
require_once 'Common/Fun_Sessions.inc.php';
require_once 'Common/Fun_FormatText.inc.php';
$Select = "SELECT EnCode as Bib, EnName AS Name, SesName, " . " PhPhoto, EnId, " . " upper(EnFirstName) AS FirstName, SUBSTRING(AtTargetNo,1,1) AS Session," . " SUBSTRING(AtTargetNo,2) AS TargetNo," . " CoCode AS NationCode, CoName AS Nation, EnClass AS ClassCode," . " EnDivision AS DivCode, EnAgeClass as AgeClass," . " EnSubClass as SubClass, EnStatus as Status " . "FROM AvailableTarget at " . "LEFT JOIN (SELECT EnTournament, QuTargetNo, EnId, EnCode, EnName, EnFirstName, CoCode, CoName, " . "EnClass, EnDivision, EnAgeClass, EnSubClass, EnStatus, EnIndClEvent, EnTeamClEvent, EnIndFEvent, EnTeamFEvent " . "FROM Qualifications AS q  " . "INNER JOIN Entries AS e ON q.QuId=e.EnId AND e.EnTournament= " . StrSafe_DB($TourId) . " AND EnAthlete=1 " . "INNER JOIN Countries AS c ON e.EnCountry=c.CoId AND e.EnTournament=c.CoTournament" . ") as Sq ON at.AtTargetNo=Sq.QuTargetNo " . "LEFT JOIN Session on SUBSTRING(AtTargetNo,1,1) = SesOrder and EnTournament=SesTournament and SesType='Q' " . "LEFT JOIN Photos on EnId=PhEnId " . "WHERE" . " AtTournament = " . StrSafe_DB($TourId) . " AND EnCode IS NOT NULL " . ($TVsettings->TVPSession ? " AND SUBSTRING(AtTargetNo,1,1)= " . StrSafe_DB($TVsettings->TVPSession) . " " : "") . "ORDER BY AtTargetNo, CoCode, Name, CoName, FirstName ";
$Rs = safe_r_sql($Select);
//print $Select;exit;
$oldTarget = 'x';
$tab = array();
$oldSession = 0;
$Ath4Target = 0;
//$fotow=min(200,intval($_SESSION['WINHEIGHT']/6)*4/3); // redefined later
include_once 'Common/CheckPictures.php';
while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
    if ($tab and ($oldTarget != intval($MyRow->TargetNo) or !isset($ret[$MyRow->Session]))) {
        // cambio di paglione o di turno, scarico le righe
        $tmpRow = '';
        foreach ($tab as $row => $cols) {
            $tmpRow .= '<tr valign="' . ($row == 0 ? 'middle' : 'top') . '"' . ($row < 2 ? ' align="center"' : '') . '>';
            foreach ($cols as $col) {
                if ($col) {
                    $tmpRow .= '<td align="center">' . $col . '</td>';
                } else {
                    $tmpRow .= '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
            $tmpRow .= '</tr>';
        $tmpRow .= '<tr style="height:2px;"><th colspan="' . $NumCol . '"></th></tr>';
        $ret[$oldSession]['basso'] .= $tmpRow;
Exemple #2
            case 'image/jpg':
            case 'image/jpeg':
                $imgJPG = $_FILES['JPG']['tmp_name'][$edit];
                cd_redirect('Countries.php#' . $edit);
        $Image = addslashes(base64_encode(file_get_contents($imgJPG)));
        safe_w_sql("insert into Flags set FlCode='{$edit}', FlJPG='{$Image}', FlTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']} " . " on duplicate key update FlJPG='{$Image}'");
    cd_redirect('Countries.php#' . $edit);
require_once 'Common/CheckPictures.php';
$PAGE_TITLE = get_text('TourCountries', 'Tournament');
include 'Common/Templates/head.php';
echo '<form method="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">';
echo '<table class="Tabella">';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td colspan="4">';
echo '<a href="../Final/Team/PrnName.php?TeamLabel=1" target="_blank">' . get_text('TeamPlace', 'Tournament') . '</a>';
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="../Final/Team/PrnName.php?TeamLabel=1&local=1" target="_blank">' . get_text('TeamPlaceLocal', 'Tournament') . '</a>';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr>';
echo '<th class="Title" width="15%" nowrap="nowrap">' . get_text('Country') . '</th>';
echo '<th class="Title">' . get_text('Nation') . '</th>';
echo '<th class="Title">' . get_text('SVGFile', 'Tournament') . '</th>';
echo '<th class="Title">' . get_text('Image', 'Tournament') . '</th>';
Exemple #3

require_once './config.php';
require_once 'Common/Fun_FormatText.inc.php';
require_once 'Common/Lib/ArrTargets.inc.php';
require_once 'Common/Fun_Phases.inc.php';
// checks and creates the necessary flags/pictures
require_once 'Common/CheckPictures.php';
require_once 'Common/Lib/Obj_RankFactory.php';
require_once 'Common/Lib/CommonLib.php';
$Ind = array();
$Team = array();
$AbsInd = array();
$AbsTeam = array();
$Awards = array();
$RaiseFlag = 0;
// finds out what is to be served!
