Example #1
  * Load config from db-adapter
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter $db
  * @return array
 protected function loadConfig()
     if (empty($this->dbAdapter)) {
         return $this->config;
     $platform = $this->dbAdapter->getPlatform();
     $driver = $this->dbAdapter->getDriver();
     $query = $this->dbAdapter->query('
         SELECT ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('value') . '
           FROM ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('settings') . '
          WHERE ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('key') . '
              = ' . $platform->quoteValue('ini-cache') . '
            AND ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('type') . '
              = ' . $platform->quoteValue('ini-cache') . '
          LIMIT 1
     $this->config = array();
     $result = $query->execute();
     if ($result->getAffectedRows() > 0) {
         foreach ($result as $cache) {
             $this->config = ArrayUtils::merge($this->config, (array) unserialize($cache['value']));
     } else {
         $query = $this->dbAdapter->query('
             SELECT ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('key') . ',
                    ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('value') . '
               FROM ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('settings') . '
              WHERE ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('type') . '
                  = ' . $platform->quoteValue('ini') . '
         foreach ($query->execute() as $pair) {
             $key = (string) $pair['key'];
             $value = (string) $pair['value'];
             $entry = array();
             $curr =& $entry;
             foreach (explode('.', $key) as $sub) {
                 $curr[$sub] = null;
                 $curr =& $curr[$sub];
             $curr = $value;
             $this->config = ArrayUtils::merge($this->config, $entry);
         $query = $this->dbAdapter->query('
             INSERT INTO ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('settings') . '
                         ( ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('key') . ',
                           ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('value') . ',
                           ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('type') . ' )
                  VALUES ( ' . $driver->formatParameterName('key') . ',
                           ' . $driver->formatParameterName('value') . ',
                           ' . $driver->formatParameterName('type') . ' )
         $query->execute(array('key' => 'ini-cache', 'value' => serialize($this->config), 'type' => 'ini-cache'));
     $this->dbAdapter = null;
     return $this->config;
Example #2
  * Add table prefixed columns, will automatically
  * quote table parts identifiers found in the column name.
  * It provides an alternative for defining columns from multiple/joined
  * table in one go.
  * <code>
  * $select->from(array('p' =>'product')
  *        ->prefixedColumns(array('product_title' => 'p.title'));
  * </code>
  * Possible valid states:
  *   array(value, ...)
  *     value can be strings or Expression objects
  *   array(string => value, ...)
  *     key string will be use as alias,
  *     value can be string or Expression objects
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException when usage not correct
  * @param  array $columns
  * @return Select
 public function prefixedColumns(array $columns)
     $pf = $this->adapter->getPlatform();
     $identifierSeparator = $pf->getIdentifierSeparator();
     $names = array();
     $cols = array();
     foreach ($columns as $alias => $column) {
         if (is_string($column)) {
             if (strpos($column, self::SQL_STAR) !== false) {
                 $msg = __METHOD__ . " Invalid argument, prefixedColumn() does not accept sql * column specification";
                 throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException($msg);
             $parts = explode($identifierSeparator, $column);
             if (count($parts) > 1) {
                 $quotedParts = array();
                 foreach ($parts as $part) {
                     $quotedParts[] = $pf->quoteIdentifier($part);
                 // to remove PHPAnalyzer warnings
                 $last_part = $parts[count($parts) - 1];
                 if (!is_string($alias)) {
                     $alias = $last_part;
                 if (in_array($alias, $names)) {
                     $msg = __METHOD__ . ": Invalid argument, multiple columns have the same alias ({$alias})";
                     throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException($msg);
                 $names[] = $alias;
                 $cols[$alias] = new Expression(join($identifierSeparator, $quotedParts));
             } else {
                 if (in_array($alias, $names)) {
                     $msg = __METHOD__ . ": Invalid argument, multiple columns have the same alias ({$alias})";
                     throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException($msg);
                 $cols[$alias] = $column;
                 $names[] = $alias;
         } else {
             if (in_array($alias, $names)) {
                 $msg = __METHOD__ . ": Invalid argument, multiple columns have the same alias ({$alias})";
                 throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException($msg);
             $cols[$alias] = $column;
             $names[] = $alias;
     return $this;
Example #3
  * Load constraint references
  * @param  string $schema
