public function Index02Action()
     /** JS SCRIPT */
     $input = '<script>alert("abc");</script>';
     $escaper = new \Zend\Escaper\Escaper();
     echo $output = $escaper->escapeHtml($input);
     return $this->response;
Example #2
  * Create content to write to the output file
  * Uses the passed data and template to generate content.
 private function createContentFromData(array $data, string $template) : string
     $escaper = new Escaper();
     $strings = array_map(function ($link) use($template, $escaper) {
         return sprintf($template, $link['link'], $escaper->escapeHtml($link['title']));
     }, $data['links']);
     return implode("\n", $strings);
Example #3
 protected function setUp()
     $this->mathRandomMock = $this->getMock('Magento\\Framework\\Math\\Random', [], [], '', false);
     $methods = ['setData', 'getData'];
     $this->sessionMock = $this->getMock('Magento\\Framework\\Session\\SessionManager', $methods, [], '', false);
     $this->escaperMock = $this->getMock('Magento\\Framework\\Escaper', [], [], '', false);
     $this->formKey = new FormKey($this->mathRandomMock, $this->sessionMock, $this->escaperMock);
Example #4
 public function __invoke($string)
     $escaper = new Escaper();
     if (!preg_match('//u', $string)) {
         $string = utf8_encode($string);
     $string = $escaper->escapeHtml($string);
     return $string;
Example #5
    public function index03Action()
        $input = <<<INPUT
\t\t' onmouseover='alert(/ZF2!/);
        $escaper = new Escaper();
        $output = $escaper->escapeHtmlAttr($input);
        echo "<span title='{$output}'>ZendVN</span>";
        return false;
    public function Index04Action()
        /** JS SCRIPT */
        $input = <<<INPUT
' onmouseover='alert(/ZF2!/);
        $escaper = new Escape('utf-8');
        $output = $escaper->escapeHtmlAttr($input);
        echo '<span title=' . $output . '>Zend</span>';
        return $this->response;
  * Create/update the response representing the error.
  * @param Throwable|Exception $e
  * @param ServerRequestInterface $request
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @return ResponseInterface
 public function __invoke($e, ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
     $response = $response->withStatus(Utils::getStatusCode($e, $response));
     $body = $response->getBody();
     if ($this->isDevelopmentMode) {
         $escaper = new Escaper();
         $body->write($escaper->escapeHtml((string) $e));
         return $response;
     $body->write($response->getReasonPhrase() ?: 'Unknown Error');
     return $response;
Example #8
 public function escapeURLComponent($string)
     if (is_object($string) == true) {
         if (method_exists($string, '__toString') == false) {
             throw EscapeException::fromBadObject($string);
         $string = (string) $string;
     if (is_array($string) == true) {
         throw EscapeException::fromBadArray();
     return $this->zendEscape->escapeUrl($string);
Example #9
  * @return \Zend\View\Model\ViewModel
 public function postAction()
     $escaper = new Escaper('utf-8');
     $post = (string) $escaper->escapeUrl($this->getParam('post'));
     $query = $this->getTable('SD\\Admin\\Model\\ContentTable');
     $new = $query->queryBuilder()->select(['c.title, c.text,, c.preview'])->from('SD\\Admin\\Entity\\Content', 'c')->where('c.type = 1 AND = 0 AND c.language = :language AND c.titleLink = :titleLink')->setParameter(':language', (int) $this->language())->setParameter(':titleLink', (string) $post)->orderBy('', 'DESC')->getQuery()->getResult();
     if ($new) {
         $this->getView()->setVariable('new', $new[0]);
         return $this->getView();
     return $this->setErrorCode(404);
  * Append record id as a hash to the last search URL.
  * This way the previus window scroll position gets restored
  * when the user returns to search results from a record page.
