  * Test create bucket
  * @return void
 public function testCreateBuckets()
     //Valid bucket name
     $bucket = 'iamavalidbucket';
     $location = '';
     $accessKey = 'AKIAIDCZ2WXN6NNB7YZA';
     $secretKey = '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';
     $requestDate = DateTime::createFromFormat(DateTime::RFC1123, 'Tue, 15 May 2012 15:18:31 +0000');
     $this->amazon->setKeys($accessKey, $secretKey);
     //Fake keys
      * Check of request inside _makeRequest
     $this->httpClient->expects($this->once())->method('setHeaders')->with(array("Date" => "Tue, 15 May 2012 15:18:31 +0000", "Content-Type" => "application/xml", "Authorization" => "AWS " . $accessKey . ":Y+T4nZxI1wBi1Yn1BMnOK9CDiOM="));
      * Fake response inside _makeRequest
     // Http Response results
     // Expects to be called only once the method send() then return a Http Response.
     $response = $this->amazon->createBucket($bucket, $location);
Example #2
  * Sets up this test case
  * @return void
 public function setUp()
     // Create the bucket here
     $s3 = new AmazonS3($this->_config->get(\ZendCloud\StorageService\Adapter\S3::AWS_ACCESS_KEY), $this->_config->get(\ZendCloud\StorageService\Adapter\S3::AWS_SECRET_KEY));