  * @param  string $database
  * @return type 
 protected function loadConstraintReferences($schema, $database)
     /** @var $platform \Zend\Db\Adapter\PlatformInterface */
     $platform = $this->adapter->getPlatform();
     $quoteIdentifierForWalk = function (&$c) use($platform) {
         $c = $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($c);
     $quoteSelectList = function (array $identifierList) use($platform, $quoteIdentifierForWalk) {
         array_walk($identifierList, $quoteIdentifierForWalk);
         return implode(', ', $identifierList);
     if ($platform->getName() == 'MySQL') {
         $sql = 'SELECT ' . $quoteSelectList(array('RC.CONSTRAINT_NAME', 'RC.UPDATE_RULE', 'RC.DELETE_RULE', 'RC.TABLE_NAME', 'CK.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME', 'CK.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME')) . ' FROM ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS RC') . ' INNER JOIN ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CK') . ' ON ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('RC.CONSTRAINT_NAME') . ' = ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('CK.CONSTRAINT_NAME');
     } else {
         $sql = 'SELECT ' . $quoteSelectList(array('RC.CONSTRAINT_NAME', 'RC.UPDATE_RULE', 'RC.DELETE_RULE', 'TC1.TABLE_NAME', 'CK.TABLE_NAME AS REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME', 'CK.COLUMN_NAME AS REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME')) . ' FROM ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS RC') . ' INNER JOIN ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC1') . ' ON ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('RC.CONSTRAINT_NAME') . ' = ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('TC1.CONSTRAINT_NAME') . ' INNER JOIN ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS TC2') . ' ON ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('RC.UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME') . ' = ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('TC2.CONSTRAINT_NAME') . ' INNER JOIN ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE CK') . ' ON ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('TC2.CONSTRAINT_NAME') . ' = ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('CK.CONSTRAINT_NAME');
     if ($schema != '__DEFAULT_SCHEMA__') {
         $sql .= ' AND ' . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment('RC.CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA') . ' = ' . $platform->quoteValue($schema);
     $results = $this->adapter->query($sql, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
     $constraintRefData = array();
     foreach ($results->toArray() as $row) {
         $constraintRefData[] = array_change_key_case($row, CASE_LOWER);
     $this->prepareDataHeirarchy($database, $schema, array('constraints', 'keys'));
     $this->data[$database][$schema]['constraints']['references'] = $constraintRefData;
  * Drops a stream table
  * Use this function with caution. All your events will be lost! But it can be useful in migration scenarios.
  * @param StreamName $streamName
  * @param bool $returnSql
  * @return string|null Whether $returnSql is true or not function will return generated sql or execute it directly
 public function dropSchemaFor(StreamName $streamName, $returnSql = false)
     $dropTable = new DropTable($this->getTable($streamName));
     if ($returnSql) {
         return $dropTable->getSqlString($this->dbAdapter->getPlatform());
Example #5
  * Create source from adapter
  * @param  Adapter $adapter
  * @return Source\InformationSchemaMetadata 
 protected function createSourceFromAdapter(Adapter $adapter)
     switch ($adapter->getPlatform()->getName()) {
         case 'MySQL':
         case 'SQLServer':
             return new Source\InformationSchemaMetadata($adapter);
         case 'SQLite':
             return new Source\SqliteMetadata($adapter);
     throw new \Exception('cannot create source from adapter');
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see \VisioCrudModeler\Descriptor\AbstractDataSourceDescriptor::getName()
 public function getName()
     if (is_null($this->name)) {
         if ($this->adapter->getPlatform() instanceof \Zend\Db\Adapter\Platform\Mysql) {
             $this->name = $this->currentDatabaseMysql();
         } else {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Automatic database name resolving is not supported for platform: ' . get_class($this->adapter->getPlatform()));
     return $this->name;
Example #7
  * _authenticateCreateSelect() - This method creates a Zend\Db\Sql\Select object that
  * is completely configured to be queried against the database.
  * @return DbSelect
 protected function _authenticateCreateSelect()
     // build credential expression
     if (empty($this->credentialTreatment) || strpos($this->credentialTreatment, '?') === false) {
         $this->credentialTreatment = '?';
     $credentialExpression = new Expression('(CASE WHEN ' . $this->zendDb->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier($this->credentialColumn) . ' = ' . $this->credentialTreatment . ' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS ' . $this->zendDb->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier('zend_auth_credential_match'));
     // get select
     $dbSelect = clone $this->getDbSelect();
     $dbSelect->from($this->tableName)->columns(array('*', $credentialExpression))->where($this->zendDb->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier($this->identityColumn) . ' = ?');
     return $dbSelect;
  * Sets the DB adapter.
