"><th>' . $d . '</th>';
                foreach ($data as $row) {
                    $html .= '<td>' . $row[$n] . '</td>';
                $html .= '</tr>';
            $html .= '</table>';
            // }
    return $html;
Exemple #18
if (!isset($excerpt_length)) {
    $excerpt_length = 200;
if (isset($PAGEDATA->vars['blog_excerpt_length'])) {
    $excerpt_length = (int) $PAGEDATA->vars['blog_excerpt_length'];
    if ($excerpt_length < 10) {
        $excerpt_length = 200;
foreach ($rs as $r) {
    $sclass = $r['status'] == '1' ? 'blog-published' : 'blog-unpublished';
    $c .= '<div class="blog-excerpt-wrapper ' . $sclass . '" id="blog-entry-' . $r['id'] . '">';
    $c .= '<h2 class="blog-header">' . htmlspecialchars($r['title']) . '</h2>';
    $user = User::getInstance($r['user_id']);
    $name = $user ? $user->name : 'unknown';
    $c .= '<div class="blog-meta">' . '<span class="blog-author" data-uid="' . $r['user_id'] . '">' . $name . '</span>' . '<span class="blog-separator"> ~ </span>' . '<span class="blog-date-published">' . Core_dateM2H($r['pdate']) . '</span>' . '</div>';
    // }
    $excerpt = $r['excerpt'] ? $r['excerpt'] : substr(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', str_replace('&nbsp;', ' ', preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', ' ', $r['body']))), 0, $excerpt_length) . '...';
    // { image
    if (!$r['excerpt_image']) {
        $img = preg_replace('/.*<img.*?src="([^"]*)".*/m', '\\1', str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', $r['body']));
        if (strpos($img, '/f') === 0) {
            $r['excerpt_image'] = preg_replace('#^/f/#', '', $img);
    $img = '';
    if ($r['excerpt_image']) {
        if (!isset($excerptImageSizeX)) {
            $excerptImageSizeX = 100;
        if (!isset($excerptImageSizeY)) {
Exemple #19
function forum_user_profile($PAGEDATA, $user)
    $script = '$(function(){$(".rating").ratings();});
    $threads = dbOne('select count(id) from forums_threads where creator_id=' . $user['id'], 'count(id)');
    $posts = dbOne('select count(id) from forums_posts where author_id=' . $user['id'], 'count(id)');
    $emailHash = md5(trim(strtolower($user['email'])));
    $html = '<h1>Forum</h1>
	<table style="border:1px solid #ccc;margin:10px">
			<td rowspan="3">
		    <img class="avatar" data-uid="' . $user['id'] . '"/>
			<th>Threads Created:</th>
			<td>' . $threads . '</tr>
			<td>' . $posts . '</td>
			<th>Helpfulness Rating:</th>
			<td><p id="forum_user_' . $user['id'] . '"
			class="rating" type="forum_user">rating</p></td>
    $recent = dbAll('select * from forums_posts where author_id=' . $user['id'] . ' order by created_date desc limit 4');
    $ids = array();
    foreach ($recent as $post) {
        if (!in_array($post['thread_id'], $ids)) {
            array_push($ids, $post['thread_id']);
    $threads = dbAll('select * from forums_threads where id=' . implode(' or id=', $ids));
    $html .= '<h1>Forum - Your Recent Posts</h1>
	<table style="border:1px solid #ccc;margin:10px">
    foreach ($recent as $post) {
        foreach ($threads as $thread) {
            if ($thread['id'] == $post['thread_id']) {
                $thread_id = $thread['id'];
                $name = $thread['name'];
                $forum = $thread['forum_id'];
        $pagename = dbOne('select name from pages where id=(select page_id from forums where id=1)', 'name');
        $link = '/_r?type=forum&forum-f=' . $forum . '&forum-t=' . $thread_id;
        $html .= '<tr>
			<td><a href="' . $link . '">' . $name . '</a></td>
			<td>' . Core_dateM2H($post['created_date']) . '</td>
			<td>' . substr($post['body'], 0, 40) . ' [...]</td>
    $html .= '</table>';
    return $html;
Exemple #20
    $garr = array();
    foreach ($grs as $gr) {
        if (!isset($groups[$gr['groups_id']])) {
            $groups[$gr['groups_id']] = dbOne("select name from groups where id={$gr['groups_id']} limit 1", 'name');
        $garr[] = $groups[$gr['groups_id']];
    echo join(', ', $garr);
    echo '</td>';
    // }
    // { last login
    echo '<td><span class="nodisplay">' . $user['last_login'] . '</span>';
    if ($user['last_login'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
