  * Generate view content
  * @param string          $moduleName
  * @param ClassReflection $loadedEntity
 protected function addContent($moduleName, ClassReflection $loadedEntity)
     // prepare some params
     $moduleIdentifier = $this->filterCamelCaseToUnderscore($moduleName);
     $entityName = $loadedEntity->getShortName();
     $entityParam = lcfirst($entityName);
     $formParam = lcfirst(str_replace('Entity', '', $loadedEntity->getShortName())) . 'DataForm';
     $moduleRoute = $this->filterCamelCaseToDash($moduleName);
     // set action body
     $body = [];
     $body[] = 'use ' . $loadedEntity->getName() . ';';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = '/** @var ' . $entityName . ' $' . $entityParam . ' */';
     $body[] = '$' . $entityParam . ' = $this->' . $entityParam . ';';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = '$this->h1(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_title_update\');';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = '$this->' . $formParam . '->setAttribute(\'action\', $this->url(\'' . $moduleRoute . '/update\', [\'id\' => $' . $entityParam . '->getIdentifier()]));';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = 'echo $this->bootstrapForm($this->' . $formParam . ');';
     $body[] = '?>';
     $body[] = '<p>';
     $body[] = '    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="<?php echo $this->url(\'' . $moduleRoute . '\'); ?>">';
     $body[] = '        <i class="fa fa-table"></i>';
     $body[] = '        <?php echo $this->translate(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_action_index\'); ?>';
     $body[] = '    </a>';
     $body[] = '</p>';
     $body = implode(AbstractGenerator::LINE_FEED, $body);
     // add method
  * Generate view content
  * @param string          $moduleName
  * @param ClassReflection $loadedEntity
 protected function addContent($moduleName, ClassReflection $loadedEntity)
     // prepare some params
     $moduleIdentifier = $this->filterCamelCaseToUnderscore($moduleName);
     $entityName = $loadedEntity->getShortName();
     $entityParam = lcfirst($entityName);
     $formParam = lcfirst(str_replace('Entity', '', $loadedEntity->getShortName())) . 'DeleteForm';
     $moduleRoute = $this->filterCamelCaseToDash($moduleName);
     $deleteMessage = $moduleRoute . '_message_' . $moduleRoute . '_deleting_possible';
     // set action body
     $body = [];
     $body[] = 'use ' . $loadedEntity->getName() . ';';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = '/** @var ' . $entityName . ' $' . $entityParam . ' */';
     $body[] = '$' . $entityParam . ' = $this->' . $entityParam . ';';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = '$this->h1(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_title_delete\');';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = '$this->' . $formParam . '->setAttribute(\'action\', $this->url(\'' . $moduleRoute . '/delete\', [\'id\' => $' . $entityParam . '->getIdentifier()]));';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = '?>';
     $body[] = '<div class="well">';
     $body[] = '    <table class="table">';
     $body[] = '        <tbody>';
     foreach ($loadedEntity->getProperties() as $property) {
         $methodName = 'get' . ucfirst($property->getName());
         $body[] = '            <tr>';
         $body[] = '                <th class="col-sm-2 text-right"><?php echo $this->translate(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_label_' . $this->filterCamelCaseToUnderscore($property->getName()) . '\'); ?></th>';
         $body[] = '                <td class="col-sm-10"><?php echo $' . $entityParam . '->' . $methodName . '() ?></td>';
         $body[] = '            </tr>';
     $body[] = '            <tr>';
     $body[] = '                <th class="col-sm-2 text-right">&nbsp;</th>';
     $body[] = '                <td class="col-sm-10"><?php echo $this->form($this->' . $formParam . '); ?></td>';
     $body[] = '            </tr>';
     $body[] = '        </tbody>';
     $body[] = '    </table>';
     $body[] = '</div>';
     $body[] = '<p>';
     $body[] = '    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="<?php echo $this->url(\'' . $moduleRoute . '\'); ?>">';
     $body[] = '        <i class="fa fa-table"></i>';
     $body[] = '        <?php echo $this->translate(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_action_index\'); ?>';
     $body[] = '    </a>';
     $body[] = '</p>';
     $body = implode(AbstractGenerator::LINE_FEED, $body);
     // add method
Example #3
  * @param ClassReflection $class
  * @param string $namespaceName
  * @param array $useArray
  * @return string
 private function getClassNameInContext(ClassReflection $class, $namespaceName, $useArray)
     if (!$namespaceName) {
         return '\\' . $class->getName();
     return array_key_exists($class->getName(), $useArray) ? $useArray[$class->getName()] ?: $class->getShortName() : (0 === strpos($class->getName(), $namespaceName) ? substr($class->getName(), strlen($namespaceName) + 1) : '\\' . $class->getName());
Example #4
  * Generate code to cache from class reflection.