  * @param Adapter $dbAdapter
 public function setAdapter(Adapter $dbAdapter)
     $this->dbAdapter = $dbAdapter;
      * temp fix
     $driver = $this->dbAdapter->getDriver();
     /* --- */
Example #9
  * Automatically create source from adapter
  * @throws Exception\UnsupportedDriverException
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter $adapter
  * @param string $schema database schema to use or null to current schema defined by the adapter
  * @return \Soluble\Db\Metadata\Source\AbstractSource
 protected function createSourceFromAdapter(Adapter $adapter, $schema = null)
     $adapter_name = strtolower($adapter->getPlatform()->getName());
     switch ($adapter_name) {
         case 'mysql':
             $source = new Source\Mysql\InformationSchema($adapter, $schema);
             throw new Exception\UnsupportedDriverException("Currently only MySQL is supported, driver set '{$adapter_name}'");
     return $source;
Example #10
 public function __construct(Adapter $adapter)
     $this->adapter = $adapter;
     $platform = $adapter->getPlatform();
     switch (strtolower($platform->getName())) {
         case 'sqlserver':
             $platform = new SqlServer\SqlServer();
             $this->decorators = $platform->decorators;
Example #11
  * Create db adapter service
  * @param ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
  * @return Adapter
 public function createService(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
     $config = $serviceLocator->get('Config');
     $result = new Adapter($config['db']);
     if (defined('SCPPER_DEBUG')) {
         $profiler = new \Zend\Db\Adapter\Profiler\Profiler();
         if ($result->getPlatform()->getName() === 'MySQL') {
             $result->query('SET SESSION query_cache_type=0;', Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
     return $result;
Example #12
  * Set the db adapter options
  * @param array $options
 protected function setOptions(array $options)
     if (!array_key_exists('adapter', $options) || !array_key_exists('table', $options) || !array_key_exists('column_key', $options) || !array_key_exists('column_value', $options)) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Db adapter options must be defined "adapter", "table", "column_key" and "column_value" keys.');
     if (!$options['adapter'] instanceof Adapter) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Db adapter must be an instance of Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter.');
     $this->adapter = $options['adapter'];
     $options['table'] = $this->adapter->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier($options['table']);
     $options['column_key'] = $this->adapter->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier($options['column_key']);
     $options['column_value'] = $this->adapter->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier($options['column_value']);
     $this->options = $options;
     return $this;
Example #13
 protected function createSourceFromAdapter(Adapter $adapter)
     switch ($adapter->getPlatform()->getName()) {
         case 'MySQL':
             return new Source\MysqlMetadata($adapter);
         case 'SQLServer':
             return new Source\SqlServerMetadata($adapter);
         case 'SQLite':
             return new Source\SqliteMetadata($adapter);
         case 'PostgreSQL':
             return new Source\PostgresqlMetadata($adapter);
         case 'Oracle':
             return new Source\OracleMetadata($adapter);
     throw new \Exception('cannot create source from adapter');
Example #14
  * Setup services which depends on the db
  * @param   \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter $db
  * @return  \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter
 public function configure(DbAdapter $db)
     $sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
     $platform = $db->getPlatform();
     $driver = $db->getDriver();
     $domain = strtolower($this->getDomain());
     $query = $db->query('
         SELECT *
           FROM ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('_central') . '.' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('fulldomain') . '
          WHERE LOWER( ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('fulldomain') . ' )
              = LOWER( ' . $driver->formatParameterName('fulldomain') . ' )
     $result = $query->execute(array('fulldomain' => $domain));
     if ($result->getAffectedRows() > 0) {
         foreach ($result as $data) {
             $info = new SiteInfo(array_merge($data, array('scheme' => $this->getScheme(), 'port' => $this->getPort())));
             $sm->setService('SiteInfo', $info);
             return $db;
     } else {
         $parts = explode('.', $domain);
         $subParts = array();
         $mainDomain = false;
         while (count($parts) > 2) {
             $subParts[] = array_shift($parts);
             $mainDomain = implode('.', $parts);
             $result = $query->execute(array('fulldomain' => $mainDomain));
             if ($result->getAffectedRows() > 0) {
             $mainDomain = false;
         if ($mainDomain) {
             $sm->setService('RedirectToDomain', new RedirectionService($this->getScheme(), $mainDomain, $this->getPort(), sprintf('sub-domain "%s" not found', implode('.', $subParts)), true));
         } else {
             $config = $driver->getConnection()->getConnectionParameters();
             if (empty($config['defaultDomain'])) {
                 throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Domain not found, and default domain not set');
             } else {
                 $sm->setService('RedirectToDomain', new RedirectionService($this->getScheme(), $config['defaultDomain'], $this->getPort(), 'domain not found', false));
     return $db;
Example #15
  * Create source from adapter
  * @param  Adapter $adapter
  * @return MetadataInterface
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If adapter platform name not recognized.
