foreach ($headings as $field => $head) { print '<th><a href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?sortfield=' . $field . '&ascdec=A&' . $qstr_filter . '" title="Click to sort by this column."><u>' . $head . '</u></a>'; if ($sortfield == $field) { print ' <a href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?sortfield=' . $field . '&ascdec=' . $ht_ascdec . '&' . $qstr_filter . '" >' . '<img src=' . $arrow_gif . ' height=12 alt=\'Change sort order.\' title=\'Click to reverse sort order.\'></a>'; } print '</th>'; } print '<th><a href="" title="Pick an action to perform to certificate.">Action</a></th>'; print '</tr>'; $x = "^[{$show_valid}{$show_revoked}{$show_expired}]"; if (in_array($PHPki_user, $PHPki_admins)) { $x = "{$x}.*{$search}"; } else { $x = "{$x}.*{$search}.*{$PHPki_user}|{$x}.*{$PHPki_user}.*{$search}"; } $db = csort(CAdb_to_array($x), $sortfield, $ascdec == 'A' ? SORT_ASC : SORT_DESC); $stcolor = array('Valid' => 'green', 'Revoked' => 'red', 'Expired' => 'orange'); foreach ($db as $rec) { print '<tr style="font-size: 11px;"> <td><font color=' . $stcolor[$rec['status']] . '><b>' . $rec['status'] . '</b></font></td> <td style="white-space: nowrap">' . $rec['issued'] . '</td> <td style="white-space: nowrap">' . $rec['expires'] . '</td> <td>' . $rec['common_name'] . '</td> <td style="white-space: nowrap"> <a href="mailto:' . htvar($rec['common_name']) . ' <' . htvar($rec['email']) . '>" >' . htvar($rec['email']) . '</a> </td> <td>' . htvar($rec['organization']) . '</td> <td>' . htvar($rec['unit']) . '</td> <td>' . htvar($rec['locality']) . '</td> <td><a href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?stage=display&serial=' . $rec['serial'] . '" target="_certdisp">' . '<img src="../images/display.png" alt="Display" title="Display complete certificate details."></a>'; if ($rec['status'] == 'Valid') {
printHeader('about'); print ' <center><h2>Certificate Details</h2></center> <center><font color=#0000AA><h3>(#' . htvar($serial) . ')<br>' . htvar(CA_cert_cname($serial) . ' <' . CA_cert_email($serial) . '>') . '</h3></font></center>'; if ($revoke_date = CAdb_is_revoked($serial)) { print '<center><font color=red><h2>REVOKED ' . htvar($revoke_date) . '</h2></font></center>'; } print '<pre>' . htvar(CA_cert_text($serial)) . '</pre>'; break; case 'download': $rec = CAdb_get_entry($serial); upload("{$config['cert_dir']}/{$serial}.der", "{$rec['common_name']} ({$rec['email']}).cer", 'application/pkix-cert'); break; case search: printHeader('public'); $db = CAdb_to_array("^[{$show_valid}{$show_revoked}{$show_expired}].*{$search}"); print '<body onLoad="self.focus();document.form.submit.focus()">'; if (sizeof($db) == 0) { ?> <center> <h2>Nothing Found</h2> <form action=<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?> method=post name=form> <input type=hidden name=search value="<?php echo htvar($search); ?> "> <input type=hidden name=show_valid value="<?php echo htvar($show_valid);