  * @return void
 protected function modifyLastSearchURL()
     $memory = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('VuFind\\Search\\Memory');
     if ($last = $memory->retrieve()) {
         $parts = parse_url($last);
         // Do not overwrite existing hash
         if (!isset($parts['fragment'])) {
             $escaper = new Escaper('utf-8');
             $id = $this->driver->getUniqueId();
             $id = $escaper->escapeUrl($id);
             $last .= "#{$id}";
Example #11
  * Escapes strings based on context
  * @param string $string The string to escape
  * @param int $context The context to escape in
  * @return string The escaped string
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If the context is invalid
 public function escape($string, $context = self::HTML_BODY)
     $type = gettype($string);
     if (in_array($type, array('boolean', 'integer', 'double', 'NULL'), true)) {
         return $string;
     if (in_array($type, array('object', 'resource', 'unknown type'), true)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unable to escape variable of type {$type}.");
     if ($context === self::HTML_STRING) {
         return parent::escapeHtml($string);
     if ($context === self::HTML_ATTR) {
         return parent::escapeHtmlAttr($string);
     if ($context === self::CSS) {
         return parent::escapeCss($string);
     if ($context === self::JS_STRING) {
         return parent::escapeJs($string);
     if ($context === self::URL_PARAM) {
         return parent::escapeUrl($string);
     throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid context.');
Example #12
  * Debug helper function.  This is a wrapper for var_dump() that adds
  * the <pre /> tags, cleans up newlines and indents, and runs
  * htmlentities() before output.
  * @param  mixed  $var   The variable to dump.
  * @param  string $label OPTIONAL Label to prepend to output.
  * @param  bool   $echo  OPTIONAL Echo output if true.
  * @return string
 public static function dump($var, $label = null, $echo = true)
     // format the label
     $label = $label === null ? '' : rtrim($label) . ' ';
     // var_dump the variable into a buffer and keep the output
     $output = ob_get_clean();
     // neaten the newlines and indents
     $output = preg_replace("/\\]\\=\\>\n(\\s+)/m", "] => ", $output);
     if (static::getSapi() == 'cli') {
         $output = PHP_EOL . $label . PHP_EOL . $output . PHP_EOL;
     } else {
         if (null !== static::$escaper) {
             $output = static::$escaper->escapeHtml($output);
         } elseif (!extension_loaded('xdebug')) {
             $output = static::getEscaper()->escapeHtml($output);
         $output = '<pre>' . $label . $output . '</pre>';
     if ($echo) {
         echo $output;
     return $output;
Example #13
  * Builds menu HTML.
  * @method getMenus
  * @param int   $parent
  * @param array $menu
  * @return string generated html code
 private function getMenus($parent = 0, array $menu = [])
     $output = '';
     if (isset($menu['submenus'][$parent])) {
         $escaper = new Escaper('utf-8');
         foreach ($menu['submenus'][$parent] as $id) {
             $output .= "<ul class='table-row'>";
             $output .= "<li class='table-cell flex-2'>" . $menu['menus'][$id]->getCaption() . '</li>';
             $output .= "<li class='table-cell flex-b'><a title='" . $this->translate('DETAILS') . "' hreflang='" . $this->language('languageName') . "' itemprop='url' href='/admin/menu/detail/" . $escaper->escapeUrl($menu['menus'][$id]->getId()) . "' class='btn btn-sm blue'><i class='fa fa-info'></i></a></li>";
             $output .= "<li class='table-cell flex-b'><a title='" . $this->translate('EDIT') . "' hreflang='" . $this->language('languageName') . "' itemprop='url' href='/admin/menu/edit/" . $escaper->escapeUrl($menu['menus'][$id]->getId()) . "' class='btn btn-sm orange'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i></a></li>";
             if (0 === $menu['menus'][$id]->isActive()) {
                 $output .= "<li class='table-cell flex-b'><a title='" . $this->translate('DEACTIVATED') . "' hreflang='" . $this->language('languageName') . "' itemprop='url' href='/admin/menu/activate/" . $escaper->escapeUrl($menu['menus'][$id]->getId()) . "' class='btn btn-sm deactivated'><i class='fa fa-minus-square-o'></i></a></li>";
             } else {
                 $output .= "<li class='table-cell flex-b'><a title='" . $this->translate('ACTIVE') . "' hreflang='" . $this->language('languageName') . "' itemprop='url' href='/admin/menu/deactivate/" . $escaper->escapeUrl($menu['menus'][$id]->getId()) . "' class='btn btn-sm active'><i class='fa fa fa-check-square-o'></i></a></li>";
