static function load_picker_moo($date_format, $start_day, $field_id, $theme, $validation_type)
     $document = JFactory::getDocument();
     $month_names = '["' . JText::_('JANUARY') . '","' . JText::_('FEBRUARY') . '","' . JText::_('MARCH') . '","' . JText::_('APRIL') . '","' . JText::_('MAY') . '","' . JText::_('JUNE') . '","' . JText::_('JULY') . '","' . JText::_('AUGUST') . '","' . JText::_('SEPTEMBER') . '","' . JText::_('OCTOBER') . '","' . JText::_('NOVEMBER') . '","' . JText::_('DECEMBER') . '"]';
     $day_names = '["' . JText::_('SUNDAY') . '","' . JText::_('MONDAY') . '","' . JText::_('TUESDAY') . '","' . JText::_('WEDNESDAY') . '","' . JText::_('THURSDAY') . '","' . JText::_('FRIDAY') . '","' . JText::_('SATURDAY') . '"]';
     $date_format_string = Constant("FCPM_DATE_FORMAT_" . $date_format);
     $css_path = 'components/com_flexicontactplus/assets/mtcal/themes/' . $theme . '/' . $theme . '.css';
     // load MooTools before the date picker
     // use the direction parameter to enforce dates in the past or future
     switch ($validation_type) {
         case VALTYPE_PAST:
             $direction = ', direction:-.5';
         case VALTYPE_FUTURE:
             $direction = ', direction:.5';
             $direction = '';
     $params = "{ classes:['{$theme}'], days:{$day_names}, months:{$month_names}, tweak:{x: -100, y: 25}, offset:{$start_day} {$direction} }";
     $js = "\nwindow.addEvent('domready', function() { \n\t\t\tfcp_cal_" . $field_id . " = new Calendar({ " . $field_id . ":'{$date_format_string}' }, {$params}); })";
  * @param $file
  * @return array|bool
 private function fileInfo($file)
     $path = $file[0] === "/" ? Constant('ROOT') . $file : Constant('ROOT') . "/" . $file;
     if (file_exists($path)) {
         $data = array('path' => $path, 'last_edit' => filemtime($path), 'file_type' => pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
         $data['hash'] = hash('sha256', serialize($data));
         $data['parsed_files'] = $this->cache->fetch($data['hash'] . "parsed_files");
         if ($this->last_modified === false || $data['last_edit'] < $this->last_modified) {
             $this->last_modified = $data['last_edit'];
         return $data;
     return false;