  * This is a total mess, I know. Just wanted to flesh out the logic.
  * @todo Refactor into a class, clean up logic, DRY it up, maybe move
  *       some of this into Zend\Code
  * @param  ClassReflection $r
  * @return string
 protected static function getCacheCode(ClassReflection $r)
     $useString = '';
     $usesNames = array();
     if (count($uses = $r->getDeclaringFile()->getUses())) {
         foreach ($uses as $use) {
             $usesNames[$use['use']] = $use['as'];
             $useString .= "use {$use['use']}";
             if ($use['as']) {
                 $useString .= " as {$use['as']}";
             $useString .= ";\n";
     $declaration = '';
     if ($r->isAbstract() && !$r->isInterface()) {
         $declaration .= 'abstract ';
     if ($r->isFinal()) {
         $declaration .= 'final ';
     if ($r->isInterface()) {
         $declaration .= 'interface ';
     if (!$r->isInterface()) {
         $declaration .= 'class ';
     $declaration .= $r->getShortName();
     $parentName = false;
     if (($parent = $r->getParentClass()) && $r->getNamespaceName()) {
         $parentName = array_key_exists($parent->getName(), $usesNames) ? $usesNames[$parent->getName()] ?: $parent->getShortName() : (0 === strpos($parent->getName(), $r->getNamespaceName()) ? substr($parent->getName(), strlen($r->getNamespaceName()) + 1) : '\\' . $parent->getName());
     } else {
         if ($parent && !$r->getNamespaceName()) {
             $parentName = '\\' . $parent->getName();
     if ($parentName) {
         $declaration .= " extends {$parentName}";
     $interfaces = array_diff($r->getInterfaceNames(), $parent ? $parent->getInterfaceNames() : array());
     if (count($interfaces)) {
         foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
             $iReflection = new ClassReflection($interface);
             $interfaces = array_diff($interfaces, $iReflection->getInterfaceNames());
         $declaration .= $r->isInterface() ? ' extends ' : ' implements ';
         $declaration .= implode(', ', array_map(function ($interface) use($usesNames, $r) {
             $iReflection = new ClassReflection($interface);
             return array_key_exists($iReflection->getName(), $usesNames) ? $usesNames[$iReflection->getName()] ?: $iReflection->getShortName() : (0 === strpos($iReflection->getName(), $r->getNamespaceName()) ? substr($iReflection->getName(), strlen($r->getNamespaceName()) + 1) : '\\' . $iReflection->getName());
         }, $interfaces));
     $classContents = $r->getContents(false);
     $classFileDir = dirname($r->getFileName());
     $classContents = trim(str_replace('__DIR__', sprintf("'%s'", $classFileDir), $classContents));
     $return = "\nnamespace " . $r->getNamespaceName() . " {\n" . $useString . $declaration . "\n" . $classContents . "\n}\n";
     return $return;
  * Generate view content
  * @param string          $moduleName
  * @param ClassReflection $loadedEntity
 protected function addContent($moduleName, ClassReflection $loadedEntity)
     // prepare some params
     $moduleIdentifier = $this->filterCamelCaseToUnderscore($moduleName);
     $entityName = $loadedEntity->getShortName();
     $entityParam = lcfirst($entityName);
     $listParam = lcfirst(str_replace('Entity', '', $entityName)) . 'List';
     $moduleRoute = $this->filterCamelCaseToDash($moduleName);
     // set action body
     $body = [];
     $body[] = 'use ' . $loadedEntity->getName() . ';';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = '$this->h1(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_title_index\');';
     $body[] = '?>';
     $body[] = '<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">';
     $body[] = '    <thead>';
     $body[] = '    <tr>';
     foreach ($loadedEntity->getProperties() as $property) {
         $body[] = '        <th><?php echo $this->translate(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_label_' . $this->filterCamelCaseToUnderscore($property->getName()) . '\'); ?></th>';
     $body[] = '        <th width="95">';
     $body[] = '            <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" href="<?php echo $this->url(\'' . $moduleRoute . '/create\'); ?>" title="<?php echo $this->translate(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_action_create\'); ?>">';
     $body[] = '                <i class="fa fa-plus"></i>';
     $body[] = '            </a>';
     $body[] = '        </th>';
     $body[] = '    </tr>';
     $body[] = '    </thead>';
     $body[] = '    <tbody>';
     $body[] = '    <?php /** @var ' . $entityName . ' $' . $entityParam . ' */ ?>';
     $body[] = '    <?php foreach ($this->' . $listParam . ' as $' . $entityParam . '): ?>';
     $body[] = '        <tr>';