             $output .= "\n                <li class='table-cell flex-b'>\n                    <button role='button' aria-pressed='false' aria-label='" . $this->translate('DELETE') . "' id='" . $menu['menus'][$id]->getId() . "' type='button' class='btn btn-sm delete dialog_delete' title='" . $this->translate('DELETE') . "'><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i></button>\n                        <div role='alertdialog' aria-labelledby='dialog" . $menu['menus'][$id]->getId() . "Title' class='delete_" . $menu['menus'][$id]->getId() . " dialog_hide'>\n                           <p id='dialog" . $menu['menus'][$id]->getId() . "Title'>" . $this->translate('DELETE_CONFIRM_TEXT') . ' &laquo;' . $menu['menus'][$id]->getCaption() . "&raquo;</p>\n                            <ul>\n                                <li>\n                                    <a class='btn delete' href='/admin/menu/delete/" . $escaper->escapeUrl($menu['menus'][$id]->getId()) . "'><i class='fa fa-trash-o'></i> " . $this->translate('DELETE') . "</a>\n                                </li>\n                                <li>\n                                    <button role='button' aria-pressed='false' aria-label='" . $this->translate('CANCEL') . "' class='btn btn-default cancel'><i class='fa fa-times'></i> " . $this->translate('CANCEL') . '</button>
             $output .= '</ul>';
             $output .= $this->getMenus($id, $menu);
     return $output;
 public function testInvokingWithExceptionAndNoEnvironmentModeSetDoesNotIncludeTraceInResponseBody()
     $error = new Exception('foo', 400);
     $response = call_user_func($this->final, $this->request, $this->response, $error);
     $expected = $this->escaper->escapeHtml($error->getTraceAsString());
     $this->assertNotContains($expected, (string) $response->getBody());
Example #15
  * @todo Chenge format of JSON response from [{}] to {} for one row response?
  * @todo Add develope mode for debug with HTML POST and GET
  * @param ServerRequestInterface $request
  * @param ResponseInterface $response
  * @param callable|null $next
  * @return ResponseInterface
  * @throws \zaboy\rest\RestException
 public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next = null)
     $responseBody = $request->getAttribute('Response-Body');
     $accept = $request->getHeaderLine('Accept');
     if (isset($accept) && preg_match('#^application/([^+\\s]+\\+)?json#', $accept)) {
         $status = $response->getStatusCode();
         $headers = $response->getHeaders();
         $response = new JsonResponse($responseBody, $status, $headers);
     } else {
         $escaper = new Escaper();
         $result = '';
         switch (true) {
             case gettype($responseBody) == 'array':
                 //                    foreach ($responseBody as $valueArray) {
                 //                        $result = $result . ' - ';
                 //                        if (is_array($valueArray)) {
                 //                            foreach ($valueArray as $key => $value) {
                 //                                $result = $result
                 //                                        . $escaper->escapeHtml($key)
                 //                                        . ' - '
                 //                                        . $escaper->escapeHtml(is_array($value) ? print_r($value, true) : $value)
                 //                                        . '; _   _  ';
                 //                            }
                 //                            $result = $result . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
                 //                        } else {
                 //                            $result = $result . $escaper->escapeHtml($valueArray) . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
                 //                        }
                 //                    }
                 $result = '<pre>' . $escaper->escapeHtml(print_r($responseBody, true)) . '</pre>';
             case is_numeric($responseBody) or is_string($responseBody):
                 $result = $responseBody . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
             case is_bool($responseBody):
                 $result = $responseBody ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
                 $result = $result . '<br>' . PHP_EOL;
                 throw new \zaboy\rest\RestException('$responseBody must be array, numeric or bool. But ' . gettype($responseBody) . ' given.');
     if ($next) {
         return $next($request, $response);
     return $response;
Example #16
  * Shorthand method for getting params from URLs. Makes code easier to edit and avoids DRY code.
