function activerecord_autoload($class_name) { $path = ActiveRecord\Config::instance()->get_model_directory(); $root = realpath(isset($path) ? $path : '.'); if ($namespaces = ActiveRecord\get_namespaces($class_name)) { $class_name = array_pop($namespaces); $directories = array(); foreach ($namespaces as $directory) { $directories[] = $directory; } $root .= DS . implode($directories, DS); } $file_name = "{$class_name}.php"; $file = $root . DS . $file_name; if (file_exists($file)) { require $file; } else { $modules_path = APPPATH . 'modules'; if (is_dir($modules_path)) { $modules = scandir(realpath($modules_path)); foreach ($modules as $module) { $full_path = $modules_path . DS . $module . DS . 'models' . DS . $file_name; if ($module != '.' && $module != '..' && file_exists($full_path)) { require $full_path; } } } } }
/** * Load classes of php-activerecord framework * * @param string * @return void */ function activerecord_autoload($class_name) { $path = ActiveRecord\Config::instance()->get_model_directory(); $root = realpath(isset($path) ? $path : '.'); if (($namespaces = ActiveRecord\get_namespaces($class_name))) { $class_name = array_pop($namespaces); $directories = array(); foreach ($namespaces as $directory) { $directories[] = $directory; } $root .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . implode($directories, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } $file = "$root/$class_name.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { require $file; } }
function routing_autoload($class_name) { $path = Routing\Config::instance()->get_controller_directory(); $root = realpath(isset($path) ? $path : '.'); if ($namespaces = ActiveRecord\get_namespaces($class_name)) { //print_r($namespaces); $class_name = array_pop($namespaces); $directories = array(); foreach ($namespaces as $directory) { $directories[] = $directory; } $root .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . implode($directories, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } $file = "{$root}/{$class_name}.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { require_once $file; } }
function activerecord_autoload($class_name) { $paths = ActiveRecord\Config::instance()->get_model_directories(); $namespace_directory = ''; if ($namespaces = ActiveRecord\get_namespaces($class_name)) { $class_name = array_pop($namespaces); $directories = array(); foreach ($namespaces as $directory) { $directories[] = $directory; } $namespace_directory = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . implode($directories, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } $paths = count($paths) ? $paths : array('.'); foreach ($paths as $path) { $root = realpath($path); $file = "{$root}{$namespace_directory}/{$class_name}.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { require $file; return; } } }
function activerecord_autoload($class_name) { // iterate over all directories and search within each of them $paths = ActiveRecord\JoomlaConfig::instance()->get_model_directories(); foreach ($paths as $path) { $root = realpath(isset($path) ? $path : '.'); if ($namespaces = ActiveRecord\get_namespaces($class_name)) { $class_name = array_pop($namespaces); $directories = array(); foreach ($namespaces as $directory) { $directories[] = $directory; } $root .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . implode($directories, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); } $file = "{$root}/{$class_name}.php"; if (file_exists($file)) { require $file; // cancel function as file has been found return; } } }
function activerecord_autoload($class_name) { // $path = ActiveRecord\Config::instance()->get_model_directory(); $paths = ActiveRecord\Config::instance()->get_model_directorise(); if ($paths) { foreach ($paths as $path) { $root = realpath(isset($path) ? $path : '.'); if ($namespaces = ActiveRecord\get_namespaces($class_name)) { $class_name = array_pop($namespaces); $directories = array(); foreach ($namespaces as $directory) { $directories[] = $directory; } $root .= DS . implode($directories, DS); } $file_name = "{$class_name}.php"; $file = $root . DS . $file_name; if (file_exists($file)) { require $file; } else { $modules_path = APPPATH . 'modules'; if (is_dir($modules_path)) { $modules = scandir(realpath($modules_path)); foreach ($modules as $module) { $full_path = $modules_path . DS . $module . DS . 'models' . DS . $file_name; if ($module != '.' && $module != '..' && file_exists($full_path)) { require $full_path; } } } } } } if (ENVIRONMENT === 'production') { $cfg_ar = ActiveRecord\Config::instance(); $cfg_ar->set_cache("OrmCache://localhost"); } }