 public static function createSourceFromAdapter(Adapter $adapter)
     $platformName = $adapter->getPlatform()->getName();
     switch ($platformName) {
         case 'MySQL':
             return new MysqlMetadata($adapter);
         case 'SQLServer':
             return new SqlServerMetadata($adapter);
         case 'SQLite':
             return new SqliteMetadata($adapter);
         case 'PostgreSQL':
             return new PostgresqlMetadata($adapter);
         case 'Oracle':
             return new OracleMetadata($adapter);
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unknown adapter platform '{$platformName}'");
Example #16
  * Prepare statement
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter $adapter
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\StatementInterface $statement
  * @return void
 public function prepareStatement(Adapter $adapter, StatementInterface $statement)
     $driver = $adapter->getDriver();
     $platform = $adapter->getPlatform();
     $parameterContainer = $statement->getParameterContainer();
     $prepareType = $driver->getPrepareType();
     $parts = parent::getWhereParts();
     $wherePart = '';
     $whereParamIndex = 1;
     foreach ($parts as $part) {
         if (is_string($part)) {
             $wherePart .= $part;
         } elseif (is_array($part)) {
             $values = $part[1];
             $types = isset($part[2]) ? $part[2] : array();
             foreach ($values as $vIndex => $value) {
                 if (isset($types[$vIndex]) && $types[$vIndex] == self::TYPE_IDENTIFIER) {
                     $values[$vIndex] = $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($value);
                 } elseif (isset($types[$vIndex]) && $types[$vIndex] == self::TYPE_VALUE) {
                     if ($prepareType == 'positional') {
                         $parameterContainer->offsetSet(null, $value);
                         $values[$vIndex] = $driver->formatParameterName(null);
                     } elseif ($prepareType == 'named') {
                         $name = 'where' . $whereParamIndex++;
                         $values[$vIndex] = $driver->formatParameterName($name);
                         $parameterContainer->offsetSet($name, $value);
             $wherePart .= vsprintf($part[0], $values);
     $sql = $statement->getSql();
     $sql .= sprintf($this->specification, $wherePart);
 protected function setUp()
     $driverConfig = ['driver' => getenv('db_type'), 'database' => str_replace('%BASE_DIR%', __DIR__ . '/../../../', getenv('db_name')), 'username' => getenv('db_username'), 'password' => getenv('db_password'), 'hostname' => getenv('db_host'), 'port' => getenv('db_port'), 'options' => ['buffer_results' => true]];
     $config = ['dir' => __DIR__ . '/../data/ApplyMigration', 'namespace' => 'ApplyMigration'];
     $this->adapter = $adapter = new Adapter($driverConfig);
     $metadata = new Metadata($adapter);
     $tableNames = $metadata->getTableNames();
     $drop_if_exists = ['test', MigrationVersion::TABLE_NAME];
     foreach ($drop_if_exists as $table) {
         if (in_array($table, $tableNames)) {
             // ensure db is in expected state
             $drop = new DropTable($table);
     /** @var ArrayObject $version */
     $version = new MigrationVersion();
     $resultSetPrototype = new ResultSet();
     $gateway = new TableGateway(MigrationVersion::TABLE_NAME, $adapter, null, $resultSetPrototype);
     $table = new MigrationVersionTable($gateway);
     $this->migration = new Migration($adapter, $config, $table);
Example #18
  * Prepare statement
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter $adapter
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\StatementInterface $statement
  * @return void
 public function prepareStatement(Adapter $adapter, StatementInterface $statement)
     $driver = $adapter->getDriver();
     $platform = $adapter->getPlatform();
     $parameterContainer = $statement->getParameterContainer();
     if (!$parameterContainer instanceof ParameterContainer) {
         $parameterContainer = new ParameterContainer();
     $prepareType = $driver->getPrepareType();
     $table = $platform->quoteIdentifier($this->table);
     //        if ($this->schema != '') {
     //            $table = $platform->quoteIdentifier($this->schema)
     //                . $platform->getIdentifierSeparator()
     //                . $table;
     //        }
     $set = $this->set;
     if (is_array($set)) {
         $setSql = array();
         $values = array();
         foreach ($set as $column => $value) {
             $parameterContainer->offsetSet($column, $value);
             $setSql[] = $platform->quoteIdentifier($column) . ' = ' . $driver->formatParameterName($column);
         $set = implode(', ', $setSql);
     $sql = sprintf($this->specifications[self::SPECIFICATION_UPDATE], $table, $set);
     // process where
     if ($this->where->count() > 0) {
         $whereParts = $this->processExpression($this->where, $platform, $adapter->getDriver(), 'where');
         if (count($whereParts['parameters']) > 0) {
         $sql .= ' ' . sprintf($this->specifications[self::SPECIFICATION_WHERE], $whereParts['sql']);
  * Drop temporary db & restore params