$MyQuery = "select * from BoinxSchedule where (BsType like 'Awa\\_%') and BsTournament={$TourId} " . "ORDER BY" . " BsType";
$Rs = safe_r_sql($MyQuery);
while ($MyRow = safe_fetch($Rs)) {
    $tmp = explode('_', $MyRow->BsType);
    if ($tmp[1] == 'Ind') {
        $Ind[] = $tmp[2] . $tmp[3];
    } elseif ($tmp[1] == 'Team') {
        $Team[] = $tmp[2] . $tmp[3];
    } elseif ($tmp[1] == 'Abs') {
        $AbsInd[] = $tmp[2];
    } elseif ($tmp[1] == 'AbsTeam') {
        $AbsTeam[] = $tmp[2];
Exemple #4
$ViewAthls = (in_array('ATHL', $Columns) or in_array('ALL', $Columns));
$ViewByes = (in_array('BYE', $Columns) or in_array('ALL', $Columns));
$ViewFlags = (in_array('FLAG', $Columns) or in_array('ALL', $Columns));
$TotalColWidth = 7;
foreach ($Columns as $sub) {
    if (substr($sub, 0, 5) == 'WIDTH') {
        $TotalColWidth = substr($sub, 6);
//$View10s=(in_array('10', $Columns) or in_array('ALL', $Columns));
if ($TVsettings->TVPViewIdCard) {
    // opponents view with picture
    // check the pictures
    $fotow = min(200, intval($_SESSION['WINHEIGHT'] / 6) * 4 / 3, intval($_SESSION['WINWIDTH'] / 7));
    include_once 'Common/CheckPictures.php';
    // do the job
    $NumCol = 4;
    foreach ($rankData['sections'] as $IdEvent => $section) {
        $colspan = $section['meta']['maxTeamPerson'];
        $SumCol = round(100 / ($colspan * 2), 0);
        $cols = '';
        foreach (range(1, $colspan * 2) as $w) {
            $cols .= '<col width="' . $SumCol . '%"></col>';
        foreach ($section['phases'] as $IdPhase => $phase) {
            // Titolo della tabella
            $tmp = '<tr><th class="Title" colspan="' . $colspan * 2 . '">';
            $tmp .= $section['meta']['eventName'] . " - " . $phase['meta']['phaseName'];
            $tmp .= '</th></tr>' . "\n";
            $ret["{$IdEvent} - {$IdPhase}"]['head'] = $tmp;
 $IncludePicture = !empty($_REQUEST['sticker_Picture']);
 $IncludeBarCode = !empty($_REQUEST['sticker_BarCode']);
 $Unit = $_REQUEST['sticker_Unit'];
 $MarTop = $_REQUEST['sticker_Top'];
 $MarLeftRight = $_REQUEST['sticker_Side'];
 $MarBottom = $_REQUEST['sticker_Bot'];
 $StickRows = $_REQUEST['sticker_Y'];
 $StickCols = $_REQUEST['sticker_X'];
 $ColIntMargin = $_REQUEST['sticker_InterCols'];
 $RowIntMargin = $_REQUEST['sticker_InterRows'];
 $PaperHeight = $_REQUEST['sticker_PageHeight'];
 $PaperWidth = $_REQUEST['sticker_PageWidth'];
 $pdf = new LabelPDF();
 if ($IncludePicture) {
     include_once 'Common/CheckPictures.php';
     CheckPictures('', true, false, true);
     // cancella le foto più vecchie di 1 giorno
     // prints all the pictures in the size specified...
