Exemple #1
function GenerateLabels(&$pdf, $mode, $bOnlyComplete = false)
    if ($mode == "indiv") {
        $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM person_per LEFT JOIN family_fam ON person_per.per_fam_ID = family_fam.fam_ID WHERE per_ID IN (" . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . ") ORDER BY per_LastName";
    } else {
        $sSQL = "(SELECT *, 0  AS memberCount FROM person_per  LEFT JOIN family_fam ON per_fam_ID = fam_ID WHERE per_fam_ID = 0 AND per_ID in ( " . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . " ))\n\t\tUNION (SELECT *, COUNT(*) AS memberCount FROM person_per  LEFT JOIN family_fam ON per_fam_ID = fam_ID WHERE per_fam_ID > 0 AND per_ID in ( " . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . " ) GROUP BY per_fam_ID HAVING memberCount = 1)\n\t\tUNION (SELECT *, COUNT(*) AS memberCount FROM person_per  LEFT JOIN family_fam ON per_fam_ID = fam_ID WHERE per_fam_ID > 0 AND per_ID in ( " . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . " ) GROUP BY per_fam_ID HAVING memberCount > 1)";
    $rsCartItems = RunQuery($sSQL);
    while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsCartItems)) {
        $sRowClass = AlternateRowStyle($sRowClass);
        if ($aRow['memberCount'] > 1 && $mode == "fam") {
            $sName = $aRow['fam_Name'] . " Family";
        } else {
            $sName = FormatFullName($aRow['per_Title'], $aRow['per_FirstName'], "", $aRow['per_LastName'], $aRow['per_Suffix'], 1);
        SelectWhichAddress($sAddress1, $sAddress2, $aRow['per_Address1'], $aRow['per_Address2'], $aRow['fam_Address1'], $aRow['fam_Address2'], false);
        $sCity = SelectWhichInfo($aRow['per_City'], $aRow['fam_City'], False);
        $sState = SelectWhichInfo($aRow['per_State'], $aRow['fam_State'], False);
        $sZip = SelectWhichInfo($aRow['per_Zip'], $aRow['fam_Zip'], False);
        $sAddress = $sAddress1;
        if ($sAddress2 != "") {
            $sAddress .= "\n" . $sAddress2;
        if (!$bOnlyComplete || strlen($sAddress) && strlen($sCity) && strlen($sState) && strlen($sZip)) {
            $pdf->Add_PDF_Label(sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s, %s %s", $sName, $sAddress, $sCity, $sState, $sZip));
Exemple #2
function ExportCartToCSV()
    $sSQL = " DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS tmp_canvassers ";
    // Make temporary copy of person_per table and call it tmp_canvassers
    $sSQL = " CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_canvassers " . " SELECT * FROM person_per ";
    $sSQL = " SELECT lst_OptionName AS Classification, fam_Name AS Family, " . " person_per.per_LastName AS Last_Name, " . " person_per.per_FirstName AS First_Name, " . " fam_HomePhone, person_per.per_HomePhone AS per_HomePhone, " . " fam_Address1, fam_Address2, fam_City, " . " fam_State, fam_Zip, person_per.per_DateEntered AS DateEntered, " . " tmp_canvassers.per_LastName AS Cnvsr_Last_Name, " . " tmp_canvassers.per_FirstName AS Cnvsr_First_Name " . " FROM person_per " . " LEFT JOIN family_fam ON fam_ID = person_per.per_fam_ID " . " LEFT JOIN list_lst ON lst_OptionID = person_per.per_cls_ID " . " LEFT JOIN tmp_canvassers ON tmp_canvassers.per_ID = fam_Canvasser " . " WHERE person_per.per_ID " . "     IN (" . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . ") " . " AND lst_ID='1' " . " ORDER BY fam_Name, fam_ID, Last_Name, First_Name ";
    //Run the SQL
    $rsQueryResults = RunQuery($sSQL);
    $sCSVstring = "";
    if (mysql_error() != "") {
        $sCSVstring = gettext("An error occured: ") . mysql_errno() . "--" . mysql_error();
    } else {
        //Loop through the fields and write the header row
        for ($iCount = 0; $iCount < mysql_num_fields($rsQueryResults); $iCount++) {
            $sCSVstring .= mysql_field_name($rsQueryResults, $iCount) . ",";
        $sCSVstring .= "\n";
        //Loop through the recordsert
        while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsQueryResults)) {
            //Loop through the fields and write each one
            for ($iCount = 0; $iCount < mysql_num_fields($rsQueryResults); $iCount++) {
                $sCSVstring .= $aRow[$iCount] . ",";
            $sCSVstring .= "\n";
    header("Content-type: application/csv");
    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Cart-" . date("Ymd-Gis") . ".csv");
    header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
    header('Expires: 0');
    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
    header('Pragma: public');
    echo $sCSVstring;
Exemple #3
// See if this group has special properties.