 public function tearDown()
     $sm = $this->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
     $sm = null;
     $config = $this->getApplicationConfig();
     if (!empty($config['db']) && $this->originalDbName) {
         $config['db']['dbname'] = $this->originalDbName;
         $db = new DbAdapter($config['db']);
         $platform = $db->getPlatform();
         $db->query(sprintf('DROP DATABASE %s', $platform->quoteIdentifier($this->temporaryDbName)), DbAdapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
         $platform = null;
         $db = null;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function quoteValue($value)
     return $this->zendAdapter->getPlatform()->quoteValue($value);
Example #21
File: Update.php Project: Rovak/zf2
  * Prepare statement
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter $adapter
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\StatementInterface $statementContainer
  * @return void
 public function prepareStatement(Adapter $adapter, StatementContainerInterface $statementContainer)
     $driver = $adapter->getDriver();
     $platform = $adapter->getPlatform();
     $parameterContainer = $statementContainer->getParameterContainer();
     if (!$parameterContainer instanceof ParameterContainer) {
         $parameterContainer = new ParameterContainer();
     $table = $platform->quoteIdentifier($this->table);
     $set = $this->set;
     if (is_array($set)) {
         $setSql = array();
         foreach ($set as $column => $value) {
             if ($value instanceof Expression) {
                 $exprData = $this->processExpression($value, $platform, $adapter);
                 $setSql[] = $platform->quoteIdentifier($column) . ' = ' . $exprData->getSql();
             } else {
                 $setSql[] = $platform->quoteIdentifier($column) . ' = ' . $driver->formatParameterName($column);
                 $parameterContainer->offsetSet($column, $value);
         $set = implode(', ', $setSql);
     $sql = sprintf($this->specifications[self::SPECIFICATION_UPDATE], $table, $set);
     // process where
     if ($this->where->count() > 0) {
         $whereParts = $this->processExpression($this->where, $platform, $adapter, 'where');
         $sql .= ' ' . sprintf($this->specifications[self::SPECIFICATION_WHERE], $whereParts->getSql());
Example #22
  * @testdox unit test: Test getPlatform() returns platform object
  * @covers Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter::getPlatform
 public function testGetPlatform()
     $this->assertSame($this->mockPlatform, $this->adapter->getPlatform());
Example #23
  * Prepare the delete statement
  * @param  Adapter $adapter
  * @param  StatementInterface $statement
  * @return void
 public function prepareStatement(Adapter $adapter, StatementInterface $statement)
     $platform = $adapter->getPlatform();
     $parameterContainer = $statement->getParameterContainer();
     if (!$parameterContainer instanceof ParameterContainer) {
         $parameterContainer = new ParameterContainer();
     $table = $platform->quoteIdentifier($this->table);
     $sql = sprintf($this->specifications[self::SPECIFICATION_DELETE], $table);
     // process where
     if ($this->where->count() > 0) {
         $whereParts = $this->processExpression($this->where, $platform, $adapter->getDriver(), 'where');
         if (count($whereParts['parameters']) > 0) {
         $sql .= ' ' . sprintf($this->specifications[self::SPECIFICATION_WHERE], $whereParts['sql']);
Example #24
  * Prepare the delete statement
  * @param  Adapter $adapter 
  * @param  StatementInterface $statement 
  * @return void
 public function prepareStatement(Adapter $adapter, StatementInterface $statement)
     $driver = $adapter->getDriver();
     $platform = $adapter->getPlatform();
     $table = $platform->quoteIdentifier($this->table);
     if ($this->databaseOrSchema != '') {
         $table = $platform->quoteIdentifier($this->databaseOrSchema) . $platform->getIdentifierSeparator() . $table;
     $sql = sprintf($this->specification, $table);
     $this->where->prepareStatement($adapter, $statement);
  * Return object (table/schema) configuration
  * @throws Exception\ErrorException
  * @param string $table
  * @param boolean $include_options
  * @return array
 protected function getObjectConfig($table = null, $include_options = false)
     $schema = $this->schema;
     $qSchema = $this->adapter->getPlatform()->quoteValue($schema);
     if ($table !== null) {
         $qTable = $this->adapter->getPlatform()->quoteValue($table);
         $table_clause = "and (t.TABLE_NAME = {$qTable} or (kcu.referenced_table_name = {$qTable} and kcu.constraint_name = 'FOREIGN KEY'))";
         $table_join_condition = "(t.table_name = kcu.table_name or  kcu.referenced_table_name = t.table_name)";
     } else {
         $table_join_condition = "t.table_name = kcu.table_name";
         $table_clause = '';