  * @param string $paramName
  * @return array|string
 public function __invoke($paramName)
     $escaper = new Escaper('utf-8');
      * Return early. Usually params will come from post.
      * @var mixed
     $param = $this->params->fromPost($paramName, null);
     if (!$param) {
         $param = $this->findParam($paramName);
      * If this is array it MUST comes from fromFiles()
     if (is_array($param) && !empty($param)) {
         return $param;
     return $escaper->escapeHtml($param);
  * Closes the table by printing a </table> statement
 protected function printTableEnd()
     $html = '</table>';
     // Any current column settings? pass them in the form
     if (in_array('simpleSearch', $this->displaySettings)) {
         if (isset($_GET['columns'])) {
             $value = $_GET['columns'];
             if (is_array($_GET['columns'])) {
                 $value = '[';
                 foreach ($_GET['columns'] as $column) {
                     $value .= '"' . $column . '",';
                 $value = rtrim($value, ",") . ']';
             $html .= sprintf("<input type='hidden' name='columns' value='%s'/>", $this->escaper->escapeHtmlAttr($value));
         if (isset($_GET['sort']) && isset($_GET['order'])) {
             $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='sort' value='" . $this->escaper->escapeHtmlAttr($_GET['sort']) . "' />";
             $html .= "<input type='hidden' name='order' value='" . $this->escaper->escapeHtmlAttr($_GET['order']) . "' />";
         $html .= '</form>';
     return $html;
Example #18
  * Escapes strings to make them safe for use
  * within HTML templates. Used by the auto-escaping
  * functionality in setVar() and available to
  * use within your views.
  * Uses ZendFramework's Escaper to handle the actual escaping,
  * based on context. Valid contexts are:
  *      - html
  *      - htmlAttr
  *      - js
  *      - css
  *      - url
  * References:
  *  -
  *  -
  * @param $data
  * @param $context
  * @param escaper   // An instance of ZF's Escaper to avoid repeated class instantiation.
  * @return string
 function esc($data, $context = 'html', $escaper = null)
     if (is_array($data)) {
         foreach ($data as $key => &$value) {
             $value = esc($value, $context);
     $context = strtolower($context);
     if (!is_object($escaper)) {
         $escaper = new Escaper(config_item('charset'));
     // Valid context?
     if (!in_array($context, ['html', 'htmlattr', 'js', 'css', 'url'])) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Invalid Context type: ' . $context);
     if (!is_string($data)) {
         return $data;
     switch ($context) {
         case 'html':
             $data = $escaper->escapeHtml($data);
         case 'htmlattr':
             $data = $escaper->escapeHtmlAttr($data);
         case 'js':
             $data = $escaper->escapeJs($data);
         case 'css':
             $data = $escaper->escapeCss($data);
         case 'url':
             $data = $escaper->escapeUrl($data);
     return $data;
  * Create a complete error message for development purposes.
  * Creates an error message with full error details:
  * - If the error is an exception, creates a message that includes the full
  *   stack trace.
  * - If the error is an object that defines `__toString()`, creates a
  *   message by casting the error to a string.
  * - If the error is not an object, casts the error to a string.
  * - Otherwise, cerates a generic error message indicating the class type.
  * In all cases, the error message is escaped for use in HTML.