     $MySQL = "select" . " PhEnId, concat(CoCode, ' (', EnCode, '-', EnFirstName, ')') code  " . "from" . " Photos" . " inner join Entries on EnId=PhEnId " . " inner join Countries on EnCountry=CoId " . " left join Qualifications on EnId=QuId " . "where" . " EnTournament={$_SESSION['TourId']} " . (isset($_REQUEST["Session"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["Session"]) ? " AND SUBSTRING(QuTargetNo,1,1) = " . StrSafe_DB($_REQUEST["Session"]) . " " : '') . " and PhPhoto>'' order by code";
     $q = safe_r_sql($MySQL);
     $NumCols = floor(($PaperWidth - 2 * $MarLeftRight) / max(1, $StickCols));
     $HGap = ($PaperWidth - 2 * $MarLeftRight - $NumCols * $StickCols) / ($NumCols - 1);
     $NumRows = floor(($PaperHeight - $MarTop - $MarTop) / max(1, $StickRows + 3));
     $VGap = ($PaperHeight - $MarTop - $MarTop - $NumRows * ($StickRows + 3)) / ($NumRows - 1);
     $X = $MarLeftRight;
     $Y = $MarTop;
     while ($r = safe_fetch($q)) {
         if (!is_file($file = $CFG->DOCUMENT_PATH . 'TV/Photos/' . $_SESSION['TourCodeSafe'] . '-En-' . $r->PhEnId . '.jpg')) {
Exemple #6

require_once './config.php';
require_once 'Common/Fun_FormatText.inc.php';
require_once 'Common/Fun_Sessions.inc.php';
if (!CheckTourSession()) {
    print get_text('CrackError');
if (!empty($_REQUEST['redraw'])) {
    include_once 'Common/CheckPictures.php';
    CheckPictures('', true, false, !empty($_REQUEST['force']));
    // cancella le foto più vecchie di 1 giorno
$PAGE_TITLE = get_text('TourMainInfo', 'Tournament');
include 'Common/Templates/head.php';
$MyRow = NULL;
		= "SELECT ToId,ToType,ToCode,ToName,ToCommitee,ToComDescr,ToWhere,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenFrom,'" . get_text('DateFmtDB') . "') AS DtFrom,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenTo,'" . get_text('DateFmtDB') . "') AS DtTo, "
		. "DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenFrom,'%d') AS DtFromDay,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenFrom,'%m') AS DtFromMonth,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenFrom,'%Y') AS DtFromYear, "
		. "DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenTo,'%d') AS DtToDay,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenTo,'%m') AS DtToMonth,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenTo,'%Y') AS DtToYear, "
		. "ToNumSession, ToTar4Session1, ToTar4Session2,ToTar4Session3,ToTar4Session4,ToTar4Session5,ToTar4Session6,ToTar4Session7,ToTar4Session8,ToTar4Session9, "
		. "ToAth4Target1,ToAth4Target2,ToAth4Target3,ToAth4Target4,ToAth4Target5,ToAth4Target6,ToAth4Target7,ToAth4Target8,	ToAth4Target9, "
		. "TtName,TtNumDist "
		. "FROM Tournament LEFT JOIN Tournament*Type ON ToType=TtId "
		. "WHERE ToId=" . StrSafe_DB($_SESSION['TourId']) . " ";*/
		= "SELECT ToId,ToType,ToCode,ToName,ToCommitee,ToComDescr,ToWhere,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenFrom,'" . get_text('DateFmtDB') . "') AS DtFrom,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenTo,'" . get_text('DateFmtDB') . "') AS DtTo, "
		. "DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenFrom,'%d') AS DtFromDay,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenFrom,'%m') AS DtFromMonth,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenFrom,'%Y') AS DtFromYear, "
		. "DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenTo,'%d') AS DtToDay,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenTo,'%m') AS DtToMonth,DATE_FORMAT(ToWhenTo,'%Y') AS DtToYear, "
		. "ToNumSession, ToTar4Session1, ToTar4Session2,ToTar4Session3,ToTar4Session4,ToTar4Session5,ToTar4Session6,ToTar4Session7,ToTar4Session8,ToTar4Session9, "