$sSQL = "SELECT * FROM groupprop_master WHERE grp_ID = " . $iGroupID . " ORDER BY prop_ID";
$rsProps = RunQuery($sSQL);
$bHasProps = mysql_num_rows($rsProps) > 0;
$sSQL = "SELECT * FROM person_per\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN family_fam ON per_fam_ID = fam_ID ";
if ($bHasProps) {
    $sSQL .= "LEFT JOIN groupprop_" . $iGroupID . " ON groupprop_" . $iGroupID . ".per_ID = person_per.per_ID ";
$sSQL .= "LEFT JOIN person2group2role_p2g2r ON p2g2r_per_ID = person_per.per_ID\n\t\t\tWHERE p2g2r_grp_ID = " . $iGroupID;
if ($iRoleID > 0) {
    $sSQL .= " AND p2g2r_rle_ID = " . $iRoleID;
if ($bOnlyCartMembers && count($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) > 0) {
    $sSQL .= " AND person_per.per_ID IN (" . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . ")";
$sSQL .= " ORDER BY per_LastName";
$rsRecords = RunQuery($sSQL);
// This is used for the headings for the letter changes.
// Start out with something that isn't a letter to force the first one to work
// $sLastLetter = "0";
while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsRecords)) {
    $OutStr = "";
    $pdf->sFamily = FormatFullName($aRow['per_Title'], $aRow['per_FirstName'], $aRow['per_MiddleName'], $aRow['per_LastName'], $aRow['per_Suffix'], 3);
    SelectWhichAddress($sAddress1, $sAddress2, $aRow['per_Address1'], $aRow['per_Address2'], $aRow['fam_Address1'], $aRow['fam_Address2'], false);
    $sCity = SelectWhichInfo($aRow['per_City'], $aRow['fam_City'], false);
    $sState = SelectWhichInfo($aRow['per_State'], $aRow['fam_State'], false);
    $sZip = SelectWhichInfo($aRow['per_Zip'], $aRow['fam_Zip'], false);
    $sHomePhone = SelectWhichInfo($aRow['per_HomePhone'], $aRow['fam_HomePhone'], false);
    $sWorkPhone = SelectWhichInfo($aRow['per_WorkPhone'], $aRow['fam_WorkPhone'], false);
if (strlen($sDirClassifications)) {
    $sClassQualifier = "AND per_cls_ID in (" . $sDirClassifications . ")";
if (!empty($_POST["GroupID"])) {
    $sGroupTable = ", person2group2role_p2g2r";
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($_POST["GroupID"] as $Grp) {
        $aGroups[$count++] = FilterInput($Grp, 'int');
    $sGroupsList = implode(",", $aGroups);
    $sWhereExt .= "AND per_ID = p2g2r_per_ID AND p2g2r_grp_ID in (" . $sGroupsList . ")";
    // This is used by per-role queries to remove duplicate rows from people assigned multiple groups.
    $sGroupBy = " GROUP BY per_ID";
if ($_POST['cartdir'] != null) {
    $sWhereExt .= "AND per_ID IN (" . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . ")";
$mysqlinfo = mysql_get_server_info();
$mysqltmp = explode(".", $mysqlinfo);
$mysqlversion = $mysqltmp[0];
if (count($mysqltmp[1] > 1)) {
    $mysqlsubversion = $mysqltmp[1];
} else {
    $mysqlsubversion = 0;
if ($mysqlversion >= 4) {
    // This query is similar to that of the CSV export with family roll-up.
    // Here we want to gather all unique families, and those that are not attached to a family.