  * @param mixed $error
  * @return string
 private function createDevelopmentErrorMessage($error)
     if ($error instanceof Exception) {
         $message = $error->getMessage() . "\n";
         $message .= $error->getTraceAsString();
     } elseif (is_object($error) && !method_exists($error, '__toString')) {
         $message = sprintf('Error of type "%s" occurred', get_class($error));
     } else {
         $message = (string) $error;
     $escaper = new Escaper();
     return $escaper->escapeHtml($message);
Example #20
  * Get escaper, and escape HTML content if specified
  * @param string|null $content
  * @return Escaper|string
 public function escape($content = null)
     $escaper = new Escaper(Pi::service('i18n')->charset);
     if (null === $content) {
         return $escaper;
     return $escaper->escapeHtml($content);
Example #21
  * @param  Invoice $invoice
  * @return string[]
 public function format(Invoice $invoice)
     $statusFormat = static::$statusMap[$invoice->getStatus()];
     return [sprintf('<span class="label label-%s">%s</span>', $statusFormat['class'], $this->escaper->escapeHtml($statusFormat['label'])), sprintf('%s<br /><small>%s</small>', $this->escaper->escapeHtml($this->dateFormatter->format($invoice->getIssueDate())), $this->escaper->escapeHtml($this->getIssueDateAddition($invoice))), $invoice->getInvoiceNumber(), $this->escaper->escapeHtml($invoice->getClient()->getName()), $this->escaper->escapeHtml($this->numberFormatter->formatCurrency($invoice->getTotalAmount(), $invoice->getCurrencyCode())), sprintf('<a href="%s" class="btn btn-xs btn-default">Show</a>', $this->escaper->escapeHtmlAttr($this->router->assemble(['invoiceId' => $invoice->getId()], ['name' => 'invoices/show'])))];
  * @param mixed $input
  * @return mixed
 public static function escapeUrl($input)
     return self::$escaper->escapeUrl($input);
  * Set Escaper instance
  * @param  Escaper $escaper
  * @return AbstractStandalone
 public function setEscaper(Escaper $escaper)
     $encoding = $escaper->getEncoding();
     $this->escapers[$encoding] = $escaper;
     return $this;
Example #24
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function escapeUrl($string)
     return $this->escaper->escapeUrl($string);
Example #25
 public function setEscaper(Escaper\Escaper $escaper)
     $this->escaper = $escaper;
     $this->encoding = $escaper->getEncoding();
     return $this;
Example #26
  * Escapes values in an array and all its sub-arrays. 
  * @param array $data Array of data to be escaped. This array will be modifed during the escape operation.
  * @param string $escape_encoding Encoding to be used for escaping data values in $data and $this->data.
  *                                If this value is empty, the value of $this->escape_encoding will be used
  *                                if it's not empty, else the default value of 'utf-8' will be finally used.
  *                                See documentation for $this->escape_encoding for more info.
  * @param array $data_vars_2_html_escape An array of keys in $data whose values (only strings) will be 
  *                                       individually escaped using Zend\Escaper\Escaper::escapeHtml($string).
  * @param array $data_vars_2_html_attr_escape An array of keys in $data whose values (only strings) will be 
  *                                            individually escaped using Zend\Escaper\Escaper::escapeHtmlAttr($string).
  * @param array $data_vars_2_css_escape An array of keys in $data whose values (only strings) will be 
  *                                      individually escaped using Zend\Escaper\Escaper::escapeCss($string).
  * @param array $data_vars_2_js_escape An array of keys in $data whose values (only strings) will be 
  *                                     individually escaped using Zend\Escaper\Escaper::escapeJs($string).
  * @param \Zend\Escaper\Escaper $escaper An optional escaper object that will be used for escaping. 
