/** * This function handles building up the configuration array for the program * @return array */ function GetConfig() { $config = GetDBConfig(); if (!ConfirmTrailingDirectorySeperator($config["PHOTOSDIR"])) { $config["PHOTOSDIR"] .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (!ConfirmTrailingDirectorySeperator($config["FILESDIR"])) { $config["FILESDIR"] .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } //These should only be modified if you are testing $config["DELETE_MAIL_AFTER_PROCESSING"] = true; $config["POST_TO_DB"] = true; $config["TEST_EMAIL"] = false; $config["TEST_EMAIL_ACCOUNT"] = "blog.test"; $config["TEST_EMAIL_PASSWORD"] = ""; //include(POSTIE_ROOT . "/../postie-test.php"); // These are computed #$config["TIME_OFFSET"] = get_option('gmt_offset'); if ($config["USE_IMAGEMAGICK"]) { if (!file_exists($config["IMAGEMAGICK_IDENTIFY"]) || !file_exists($config["IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT"])) { $config["RESIZE_LARGE_IMAGES"] = false; } } else { if (!HasGDInstalled(false)) { $config["RESIZE_LARGE_IMAGES"] = false; } } $config["POSTIE_ROOT"] = POSTIE_ROOT; $config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] = get_option('siteurl') . ConvertFilePathToUrl($config["PHOTOSDIR"]); $config["REALPHOTOSDIR"] = realpath(ABSPATH . $config["PHOTOSDIR"]) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $config["URLFILESDIR"] = get_option('siteurl') . ConvertFilePathToUrl($config["FILESDIR"]); $config["REALFILESDIR"] = realpath(ABSPATH . $config["FILESDIR"]) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; for ($i = 0; $i < count($config["AUTHORIZED_ADDRESSES"]); $i++) { $config["AUTHORIZED_ADDRESSES"][$i] = strtolower($config["AUTHORIZED_ADDRESSES"][$i]); } return $config; }
/** * This function handles building up the configuration array for the program * @return array */ function GetConfig() { $config = GetDBConfig(); if (!ConfirmTrailingDirectorySeperator($config["PHOTOSDIR"])) { $config["PHOTOSDIR"] .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } if (!ConfirmTrailingDirectorySeperator($config["FILESDIR"])) { $config["FILESDIR"] .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } //These should only be modified if you are testing $config["DELETE_MAIL_AFTER_PROCESSING"] = true; //no delete change to false BF-CHANGED $config["POST_TO_DB"] = true; $config["TEST_EMAIL"] = false; $config["TEST_EMAIL_ACCOUNT"] = "blog.test"; $config["TEST_EMAIL_PASSWORD"] = ""; //include(POSTIE_ROOT . "/../postie-test.php"); // These are computed #$config["TIME_OFFSET"] = get_option('gmt_offset'); if ($config["USE_IMAGEMAGICK"]) { if (!file_exists($config["IMAGEMAGICK_IDENTIFY"]) || !file_exists($config["IMAGEMAGICK_CONVERT"])) { $config["RESIZE_LARGE_IMAGES"] = false; } } else { if (!HasGDInstalled(false)) { $config["RESIZE_LARGE_IMAGES"] = false; } } $config["POSTIE_ROOT"] = POSTIE_ROOT; $config["URLPHOTOSDIR"] = get_option('siteurl') . ConvertFilePathToUrl($config["PHOTOSDIR"]); $config["REALPHOTOSDIR"] = realpath(ABSPATH . $config["PHOTOSDIR"]) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $config["URLFILESDIR"] = get_option('siteurl') . ConvertFilePathToUrl($config["FILESDIR"]); $config["REALFILESDIR"] = realpath(ABSPATH . $config["FILESDIR"]) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; for ($i = 0; $i < count($config["AUTHORIZED_ADDRESSES"]); $i++) { $config["AUTHORIZED_ADDRESSES"][$i] = strtolower($config["AUTHORIZED_ADDRESSES"][$i]); } if (!isset($config["AJAX_SELECT"])) { $config["AJAX_SELECT"] = "0"; } else { if (!current_user_can('config_postie') && $config["AJAX_SELECT"] == "1") { die("Must have admin rights to use ajax"); } } if (!isset($config["POST_TYPE"])) { $config["POST_TYPE"] = "publish"; } // BF-CHANGED was draft if (!isset($config["DEFAULT_TAG"])) { $config["DEFAULT_TAG"] = DEFAULT_TAGS; } return $config; }