     $query = "\n\n            SELECT\n                    t.table_name,\n                    c.column_name,\n                    c.data_type,\n                    c.column_type,\n\n                    c.extra,\n\n                    tc.constraint_type,\n                    kcu.constraint_name,\n                    kcu.referenced_table_name,\n                    kcu.referenced_column_name,\n\n                    c.column_default,\n                    c.is_nullable,\n                    c.numeric_precision,\n                    c.numeric_scale,\n                    c.character_octet_length,\n                    c.character_maximum_length,\n                    c.ordinal_position,\n\n                    c.column_key, -- UNI/MUL/PRI\n                    c.character_set_name,\n\n\n                    c.collation_name,\n\n                    c.column_comment,\n\n                    t.table_type,\n                    t.engine,\n                    t.table_comment,\n                    t.table_collation\n\n            FROM `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`COLUMNS` c\n            INNER JOIN `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`TABLES` t on c.TABLE_NAME = t.TABLE_NAME\n            LEFT JOIN `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE` kcu\n               on (\n                    {$table_join_condition}\n                     and kcu.table_schema = t.table_schema\n                     and kcu.column_name = c.column_name\n                 )\n              LEFT JOIN\n                `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`TABLE_CONSTRAINTS` tc\n               on (\n                     t.table_name = tc.table_name\n                      and tc.table_schema = t.table_schema\n                      and tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name\n                  )\n\n\n            where c.TABLE_SCHEMA = {$qSchema}\n            and t.TABLE_SCHEMA = {$qSchema}\n            {$table_clause}\n            and (kcu.table_schema = {$qSchema}  or kcu.table_schema is null)\n\n            and (kcu.column_name = c.column_name or kcu.column_name is null)\n            order by t.table_name, c.ordinal_position\n        ";
     try {
         $results = $this->adapter->query($query, Adapter::QUERY_MODE_EXECUTE);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception\ErrorException(__METHOD__ . ": " . $e->getMessage());
     $references = array();
     $config = new Config(array('tables' => array()), true);
     $tables = $config->offsetGet('tables');
     foreach ($results as $r) {
         // Setting table information
         $table_name = $r['table_name'];
         if (!$tables->offsetExists($table_name)) {
             $table_def = array('name' => $table_name, 'columns' => array(), 'primary_keys' => array(), 'unique_keys' => array(), 'foreign_keys' => array(), 'references' => array(), 'indexes' => array());
             if ($include_options) {
                 $table_def['options'] = array('comment' => $r['table_comment'], 'collation' => $r['table_collation'], 'type' => $r['table_type'], 'engine' => $r['engine']);
             $tables->offsetSet($table_name, $table_def);
         $table = $tables->offsetGet($table_name);
         $columns = $table->columns;
         $column_name = $r['column_name'];
         $data_type = strtolower($r['data_type']);
         $col_def = array('type' => $data_type, 'primary' => $r['constraint_type'] == 'PRIMARY KEY', 'nullable' => $r['is_nullable'] == 'YES', 'default' => $r['column_default']);
         if ($r['constraint_type'] == 'PRIMARY KEY') {
             $col_def['primary'] = true;
             $col_def['autoincrement'] = $r['extra'] == 'auto_increment';
         $has_charset = false;
         if (in_array($data_type, array('int', 'tinyint', 'mediumint', 'bigint', 'int', 'smallint', 'year'))) {
             $col_def['unsigned'] = (bool) preg_match('/unsigned/', strtolower($r['column_type']));
             $col_def['precision'] = $r['numeric_precision'];
         } elseif (in_array($data_type, array('real', 'double precision', 'decimal', 'numeric', 'float', 'dec', 'fixed'))) {
             $col_def['precision'] = $r['numeric_precision'];
             $col_def['scale'] = $r['numeric_scale'];
         } elseif (in_array($data_type, array('timestamp', 'date', 'time', 'datetime'))) {
             // nothing yet
         } elseif (in_array($data_type, array('char', 'varchar', 'binary', 'varbinary', 'text', 'tinytext', 'mediumtext', 'longtext'))) {
             $col_def['octet_length'] = $r['character_octet_length'];
             $col_def['length'] = $r['character_maximum_length'];
             $has_charset = true;
         } elseif (in_array($data_type, array('blob', 'tinyblob', 'mediumblob', 'longblob'))) {
             $col_def['octet_length'] = $r['character_octet_length'];
             $col_def['length'] = $r['character_maximum_length'];
         } elseif (in_array($data_type, array('enum', 'set'))) {
             $col_def['octet_length'] = $r['character_octet_length'];
             $col_def['length'] = $r['character_maximum_length'];
             $def = $r['column_type'];
             preg_match_all("/'([^']+)'/", $def, $matches);
             if (is_array($matches[1]) && count($matches) > 0) {
                 $col_def['values'] = $matches[1];
         if ($include_options) {
             $col_def['options'] = array('comment' => $r['column_comment'], 'definition' => $r['column_type'], 'column_key' => $r['column_key'], 'ordinal_position' => $r['ordinal_position'], 'constraint_type' => $r['constraint_type']);