    $sSQL = "(SELECT *, 0 AS memberCount, per_LastName AS SortMe FROM (person_per {$sGroupTable}) LEFT JOIN family_fam ON per_fam_ID = fam_ID WHERE per_fam_ID = 0 {$sWhereExt} {$sClassQualifier} )\n        UNION (SELECT *, COUNT(*) AS memberCount, fam_Name AS SortMe FROM (person_per {$sGroupTable}) LEFT JOIN family_fam ON per_fam_ID = fam_ID WHERE per_fam_ID > 0 {$sWhereExt} {$sClassQualifier}  GROUP BY per_fam_ID HAVING memberCount = 1)\n        UNION (SELECT *, COUNT(*) AS memberCount, fam_Name AS SortMe FROM (person_per {$sGroupTable}) LEFT JOIN family_fam ON per_fam_ID = fam_ID WHERE per_fam_ID > 0 {$sWhereExt} {$sClassQualifier}  GROUP BY per_fam_ID HAVING memberCount > 1)\n        ORDER BY SortMe";
} else {
    if ($mysqlversion == 3 && $mysqlsubversion >= 22) {
Exemple #5
$appendToQuery = "";
if ($iGroupID > 0) {
    // If mapping only members of  a group build a condition to add to the query used below
    //Get all the members of this group
    $sSQL = "SELECT per_fam_ID FROM person_per, person2group2role_p2g2r WHERE per_ID = p2g2r_per_ID AND p2g2r_grp_ID = " . $iGroupID;
    $rsGroupMembers = RunQuery($sSQL);
    $appendToQuery = " WHERE fam_ID IN (";
    while ($aPerFam = mysql_fetch_array($rsGroupMembers)) {
        $appendToQuery .= $per_fam_ID . ",";
    $appendToQuery = substr($appendToQuery, 0, strlen($appendToQuery) - 1);
    $appendToQuery .= ")";
} elseif ($iGroupID > -1) {
    // group zero means map the cart
    $sSQL = "SELECT per_fam_ID FROM person_per WHERE per_ID IN (" . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . ")";
    $rsGroupMembers = RunQuery($sSQL);
    $appendToQuery = " WHERE fam_ID IN (";
    while ($aPerFam = mysql_fetch_array($rsGroupMembers)) {
        $appendToQuery .= $per_fam_ID . ",";
    $appendToQuery = substr($appendToQuery, 0, strlen($appendToQuery) - 1);
    $appendToQuery .= ")";
$sSQL = "SELECT fam_ID, per_cls_ID, fam_Name, fam_latitude, fam_longitude, fam_Address1, fam_City, fam_State, fam_Zip FROM family_fam LEFT JOIN person_per on family_fam.fam_ID = person_per.per_fam_ID AND per_fmr_ID IN ( {$sDirRoleHead} )";
$sSQL .= $appendToQuery;
$rsFams = RunQuery($sSQL);
$markerIcons = explode(",", $sGMapIcons);
array_unshift($markerIcons, "red-pushpin");
while ($aFam = mysql_fetch_array($rsFams)) {
Exemple #6
 *  smjGPIB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation.
// Include the function library
require "Include/Config.php";
require "Include/Functions.php";
// Set the page title and include HTML header
$sPageTitle = gettext("View Your Cart");
require "Include/Header.php";
if (count($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) == 0) {
    echo "<p align=\"center\" class=\"LargeText\">" . gettext("You have no items in your cart.") . "</p>";
} else {
    $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM person_per LEFT JOIN family_fam ON person_per.per_fam_ID = family_fam.fam_ID WHERE per_ID IN (" . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . ") ORDER BY per_LastName";
    $rsCartItems = RunQuery($sSQL);
    echo "<p align=\"center\">" . gettext("There are") . " " . mysql_num_rows($rsCartItems) . " " . gettext("item(s) in your cart.") . "</p>";
    echo "<table align=\"center\" width=\"50%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
    echo "<tr class=\"TableHeader\">";
    echo "<td><b>" . gettext("Name") . "</b></td>";
    echo "<td align=\"center\"><b>" . gettext("Address?") . "</b></td>";