        echo 'never</td>';
    } else {
        echo Core_dateM2H($user['last_login']) . '</td>';
    // }
    // { last view
    echo '<td><span class="nodisplay">' . $user['last_view'] . '</span>';
    if ($user['last_view'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
        echo 'never</td>';
    } else {
        echo Core_dateM2H($user['last_view']) . '</td>';
    // }
    echo '<td><a href="siteoptions.php?page=users&amp;id=' . $user['id'] . '">edi' . 't</a> <a href="siteoptions.php?page=users&amp;id=' . $user['id'] . '&amp;' . 'action=delete" onclick="return confirm(\'are you sure you want to del' . 'ete this user?\')">[x]</a></td></tr>';
echo '</tbody></table>';
// }
Exemple #21
 * The main display function
 * @param Object $page Page Info
 * @return $html The comments and an add comment form
function Comments_displayComments($page)
    if (!$GLOBALS['access_allowed']) {
        return '';
    // { order of display
    $commentboxfirst = isset($page->vars['comments_show_box_at_top']) && $page->vars['comments_show_box_at_top'];
    // }
    // { get list of existing comments
    $hideComments = isset($page->vars['hide_comments']) && $page->vars['hide_comments'];
    if ($hideComments) {
        if (count(@$_SESSION['comment_ids'])) {
            $query = 'select * from comments where objectid=' . $page->id . ' and id in (' . join(', ', $_SESSION['comment_ids']) . ')';
        } else {
            $query = '';
    } else {
        if (count(@$_SESSION['comment_ids'])) {
            $query = 'select * from comments where objectid=' . $page->id . ' and (isvalid=1 or id in (' . join(', ', $_SESSION['comment_ids']) . '))';
        } else {
            $query = 'select * from comments where objectid=' . $page->id . ' and isvalid=1';
    if ($query) {
        $sql = $query . ' order by cdate ' . ($commentboxfirst ? 'desc' : 'asc');
        $md5 = md5($sql);
        $comments = Core_cacheLoad('comments', $md5);
        if ($comments === false) {
            $comments = dbAll($sql);
            Core_cacheSave('comments', $md5, $comments);
    // }
    $clist = '';
    if (count($comments)) {
        $clist = '<div id="start-comments" class="comments-list"><a name="comments"></a>' . '<strong>Comments</strong>';
        foreach ($comments as $comment) {
            $id = $comment['id'];
            $datetime = $comment['cdate'];
            $allowedToEdit = Core_isAdmin() || isset($_SESSION['comment_ids']) && is_array($_SESSION['comment_ids']) && in_array($id, $_SESSION['comment_ids'], false);
            $clist .= '<div class="comment-wrapper';
            if ($allowedToEdit) {
                $clist .= ' comment-editable" ' . 'cdate="' . $datetime . '" comment="' . htmlspecialchars($comment['comment']) . '"';
            } else {
                $clist .= '" ';
            $clist .= 'id="comment-wrapper-' . $comment['id'] . '"' . '><a name="comments-' . $id . '"></a>' . '<div class="comment-info" id="comment-info-' . $id . '">Posted by ';
            if (!empty($comment['site'])) {
                $clist .= '<a href="' . $comment['site'] . '" target=_blank>' . htmlspecialchars($comment['name']) . '</a>';
            } else {
                $clist .= htmlspecialchars($comment['name']);
            $clist .= ' on ' . Core_dateM2H($datetime) . '</div>' . '<div id="comment-' . $id . '" class="comments-comment">' . htmlspecialchars($comment['comment']) . '</div></div>';
        $clist .= '</div>';
    } else {
        $clist .= '';
    // { get comment box HTML
    $allowComments = Core_cacheLoad('comments', 'allow-' . $page->id, -1);
    if ($allowComments === -1) {
        $allowComments = dbOne('select value from page_vars where name="allow_comments" and page_id=' . $page->id, 'value');
        Core_cacheSave('comments', 'allow-' . $page->id, $allowComments);
    $cbhtml = $allowComments == 'on' ? Comments_showCommentForm($page->id) : '';
    if ($allowComments == 'on') {
        $cbhtml .= '<script src="//ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.9/' . 'jquery.validate.min.js"></script>';
    // }
    return $commentboxfirst ? $cbhtml . $clist : $clist . $cbhtml;