     foreach ($loadedEntity->getProperties() as $property) {
         $methodName = 'get' . ucfirst($property->getName());
         $body[] = '            <td><?php echo $' . $entityParam . '->' . $methodName . '() ?></td>';
     $body[] = '            <td>';
     $body[] = '                <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" href="<?php echo $this->url(\'' . $moduleRoute . '/show\', [\'id\' => $' . $entityParam . '->getIdentifier()]); ?>" title="<?php echo $this->translate(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_action_show\'); ?>">';
     $body[] = '                    <i class="fa fa-search"></i>';
     $body[] = '                </a>';
     $body[] = '                <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" href="<?php echo $this->url(\'' . $moduleRoute . '/update\', [\'id\' => $' . $entityParam . '->getIdentifier()]); ?>" title="<?php echo $this->translate(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_action_update\'); ?>">';
     $body[] = '                    <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>';
     $body[] = '                </a>';
     $body[] = '                <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" href="<?php echo $this->url(\'' . $moduleRoute . '/delete\', [\'id\' => $' . $entityParam . '->getIdentifier()]); ?>" title="<?php echo $this->translate(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_action_delete\'); ?>">';
     $body[] = '                    <i class="fa fa-trash"></i>';
     $body[] = '                </a>';
     $body[] = '            </td>';
     $body[] = '        </tr>';
     $body[] = '    <?php endforeach; ?>';
     $body[] = '    </tbody>';
     $body[] = '</table>';
     $body = implode(AbstractGenerator::LINE_FEED, $body);
     // add method
Example #6
  * Process the command
  * @return integer
 public function processCommandTask()
     // initialize action list
     $loadedActions = [];
     // loop through controllers by module
     foreach ($this->params->loadedControllers as $moduleKey => $controllerTypes) {
         $loadedActions[$moduleKey] = [];
         $moduleViewPath = $this->filterCamelCaseToDash($moduleKey);
         // loop through controllers by controller type
         foreach ($controllerTypes as $controllerList) {
             // loop through controllers
             foreach ($controllerList as $controllerKey => $controllerClass) {
                 $loadedActions[$moduleKey][$controllerKey] = [];
                 // start class reflection
                 $classReflection = new ClassReflection($controllerClass);
                 // convert method name to get dashed action
                 $controllerName = substr($classReflection->getShortName(), 0, -10);
                 $controllerName = $this->filterCamelCaseToDash($controllerName);
                 // get public methods
                 $methods = $classReflection->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
                 // loop through methods
                 foreach ($methods as $method) {
                     // get class and method name
                     $methodClass = $method->getDeclaringClass()->getName();
                     $methodName = $method->name;
                     // continue for methods from extended class
                     if ($methodClass != $controllerClass) {
                     // continue for no-action methods
                     if (substr($methodName, -6) != 'Action') {
                     // convert method name to get dashed action
                     $actionName = substr($methodName, 0, -6);
                     $actionName = $this->filterCamelCaseToDash($actionName);
                     // build action file
                     $actionFile = '/module/' . $moduleKey . '/view/' . $moduleViewPath . '/' . $controllerName . '/' . $actionName . '.phtml';
                     // check action file exists
                     if (!file_exists($this->params->workingPath . $actionFile)) {
                         $actionFile = false;
                     // add action to list
                     $loadedActions[$moduleKey][$controllerKey][$actionName] = $actionFile;
     // set loaded modules
     $this->params->loadedActions = $loadedActions;
     return 0;
 public function getClassUseName(ClassReflection $currentClass, ClassReflection $useClass)
     $useNames = $this->fileReflectionUseStatementService->getUseNames($currentClass->getDeclaringFile());
     $fullUseClassName = $useClass->getName();
     $classUseName = null;
     if (array_key_exists($fullUseClassName, $useNames)) {
         $classUseName = $useNames[$fullUseClassName] ?: $useClass->getShortName();
     } else {