    echo "<td align=\"center\"><b>" . gettext("Email?") . "</b></td>";
    echo "<td><b>" . gettext("Remove") . "</b></td>";
    $sEmailLink = "<a href=\"mailto:?to=";
    $iEmailNum = 0;
    while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsCartItems)) {
        $sRowClass = AlternateRowStyle($sRowClass);
        $sEmail = SelectWhichInfo($per_Email, $fam_Email, False);
        if (strlen($sEmail)) {

if (count($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) > 0) {
    // Get all the families
    $sSQL = "SELECT fam_Name, fam_ID FROM family_fam ORDER BY fam_Name";
    $rsFamilies = RunQuery($sSQL);
    // Get the family roles
    $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM list_lst WHERE lst_ID = 2 ORDER BY lst_OptionSequence";
    $rsFamilyRoles = RunQuery($sSQL);
    $sRoleOptionsHTML = "";
    while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsFamilyRoles)) {
        $sRoleOptionsHTML .= "<option value=\"" . $lst_OptionID . "\">" . $lst_OptionName . "</option>";
    $sSQL = "SELECT per_Title, per_FirstName, per_MiddleName, per_LastName, per_Suffix, per_fam_ID, per_ID\n\t\t\tFROM person_per WHERE per_ID IN (" . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . ")\n\t\t\tORDER BY per_LastName";
    $rsCartItems = RunQuery($sSQL);
    echo "<table align=\"center\" width=\"25%\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n";
    echo "<tr class=\"TableHeader\">";
    echo "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
    echo "<td><b>" . gettext("Name") . "</b></td>";
    echo "<td align=\"center\"><b>" . gettext("Assign Role") . "</b></td>";
    $count = 1;
    while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsCartItems)) {
        $sRowClass = AlternateRowStyle($sRowClass);
        echo "<tr class=\"" . $sRowClass . "\">";
        echo "<td align=\"center\">" . $count++ . "</td>";
        echo "<td><a href=\"PersonView.php?PersonID=" . $per_ID . "\">" . FormatFullName($per_Title, $per_FirstName, $per_MiddleName, $per_LastName, $per_Suffix, 1) . "</a></td>";
        echo "<td align=\"center\">";
        if ($per_fam_ID == 0) {
Exemple #8
function GenerateLabels(&$pdf, $mode, $iBulkMailPresort, $bToParents, $bOnlyComplete)
    // $mode is "indiv" or "fam"
    $sSQL = "SELECT cfg_name, IFNULL(cfg_value, cfg_default) AS value ";
    $sSQL .= "FROM config_cfg WHERE cfg_section='General'";
    $rsConfig = RunQuery($sSQL);
    if ($rsConfig) {
        while (list($cfg_name, $cfg_value) = mysql_fetch_row($rsConfig)) {
            ${$cfg_name} = $cfg_value;
    $sAdultRole = $sDirRoleHead . "," . $sDirRoleSpouse;
    $sAdultRole = trim($sAdultRole, " ,\t\n\r\v");
    $aAdultRole = explode(",", $sAdultRole);
    $aAdultRole = array_unique($aAdultRole);
    $sChildRole = trim($sDirRoleChild, " ,\t\n\r\v");
    $aChildRole = explode(",", $sChildRole);
    $aChildRole = array_unique($aChildRole);
    $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM person_per LEFT JOIN family_fam ";
    $sSQL .= "ON person_per.per_fam_ID = family_fam.fam_ID ";
    $sSQL .= "WHERE per_ID IN (" . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . ") ";
    $sSQL .= "ORDER BY fam_Zip, per_LastName, per_FirstName";
    $rsCartItems = RunQuery($sSQL);
    $sRowClass = "RowColorA";
    $didFam = array();
    while ($aRow = mysql_fetch_array($rsCartItems)) {
        // It's possible (but unlikely) that three labels can be generated for a
        // family even when they are grouped.