             if ($has_charset) {
                 $col_def['options']['charset'] = $r['character_set_name'];
                 $col_def['options']['collation'] = $r['collation_name'];
         $columns[$column_name] = $col_def;
         $foreign_keys = $table->foreign_keys;
         $unique_keys = $table->unique_keys;
         $constraint_name = $r['constraint_name'];
         $referenced_table_name = $r['referenced_table_name'];
         $referenced_column_name = $r['referenced_column_name'];
         switch ($r['constraint_type']) {
             case 'PRIMARY KEY':
                 $table->primary_keys = array_merge($table->primary_keys->toArray(), (array) $column_name);
             case 'UNIQUE':
                 if (!$unique_keys->offsetExists($constraint_name)) {
                     $unique_keys[$constraint_name] = array();
                 $unique_keys[$constraint_name] = array_merge($unique_keys[$constraint_name]->toArray(), (array) $column_name);
             case 'FOREIGN KEY':
                                     if (!$foreign_keys->offsetExists($constraint_name)) {
                    $foreign_keys[$constraint_name] = array();
                 $fk = array('referenced_table' => $referenced_table_name, 'referenced_column' => $referenced_column_name, 'constraint_name' => $constraint_name);
                 $foreign_keys[$column_name] = $fk;
                 //$table->references[$referenced_table_name] = array($column_name => $r['referenced_column_name']);
                 if (!array_key_exists($referenced_table_name, $references)) {
                     $references[$referenced_table_name] = array();
                 $references[$referenced_table_name][] = array('column' => $column_name, 'referenced_column' => $referenced_column_name, 'constraint_name' => $constraint_name);
     foreach ($references as $referenced_table_name => $refs) {
         if ($tables->offsetExists($referenced_table_name)) {
             $table = $tables[$referenced_table_name];
             $references = $table->references;
             $references[$referenced_table_name] = $refs;
     $array = $config->toArray();
     return $array;
Example #26
  * Setup services which depends on the db
  * @param   \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter $db
  * @return  \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter
 public function configure(DbAdapter $db)
     $sm = $this->getServiceLocator();
     $platform = $db->getPlatform();
     $driver = $db->getDriver();
     $matches = array();
     $fulldomain = strtolower($this->getDomain());
     $config = $driver->getConnection()->getConnectionParameters();
     /// TODO: remove this
     if (isset($_SERVER['GRIDGUYZ_DOMAIN'])) {
         $domain = $_SERVER['GRIDGUYZ_DOMAIN'];
         $subdomain = isset($_SERVER['GRIDGUYZ_SUBDOMAIN']) ? $_SERVER['GRIDGUYZ_SUBDOMAIN'] : '';
     } elseif (preg_match('/^[\\da-fA-F:]+/', $fulldomain) || preg_match('/^\\d+(\\.\\d+){3}$/', $fulldomain)) {
         $subdomain = '';
         $domain = $fulldomain;
     } else {
         $fullLength = strlen($fulldomain);
         if (empty($config['validDomains'])) {
             $validDomains = array('localhost');
         } else {
             $validDomains = array_map('strtolower', (array) $config['validDomains']);
         if (!empty($config['defaultDomain'])) {
             $defaultDomain = strtolower($config['defaultDomain']);
             if (!in_array($defaultDomain, $validDomains)) {
                 array_unshift($validDomains, $defaultDomain);
         foreach ($validDomains as $validDomain) {
             if ($fulldomain == $validDomain) {
                 $subdomain = '';
                 $domain = $fulldomain;
             $length = $fullLength - strlen($validDomain) - 1;
             if ($length > 0 && '.' . $validDomain == substr($fulldomain, $length)) {
                 $subdomain = substr($fulldomain, 0, $length);
                 $domain = $validDomain;
     if (!isset($subdomain) || !isset($domain)) {
         if (preg_match('/^(.+)\\.([a-z0-9-]+\\.[a-z]+)$/', $fulldomain, $matches)) {
             $subdomain = $matches[1];
             $domain = $matches[2];
         } else {
             $subdomain = '';
             $domain = $fulldomain;
     $query = $db->query('
         SELECT *
           FROM ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('subdomain') . '
          WHERE LOWER( ' . $platform->quoteIdentifier('subdomain') . ' )
              = LOWER( ' . $driver->formatParameterName('subdomain') . ' )
     $result = $query->execute(array('subdomain' => $subdomain));
     if ($result->getAffectedRows() > 0) {
         $schema = $db->getCurrentSchema();
         foreach ($result as $data) {
             $info = new SiteInfo(array('schema' => $schema, 'domain' => $domain, 'subdomain' => $subdomain, 'subdomainId' => $data['id'], 'fulldomain' => $fulldomain, 'scheme' => $this->getScheme(), 'port' => $this->getPort()));
             $sm->setService('SiteInfo', $info);
             return $db;
     } else {
         if ($domain) {
             $sm->setService('RedirectToDomain', new RedirectionService($this->getScheme(), $domain, $this->getPort(), 'sub-domain not found', false));