         if (0 === strpos($fullUseClassName, $currentClass->getNamespaceName())) {
             $classUseName = substr($fullUseClassName, strlen($currentClass->getNamespaceName()) + 1);
         } else {
             $classUseName = '\\' . $fullUseClassName;
     return $classUseName;
  * Generate view content
  * @param string          $moduleName
  * @param ClassReflection $loadedEntity
 protected function addContent($moduleName, ClassReflection $loadedEntity)
     // prepare some params
     $moduleIdentifier = $this->filterCamelCaseToUnderscore($moduleName);
     $entityName = $loadedEntity->getShortName();
     $entityParam = lcfirst($entityName);
     $moduleRoute = $this->filterCamelCaseToDash($moduleName);
     // set action body
     $body = [];
     $body[] = 'use ' . $loadedEntity->getName() . ';';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = '/** @var ' . $entityName . ' $' . $entityParam . ' */';
     $body[] = '$' . $entityParam . ' = $this->' . $entityParam . ';';
     $body[] = '';
     $body[] = '$this->h1(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_title_show\');';
     $body[] = '?>';
     $body[] = '<table class="table table-bordered">';
     $body[] = '    <tbody>';
     foreach ($loadedEntity->getProperties() as $property) {
         $methodName = 'get' . ucfirst($property->getName());
         $body[] = '        <tr>';
         $body[] = '            <th><?php echo $this->translate(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_label_' . $this->filterCamelCaseToUnderscore($property->getName()) . '\'); ?></th>';
         $body[] = '            <td><?php echo $' . $entityParam . '->' . $methodName . '() ?></td>';
         $body[] = '        </tr>';
     $body[] = '    </tbody>';
     $body[] = '</table>';
     $body[] = '<p>';
     $body[] = '    <a class="btn btn-primary" href="<?php echo $this->url(\'' . $moduleRoute . '\'); ?>">';
     $body[] = '        <i class="fa fa-table"></i>';
     $body[] = '        <?php echo $this->translate(\'' . $moduleIdentifier . '_action_index\'); ?>';
     $body[] = '    </a>';
     $body[] = '</p>';
     $body = implode(AbstractGenerator::LINE_FEED, $body);
     // add method
Example #9
  * Create the Trait/Interface/Class definition
  * @param Reflection\ClassReflection $class
  * #return string
 protected function buildClassDecleration(Reflection\ClassReflection $class)
     $code = '';
     if ($class->isTrait() === false && $class->isInterface() === false && $class->isAbstract()) {
         $code .= "abstract ";
     if ($class->isFinal()) {
         $code .= "final ";
     if ($class->isInterface()) {
         $code .= "interface ";
     } else {
         if ($class->isTrait()) {
             $code .= "trait ";
         } else {
             $code .= "class ";
     $code .= $class->getShortName();
     return $code;
  * @param ClassReflection $classReflection
  * @param $parent
  * @param $usesNames
  * @return string
 protected function extractInterfaceStatement(ClassReflection $classReflection, $parent, $usesNames)
     $parentInterfaceNames = $parent instanceof ClassReflection ? $parent->getInterfaceNames() : array();
     $interfaceNames = array_diff($classReflection->getInterfaceNames(), $parentInterfaceNames);
     $interfaceStatement = '';
     if (!count($interfaceNames)) {
         return $interfaceStatement;
     foreach ($interfaceNames as $interface) {
         $iReflection = new ClassReflection($interface);
         $interfaceNames = array_diff($interfaceNames, $iReflection->getInterfaceNames());
     $interfaceStatement .= $classReflection->isInterface() ? ' extends ' : ' implements ';
     $interfaceStatement .= implode(', ', array_map(function ($interface) use($usesNames, $classReflection) {
         $iReflection = new ClassReflection($interface);
         return array_key_exists($iReflection->getName(), $usesNames) ? $usesNames[$iReflection->getName()] ?: $iReflection->getShortName() : (0 === strpos($iReflection->getName(), $classReflection->getNamespaceName()) ? substr($iReflection->getName(), strlen($classReflection->getNamespaceName()) + 1) : '\\' . $iReflection->getName());
     }, $interfaceNames));
     return $interfaceStatement;
 protected function findClassInImports(ClassReflection $reflection, $class)
     foreach ($this->findAliasedImports($reflection) as $alias => $aliasedImport) {
         if ($alias === $class) {
             return $aliasedImport;
     foreach ($this->findImports($reflection) as $import) {
         $importReflection = new ClassReflection($import);
         if ($importReflection->getShortName() === $class) {
             return $import;
Example #12
 function registerRoutes()
     // Auto-register routes.
