Exemple #1

Exemple #2
function CA_renew_cert($old_serial, $expiry, $passwd)
    global $config;
    # Don't renew a revoked certificate if a valid one exists for this
    # URL.  Find and renew the valid certificate instead.
    if (CAdb_is_revoked($old_serial)) {
        $ret = CAdb_in(CA_cert_email($old_serial), CA_cert_cname($old_serial));
        if ($ret && $old_serial != $ret) {
            $old_serial = $ret;
    # Valid certificates must be revoked prior to renewal.
    if (CAdb_is_valid($old_serial)) {
        $ret = CA_revoke_cert($old_serial);
        if (!$ret[0]) {
            return $ret;
    $cert_type = CA_cert_type($old_serial);
    $extensions = $cert_type . '_ext';
    # Get common_name from old certificate for use as the
    # "friendly name" of PKCS12 certificate.
    $rec = CAdb_get_entry($old_serial);
    $country = $rec['country'];
    $province = $rec['province'];
    $locality = $rec['locality'];
    $organization = $rec['organization'];
    $unit = $rec['unit'];
    $common_name = $rec['common_name'];
    $email = $rec['email'];
    # Wait here if another user has the database locked.
    $fd = fopen($config['index'], "a");
    flock($fd, LOCK_EX);
    # Get the next available serial number
    $serial = trim(implode('', file($config['serial'])));
    $old_userkey = $config['private_dir'] . '/' . $old_serial . '-key.pem';
    $old_userreq = $config['req_dir'] . '/' . $old_serial . '-req.pem';
    $userkey = $config['private_dir'] . '/' . $serial . '-key.pem';
    $userreq = $config['req_dir'] . '/' . $serial . '-req.pem';
    $usercert = $config['new_certs_dir'] . '/' . $serial . '.pem';
    $userder = $config['cert_dir'] . '/' . $serial . '.der';
    $userpfx = $config['pfx_dir'] . '/' . $serial . '.pfx';
    $expiry_days = round($expiry * 365.25, 0);
    $cmd_output = array();
    $ret = 0;
    # Create a new certificate request by copying the old request.
    if (!file_exists($old_userreq) || !copy($old_userreq, $userreq)) {
        $cmd_output[] = 'Could not create new certificate request file.';
        $ret = 1;
    # Copy private key to new file.
    if ($ret == 0 && (!file_exists($old_userkey) || !copy($old_userkey, $userkey))) {
        $cmd_output[] = "Could not update private key file.";
        $ret = 1;
    $cnf_file = CA_create_cnf($country, $province, $locality, $organization, $unit, $common_name, $email);
    # "friendly name" of PKCS12 certificate.
    $friendly_name = escshellarg($rec['common_name']);
    # Escape dangerous characters in user input.
    $_passwd = escshellarg($passwd);
    # Sign the certificate request and create the certificate.
    if ($ret == 0) {
        $cmd_output[] = "Signing the {$cert_type} certificate request.";
        exec(CA . " -config '{$cnf_file}' -in '{$userreq}' -out /dev/null -notext -days '{$expiry_days}' -passin pass:"******" -batch -extensions {$extensions} 2>&1", $cmd_output, $ret);
    # Create DER format certificate
    if ($ret == 0) {
        $cmd_output[] = "Creating DER format certificate.";
        exec(X509 . " -in '{$usercert}' -out '{$userder}' -inform PEM -outform DER 2>&1", $cmd_output, $ret);
    # Create a PKCS12 certificate file for download to Windows
    if ($ret == 0) {
        $cmd_output[] = "Creating PKCS12 format certificate.";
        if ($passwd) {
            $cmd_output[] = "infile: {$usercert}   keyfile: {$userkey}   outfile: {$userpfx}  pass: {$_passwd}";
            exec(PKCS12 . " -export -in '{$usercert}' -inkey '{$userkey}' -certfile " . $config['cacert_pem'] . " -caname " . $config['organization'] . " -out '{$userpfx}' -name {$friendly_name} -rand " . $config['random'] . " -passin pass:{$_passwd} -passout pass:{$_passwd}  2>&1", $cmd_output, $ret);
        } else {
            $cmd_output[] = "infile: {$usercert}   keyfile: {$userkey}   outfile: {$userpfx}";
            #exec(PKCS12." -export -in '$usercert' -inkey '$userkey' -certfile '$config[cacert_pem]' -caname '$config[organization]' -out '$userpfx' -name $friendly_name  -passout pass: 2>&1", $cmd_output, $ret);
            exec(PKCS12 . " -export -in '{$usercert}' -inkey '{$userkey}' -certfile " . $config['cacert_pem'] . " -caname " . $config['organization'] . " -out '{$userpfx}' -name {$friendly_name}  -nodes 2>&1", $cmd_output, $ret);
    #Unlock the CA database
    #Remove temporary openssl config file.
    if (file_exists($cnf_file)) {
    if ($ret == 0) {
        return array(true, $serial);
    } else {
        # Not successful, so clean up before exiting.
        if (eregi_array('/.*private key.*/', $cmd_output)) {
            $cmd_output[] = '<strong>This was likely caused by entering the wrong certificate password.</strong>';
        } else {
            $cmd_output[] = '<strong>Click on the "Help" link above for information on how to report this problem.</strong>';
        return array(false, implode('<br>', $cmd_output));