/** * Build a method signature * * @param Reflection\AbstractFunction $reflection * @param null|string|object $class * @return Method\Definition * @throws Exception\RuntimeException on duplicate entry */ protected function _buildSignature(Reflection\AbstractFunction $reflection, $class = null) { $ns = $reflection->getNamespace(); $name = $reflection->getName(); $method = empty($ns) ? $name : $ns . '.' . $name; if (!$this->overwriteExistingMethods && $this->table->hasMethod($method)) { throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Duplicate method registered: ' . $method); } $definition = new Method\Definition(); $definition->setName($method)->setCallback($this->_buildCallback($reflection))->setMethodHelp($reflection->getDescription())->setInvokeArguments($reflection->getInvokeArguments()); foreach ($reflection->getPrototypes() as $proto) { $prototype = new Method\Prototype(); $prototype->setReturnType($this->_fixType($proto->getReturnType())); foreach ($proto->getParameters() as $parameter) { $param = new Method\Parameter(array('type' => $this->_fixType($parameter->getType()), 'name' => $parameter->getName(), 'optional' => $parameter->isOptional())); if ($parameter->isDefaultValueAvailable()) { $param->setDefaultValue($parameter->getDefaultValue()); } $prototype->addParameter($param); } $definition->addPrototype($prototype); } if (is_object($class)) { $definition->setObject($class); } $this->table->addMethod($definition); return $definition; }
/** * Cache a file containing the dispatch list. * * Serializes the server definition stores the information * in $filename. * * Returns false on any error (typically, inability to write to file), true * on success. * * @param string $filename * @param \Zend\Server\Server $server * @return bool */ public static function save($filename, Server $server) { if (!is_string($filename) || !file_exists($filename) && !is_writable(dirname($filename))) { return false; } $methods = $server->getFunctions(); if ($methods instanceof Definition) { $definition = new Definition(); foreach ($methods as $method) { if (in_array($method->getName(), static::$skipMethods)) { continue; } $definition->addMethod($method); } $methods = $definition; } ErrorHandler::start(); $test = file_put_contents($filename, serialize($methods)); ErrorHandler::stop(); if (0 === $test) { return false; } return true; }
/** * Handle an xmlrpc call (actual work) * * @param Request $request * @return Response * @throws Server\Exception\RuntimeException * Zend\XmlRpc\Server\Exceptions are thrown for internal errors; otherwise, * any other exception may be thrown by the callback */ protected function handleRequest(Request $request) { $method = $request->getMethod(); // Check for valid method if (!$this->table->hasMethod($method)) { throw new Server\Exception\RuntimeException('Method "' . $method . '" does not exist', 620); } $info = $this->table->getMethod($method); $params = $request->getParams(); $argv = $info->getInvokeArguments(); if (0 < count($argv) and $this->sendArgumentsToAllMethods()) { $params = array_merge($params, $argv); } // Check calling parameters against signatures $matched = false; $sigCalled = $request->getTypes(); $sigLength = count($sigCalled); $paramsLen = count($params); if ($sigLength < $paramsLen) { for ($i = $sigLength; $i < $paramsLen; ++$i) { $xmlRpcValue = AbstractValue::getXmlRpcValue($params[$i]); $sigCalled[] = $xmlRpcValue->getType(); } } $signatures = $info->getPrototypes(); foreach ($signatures as $signature) { $sigParams = $signature->getParameters(); if ($sigCalled === $sigParams) { $matched = true; break; } } if (!$matched) { throw new Server\Exception\RuntimeException('Calling parameters do not match signature', 623); } $return = $this->_dispatch($info, $params); $responseClass = $this->getResponseClass(); return new $responseClass($return); }
public function testPassingOptionsToConstructorShouldSetObjectState() { $method = array('name' => 'foo.bar', 'callback' => array('type' => 'function', 'function' => 'bar'), 'prototypes' => array(array('returnType' => 'string', 'parameters' => array('string'))), 'methodHelp' => 'Foo Bar!', 'invokeArguments' => array('foo')); $options = array($method); $definition = new Server\Definition($options); $test = $definition->toArray(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($test)); $test = array_shift($test); $this->assertEquals($method['name'], $test['name']); $this->assertEquals($method['methodHelp'], $test['methodHelp']); $this->assertEquals($method['invokeArguments'], $test['invokeArguments']); $this->assertEquals($method['prototypes'][0]['returnType'], $test['prototypes'][0]['returnType']); }