Example #1
  * Return the ArrayOf or simple type name based on the singular xsdtype and the nesting level
  * @param  string $singularType
  * @param  int    $level
  * @return string
 protected function _getTypeBasedOnNestingLevel($singularType, $level)
     if ($level == 0) {
         // This is not an Array anymore, return the xsd simple type
         return $this->getContext()->getType($singularType);
     } else {
         return 'tns:' . str_repeat('ArrayOf', $level) . ucfirst(Wsdl::translateType($singularType));
Example #2
  * Add a complex type by recursivly using all the class properties fetched via Reflection.
  * @param  string $type Name of the class to be specified
  * @return string XSD Type for the given PHP type
 public function addComplexType($type)
     if (!class_exists($type)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cannot add a complex type %s that is not an object or where ' . 'class could not be found in \'DefaultComplexType\' strategy.', $type));
     if (($soapType = $this->scanRegisteredTypes($type)) !== null) {
         return $soapType;
     $dom = $this->getContext()->toDomDocument();
     $class = new \ReflectionClass($type);
     $soapTypeName = Soap\Wsdl::translateType($type);
     $soapType = 'tns:' . $soapTypeName;
     // Register type here to avoid recursion
     $this->getContext()->addType($type, $soapType);
     $defaultProperties = $class->getDefaultProperties();
     $defaultProperties = $class->getDefaultProperties();
     $complexType = $dom->createElement('xsd:complexType');
     $complexType->setAttribute('name', $soapTypeName);
     $all = $dom->createElement('xsd:all');
     foreach ($class->getProperties() as $property) {
         if ($property->isPublic() && preg_match_all('/@var\\s+([^\\s]+)/m', $property->getDocComment(), $matches)) {
              * @todo check if 'xsd:element' must be used here (it may not be compatible with using 'complexType'
              * node for describing other classes used as attribute types for current class
             $element = $dom->createElement('xsd:element');
             $element->setAttribute('name', $propertyName = $property->getName());
             $element->setAttribute('type', $this->getContext()->getType(trim($matches[1][0])));
             // If the default value is null, then this property is nillable.
             if ($defaultProperties[$propertyName] === null) {
                 $element->setAttribute('nillable', 'true');
     return $soapType;
  * Add an ArrayOfType based on the xsd:complexType syntax if type[] is detected in return value doc comment.
  * @param string $singularType   e.g. '\MyNamespace\MyClassname'
  * @param string $type           e.g. '\MyNamespace\MyClassname[]'
  * @return string tns:xsd-type   e.g. 'tns:ArrayOfMyNamespace.MyClassname'
 protected function _addArrayOfComplexType($singularType, $type)
     if (($soapType = $this->scanRegisteredTypes($type)) !== null) {
         return $soapType;
     $xsdComplexTypeName = 'ArrayOf' . Wsdl::translateType($singularType);
     $xsdComplexType = 'tns:' . $xsdComplexTypeName;
     // Register type here to avoid recursion
     $this->getContext()->addType($type, $xsdComplexType);
     // Process singular type using DefaultComplexType strategy
     // Add array type structure to WSDL document
     $dom = $this->getContext()->toDomDocument();
     $complexType = $dom->createElement('xsd:complexType');
     $complexType->setAttribute('name', $xsdComplexTypeName);
     $complexContent = $dom->createElement('xsd:complexContent');
     $xsdRestriction = $dom->createElement('xsd:restriction');
     $xsdRestriction->setAttribute('base', 'soap-enc:Array');
     $xsdAttribute = $dom->createElement('xsd:attribute');
     $xsdAttribute->setAttribute('ref', 'soap-enc:arrayType');
     $xsdAttribute->setAttribute('wsdl:arrayType', 'tns:' . Wsdl::translateType($singularType) . '[]');
     return $xsdComplexType;
Example #4
  * Add a function to the WSDL document.