         } else {
             if (empty($config['defaultDomain'])) {
                 throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Domain not found, and default domain not set');
             } else {
                 $sm->setService('RedirectToDomain', new RedirectionService($this->getScheme(), $config['defaultDomain'], $this->getPort(), 'sub-domain not found', false));
     return $db;
Example #27
File: Select.php Project: Rovak/zf2
  * Prepare statement
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter $adapter
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\StatementInterface $statementContainer
  * @return void
 public function prepareStatement(Adapter $adapter, StatementContainerInterface $statementContainer)
     // ensure statement has a ParameterContainer
     $parameterContainer = $statementContainer->getParameterContainer();
     if (!$parameterContainer instanceof ParameterContainer) {
         $parameterContainer = new ParameterContainer();
     $sqls = array();
     $parameters = array();
     $platform = $adapter->getPlatform();
     foreach ($this->specifications as $name => $specification) {
         $parameters[$name] = $this->{'process' . $name}($platform, $adapter, $parameterContainer, $sqls, $parameters);
         if ($specification && is_array($parameters[$name])) {
             $sqls[$name] = $this->createSqlFromSpecificationAndParameters($specification, $parameters[$name]);
     $sql = implode(' ', $sqls);
Example #28
  * @param string $identifier
  * @return string
 public function quoteIdentifier($identifier)
     return $this->adapter->getPlatform()->quoteIdentifier($identifier);
Example #29
  * Prepare statement
  * @param  Adapter $adapter
  * @param  StatementContainerInterface $statementContainer
  * @return void
 public function prepareStatement(Adapter $adapter, StatementContainerInterface $statementContainer)
     $driver = $adapter->getDriver();
     $platform = $adapter->getPlatform();
     $parameterContainer = $statementContainer->getParameterContainer();
     if (!$parameterContainer instanceof ParameterContainer) {
         $parameterContainer = new ParameterContainer();
     $table = $platform->quoteIdentifier($this->table);
     $columns = array();
     $values = array();
     foreach ($this->columns as $cIndex => $column) {
         $columns[$cIndex] = $platform->quoteIdentifier($column);
         if ($this->values[$cIndex] instanceof Expression) {
             $exprData = $this->processExpression($this->values[$cIndex], $platform, $adapter);
             $values[$cIndex] = $exprData->getSql();
         } else {
             $values[$cIndex] = $driver->formatParameterName($column);
             $parameterContainer->offsetSet($column, $this->values[$cIndex]);
     $sql = sprintf($this->specifications[self::SPECIFICATION_INSERT], $table, implode(', ', $columns), implode(', ', $values));
Example #30
  * Prepare statement
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter $adapter
  * @param \Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\StatementInterface $statement
  * @return void
 public function prepareStatement(Adapter $adapter, StatementInterface $statement)
     $platform = $adapter->getPlatform();
     $separator = $platform->getIdentifierSeparator();
     $columns = array();
     foreach ($this->columns as $columnKey => $column) {
         $columns[] = $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($column);
         /* if (is_int($columnKey)) {
                $columns = $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($column);
            } else {
                $columns = $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($column);
            } */
     $table = $platform->quoteIdentifier($this->table);
     if ($this->databaseOrSchema != '') {
         $dbSchema = $platform->quoteIdentifier($this->databaseOrSchema) . $platform->getIdentifierSeparator();
         $table = $dbSchema . $table;
     } else {
         $dbSchema = '';
     if ($this->joins) {
         $jArgs = array();
         foreach ($this->joins as $j => $join) {
             $jArgs[$j] = array();
             $jArgs[$j][] = strtoupper($join[3]);
             // type
             $jArgs[$j][] = $platform->quoteIdentifier($join[0]);
             // table
             $jArgs[$j][] = $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($join[1], array('=', 'AND', 'OR', '(', ')'));
             // on
             foreach ($join[2] as $jColumn) {
                 $columns[] = $jArgs[$j][1] . $separator . $platform->quoteIdentifierInFragment($jColumn);
     $columns = implode(', ', $columns);
     $sql = sprintf($this->specification1, $columns, $table);
     if (isset($jArgs)) {
         foreach ($jArgs as $jArg) {
             $sql .= ' ' . vsprintf($this->specification2, $jArg);
     if ($this->where->count() > 0) {
         $this->where->prepareStatement($adapter, $statement);
         $sql = $statement->getSql();
     $order = null;
     // @todo
     $limit = null;
     // @todo
     $sql .= isset($order) ? sprintf($this->specification3, $order) : '';
     $sql .= isset($limit) ? sprintf($this->specification4, $limit) : '';