/** * Tests that version_compare() and its "proxy" * Zend_Version::compareVersion() work as expected. */ public function testVersionCompare() { $expect = -1; for ($i=0; $i < 2; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j < 12; $j++) { for ($k=0; $k < 20; $k++) { foreach (array('dev', 'pr', 'PR', 'alpha', 'a1', 'a2', 'beta', 'b1', 'b2', 'RC', 'RC1', 'RC2', 'RC3', '', 'pl1', 'PL1') as $rel) { $ver = "$i.$j.$k$rel"; $normalizedVersion = strtolower(Version::VERSION); if (strtolower($ver) === $normalizedVersion || strtolower("$i.$j.$k-$rel") === $normalizedVersion || strtolower("$i.$j.$k.$rel") === $normalizedVersion || strtolower("$i.$j.$k $rel") === $normalizedVersion ) { if ($expect == -1) { $expect = 1; } } else { $this->assertSame( Version::compareVersion($ver), $expect, "For version '$ver' and Zend_Version::VERSION = '" . Version::VERSION . "': result=" . (Version::compareVersion($ver)) . ', but expected ' . $expect); } } } } }; }
/** * @group ZF-10363 */ public function testFetchLatestVersion() { $actual = Version::getLatest(); if ('not available' === $actual) { $this->markIncomplete('http://framework.zend.com/ may be down'); } $this->assertRegExp('/^[1-2](\\.[0-9]+){2}/', $actual); }
/** * @group ZF-10363 */ public function testFetchLatestVersion() { if (!constant('TESTS_ZEND_VERSION_ONLINE_ENABLED')) { $this->markTestSkipped('Version online tests are not enabled'); } if (!extension_loaded('openssl')) { $this->markTestSkipped('This test requires openssl extension to be enabled in PHP'); } $actual = Version::getLatest(); $this->assertRegExp('/^[1-2](\\.[0-9]+){2}/', $actual); }
$result = TEST_FAIL; $failed = true; } Helper::printLineToc($counter, 'Checking HTTPS stream wrapper', $result); $counter++; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (true === method_exists('\\Zend\\Debug', 'dump')) { $result = TEST_PASS; } else { $result = TEST_FAIL; $failed = true; } Helper::printLineToc($counter, 'Checking Zend Framework path', $result); $counter++; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (1 === Version::compareVersion(PHP_VERSION, MIN_PHP_VERSION)) { $result = TEST_PASS; } else { $result = TEST_FAIL; $failed = true; } Helper::printLineToc($counter, sprintf('Checking Zend Framework version (%s)', Version::VERSION), $result); $counter++; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (extension_loaded('openssl')) { $version = OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT; $result = TEST_PASS; } else { $version = 'N/A'; $result = TEST_FAIL; $failed = true;
/** * Wrapper for Zend\Version::getLatest with caching functionality, so that * ZendDeveloperTools won't act as a "DDoS bot-network". * * @param string $currentVersion * @return array */ protected function getLatestVersion($currentVersion) { if (!$this->options->isVersionCheckEnabled()) { return array(true, ''); } $cacheDir = $this->options->getCacheDir(); // exit early if the cache dir doesn't exist, // to prevent hitting the GitHub API for every request. if (!is_dir($cacheDir)) { return array(true, ''); } if (file_exists($cacheDir . '/ZDT_ZF_Version.cache')) { $cache = file_get_contents($cacheDir . '/ZDT_ZF_Version.cache'); $cache = explode('|', $cache); if ($cache[0] + self::VERSION_CACHE_TTL > time()) { // the cache file was written before the version was upgraded. if ($currentVersion === $cache[2] || $cache[2] === 'N/A') { return array(true, ''); } return array($cache[1] === 'yes' ? true : false, $cache[2]); } } $isLatest = Version::isLatest(); $latest = Version::getLatest(); file_put_contents($cacheDir . '/ZDT_ZF_Version.cache', sprintf('%d|%s|%s', time(), $isLatest ? 'yes' : 'no', $latest === null ? 'N/A' : $latest)); return array($isLatest, $latest); }