     if (!isset($this->classLoader->getPrefixesPsr4()[$this->config->namespacePrefix . '\\'])) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('Namespace prefix "%s" defined in the config was not found in the autoloader.', $this->config->namespacePrefix));
     $sourcePath = array_pop($this->classLoader->getPrefixesPsr4()[$this->config->namespacePrefix . '\\']);
     $routes = [];
     $app = $this->app;
     $formatNegotiator = $this->formatNegotiator;
     $serializer = $this->serializer;
     $config = $this->config;
     foreach ($this->getWebServiceClasses($this->config->namespacePrefix, $sourcePath) as $webServiceClass) {
         // Need to get methods and DTOs from class
         $classReflection = new ClassReflection($webServiceClass);
         $httpMethodNames = $this->config->httpMethodNames;
         $httpMethodReflections = array_filter($classReflection->getMethods(), function ($methodReflection) use($httpMethodNames) {
             return in_array($methodReflection->name, $httpMethodNames);
         // @todo add a check to make sure DTOs are unique. This might happen implicitly when registering routes.
         // Call for each http method/DTO in web service
         /** @var MethodReflection $httpMethodReflection */
         foreach ($httpMethodReflections as $httpMethodReflection) {
             // This assumes that the first argument of the HTTP method is a DTO.
             $httpMethodReflectionPrototype = $httpMethodReflection->getPrototype();
             $requestDtoClass = array_shift($httpMethodReflectionPrototype['arguments'])['type'];
             $requestDtoClassReflection = new ClassReflection($requestDtoClass);
             $requestDtoProperties = $requestDtoClassReflection->getProperties();
             $returnDtoClass = $httpMethodReflection->getReturnType();
             $returnDtoProperties = (new ClassReflection($returnDtoClass))->getProperties();
             $requestMethod = $httpMethodReflectionPrototype['name'];
             $route = '/' . $this->config->baseUrl . '/' . $requestDtoClassReflection->getShortName();
             $routes[] = new class($route, $requestDtoClass, $requestDtoProperties, $returnDtoClass, $returnDtoProperties)
                 public $path;
                 public $requestDto;
                 public $requestDtoParameters;
                 public $returnDto;
                 public $returnDtoProperties;
                 public function __construct(string $path, string $requestDto, array $requestDtoParameters, string $returnDto, array $returnDtoProperties)
                     $this->path = $path;
                     $this->requestDto = $requestDto;
                     $this->requestDtoParameters = $requestDtoParameters;
                     $this->returnDto = $returnDto;
                     $this->returnDtoProperties = $returnDtoProperties;
             $app->get($route, function () use($app, $formatNegotiator, $serializer, $config, $webServiceClass, $requestDtoClass, $requestMethod) {
                 /** @var Request $httpRequest */
                 $httpRequest = $app['request'];
                 // Convert request parameters to the request DTO.
                 $params = $serializer->serialize($httpRequest->query->all(), 'json');
                 $requestDto = $serializer->deserialize($params, $requestDtoClass, 'json');
                 // Get the response DTO by calling the HTTP method of the web service class, with the request DTO.
                 $responseDto = (new $webServiceClass())->{$requestMethod}($requestDto);
                 // Content negotiation
                 $format = $formatNegotiator->getBestFormat(implode(',', $httpRequest->getAcceptableContentTypes()), $config->contentNegotiation->priorities);
                 return new Response($serializer->serialize($responseDto, $format), 200, array('Content-Type' => $app['request']->getMimeType($format)));
      * Register custom _routes meta route
     $app->get($config->baseUrl . '/_routes', function () use($app, $formatNegotiator, $serializer, $config, $routes) {
         $httpRequest = $app['request'];
         $format = $formatNegotiator->getBestFormat(implode(',', $httpRequest->getAcceptableContentTypes()), $config->contentNegotiation->priorities);
         $serializedData = $serializer->serialize($routes, $format);
         $responseCode = Response::HTTP_OK;
         if ($serializedData === false) {
             $serializedData = '';
             $responseCode = Response::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
         return new Response($serializedData, $responseCode, array('Content-Type' => $app['request']->getMimeType($format)));