  * @return void
  * @throws \Rotexsoft\FileRenderer\FileNotFoundException
 protected function escapeData(array &$data, $escape_encoding = 'utf-8', array $data_vars_2_html_escape = array(), array $data_vars_2_html_attr_escape = array(), array $data_vars_2_css_escape = array(), array $data_vars_2_js_escape = array(), \Zend\Escaper\Escaper $escaper = null)
     if (count($data) <= 0) {
         //no data supplied; nothing to do
     } else {
         if (count($data_vars_2_html_escape) <= 0 && count($data_vars_2_html_attr_escape) <= 0 && count($data_vars_2_css_escape) <= 0 && count($data_vars_2_js_escape) <= 0) {
             //no field has been specified for escaping; nothing to do
     $hash_of_data_array = spl_object_hash(json_decode(json_encode($data)));
     if (array_key_exists($hash_of_data_array, $this->multi_escape_prevention_guard) && $this->multi_escape_prevention_guard[$hash_of_data_array]['escape_encoding'] === $escape_encoding && $this->multi_escape_prevention_guard[$hash_of_data_array]['data_vars_2_html_escape'] === $data_vars_2_html_escape && $this->multi_escape_prevention_guard[$hash_of_data_array]['data_vars_2_html_attr_escape'] === $data_vars_2_html_attr_escape && $this->multi_escape_prevention_guard[$hash_of_data_array]['data_vars_2_css_escape'] === $data_vars_2_css_escape && $this->multi_escape_prevention_guard[$hash_of_data_array]['data_vars_2_js_escape'] === $data_vars_2_js_escape) {
         //the data array has already been escaped; don't wanna escape already escaped data
     $final_encoding = empty($escape_encoding) ? empty($this->escape_encoding) ? 'utf-8' : $this->escape_encoding : $escape_encoding;
     if (is_null($escaper)) {
         if ($this->escaper instanceof \Zend\Escaper\Escaper && $this->escaper->getEncoding() === $final_encoding) {
             $escaper = $this->escaper;
             //we can safely use the escaper associated with this class.
         } else {
             $escaper = new \Zend\Escaper\Escaper($final_encoding);
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $methods = array();
         if (in_array($key, $data_vars_2_html_escape) || in_array('*', $data_vars_2_html_escape)) {
             $methods[] = 'escapeHtml';
         if (in_array($key, $data_vars_2_html_attr_escape) || in_array('*', $data_vars_2_html_attr_escape)) {
             $methods[] = 'escapeHtmlAttr';
         if (in_array($key, $data_vars_2_css_escape) || in_array('*', $data_vars_2_css_escape)) {
             $methods[] = 'escapeCss';
         if (in_array($key, $data_vars_2_js_escape) || in_array('*', $data_vars_2_js_escape)) {
             $methods[] = 'escapeJs';
         if (count($methods) > 0 || is_array($data[$key])) {
             if (is_array($data[$key])) {
                 // recursively escape sub-array
                 $this->escapeData($data[$key], $final_encoding, $data_vars_2_html_escape, $data_vars_2_html_attr_escape, $data_vars_2_css_escape, $data_vars_2_js_escape, $escaper);
             } else {
                 if (is_string($data[$key])) {
                     foreach ($methods as $method) {
                         // escape the value
                         $data[$key] = $escaper->{$method}($data[$key]);
             //if( is_array($data[$key]) ) ... else if( is_string($data[$key]) )
         // if( count($methods) > 0 || is_array($data[$key]) )
     // foreach( $data as $key => $value )
     //add the hash of the data array we have just escaped to the list of
     //hashes of escaped data arrays
     $hash_of_escaped_data_array = spl_object_hash(json_decode(json_encode($data)));
     $this->multi_escape_prevention_guard[$hash_of_escaped_data_array] = array('escape_encoding' => $escape_encoding, 'data_vars_2_html_escape' => $data_vars_2_html_escape, 'data_vars_2_html_attr_escape' => $data_vars_2_html_attr_escape, 'data_vars_2_css_escape' => $data_vars_2_css_escape, 'data_vars_2_js_escape' => $data_vars_2_js_escape);