        // At most one label for all adults
        // At most one label for all children
        // At most one label for all others (for example, another church or a landscape
        // company)
        $sRowClass = AlternateRowStyle($sRowClass);
        if ($aRow['per_fam_ID'] == 0 && $mode == "fam") {
            // Skip people with no family ID
        // Skip if mode is fam and we have already printed labels
        if (array_key_exists($aRow['per_fam_ID'], $didFam) and $didFam[$aRow['per_fam_ID']] && $mode == "fam") {
        $didFam[$aRow['per_fam_ID']] = 1;
        if ($mode == "fam") {
            $aName = GroupBySalutation($aRow['per_fam_ID'], $aAdultRole, $aChildRole);
        } else {
            $sName = FormatFullName($aRow['per_Title'], $aRow['per_FirstName'], "", $aRow['per_LastName'], $aRow['per_Suffix'], 1);
            $bChild = FALSE;
            foreach ($aChildRole as $value) {
                if ($aRow['per_fmr_ID'] == $value) {
                    $bChild = TRUE;
            if ($bChild) {
                $aName['child'] = substr($sName, 0, 33);
            } else {
                $aName['indiv'] = substr($sName, 0, 33);
        foreach ($aName as $key => $sName) {
            // Bail out if nothing to print
            if ($sName == "Nothing to return") {
            if ($bToParents && $key == "child") {
                $sName = "To the parents of:\n" . $sName;
            SelectWhichAddress($sAddress1, $sAddress2, $aRow['per_Address1'], $aRow['per_Address2'], $aRow['fam_Address1'], $aRow['fam_Address2'], false);
            $sCity = SelectWhichInfo($aRow['per_City'], $aRow['fam_City'], False);
            $sState = SelectWhichInfo($aRow['per_State'], $aRow['fam_State'], False);
            $sZip = SelectWhichInfo($aRow['per_Zip'], $aRow['fam_Zip'], False);
            $sAddress = $sAddress1;
            if ($sAddress2 != "") {
                $sAddress .= "\n" . $sAddress2;
            if (!$bOnlyComplete || strlen($sAddress) && strlen($sCity) && strlen($sState) && strlen($sZip)) {
                $sLabelList[] = array('Name' => $sName, 'Address' => $sAddress, 'City' => $sCity, 'State' => $sState, 'Zip' => $sZip);
        // end of foreach loop
    // end of while loop
    if ($iBulkMailPresort) {
        // now sort the label list by presort bundle definitions
        $zipLabels = ZipBundleSort($sLabelList);
        if ($iBulkMailPresort == 2) {
            while (list($i, $sLT) = each($zipLabels)) {
                $pdf->Add_PDF_Label(sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%s, %s %s", $sLT['Note'], $sLT['Name'], $sLT['Address'], $sLT['City'], $sLT['State'], $sLT['Zip']));
            // end while
        } else {
            while (list($i, $sLT) = each($zipLabels)) {
                $pdf->Add_PDF_Label(sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s, %s %s", $sLT['Name'], $sLT['Address'], $sLT['City'], $sLT['State'], $sLT['Zip']));
            // end while
        // end of if ($BulkMailPresort == 2)
    } else {
        while (list($i, $sLT) = each($sLabelList)) {
            $pdf->Add_PDF_Label(sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s, %s %s", $sLT['Name'], $sLT['Address'], $sLT['City'], $sLT['State'], $sLT['Zip']));
        // end while
    // end of if($iBulkMailPresort)
    if (isset($zipLabels)) {
        return serialize($zipLabels);
    } else {
        return serialize($sLabelList);
Exemple #9
$sLabelFormat = FilterInput($_GET["labeltype"]);
setcookie("labeltype", $sLabelFormat, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 90, "/");
$pdf = new PDF_NameTags($sLabelFormat);
$sFontInfo = FontFromName($_GET["labelfont"]);
setcookie("labelfont", $_GET["labelfont"], time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 90, "/");
$sFontSize = $_GET["labelfontsize"];
setcookie("labelfontsize", $sFontSize, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 90, "/");
$pdf->SetFont($sFontInfo[0], $sFontInfo[1]);
if ($sFontSize != "default") {
//if($sFontSize != "default")
//	$pdf->SetFontSize($sFontSize);
$sSQL = "SELECT * FROM person_per WHERE per_ID IN (" . ConvertCartToString($_SESSION['aPeopleCart']) . ") ORDER BY per_LastName";
$rsPersons = RunQuery($sSQL);
while ($aPer = mysql_fetch_array($rsPersons)) {
    $PosX = $pdf->_Margin_Left + $pdf->_COUNTX * ($pdf->_Width + $pdf->_X_Space);
    $PosY = $pdf->_Margin_Top + $pdf->_COUNTY * ($pdf->_Height + $pdf->_Y_Space);
    $perimg = "../Images/Person/" . $per_ID . ".jpg";
    if (file_exists($perimg)) {
        $s = getimagesize($perimg);
        $h = $pdf->_Width / $s[0] * $s[1];
        if ($h > $pdf->_Height) {
            $useWidth = $pdf->_Width * $pdf->_Height / $h;
        } else {
            $useWidth = $pdf->_Width;
        $pdf->Image($perimg, $PosX, $PosY, $useWidth);