  * @param $function \Zend\Server\Reflection\AbstractFunction function to add
  * @param $wsdl \Zend\Soap\Wsdl WSDL document
  * @param $port object wsdl:portType
  * @param $binding object wsdl:binding
  * @return void
 protected function _addFunctionToWsdl($function, $wsdl, $port, $binding)
     $uri = $this->getUri();
     // We only support one prototype: the one with the maximum number of arguments
     $prototype = null;
     $maxNumArgumentsOfPrototype = -1;
     foreach ($function->getPrototypes() as $tmpPrototype) {
         $numParams = count($tmpPrototype->getParameters());
         if ($numParams > $maxNumArgumentsOfPrototype) {
             $maxNumArgumentsOfPrototype = $numParams;
             $prototype = $tmpPrototype;
     if ($prototype === null) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException("No prototypes could be found for the '" . $function->getName() . "' function");
     $functionName = Wsdl::translateType($function->getName());
     // Add the input message (parameters)
     $args = array();
     if ($this->_bindingStyle['style'] == 'document') {
         // Document style: wrap all parameters in a sequence element
         $sequence = array();
         foreach ($prototype->getParameters() as $param) {
             $sequenceElement = array('name' => $param->getName(), 'type' => $wsdl->getType($param->getType()));
             if ($param->isOptional()) {
                 $sequenceElement['nillable'] = 'true';
             $sequence[] = $sequenceElement;
         $element = array('name' => $functionName, 'sequence' => $sequence);
         // Add the wrapper element part, which must be named 'parameters'
         $args['parameters'] = array('element' => $wsdl->addElement($element));
     } else {
         // RPC style: add each parameter as a typed part
         foreach ($prototype->getParameters() as $param) {
             $args[$param->getName()] = array('type' => $wsdl->getType($param->getType()));
     $wsdl->addMessage($functionName . 'In', $args);
     $isOneWayMessage = false;
     if ($prototype->getReturnType() == "void") {
         $isOneWayMessage = true;
     if ($isOneWayMessage == false) {
         // Add the output message (return value)
         $args = array();
         if ($this->_bindingStyle['style'] == 'document') {
             // Document style: wrap the return value in a sequence element
             $sequence = array();
             if ($prototype->getReturnType() != "void") {
                 $sequence[] = array('name' => $functionName . 'Result', 'type' => $wsdl->getType($prototype->getReturnType()));
             $element = array('name' => $functionName . 'Response', 'sequence' => $sequence);
             // Add the wrapper element part, which must be named 'parameters'
             $args['parameters'] = array('element' => $wsdl->addElement($element));
         } else {
             if ($prototype->getReturnType() != "void") {
                 // RPC style: add the return value as a typed part
                 $args['return'] = array('type' => $wsdl->getType($prototype->getReturnType()));
         $wsdl->addMessage($functionName . 'Out', $args);
     // Add the portType operation
     if ($isOneWayMessage == false) {
         $portOperation = $wsdl->addPortOperation($port, $functionName, 'tns:' . $functionName . 'In', 'tns:' . $functionName . 'Out');
     } else {
         $portOperation = $wsdl->addPortOperation($port, $functionName, 'tns:' . $functionName . 'In', false);
     $desc = $function->getDescription();
     if (strlen($desc) > 0) {
         $wsdl->addDocumentation($portOperation, $desc);
     // When using the RPC style, make sure the operation style includes a 'namespace' attribute (WS-I Basic Profile 1.1 R2717)
     if ($this->_bindingStyle['style'] == 'rpc' && !isset($this->_operationBodyStyle['namespace'])) {
         $this->_operationBodyStyle['namespace'] = '' . $uri;
     // Add the binding operation
     $operation = $wsdl->addBindingOperation($binding, $functionName, $this->_operationBodyStyle, $this->_operationBodyStyle);
     $wsdl->addSoapOperation($operation, $uri . '#' . $functionName);
     // Add the function name to the list
     $this->_functions[] = $function->getName();